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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((I don't mind Ratbreath speaking out loud if the others are enjoying it. I think by RAW he can only talk to Menek, but he can be special and chooses to hectors Menek out load just because he can.))

((As it turns out the only familiars(not including improve familiars) that can speak normally are birds. specifically ravens and parrots. extending that to owls wouldn't really be the craziest thing though. Also I just remembered I got a new feat this level so now not only does my inspire courage give a +3 bonus it also grants everyone within 30 feet of me an extra 1d6 sonic damage to their attacks.))
((Alright then, the owl can be heard by everyone when he wants to (and can use telepathy when he wants to single out Menek). Good talk.

Second paragraph edited out because I just remembered that Viss can't talk while she's wild shaped, so her reaction would HAVE to be pre-flight. Disregard this if you didn't see the pre-edit post))


((Yeah. I'm really sorry for the delay. I had hoped to find some time this afternoon but my little brother has kept me busy. Now I need to wait until tomorrow before I'll be able to post. I'll adjust my reaction accordingly.))
<I am insanely tired and I have a feeling if I fall asleep the game will move on without me, so I'm going to go ahead and get my moment out of the way.>

During this argument between everyone, Ozzang'ac has only attempted to assess the situation and give suggestion on potential problems that may arise in the future. As a captain of the royal guard, he may not have super intelligence but is experienced enough to recognize the sensitive nature in dealing with nobility and authority. However; any discussion of strategy has devolved into insults and personal attacks on everyone else, and the elemental is essentially shoved aside.

The elemental observes as Ciel continues to relentlessly begrudge and aggressively criticize Sybil for seemingly no apparent reasoning when her honorable demeanor and strong swordsmanship deserve respect. Even Fleshbane's hatred for all living creatures makes sense on a more thoughtful level in comparison... and then Fleshbane himself presents a brutal rebuttal against Menek's character, a man that has been proven a valuable ally in the battle they had shared.

As the group bickers among themselves Ozzang'ac begins to lose faith in their ability to coexist among themselves. It seems clear that the gods have chosen people to represent themselves more than to contribute to a greater team. He begins to wonder if he is similarly incompatible.. after all, many comparisons can be made between him and the volcanic machine while the rest are surface dwelling merpeople known as humans. He is very much alien in comparison to them, and nobody seems to care to judge him as they are quick to judge others.

Finally, Ozzang'ac speaks up, his voice raised like a hand grasping for attention, a hint of irritation present, "I think it is about time that we continue our duties. Anybody that is content with keeping a rogue behavior should know this: I will not allow anyone to cause me to fail in my new given purpose."

He begins to hover, "You seem the most well versed in the contents of this area. Which direction do you suggest we begin, Menek?"


<This is mostly Ozzang'ac being a bit fed up and acting as he would (which is why I originally wanted ot wait until after Nezumi posted). I don't actually want to end the scene before Nezumi gets a chance to post so keep that in mind.>


Seeing her comrades fight after their audience with Gruumsh troubles Viss. All the way back to the ship she thinks about the harsh words that everyone had thrown at each other trying to decide who's side she was on in all of this only to realize that the whole idea of having to choose a side was the root of the whole problem. They were supposed to be a team, hell, Sybil had even called them Team Raven, but the truth was that so far they were mostly a bunch of individuals that got lumped together.

When they arrive back on the deck of the Phoenix Maelstrom Viss quickly returns to her usual form and turns to the rest of the party. She has thought carefully about her words during the entire flight, but even so she feels nervous. Talking isn't really her strength. She had always admired Curai for being able to always find the right words for every situation. She takes out a piece of liquorice root and starts chewing it before she starts speaking.

&#8220;Look... I... OK....&#8221; seeing the others watching her makes her even more nervous, but now that she has already opened her mouth she better sees this through. &#8220;I just wanted to say... I... I think Ciel is right!&#8221;

Before anyone can comment on this she quickly resumes. &#8220;I'm not saying that I agree with his worldview, tastes or whatever, don't get me wrong, but what he said about bringing balance to the group I actually believe to be true.&#8221; She pauses a second to look for the appropriate words. &#8220;Everyone of us is unique in the way they have handled business in the past. All of us have different talents. All of which may proof useful in the tasks that still lie ahead of us."

Sibyl,&#8221; she addresses the winged woman. &#8220;I know you didn't like the way some of us handled the confrontation wit Gruumsh, but be assured that just because we are dealing with gods, it doesn't mean that all of them will react to your formal veneration. Some might indeed be more prone to react to threats, bribes, or entirely different approaches. If this problem we are here to solve could be dealt with in formal and straightforward ways, they wouldn't have chosen such a ragtag group like us."

