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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
((Warblade only has the single attack at Lv5, and Juggernaut never said anything about granting additional attacks, just upping the BAB. I always thought additional attacks were granted by class advancement, not by BAB. Because I am apparently an idiot.))

Encore attack!
Damage: 2d6+12=19
((Just though I should mention that the +2 from Blessing and +1 from haste do not stack(not even the dodge bonuses), so you only get the +2. Also, from the looks of its Sybil doubled her smite damage on her second attack(you still got the +40 damage on the crit though). the double damage only works on the first attack you make against a creature... unless you have something modifying you smite other then it being smite chaos. and extra damage dice from energy abilities, bane(the +2 damage from bane does though), or holy/axomatic do not double on crits(although the energy abilities have versions that do get extra damage on crits, but they are a higher cost).))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Just though I should mention that the +2 from Blessing and +1 from haste do not stack(not even the dodge bonuses), so you only get the +2. Also, from the looks of its Sybil doubled her smite damage on her second attack(you still got the +40 damage on the crit though). the double damage only works on the first attack you make against a creature... unless you have something modifying you smite other then it being smite chaos. and extra damage dice from energy abilities, bane(the +2 damage from bane does though), or holy/axomatic do not double on crits(although the energy abilities have versions that do get extra damage on crits, but they are a higher cost).))

((Yeah, I took the extra attack from haste and didn't add any attack or damage bonuses from that, only took them from fervor. And after looking at my rolls I hear you on the damage thing, the second attack should be -20 damage. But for the first one, does the double damage from smite not add into the second damage roll you get due to crit? I don't see anything excluding it, I thought it was a straight up double roll. Also I did not know about not adding the holy damage a second time either, just found that listed under Exceptions though. Thanks for the heads up.

Total damage vs Demon 3 from original roll: 118

Correct Attack 1 damage: 68 (subtracted holy damage from crit)

Correct Attack 2 damage: 33 (adjusted smite damage)

Modified total damage vs Demon 3 [if I'm reading Phoenix' post correctly] =101

I suck at math and reading the rules apparently, sorry thLunarian))
((the damage from smite doubles on your first attack to hit an enemy that meets the requirements(generally evil outsiders, undead, aligned dragons... yours i guess would be chaotic outsider instead i guess) and that does double on a crit. so yes, the first attack should have gotten a total of +40 damage on the crit.
...it might actually only be +30 due to the way multiplying damage normally works, but i think smite is an exception for that? i can't say for sure so you can just ignore that last sentence.))

((Oh wait, just noticed you remove the smite damage completely from you second attack. you get the standard smite damage on all attacks that hit your smite target, it only double on the first connecting hit, so you still got the +10 on your second attack so it should be 33 damage total.))
((I see what you're saying now. Thanks for the education DeadPhoenix, it's always appreciated. You're the Phoenix Wright of rules lawyers.))
((the damage from smite doubles on your first attack to hit an enemy that meets the requirements(generally evil outsiders, undead, aligned dragons... yours i guess would be chaotic outsider instead i guess) and that does double on a crit. so yes, the first attack should have gotten a total of +40 damage on the crit.
...it might actually only be +30 due to the way multiplying damage normally works, but i think smite is an exception for that? i can't say for sure so you can just ignore that last sentence.))

((Oh wait, just noticed you remove the smite damage completely from you second attack. you get the standard smite damage on all attacks that hit your smite target, it only double on the first connecting hit, so you still got the +10 on your second attack so it should be 33 damage total.))
<I just realized that an idea I thought would make me look stupid actually might not have been.

Maybe I'll get a chance to try it if this battle doesn't end soon.

EDIT: Actually nvm it'd make me look dumb.>


((I'm down with a mean cold at the moment. No energy to look at options. If ThLunarian wants to jump in to speed things up, I was considering to retreat and heal Tessa.))


