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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Just listening to JR's podcast and like people have posted, he mentioned Luke Harper as being underrated.

That reminded me of my thoughts on Luke Harper, and he's easy to forget because of how he's booked, but he's really great. The guy is an excellent heel. Definitely good enough to be where someone like Sheamus is right now, and he'd be better at it.

That thing he does where he yells ';YEAHHHHHHH' when he hits a good spot is perfect. He looks like he's actually out of his mind and dangerous. A lot of fun to watch.

So that's my suggestion for most underrated of the year. Hope they push him in a singles run at some point. I was eager when they gave him the IC last year, but they didn't do anything with it beyond that Ziggler match, which was distinctive. They should give him a run at that again or even the WWE championship. I mean if we're putting Sheamus there, why not?
Luke had the title last year? Damn, it must've been one night only lol



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I actually never got that it was a play on Facebook until just this second, i just assumed it was facebook replaced with the word heel because smarks think it makes them cool fuck I'm stupid
I was the same way. Same thought process.

not getting paid for their TV

Details are not yet available but it is believed Pop TV is not paying for the programming. Paragon Pro Wrestling, which had been on the station, was a time buy.

The deal puts TNA is an even worse economic situation because they were making money on the Destination America deal. The company has eliminated almost all contracts for significant amounts of money. Kurt Angle's deal expires in two months and he's already publicly stated he's done with the company, even though Pop and TNA pushed him as a signature star of the brand in a press release. Dixie Carter even tried to push Bill Goldberg's name, and to get Goldberg to wrestle for them will take more money than they pay the rest of the roster combined unless Goldberg is desperate for money, and there's no sign whatsoever that's the case. The only people likely making significant money once Angle's contract expires are the Hardys, Bobby Roode and perhaps Bobby Lashley.



Very handsome he was in his day even with the visible scars on his forehead.

Great promo too. Even put his belt aside to tell Dusty what's up.
Lol Hogan

promotion was most notable for big shows on March 30, 1991, at the Tokyo Dome, which drew 36,000 fans for a dream match where The Road Warriors beat Hulk Hogan & Tenryu via count out. On December 12, 1991, they drew 30,000 for Hogan vs. Tenryu. WWE had agreed to allow Tenryu to win clean, since Hogan wasn't WWF champion at the time, and SWS was struggling and a win by Tenryu over Hogan should have helped Tenryu regain his former popularity, which the company badly needed at the time since it's momentum was negative. But Hogan got to Japan and refused to lose, and Tenryu, for the good of the show, since a 60 minute match was impossible, agreed to take the loss. SWS died a few months later.
More people leaving AAA

[Cibernetico said that he left AAA on bad terms. He said that they claim he's under contract but he hasn't seen a copy of any contract. He said he asked to see his contract and they haven't provided it to him. Then he said that if he was under contract, why didn't they let him work on the 11/13 house show. He said he can keep his name because he trademarked it. He also said that more wrestlers will follow him leaving and said it was due to egomaniacs running the show. He said he always thought he would be in AAA for the rest of his career but there are differences of opinion with him and others on the direction of the promotion and he said he felt that he needed to leave. He said his goal is the CMLL heavyweight title so he can be the first person to win the CMLL, AAA and UWA heavyweight titles. Marisela Pena said wrestlers switching companies is part of wrestling, but said she would have liked for both Cibernetico and Luis Urive to have left more professionally. She said people will come and go but AAA will always remain the strongest promotion in Mexico. She said she wishes both men luck but didn't like that they never told anyone before they left and that one day they will reap what they have sown. She said that they own the Myzteziz name, and it's possible they may use it for another wrestler, but not right now. I don't see the point in it. She said wrestlers come and go and they have the ability to make new stars. Konnan on his podcast said they will go to court to enforce the deal. He said that they didn't with anyone else because Alberto's contract expired a month earlier (Alberto had signed a one year contract with AAA in August 2014) and Myzteziz was never under contract. He said Cibernetico was offered a multi-year deal and a signing bonus to jump, and that Elite has also made offers to Chessman, Averno, Dark Cuervo, Sexy Star and Pentagon Jr.

Everyone assumes it's just a matter of time before Averno leaves. He's still listed as working a show in New York on 12/5 along with Caristico and Cibernetico, as well as advertised to team with Cibernetico for an indie against Caristico & Rey Horus on 12/8 in Queretaro. Not only is it notable Averno working a show with the guys who left the promotion, but Rey Horus, is supposed to be with Lucha Underground this season (although I haven't seen his name on any results yet), so he also shouldn't be on a show with guys working for the opposition./quote]


Just stop posting entirely in gender|race|religion threads, too much of a risk to run into PC police. I don't want to interact with these people.
Orotund getting neck surgery too

The situation with Orton is worse than expected. The shoulder injury is serious and it would have kept him out of action until after WrestleMania most likely. But as soon as he recovers from the shoulder surgery, he is going to have neck surgery. They expect the neck surgery won't be as serious, with the surgery to clean out bone chips in his neck. But it is possible, but unlikely, the neck damage is worse than they think right now, and if that's the case, he'll be having fusion surgery, but right now that's not what they expect. But his return looks to be at best three to six months after the neck surgery, and the neck surgery takes place after doctor's feel he's recovered sufficiently from the shoulder surgery. At worst, with fusion, it would be well over a year after the neck surgery.

Hope rusev doesn't get Mcentryed

her led one person close to the situation write "MAJOR UNDERSTATEMENT." Even though WWE.com was trying to turn it into an angle, obviously the Paige/Lana thing, which Lana started inferring Paige bullied her (which I was told was a preposterous charge and that Paige and Charlotte were the ones messed with the most when they first got there). Another WWE talent wrote something negative on Lana after seeing what she said about Page, and got an immediate call from the office to take it down. Lana is in the gym training for a return soon.
Yo what on earth is that Play Asia thread about

I'm scared to go wade in

Koei didnt want to release the new DOA beach volleyball game in the west.

Some poorly translated comment from some facebook post said it was because of positive negative attention.

Play Asia twitter account blamed it on SJW's

Now people are fighting and having the normal song and dance.

I saw one person on my twitter account try and compare the dude who runs the Play Asia twitter account to the person who shot up a Black Lives Matter rally yesterday and just thought to myself "people are god damn idiots" and stopped reading about it.


Meltz being a bit more biting than usual.
It reminded me of ECW where the fans would chant about how they hate WWE and WCW, and then some lazy drunk or untalented star from WWE or WCW would get fired after sucking, be brought in, and the people would cream in their jeans over them.
Just do what I do and auto-block people who use the phrases "PC" or "SJW", roots out a lot of the bad

Poor Orton holy shit. Out until at least this time next year. Hope he makes full recoveries from the surgeries


we complain a lot about the OT and gaming side, but the hivemind is not anywhere near the garbage pile that is reddit.

as shadow said, just stay away from certain specific threads no matter what your opinion is and you should be fine

fuck Bayley

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
lol @ the dude saying that Giminal Curls is banned due to people not being civil talking about it. nope, it's because it's child porn pal.
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