&#8220;But while I disagree with you on that particular matter, you are, however, spot on when it comes to the need to plan things more thoroughly in the future. I'm certain that we will never overcome all of our differences in this group, but we need to learn to at least work together. We need to know our strengths and how they can best be used to deal with the problems ahead. If everyone just keeps doing whatever they think is best without regards to rest, we as a group might not come very far. Which means that we should at least try to get to know each other a little bit. I have to say I regret to not offering this earlier but I was to busy dealing with... stuff...&#8221;

She stops not quite sure where she was going with this. &#8220;Well, I think I'll be going down to the kitchen and make some fish stew and everyone is invited to join me. We can exchange some stories and discuss strategies."
Uncertain how to continue, Viss just glances at every member of the group and then to her feet. "I guess that's all I wanted to say..." and with that she quickly turns around and rushes below deck her tail twitching nervously.

((Do I have to make a skill check for cooking the stew? And if yes which one?))
<Closest I can think of is profession, and even then the results are more about how much spare change you get than the quality of your product IIRC>
((Profession cook is what i took. an argument can be made for crafting maybe, but ehh. either way I'm pretty sure you can use them untrained so just roll a wis check I guess?))
<I would argue that it wouldn't be a high enough DC to really matter anyway, because consider that even like a level 1 commoner npc with absymmal stats would still realistically might be able to cook a decent meal for family.>
((You can roll for Profession (Cooking) if you want, Nezumi. It doesn't sound like you took any ranks in it, so it would just be a d20 + your Wisdom modifier. I would say that if your result is 20+, the meal is surprisingly good, 10-19 is serviceable, and below 10 is just bad. That should give those who partake some roleplaying guidance :)

And of course Mako can help if she wants, since it seems like something she would do. Her roll would give a bonus to Viss's.

It amuses me to no end that this scene is actually happening on the same ship that's carrying around a psychopathic, genocidal android))
"You've lost any right to criticize me you- wait what?" For a moment, Ciel is at a loss for words.

"Hmm... yes, quite. I question just how unified our fighting styles can be, but I'll agree we can be more efficient in it. Given your choice in weaponry, there may be overlap in our styles. Perhaps I could assist you in better killing adversaries."
Ciel makes his way down to the kitchen to join Viss and whoever else is down there.

"It's been a while since I've had a homecooked meal. It should be much better than what the archons can produce. So, you wanted to swap stories? I've got plenty of juicy assassinations I can go into, unless you'd rather start with what you did in life."
<Also, I assumed we actually had to escape from the Ivory Maze. I guess not, since we are already at the airship. Ignore my last part of my last post where I ask Menek to be a guide then.>

The point that was made about the role the more violent members of the group serve is presented, the advice resonates within him. Though he doesn't interrupt Viss' speech, he starts to inwardly consider how he may need to convince some to depend on others in hopes of preventing another spout of civil conflict among themselves as what happened just now.

On the airship, Ozzang'ac observes in a smaller, more compressed form the sizzing bubbling of the food and the tremoring of the water in a container, which makes him somewhat uncomfortable. He had never seen this task done before.. the intentional and deliberate burning of meat and what appears to him to be some kind of kelp. He finally asks Viss and Mako, "May I ask... what it is you two are doing? This.. process is very foreign to me."
During the journey back to the Phoenix Maelstrom, as the various Endure Elements spells near the end of their lives and some of them need to be refreshed, Fleshbane notes that his internal systems seem to have used Sybil's enchantment to permanently adapt his body to the extreme heat of the Abyss. He suspects that he won't be needing magical protection from the elements anymore.


"Alright, Folks," Bungo announces throughout the ship, after the instructions have been passed on to him. It sounds like his mouth is half full and he's trying to chew and swallow in between sentences. "We're about to head into the depths of the Abyss. This won't be like the last time we took off - we can't go all turbo-speed this time because the ship has to be touchin' the water at all times fer us to be able to go from layer t'layer, but there will be just a bit o' turbulence until Our Lady the Phoenix Maelstrom can properly adjust t'the conditions, y'see.

"Now thirteen layers don't sound like a lot, but the trip'll still take the better part of the day, so just make yerselves comfy and... well, I don't recommend lookin' out at the scenery, unless hardcore debauchery is what yer into."

The ship descends slightly, and there is a slight rocking motion as it comes in direct contact with the foul waters of the River Styx - though it isn't floating on the water, it's only in firm contact with it. There is some initial turbulence as Bungo described, but it quickly evens out.

The scenery out the windows is.... just about what you'd expect to see as you travel through the depths of the Abyss.

((The cooking scenes and whatnot can happen during the journey. And KM, you guys aren't actually in the Ivory Labyrinth yet. Sorry if that wasn't clear))


Perhaps we should coordinate not only on how we fight but who takes the lead in negotiations as well. Based on who we are dealing with of course. Some people react to psychopaths better than paladins sadly Menek says in a considering tone. If we are to be a team, then let us be a team in all things. I agree with Viss. Our homes must be sacrosanct however Ciel. If you act against 'Team Raven' by trespassing on our territory without invitation then I do not think your patron or the Raven Queen would look kindly on it. As I recall you already have one black mark on your record with her. No need to push your luck, hmmm?