((You should heal yourself! But in the game you can five step back and choose an appropriate spell to cast on Tessa. Would avoid an attack of opportunity from the orcs. Plus as a bonus if they come after you you'll get an attack of opporunity on them.))
((Well, taking a 5-foot step back would certainly let her avoid an AoO from the orcs. If I'm remembering what does and doesn't incur AoOs though, they'd just be able to 5-foot step to her next turn and not incur one.

You could use more of the move action to back up and then heal, but if they've got a straight line on you, they could charge, which also doesn't incur AoOs if I remember correctly. Looking at the board, it would be pretty easy to create an angle with orc 5, but orc 1 looks tricky unless you want to use Tessa as a shield. Of course, doing that would also effect how easily you could turn around and resume attacking the following turn, so maybe you do want to just back up 5 feet or so.))
((Viss 5-foot-steps backward and casts an appropriate healing spell on Tessa. Let's say she used Cure Serious Wounds for 3d8 + 10, healing 23 damage. If you didn't have that one prepared, that's alright this time; just take off one of your 3rd-level spells from your list.

Tessa attacks Orc 8. 30 vs AC hits. 34 damage to Orc 8
Grapple check: Natural 1 will fail, so Orc 8 isn't grappled this turn.

Orc 6 is having a bad day and fails to escape the tentacles again. (that's his 5th roll in a row that was less than a 9)

Orcs 1 and 5 both 5-foot-step forward and try to Full Attack Viss.

Bite: Natural 20. 29 vs AC to confirm the critical. 23 damage to Viss.
Claw 1: 19 vs AC misses.
Claw 2: 32 vs AC hits. 7 damage to Viss
Gore: 23 vs AC misses.

Bite: 29 vs AC hits. 12 damage to Viss.
Claw 1: 19 vs AC misses.
Claw 2: Natural 20. 37 vs AC to confirm the critical. 21 damage to Viss.
Gore: 32 vs AC hits. 16 damage to Viss.

Viss, that was a ton of damage. If any of those hits brought you to less than 0 HP, then ignore any hits that came after it because they would've stopped attacking you at that point. And remember that you're not dead until you reach negative HP equal to your Constitution modifier.

Orc 8 attempts a Full Attack on Tessa.

Bite: Natural 1 misses.
Claw 1: 32 vs AC hits. Tessa takes 13 damage.
Claw 2: 32 vs AC hits. Tessa takes 8 damage.
Gore: 33 vs AC hits. Tessa takes 9 damage.

Orcs 10, 2, 3, and 7 go HAM vs Ozzan'gac.

Orc 10's second Claw attack is a Natural 20. Critical fails to confirm. The attack deals 12 damage to Ozzan'gac.

Orc 2 misses with all four attacks.

Orc 3's second claw attack is a Natural 20. Critical fails to confirm. Ozzan'gac takes 9 damage.

Orc 7, the blind one, gets a Natural 20 on his Gore attack. He passes his Concealment roll to hit despite being blind. Ozzan'gac takes 11 damage.

Demon 2 full-attacks Fleshbane.
Bite: 39 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 9 damage.
Slam 1: 29 vs AC probably hits unless Wall of Blades happens? If it hits, Fleshbane takes 7 damage.
Slam 2: 38 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 9 damage.))

Although the orcs now appear to be on the losing side of things, they don't seem to realize it. They unleash a brutal string of attacks on Viss, Tessa, and Ozzan'gac, and though the water elemental can take the punishment, the more feral party members are reeling from the damage.

In the middle of the field, Fleshbane's assailant throws everything he has at the unyielding robot, who nevertheless is able to mostly shrug off the minimal damage.

Meanwhile, the otherworldly summoned tentacles continue to do their job, restraining an infuriated demon-orc for nearly a half-minute and preventing him from dealing any damage to the party.

((That was a LOT of Natural 20's that round, damn. Oh well - start the next round! I think it's Round 5?))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Ouch. Didn't mean to leave Nezumi out to dry. Sybil is probably the second most tanky after Ozzang'ac, gonna have to remember to move her into formation where she's not right next to him in the future. If I use the movement speed bonus from fervor I think I can fly over to Viss and use a Lay on Hands, unless you guys thinking finishing off the remaining enemies would be a better idea?))


