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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((OK, here we go...))

Fleshbane's failed attack and Mako's warning show Viss that those are more formidable foes than the vermin they have encountered up till now. With Mako and Ciel already covering everything with arrows she settles for a more direct approach. She concentrates and from one second to another a magnificent dire tiger stands in her place. (Swift action due to swift wildshape).
Looking for a victim she silently curses Menek. He probably meant well but with all those tentacles there aren't many options left for more direct attacks. Her gaze falls on the orc directly in front of her. It is already peppered with Ciel's arrows but still stands. Easy prey.

Now thanks to pounce I can make a full round attack after a charge.

Attack: 1D20+29 = [6]+29 = 35
Damage: 2D6+18 = [3, 4]+18 = 25
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [15]+17 = 32

1st Claw:

Attack:1D20+29 = [3]+29 = 32
Damage: 2D4+18 = [3, 1]+18 = 22
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [3]+17 = 20

2nd Claw:

Attack: 1D20+29 = [3]+29 = 32
Damage: 2D4+18 = [4, 4]+18 = 26
Grapple:1D20+17 = [10]+17 = 27

((OK. I think that should be it for now...))
((Nice job Nezumi. The only thing is that your initial d20 roll - the 45 - was unnecessary. Other than that you did everything correctly :)

That kills the target. I forgot to bring my computer mouse so it'll be a while before I can take the bad guys' turn. Sorry about the delay))


((Yeah, I was a little confused about that. Tessa still needs to go, but I don't think she can do anything useful at the moment because of all the tentacles. My initial idea was to move her next to me in case the greater demon in the back comes closer, but since my size is larger as shown on the map I think there is not enough space for that...))


((There should be plenty of space down the left and the right sides. I think Tessa could just move up to Orc 4 without touching the tentacles.))


((Really? I haven't changed the map yet because I don't know how to make my symbol large, but I should be taking up about four squares in the area where orc 4 used to be. ))


((OK, So this is what I would update the map for now, though I'm not sure if Tessa could even go there or if I'd be blocking her path?))
((OK, So this is what I would update the map for now, though I'm not sure if Tessa could even go there or if I'd be blocking her path?))

((if tessa moves first you'd be fine. also, you don't put you character on top of the person you are attacking(unless you are flying above them).))


((Oh my bad I thought you went after Orc 10. Anyway Tessa can still move up next to Orc 8 and attack it (standing on J3-J4-K3-K4). As long as Tessa doesn't come into the tentacle field she can melee enemies in them from an adjacent square without being grappled. It's a pretty good thing to do also since grappled enemies are easier to hit))


((Hmm, if she moves first that creates an attack of opportunity before the orc is dead though... but then again it is the only useful thing I can think of doing with her at the moment...))
((Hmm, if she moves first that creates an attack of opportunity before the orc is dead though... but then again it is the only useful thing I can think of doing with her at the moment...))

((actually you can have her just go second. walking through allied units is free, as long as you don't end your turn in there space. although keep in mind you can't charge through allied units.))


((Like ThLunarian said the tentacle overlay isn't perfect and I'm pretty certain that corner is tentacle free. Moving straight north isn't a bad move either to get ready for Round 2. I guess you could have a Plan A to attack Orc 8 and if ThLunarian says that actually is in the tentacles then you could do Plan B and just move north))
((Correct me if I'm wrong DeadPhoenix, but http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/54f9f68f55550 would allow Tessa to attack orc 8 with no issues right?))

((I'm actually not 100% if that puts Tessa in the black tentacles or not(it shouldn't given the way its aoe is suppose to work), but if it doesn't, it should be fine.))
((EDIT: Also, he is a large creature so he should have at least 10' reach with his bites so he doesn't even have to stand that close))


((Oh right, forgot about reach, in that case Tessa can attack Orc 8 with no problem while staying far away from the tentacles. Could even charge.))


((She's a girl ;) OK, under the assumption that Tessa would not be harmed by attacking orc 8 she will do just that. Do Mako's and Sybil's buff's also influence her?))
((She's a girl ;) OK, under the assumption that Tessa would not be harmed by attacking orc 8 she will do just that. Do Mako's and Sybil's buff's also influence her?))