*Later on the ship in the kitchen/dining area**

The thirteenth layer. Mazes and Minotaurs and Demons. Menek says. Unfortunately the Ivory Labyrinth is a mystery. If we were back in the Observatory Library I might be able to dig up some more information but I fear we will be going in a bit blind. I suggest we find a way to bind ourselves to each other so we don't get lost as we go in. says as he sits down on the dining table with his fingers steepled as Viss and Mako are busy in the adjoining kitchen area. Any suggestions on how we tackle this conundrum? We do not know WHERE in the Labyrinth we are to go which is quite vexing

((Can I get some extra information on Baphoment with a roll? Would the team know if Baphoment would care for the Raven Queen's protection? I'm guessing only Grumuush would hold to the deal in the Abyss))
*Back en route to the ship*
"Ah, so you admit you played a role in that affair? Then I see no reason to continue playing ignorant about it."

"Make no mistake, were we not bound by the Raven Queen's order, you would be wearing your tongue as a tie right now." Despite having swapped to threats, he remains oddly cheery in tone. "But alas, we are, so we must get along. You have it about right, the Raven Queen doesn't think too highly of me. Fortunately, you cost me nothing of great worth, so I can set my pride aside on this one. Contrary to my desire to see things shaken up a bit, I value my hide enough to not do anything explicitly against the accords."

I thought a bluff would be appropriate here, not only to avoid making it known he's aware Mako was involved too, but to gloss over the idea that he's going to be looking to see if sneaking into their quarters for info does not violate the black letter law of the accords. I rolled a 37 total. If it's not relevant or needed, just disregard it))
Back at the ship, either after he's told stories or after he was shut down, he sits down with Menek, acting as if their prior conversation didn't happen. "I agree we need a means for keeping track of each other's locations. Physical bindings concern me, both for hampering mobility and allowing foes to discern my location, which would put my combat strategy in the shitter. Perhaps you or someone else knows some form of magic to create a mental link between us? If not the whole group, then perhaps pairs. I should also mention I have some knowledge in tracking people, though it was not a specialty of mine, so I would advise against relying on that too much."

Mike M

Nick N
It amuses me to no end that this scene is actually happening on the same ship that's carrying around a psychopathic, genocidal android))

((I LOL'd at that, though Fleshbane might take offense at the notion that he's supposed to resemble a human. Heh. Finally leveled up.

Can I make a surreptitious use of Augured Answer ahead of time to see if I can't figure out a way through the maze before we get there? Or would we just be able to fly over the walls right to the center?

Fleshbane opts to remain on deck, standing near the prow like some sort of malevolent impromptu figurehead. The damage he sustained during the fight prior to the meeting with Gruumush gradually vanishes, the rents and tears in his metal reshaping themselves to their former position.

Deigning not to interact with the crew below deck and their consumption of the catfolk's boiled fish carcass water, he stares impassively at the scenes of horror that line both sides of the River Styx, giving no indication if he finds them admirable, lackluster, or whether he even acknowledges their existence at all.
No need. Neglecting to mention info that others aren't even looking for is trivial, especially so for an accomplished liar. If for some reason the others decide to pry, it could become relevant and we can use that roll, but that seems doubtful for now

Mike M
It depends on the question you come up with to ask. The way I interpret that power is, when you cast it, you (the player) ask the DM a question and roll a d100, and if you roll an 81 or below, you get a brief answer that you know is correct (and can fluff up the means by which your character came up with that information as you see fit). The usefulness of the information depends on what is asked, and since you're facing a lack of information right now it might be hard to guess at an appropriate question, but you're welcome to try

Azih: The team is aware that they're less protected from Baphomet than they are from Gruumsh. You do know that Baphomet, in a way, "answers" to Gruumsh, so there is some measure of accountability, and Baphomet knows that if he angers Gruumsh enough then there will be repercussions, but chaotic creatures are hard to predict, of course.

Knowledge Religion DC 35 or Knowledge Planes DC 30 (to learn more about Baphomet)
Baphomet is known as the First Minotaur. That may or may not be true, but he is certainly the strongest. While still mortal, he attempted to steal an ancient scepter from Asmodeus's domain in Hell. At that time, he was a peak physical specimen and incredibly powerful, but even still, Asmodeus caught him, and as punishment, banished him to a maze that was supposed to trap him eternally.

It didn't work. After "only" a decade of wandering, Baphomet not only solved the maze, but conquered it and turned it into his own domain. He relocated it to the Abyss and forged a kingdom out of it. He resides in an unnamed iron building, somewhere within the Ivory Labyrinth. However, his time wandering in the labyrinth cost him his peak physical form, and he came out of the labyrinth looking permanently gaunt and emaciated (but no less powerful).

Although Baphomet is technically Chaotic Evil, he is only barely chaotic in practice. His methods are far more organized than most Demon Lords of the Abyss, and this is reflected in his domain. He is said to be amassing an army in preparation of an all-out invasion of Hell, in an effort to kill Asmodeus once and for all.