((If Viss is conscious then maybe the best thing would be for Viss to withdraw so Sybil can take her place in the front line and Menek and Mako can help with healing?))


((Yeah... Pretty sure she's dead alright. She was barely alive when the 21 damage hit (101 of 109 HP gone) but the 21 killed her good. Serves her right for rushing forward like this.
((Ouch. Didn't mean to leave Nezumi out to dry. Sybil is probably the second most tanky after Ozzang'ac, gonna have to remember to move her into formation where she's not right next to him in the future. If I use the movement speed bonus from fervor I think I can fly over to Viss and use a Lay on Hands, unless you guys thinking finishing off the remaining enemies would be a better idea?))

((You have haste, so you already get the +30 move from that(doesn't stack with blessing so you might as well just stick to the +2 attack and ac) and save your lay on hands for yourself(when you heal yourself you can do it as a swift action so it doesn't waste a full attack). I picked up the life spirit specifically so i can heal and you probably do way more damage then me.))

((Yeah... Pretty sure she's dead alright. She was barely alive when the 21 damage hit (101 of 109 HP gone) but the 21 killed her good. Serves her right for rushing forward like this.
((what is her con score(not the mod, her full con stat)?))


((Oh, the score, not the MOD? It's 14... which means that if my math isn't totally deluded by my clogged sinuses... I'm holding on to life by exactly one point...
Edit: I should be dissapointed being the one that manages to get herself (almost) killed first, but for RP and character development this is actually pretty awesome :) ))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fleshbane is too much of a jerkbot and won't help : (

(He doesn't have anything he can do right now anyway)))
((Oh, the score, not the MOD? It's 14... which means that if my math isn't totally deluded by my clogged sinuses... I'm holding on to life by exactly one point...))

(( that is correct. I'm gonna go with a channel, hopefully the dice don't decide to fuck you two over.... Well I was going to channel then I remember that channel is only half my level instead of my level. So i'm going to cure critical wounds instead, this means your dino friend might be in a lot of trouble though.))

Mako see's the catfolk on the ground and decides to fly over and help her out with a nice fine cure critical wounds.

Cure Critical Wounds: 4D8+10 = [6, 3, 1, 7]+10 = 27

"You might want to make a temporary retreat and fix yourself up..."

((Hint: The Orc that's been tangling with Tessa is very, very close to dead. One more hit by Tessa will kill it.

Also: When Viss was knocked unconscious, she automatically reverted to her Catfolk form, which means she's no longer Large, so she could be occupying one of the lower squares out of the Orcs' range, which would mean she can stand up and flee without worrying at all about getting Opportunity Attacked.

Map to reflect this))

Mike M

Nick N
((I don't suppose Fleshbane can determine if Demon 2 is close enough to defeat to see if it's worth while to break out Mountain Hammer again to overcome DR, or if a full attack might do it?))
((I don't suppose Fleshbane can determine if Demon 2 is close enough to defeat to see if it's worth while to break out Mountain Hammer again to overcome DR, or if a full attack might do it?))

((The demon is damaged but still looks relatively healthy. Even a Mountain Hammer probably won't finish it off, though I don't have access to my damage spreadsheet right now so I can't say for certain. These things have DR 10 so they're pretty well-protected from non-good attacks))


((Question, if I take the extra movement from blessing of fervor, would that enable Tessa to attack and move out of danger from the other two orcs? And how on earth did the Carry Companion Spell slip my attention when i was looking for a way to carry Tessa around while flying... ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Another bit to consider is that even if Viss was still in threat range, another buff choice for blessing of fervor allows you to stand up as a swift action without incurring opportunity attacks. Unless the buff disappears when you're KO'd this would let you do more with your turn I think.

Mike as far as the demon goes if Fleshbabe can tank it one more round I can smite it after I fly over to cover Viss.))


((Another bit to consider is that even if Viss was still in threat range, another buff choice for blessing of fervor allows you to stand up as a swift action without incurring opportunity attacks. Unless the buff disappears when you're KO'd this would let you do more with your turn I think.))