Baphomet has many female concubines, some of whom compete ardently for his affections.


know planes for baphomet: 1D20+22+1D8 = [7]+22+[8] = 37

Hrm, as I recall Baphomet is a minotaur of the highest power. Indeed successfully defied Asmodeus which is no small feat. Unlike poor Orcus his domain is much better suited for clandestine operations and if he is behind the soul abductions then he would be gathering them to invade and destroy not Gruumsh but Asmodeus. He commands great loyalty from his followers especially his, uh, female ones. I do not think anything happens in his labyrinth without his approval. We should head for his iron residence.
"He's defied Asmodeus and gotten away with it? That is no small task indeed. It sounds like we've got a dangerous adversary on our hands." Ciel listens to the rest of the briefing intently, and the part about female followers catches his attention.

"So, he essentially has hordes of women around him? That could be a good avenue for infiltration. I imagine he is less likely to expect a move made from there. We just need at least one volunteer to get in his circle, and we might have an effective way of undoing his soul stealing."


Considering your profession. Menek remarks drily I'm certain you could pull of the disguise best and get closer than Baphomet than any of the rest of us
Ciel smirks at Menek's dry response. "I was going to step up to the role if none of the women were willing. It is a deception I am confident about pulling off. Good to know that I already have a vote of confidence for that option."


bitch I'm taking calls.


Sybil lands deftly on the deck of the ship and prepares to remove her armor to begin maintenance. She pauses halfway through unstrapping her breastplate as the Skogkatt ranger speaks up. Shifting her weight as Ciel is incomprehensibly proclaimed to be&#8230;&#8216;right?!&#8217; The paladin nonetheless reserves judgment, her lips pressed together in a tight line as she listens intently.

&#8220;Balance is indeed paramount. And you make a very good point about the purpose of our group. If it were possible to have solved this matter of soul disturbance through treatise it would have surely already been achieved.&#8221; Sybil&#8217;s eyes widen as she realizes her grave mistake.

&#8220;To question the membership would be to question the judgment of the Raven Queen.&#8221; The paladin&#8217;s face falls, her brow deeply furrowed. She turns away and walks a few steps before turning back to face the group. Sybil&#8217;s jaw clenched, the words scraping their way out from between her teeth. &#8220;It&#8230;may have been hasty of me to lay blame and judgment against&#8230;techniques&#8230;I am not fond or familiar with.&#8221;

She bristles at Ciel&#8217;s casual threat to Menek. &#8220;You may have been vindicated by Viss&#8217; words but rest assured, were you to harm any in our group I will not hesitate to make sure your violation did not go unpunished.&#8221;

The paladin takes leave to continue her work with her armor as the others disperse and Bungo begins his announcement. Once her armaments are cleaned, polished, and oiled, the paladin makes her way below deck.


Sybil&#8217;s eyes narrow sharply as she observes Mako assisting Viss in her efforts to cook. She shakes her head at the assassin, dismissing his story time offer.

&#8220;No one wants to hear your killing stories before they eat, Ciel. You&#8217;d probably use the subsequent nausea as an excuse to disparage the cooking.&#8221; Rolling up her sleeves, the paladin helps chop and peel vegetables as a side for the stew being made. Hearing the elemental&#8217;s curiosity, she deigns to answer while she works.

&#8220;This is called cooking. We do this to prepare food in a way that will prevent illness and by utilizing different techniques we alter the property and texture of the food. Mostly to make it taste better.&#8221;

&#8220;All I ever learned to do at the academy was peel potatoes. When I graduated, most nights I ate at the steward&#8217;s table at the behest of whatever lord host we served. I suppose I could have learned before I started training, but back then a spot of mutton or stone soup was enough.&#8221;

Once the cooking is done, Sybil clears her throat and sits down next to Viss.
&#8220;Thank you for speaking up today. I lost track of the bigger picture. And I agree about a unified front, we should talk tactics over dinner. Our diversity may be a great strength, but we should work together to make sure it cannot be used against us.&#8221;

Waiting to hear her reaction, Sybil whispers before the discussion shifts. "Remind me to tell you about the Skogkatt someday."


Listening to the witch scholar&#8217;s description of their destination, Sybil takes a drink of mead before weighing in. &#8220;Menek your knowledge continues to impress me. Baphomet&#8217;s labyrinth will be a steep challenge. I will take your direction on where we should begin. In regards to negotiation&#8230;&#8221; She looks at Ciel reluctantly before continuing. &#8220;The way you speak of Asmodeus makes it sound like you have more than a passing knowledge. Perhaps you should speak first in the event an encounter might be solved through diplomacy. &#8220;
"You never cease to surprise me," Ciel remarks to Sybil. "Very well then, I'll take point on any talking to Baphomet, and we can push back your leading it off to the next mission we get sent on."
((Just gonna use lore master to net myself a 33 on that knowledge planes check.))