((Right. Though I think ThLunarian kindly ruled that I'm able to retreat in peace. Which means that it leaves me with the option to retreat and cast a spell. I just have trouble deciding if I should cast Cure Critical wounds on Viss, or do something to help Tessa first, since the two orcs that have been beating Viss will surely go after her next and she is still slowed...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((@Nezumi my plan is to fly over to Viss and Tessa's position so that if the Orcs attempt to move forward they have to either attack me or Fleshbane, otherwise they endure an opportunity attack. Haven't calculated exactly how to do that in the best way yet, waiting to see what Fleshbane, Ciel, and Menek's moves will be))
<BTW ThLunarian, what Orcs managed to be tripped? This might be relevant for others planning their movement or certain evil aligned characters that may prefer to take AoOs over helping Viss.>


((Right. Though I think ThLunarian kindly ruled that I'm able to retreat in peace. Which means that it leaves me with the option to retreat and cast a spell. I just have trouble deciding if I should cast Cure Critical wounds on Viss, or do something to help Tessa first, since the two orcs that have been beating Viss will surely go after her next and she is still slowed...))

((Maybe have Tessa do a full withdraw as well?))

Seeing the distress the left flank of their forces are in and figuring that Sybil and Ozzang'ac don't need his help Menek floats over to Tessa and casts Cure Serious Wounds on the dinosaur for 19 HP healing.

((Coyote Code roll id 83359. Sorry can't link, work browsers got a big tighter on security. Updated map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5501cfcf1c8d7 ))

Mike M

Nick N
((I still have to write it up, but Fleshbane is still going in on Demon 2 since I can't get away or cast something w/out incurring an AoO))


((OK. I guess I'll have Tessa take out orc 8 then.))

Tessa is not at all happy with the situation. She is bleeding from several wounds and when Viss steps closer to heal some of the damage, her friend gets overwhelmed by two of the ugly creatures. Howling with rage and grief Tessa wants to storm to Viss' side but she still feels sluggish and before she has even time to act, one of the two ladies that had traveled to this place with them, had come floating over and Tessa watches happily as Viss clambers to her feet. Relieved that her friend still lives, Tessa turns her rage against the ugly creature in front of her. If the thing hadn't wasted so much of her time, she could have helped Viss earlier...

Attack:1D20+20 = [10]+20 = 30
Damage: 3D6+22 = [1, 2, 1]+22 = 26
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [8]+17 = 25

((Of course I'd get two 1's and a 2 on that damage roll...))

((Erm, I just wondered, can Viss even cast Cure Serious Wounds on herself? I'll wait for clarification before I post her turn.))
((The internet's gone down in my neighborhood and managing character sheets and rolls on my phone is difficult, so my turn write-up's going to be delayed by a bit. If it helps anyone come up with their turn though, Ciel will be doing a full-round attack on the remaining demon and Thanatos will continue to trip balls))


Viss feels her control on the battle slipping. Her attempt to save Tessa might have bought her companion a little time, but it has gotten her in more danger than before. The two orcshaped demons attack her vigorously and as claws and teeth tare at her borrowed body the realization that she's done for hits her. Again overconfidence leads to failure. Will you ever learn... She might have laughed at her own stupidity but before she can everything goes black.


With a gasp Viss opens her eyes. It takes her a moment to realize that she is not back in her little forest in the domain of the raven queen. Instead she is lying on her back in the Iron Fortress, the battle still raging around her. As her eyes starts to come back into focus she spots a figure flaying over her. Mako...

"...Retreat... Fix yourself..."

Viss can only make out half of the world the woman says but she catches her meaning alright. She nods into Mako's direction and manages a weak "Thank you." Still wobbly she gets up and stumbles as fast as she can out of danger. ((Using double speed from Blessing of fervor to move to O8))

When she is out of immediate danger she calls upon the powers of nature to help her cure some of her wounds.
4D8+10 = [3, 8, 2, 3]+10 = 26.

Exhausted by the effort she can only sit back, devastated and ashamed, and watch as the events around her unfold.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Just want to check this before I write up my turn. Would it be possible to take the double move speed from haste to move here, use a swift action to lay on hands myself, and also cast cure serious wounds on Tessa? From what I can tell from the SRD the actions are in line with the rules, but I might not be able to move to the spot indicated without incurring AoO, unless I take a 5 foot step into the air before moving, which would prevent that unless the big demon or orc demons have a larger reach?))
((Orc 7 got Tripped by Ozzan'gac. The other three attempts didn't meet the targets' CMDs.

Jackben, you'd have to take an AoO to do all that. You can't 5 foot step on the same turn that you move your character. You're high enough in the air already to bypass the four orcs surrounding Ozzan'gac though, and Tessa just killed Orc 8, so you would only have to take the hit from the Demon, assuming you go in a straight line. You may have enough movement to get there in a round about way but I'm on mobile right now so its tough to say))
((Just want to check this before I write up my turn. Would it be possible to take the double move speed from haste to move here, use a swift action to lay on hands myself, and also cast cure serious wounds on Tessa? From what I can tell from the SRD the actions are in line with the rules, but I might not be able to move to the spot indicated without incurring AoO, unless I take a 5 foot step into the air before moving, which would prevent that unless the big demon or orc demons have a larger reach?))

((You are one square too far to move all the way over there from my count(this is assuming you have 60 move speed with haste, if you are using medium or heavy armor you probably only have 40 move speed(haste can only double your max move speed, so if you current is 20...)). also, quick note, you can cast touch spells then move and touch your target in the same round. if you are high enough above the orcs next to you, you should be able to do that so you don't have to worry about making a concentration check after you move.))

Mike M

Nick N
Wall of Blades Counter:
1d20+18+1 (Haste)=30
((Thank you based Haste buff))

Fleshbane and the demon engage in silent earnest, trading blows as the each do their absolute best to penetrate the stalwart defenses of their opponent. Both combatants showing no sign of fear or intimidation, threats and bravado simply seem to be wasted effort. The exploits of those around them go unnoticed, both furiously attempting to end the existence of the other, oblivious to all other concerns.

Fleshbane suffers the bite attack without even so much as acknowledging the damage, swatting away the next blow from the clawed fist of the monster, but leaving himself open for the third blow to connect. It is a calculated attrition, however, as it leaves him in the position to deliver a blow calculated to penetrate the demon’s formidable hide and deliver a maximal amount of damage for the effort.

Mountain Hammer vs. Demon 2: 1d20+18+1 (Haste)=38
Jesus, confirming crit:  1d20+18+1(Haste)=22
Damage: 2d6+12+2d6 (Mountain Hammer)=29
Bonus crit damage:  2d6+12+2d6=27

((I should just use this all the time if I’m going to keep critting off it! Dat dice guilt…))
((I may not kill the demon with this turn, but that would sure simplify things if I do.

Also, I don't mean for this post to be mean or offensive Nezumi, Ciel is just a terrible person :p ))

As Ciel gets back up to speed, he watches Viss buckle under the attacks of the orcish demons. What a pitiful display. At least now he knows who the weak link is, and makes a note to not take threats from Viss seriously. Ciel doesn't even bother to hide his look of contempt, knowing that none can see him; both for Viss's weakness and the way the others are scrambling to help her. That same busybodiness led to Mako curing his slowed state despite not caring for him, so at least their mushy hearts have a use.

In a position to do damage once more, Ciel aims in the direction of the last large demon standing on the field. Focusing on his inner power, he draws upon an appropriate mantra for demon killing.

The outcome is clear,
when chaos battles chaos,
the weak get devoured.

Ciel releases his bow, sending six arrows flying at the demon. One is coated in holy water.