"What exactly is your plan? Put on a dress, lie to his face and hope he doesn't find it weird that one of his concubines, who probably don't talk much, starts asking question about his most recent plans?" Mako says as she smacks Viss' hand from adding the wrong ingredient, "Seriously, if we are gonna do something like this we are gonna need more then just hoping you can charm him with your feminine wiles, as entertaining as that might be."


When she turned away from the others to go to the kitchen, Viss had wondered if speaking up like this had been wise and half expected that no one would even bother to show up. But to her delight, Mako followed right behind her offering help with the preparations. As it turned out, "help" meant that Mako more or less took over the kitchen, leaving little to do for Viss, so she quickly settled for simply sitting next to the hearth, nibbling on a fishbone, while Mako told her pleasant stories about what sounded like an army of grandchildren. ((I'm just assuming Mako would do that, if it is not OK I'll cut it.)). Viss shortly wondered how a woman her age had managed to become a grandmother, but decided not to pry on that matter. The atmosphere was just too pleasant, no need to accidentally ruin it.

When the rest of the group entered the kitchen, Viss quickly jumped up. A second more of listening to the hypnotic bubbling of the stew combined with the comfortable warmth of the hearth and Mako's voice and she had fallen asleep. A dryness in her throat told her that she had already started purring. Now she quickly returned to Mako's side, to at least uphold the pretense of having been busy.

With everyone but Fleshbane in the kitchen Viss is surprised to see that her floundered speech from earlier seems to have had an impact on the group. And all I had to do was to agree with Ciel... let's hope that doesn't come back to snatch at my tail.. But for now she is happy that they are all together in a room and not throwing hostilities at each other. Sure the tone was still rough around the edges here and there, but fishstew, even one as good as Mako's, can't perform miracles.

She smiles at Ozz' inquiry about cooking. "You said you used to be a guardian, right? Have you never seen the people you worked for eat or cook?" After a second of musing she adds. "Though I guess a people living under water don't prepare their food with the help of fire." For a moment she gets lost in the thought of eating nothing but raw fish. Not an unpleasant thought at all.

When Sybil sits down next to her, Viss is surprised to hear the paladin declare her mistake. Judging from her experience with other members of that profession, Viss knows how hard it must been for her to say those words. "No need to apologize. After all if I hadn't spent so much time with keeping to myself and...well...moping, I might have been able to prevent any disputes from the get go." She sighs. "This is weird for all of us. I fear we all have spent way too much time doing things our way, that we have forgotten how to depend on and trust in others." She quickly glances at Ciel. "If we ever learned it in the first place that is."

Viss assures Sybil that she would love to hear about the Scogkatt someday and invites her to visit her when ever she wants.

With the meal finished, everyone starts discussing tactics. While the thought of Ciel dressing up as woman makes her laugh, she agrees with Mako. "Pretending to be someone slaves might be a healthy lesson in humility for our assassin here, but I don't see it as a useful position to gather information, unless Ciel wants to up his performance to a more... physical... level."

"As far as the labyrinth itself goes, I'm pretty sure that I could track everyone of you by scent, however useful that might be. Do we have anymore information about the place though? Is it like a huge building full of tunnels? I'm guessing we can't fly over it? How high is the ceiling and how wide the hallways?" She looks at Menek for this questions considering the man to be the most knowledgeable of their group.
Ciel sighs, trying to hold his temper. If Mako were to get a rise out of him, that would be violating the whole order this group is falling into.

"First of all, to simplify what I would be doing to wearing a dress and charming him would be like saying what you did in battle was flailing around and shrieking some notes. I assure you I've done this before, and I say pretty confidently that were I to disguise myself as a woman, none of you would be able to tell it was fake, be it by sight, smell, sound, or whatever other metrics you wish to use. I would not be some oversized man prancing around in a dress, talking about who knows what in a shitty falsetto."

"Second, if you think I'd just be going up, getting in his pants, and asking about the souls, remind me to never involve you anything clandestine. While some honeypots work that way, with more sophisticated targets, you use it for enhanced security clearance. It will give me an opportunity to see how he behaves when not facing intruders. I may get to see if he has anywhere in particular he stores valuables. And most importantly, it could make it possible to sneak into areas I couldn't infiltrate from just trying to slip into his fortress conventionally. I assume the rest of you are coming into the Ivory Labyrinth regardless, and if we get mental links worked out, I could pass on intelligence useful for ending things. Moreover, when the ruse ends, it'll add that much more impact to the notion that Asmodeus has been keeping tabs on his every move, and will make him more likely to give up on this army raising folly than if we just bust in waving around the accords.

"You bring up a good point," he says glancing over to Viss, his tone slightly less exasperated with her. "And perhaps another reason why I should go should we agree to this after all. I have no issues getting physical with an evil minotaur god. And before you ask, no, it won't immediately compromise my disguise. Do not underestimate my expertise in deception."

"Your gross oversimplification aside, you may very well have a better idea. Maybe you just want to go in weapons blazing, and if that's what the group wants, hey, I don't think it's the best idea, but I can live with it. Perhaps you have something ingenious thought up. If so, please go on. I'm all ears, and I'm sure the others are curious as well."


Trying to get the picture of Ciel getting it on with Baphomet out of her head Viss answers. "The problem is that we only know that Baphomet has concubines. We don't however know, how he treats them. What if they are confined to specific areas? Just walking around in the wrong room might make you look suspicious, whether or not you impersonate the perfect woman."
"Another good point. Being a concubine would get me inside, and would get me to see Baphomet. If infiltrating inside proves to not be any more difficult than maneuvering within the place, and if time with Baphomet doesn't reveal anything or set him up for being worse off when we confront him, then it would indeed be a pointless endeavor. I feel the possibility of benefit is substantial enough to warrant going through with it, but we will probably know with more certainty when we find his iron fortress. Perhaps I should simply pack the necessary tools in the satchel I keep on Thanatos, so we can make a judgment call on arrival."
This process described as cooking the food is very new to him. Sybil's explanation seems to describe a solution to a problem that his people have never had to experience. He explains, "The merpeople at my home rarely ever seen disease from eating meals, unless.. is the meat being prepared now diseased? The strange kelp poisonous?"

He then hears Viss' guess as to how it is in his homeworld. He answers, "Yes. It simply isn't possible, nor necessary. The method of which food is prepared for dining is that any fish are stripped of their bones and their blood is expelled as they are carved. The people also like to dine on oysters which are pulled apart and some sea plants. They simply know to avoid poisonous or sickly sea creatures, including monsters."

"As for myself... I have no need to eat. I continue to exist without substance."

Because of his newfound fascination with the strange way food is prepared in the surface world, Ozzang'ac fails to jump into the debate about Ciel's skills just yet.


Viss nods. "I think that if you are able to pull this of on a short notice, I see no reason why we shouldn't at least keep the possibility open. Maybe my shape shifting abilities might be of use in gathering information as well. I've made the observation that a lot of people don't pay much attention to little critters. A little mouse in the wall might be able to find out more about Baphomet's concubines."

((So stupid that wildshaping doesn't include vermin. A fly would be much more inconspicuous even than a mouse.))
As the group begins to settle in on a plan, they are all startled by a foreign voice coming from the entrance to the dining area. Foreign to all, that is, except for Ciel.

"So nice to finally meet you all."

Thanatos is standing there in all his avian majesty, sporting an entirely new posture. His eyes look deeper, and he appears far more aware than is typical. Sybil senses within him a level of malice and malevolence that dwarfs that of even Gruumsh himself.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells, and patron of your shieldmate, Ciel. I regret the need to present myself in such an.... uncouth manner, but a lighter touch is required in order to infiltrate the Abyss without detection, you see."

The vulture moves forward slightly, with impossible grace, in an entirely nonthreatening manner. "I have of course been monitoring your activities, as each of your patrons is no doubt doing as we speak. Raven Queen, it's a pleasure as always.

"I have no intention of interfering with your mission, nor of disrupting the 'natural order' of the Abyss. I merely have a... suggestion that I encourage you to consider, should the opportunity arise.

"It is my understanding that a thorn in my side is plotting to invade my domain - the wretched creature known as Baphomet. I also understand that his involvement in the pilfering of souls is possible, and even likely. I'd like to point out that if this turns out to be the case, it is entirely your discretion on how you handle this little problem. It is my strong recommendation that you destroy him. When you do.... keep his head. Do not discard it. When the time is right, I will retrieve it, and you will all be handsomely rewarded."

Although Asmodeus is speaking to everyone, you get a strong sense that he is looking directly at you as he says this, even though his eyes don't necessarily suggest it.

He does not immediately vacate Thanatos's body, so he is available to field questions or comments if they arise.
Ozzang'ac's attention is stolen from the new ways of life that brought his interest to find himself in the presence of a god suddenly. Though it seems like a logical ability to possess others, it still catches the elemental off guard that it happens.

Time passes as he listens to the request of the dark god.. oddly enough, it is not how he would have imagined the Lord of Nine Hells after his encounters with Ciel, Fleshbane, and Gruumish and his domain. Even Menek's owl comes off as blatantly more rude and evil than Asmodeus does at this current time.

Once finally presented with the instruction to take out Baphomet if necessary, Ozzang'ac is taken aback, "I am not offended by this request from your mightiness, but... I am not even sure we could even be strong enough to fight any god, being mere mortals." He assumes Baphomet is a god, and if he is wrong wouldn't know any better.


Though he does try not to show it Menek is awed by meeting so many incredibly powerful beings in so short a while. Arozora, The Raven Queen, Gruumsh, and now Asmodeus. He would never have imagined that his afterlife would turn out in any way like this.

He reverts to information gathering mode.