((Ok, I got a crit on Manyshot, and Since I can't link on my phone, I'm just adding the crit to the damage. It says you only add crit damage once despite it being two arrows, so I believe it would be 3D8 plus damage 3 times plus sneak attack once. Also, it would probably be easiest to treat the holy arrow as one of the non-Manyshot arrows.))
Manyshot:[20] + 27 = 47
Crit confirm: [16] + 27 = 43
Damage with Crit: [7, 8, 6] + 51 + [3, 3, 2, 4, 3]= 87
Rapid Shot: [4] + 27 = 31
Damage: [6] + 17 + [2, 4, 2, 1, 1] = 33
Blessing of Fervor Attack: [5] + 27 = 32
Damage: [2] + 17 + [1, 6, 3, 3, 4] = 36
Ki Attack: [13] + 27 = 40
Damage: [2] + 17 + [4, 3, 3, 1, 3] = 33
Base Attack 2: [12] + 22 = 34
Damage: [2] + 17 + [5, 1, 1, 1, 3] = 30
((I can't get Ditzie to load on my phone, but he didn't do anything to incur an AoO. I'll have him take a 5-foot step to one of the open adjacent panels to try and avoid detection and do a stealth roll for that. Also, no idea which arrow the holy water should be on))
Stealth: [16] + 38 = 54
Confusion effect: 1D100 = 14
Thanatos feels like he's behind his eyes, looking through his own eyes. With a few quick pecks on a keyboard, he tells the thing that is himself to eat the nearest enemy.

((I can't see what's around him right now, but he's making an attack. Let's say the demon if it's still alive and in range, and if not, the the nearest Orc to his right.))
Bite: [9] + 10 = 19
Damage: [4, 1, 6] + 9 = 20
((That demon just got wrecked. I'll have to revisit this later to figure out how many of the other attacks can be diverted to other targets, but Jackben no longer has to worry about getting swiped by the Demon on the way over.

Edit: I just did the calculations. Ciel's first hit takes out the Demon, so I'm applying his subsequent hits to the orcs nearest him. His next three hits together take out Orc 10, and his last arrow hits the prone and blinded Orc 7 (because I figure that's just the kind of guy that Ciel is).

Also, Thanatos missed this attack, as well as every other attack he's made this combat. Poor guy :p

Newest Map


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Lo siento for the delay amigos. Just checked and Phoenix is right about the move speed, need to remember to cast effortless armor before battle next time. Sweet baby Gygax, Ciel is a monster. Thanatos and the Orc still wrestling with the tentacles are having a bad time, haha.))

Sybil surveys the field as her foe drops before her and the other greater demon collapses against the combined assault of Ciel and Fleshbane. She feels a chill run down her spine as Viss drops to the ground and the other agents rush to her aid, left vulnerable to the Orcs still hot on the cat girl's trail. Laying a hand to her breast, some of the wispy aura of her sword begins to swirl toward her, Freya's blessing helping to close the gashing wounds inflicted by the greater demon she just smote into oblivion.

((Swift action to Lay on Hands: 5D6 = [3, 3, 4, 1, 5] = 16 ))

Feeling restored, the paladin swoops down into a dive. With the help of haste, her beating wings surge with energy and allow her to soar over the nearby demons and land deftly in front of Mako and Viss' lizard companion.

((Using a double move action to get in front of Tessa and Mako.))

Updated Map
((I just made attack rolls for the remaining bad guys and every single one of them missed, and the few spells they have on hand would do nothing to advance their position. I think it's fair to call this one done))

With Ozzan'gac and Sybil both positioned to protect the more vulnerable members of the party, it becomes trivial to dispatch the remaining orc-demons, and the mass of tentacles in the center of the room dissipates.

On the north wall of the room is a colossal set of double doors, made of metal, stained with blood, and adorned with symmetrical spike decor. Without any prompting, the doors slide open, disappearing into the next room, and a booming voice echoes into the current room.


The voice reverberates through mind, body, and soul of every creature, and there is an unmistakable inflection of insatiable rage and barely-contained bloodlust.

From your current position, you can't yet see the owner of the voice, but your intuition spells it out plain as day: Gruumsh resides in the room ahead.
((ahh... i didn't even get a chance to full attack.
Before I do anything, we got something that signifies we are working for the raven queen, correct? it was some aura that only certain people can see or something?))
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