Forgive me, sir, we are new to the... politics... of the Astral Sea... it seems that Gruumsh does not care to keep tabs on Baphomet as it is obvious that the one who defied you is just using the 13th layer of the Abyss as a staging ground to assault your domain. You must have more information you could provide on where Baphomet is within the Ivory Labyrinth and what he is planning to do. For one thing, how does he plan to get from the Abyss to Hell to carry out his invasion? I would also echo Ozzang'ac. How do you expect us to defeat the First of the Minotaurs in his home lair?

((Diplomacy check using Amazing/Expanded Inspiration for free 1d8 inspiration use, plus Empathy talent which means I use the higher of two d20 rolls as well as the higher of two d8 rolls))


((Missed inspriation roll so here it is. A 3 to get to 30 overall))


((He also tries to sense the motive of the vulture possessing god))

1d20+21+1d8=47, 1d20+21+1d8=46

((Using first roll for 47 on sense motive))
Somehow, Thanatos smiles. "First of all, I appreciate your respectful tone, Mister Intart and Sir Ozzan'gac. I assure you that Baphomet is no god, no matter how much he fancies himself one. I will concede that, for a minotaur, he is unusually powerful, but your team is more than capable of defeating him. A blatant assault on his fortress would not be wise, but if you were to confront him alone, you could defeat him.

"As to your destination. I personally constructed the Ivory Labyrinth, and know it well. Though Baphomet was able to wrest control of it from me during a brief moment of vulnerability, he is not capable of significantly altering it, so I am confident that I can help you. The key to navigating the Ivory Labyrinth is to always make left turns. So long as you have a destination in mind, you will progress toward wherever you wish to go. There will be ample room to move about within the corridors, though I believe the terms of your accord prevent your airship from venturing away from the River Styx."

He pauses for only a second before continuing. "I admit that I cannot know how Baphomet intends to carry out his planned invasion. Whatever his plans, they are assured to fail. He cannot touch me. However, if I can preserve the resources that would be required to crush his assault by having him quietly killed beforehand, I would prefer to do so."

Although Menek does not detect any deception coming from Asmodeus, he does get the sense that the god is only making an educated guess that the maze has been unchanged since he last had control of it, especially when keeping in mind that the gods are very limited in their ability to spy on the domains of their peers.
From where Ciel is sitting, he is able to see Thanatos entering the room. Ciel's face fills with irritation as Thanatos becomes visible in the doorway. "Damn it Thanatos, what are you doing in-"

When Asmodeus's voice comes out of the bird, a switch seemingly flips in Ciel's head. He sits up more straightly, folds his hands in his lap, and speaks with what the others might actually take for respect and deference.

"My sincerest apologies, my lord. I was unaware you were borrowing Thanatos's body when I spoke so uncouthly. I meant no offense to you."

"Killing Baphomet is a change from how I thought this would be handled, but it is a welcome one. My peers have asked much of what I already wished to know. To confront him alone, it sounds like we need to neutralize all security in his keep before facing him. Do you happen to have any knowledge or advice for procuring a layout of his iron fortress and the troops therein?"
"Unfortunately not," Asmodeus replies to Ciel. "My intelligence on the goings-on of the Abyss is spotty at best. However, this is just the sort of mission for which your team was assembled. I have full confidence that you will find a way to accomplish your goals despite my relative inability to assist."


Would you know where Baphomet makes his home in the Labyrinth? My researches only indicate that it is an 'unnamed iron building'. Any more information that you would be able to provide might prove invaluable
"Yes, of course. Baphomet calls his palace the 'Ivory Citadel,' of that much I am aware. The nature of mazes precludes me from giving a specific location, but if you follow the Rule of 'Turn Left,' you should be able to find it without much trouble."
"Tell me.." the elemental begins, "Surely simply solving the maze isn't the only obstacle providing security to the Ivory Citadel, is it? Do you think there will be those that will stand in our way in the maze?"

<I'll probably just go ahead and pretend Ozzang'ac already knows what a maze is somehow.>
"Baphomet no doubt has legions of minotaurs at his beck and call," says Asmodeus. "Their disposition toward you would depend on a number of factors, such as how aware they are of your presence, how aware Baphomet himself is of your presence, and whether he considers you a threat. I would suggest being ready for battle."

After pausing, he hastily adds, "Of course, this is all predicated upon the assumption that he is indeed responsible for the transgressions levied against him. Far be it from me to jump to conclusions; it simply would not do to take action that might violate the Accord."

That last part didn't strike anyone as being particularly sincere.

Mike M

Nick N
((Um… I guess Fleshbane is currently tapped into the PA system of the ship and hears all this stuff. His ideas wouldn’t be any better to brute force it, be it wading through a sea of minotaurs or blowing holes in the walls of the labyrinth, and he is emphatically on board with the idea of killing Baphomet.

RPing the guy who wants to kill the rest of the team makes for some challenging downtime interactions : /))
((Hurray, #TeamEvil agreeing on something! If he wasn't aware and others objected to killing Baphomet, Ciel would have probably just casually mentioned that the accords didn't protect Baphomet during the confrontation with him in hopes that Fleshbane would go all in. XD))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil drops her spoon when the possessed bird appears before the team radiating a malevolent presence. Before it clatters to the floor noisily, the paladin's hand is already beginning to unsheathe her blade. Her arm returns it slowly and she relaxes her grip once the Archfiend introduces himself. Taking a long drink, she finishes her mead and stands at attention.

"Lord Asmodeus."

Though he speaks through the carrion bird Thanatos, his speech commands and suggests as would be expected of the Lord of the Nine Hells. It makes all too much sense that he is Ciel's patron. Though it might normally amuse her to see the assassin coerced into formality by Asmodeus presence, her eyes remain focused upon the dark god, narrowed in suspicion. She allows the others to ask questions, choosing to remain silent after her respectful greeting.


Viss is just as baffled as the rest of them when Thanatos enters the kitchen. When the vulture starts speaking, her good mood quickly vanishes. She can't help but fear that Asmodeus' appearance would destroy the fragile peace their group had just accomplished.
To her surprise however everything stays relatively calm. Even Sybil manages not to draw her sword. Viss decides to follow the palladin's lead on this one and remains silent. She can't help but feel that Asmodeus is not telling them everything, no matter how helpful his information may seem. The thought of being used by yet another god doesn't sit to well with her. She already had to answer to Melora and the Raven Queen and she has no intention of adding a third god to that list.
"Well," says Asmodeus, "It seems as though everyone's concerns have been addressed, and the longer I stay here, the more likely it is that I am detected by the powers-that-be in the Abyss. It's time I take my leave. It was a great pleasure to meet you all, and I appreciate your decorum, even in the face of an objectionable presence such as myself." He seems to be directing that toward Sybil and Viss. "I wish you all the best of luck, and please consider my advice carefully."

Thanatos's eyes dull. The bird blinks in mild confusion at his surroundings, and Sybil no longer detects Asmodeus's presence.

The remainder of the journey is uneventful. Fleshbane observes that the migration from one layer to the next is both abrupt and seamless; the scenery and environment change instantaneously, as though passing through an arcane portal. After the twelfth such transition, the Phoenix Maelstrom slows to a crawl and lifts itself to a hovering position, slightly above the foul waters of the river.

"We're here," Bungo announces cheerfully. "Just like before, this ship isn't allowed t'leave the River, so from here on you're on your own. Safe travels! And try not t'get lost."

The characterization of this layer as a maze is accurate, but it's far grander in scale than anyone has led the party to believe. The corridors of the maze are massive, and more like roads than paths. There are buildings sporadically lining the walls of the maze, and minotaurs can be spotted going about their daily lives. There seems to be a society that has been built into the very corridors of this maze. It's relatively spread out, but more due to a wealth of space than to a lack of inhabitants.

Looking up, it appears that the maze doesn't just flow in two dimensions; if one were to fly straight upward, there would also be paths to follow in the third dimension. There are even some climbing implements built into the walls, suggesting that there is also civilization on higher levels of the maze.

The architecture is Hellenic in nature. There are a lot of columns and dome-like structures.

The environment is surprisingly hospitable; it's mildly warm, but not particularly uncomfortable. The floors are made of dirt and stone, though in some cases this has been augmented by the minotaurs that live here.

Continuing through the maze, the disposition of the minotaurs is somewhat stand-offish, but not particularly hostile. The people here lean toward the evil side, but overall this place is far less chaotic than what was observed in Gruumsh's domain.
((Nothing formal like there is at the Observatory. You can speak out loud and hope he/she is listening, but the god actually responding is risky for them and probably won't happen while you're in the Abyss.

Note that if you want to use some kind if Divination spell, that's a different story, and those will work as the spell describes))


**BEFORE They leave the ship **

I can provide quite a few infusions of invisibility and negate aroma if we wish to scout unseen when we get close to the Ivory Citadel. I also have a few tricks for distraction. Seeing how well populated the Labyrinth is there is no way we will not be noticed. I would hope strange travelers are common enough here that we will not be seen as strange enough to be worthy of comment. Menek says

Then he takes a deep breath.

The question is, if we do discover that Baphoment is behind these soul abductions, what do we do about him? I serve my god and The Raven Queen. I am not beholden to the Lord of Hell
"Though I may be large, I am very flexible and can make myself smaller if need be. I won't shy away from times when I need to be hidden."

When brought up with the question as to whether or not it is just to destroy Baphomet, Ozzang'ac tries to incur wisdom on the matter, "I am indifferent to Asmodeus' requests, and I am not enticed by a reward. However; I see no reason to neglect defeating evil if we are forced to... that is if Baphomet truly is weak enough as they claim. I suggest we express caution.. speaking of, I wish to lead at least until we must begin scouting."

<I have +21 stealth, inspired by episodes of Alex Mack I saw years ago..>
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