((yes, the buffs we use can target up to ten allies and as big as our group is, we haven't gone over that limit yet.))
((We need a buff omnibus summary of what's in effect, I've totally lost track by now. : /))

((I believe we have Blessing of Fervor up, this has multiple effects you can choose from, I'd personally suggest just sticking with the extra attack if you are full attacking. We've got good hope up, that is just a +2 morale bonus to attack, damage, saves, skill rolls and ability rolls... idk how much a construct you are, but you might not actually be able to get morale bonuses... although you do still have emotions so you should. then there is inspire courage which give a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage. it also gives moral bonus to saves vs fear and charm but those are over written by good hope.))

Tessa follows closely behind Viss. She understands enough to not come close to those strange black plants that has sprouted from the floor suddenly. As she watches one of the ugly creatures that Viss hates so much struggle in the black plants she takes a casual bite at it.


Attack: 1D20+20 = [14]+20 = 34
Damage:3D6+22 = [4, 6, 2]+22 = 32
Grapple: 1D20+16 = [3]+16 = 19

((quick suggestion... next time you get a feat for you animal companion, pick up vital strike. its amazing for creatures with a single big damage natural attack.))
The party converges in what looks to be the foyer which will lead into Gruumsh's chamber. The 'orcs' and demons are engaging in general-purpose chaos and regard the party as just another group of marauders at first.

Then the tentacles appear.

All at once, the eyes of every creature in the room gravitate to the new intruders. A temporary truce seems to have been called among the chaotic creatures, and there is an unspoken decree that the lawful ones must die.

Before they have a chance to react, though, the rest of the party engages in their assault. Fleshbane's electrical attack has no effect on the biology of these Outsiders, but the others are able to deal varying degrees of damage. Ciel and Viss work together to bring down one of the Orcs; apart from that, the damage is spread around fairly evenly.

In retaliation, the demons with Orcish countenances stare into the souls of each visible invader, and it feels like invisible tendrils are slithering around the essence of your being. Whether or not they succeed in the attempt, the discomfort shocks your system and hinders your movement temporarily. Only Ciel escapes this effect, on account of his being invisible. Some of the orcs then break free of the tentacles and flee their reach; others remain stuck.

Two of the larger demons use profane magicks to weaken wills and confound the party, while the third detects the sanitized stench of a Paladin. It disappears and seems to teleport directly next to Sybil, airborne, and catches her off-guard with a savage bite. She feels it trying to drain something intangible from her very essence...

((Okay this turn is a doozy. Read over each passage and roll saves and/or apply effects one at a time. Despite the fluff above, these actions happen in the order that they're written below.

Orcs 1, 2, 6, and 8 are still Grappled. The rest were able to break free. The Demons were never grappled; I neglected to mention it but their CMD was too high for the initial roll to affect them.

Demon 1 backs up and casts Mind Fog centered on N8.

Fleshbane, Ciel, Thanatos, Tessa, Ozzangac, Menek, and Mako, make a DC 21 Will save. If you fail, you get a -10 to Will saves for the remainder of this battle.

Eight of the nine Orcs use Enslave Soul as a Swift Action (Orc 1 is Dazed). The targets line up as follows:

Orc 5 - Viss
Orc 8 - Thanatos
Orc 10 - Ozzangac
Orc 9 - Fleshbane
Orc 6 - Tessa
Orc 7 - Sybil
Orc 3 - Mako
Orc 1 - Menek

Except for Ciel, everyone is Staggered this round. This means you can only take either a Move or a Standard action, but not both, and you can't do a Full Round action. (If you choose to do a Standard Action then you can still also take a 5-foot step. Swift and Free actions are also not impeded).

Everyone must make a DC 18 Will save. The penalty from Mind Fog will apply if you were in its area and failed to save against it. If you fail, then you get a -6 penalty to attacks and saving throws versus the Orc that targeted you. I'm ruling that Warforged have souls for the purposes of this ability.

Demon 2 backs up and casts Confusion centered on N9. Ciel, Fleshbane, Ozzan'gac, Mako, Menek, and Thanatos make a DC 20 Will save. The penalty from Mind Fog will apply if you failed that save.

Demon 3 casts Quickened Invisibility, then Charges at Sybil. 36 versus Flatfooted AC should hit according to the character sheet.

Sybil takes 21 damage including Sneak Attack, and must make a DC 24 Fortitude save. If she fails, she will takes 2 Charisma damage.

The Orcs then move into position. Orc 9 fails his save versus Mind Fog. I rolled an Attack of Opportunity for Thanatos; he hit, and I applied the damage.

Updated Map. Remember that unless you're Ciel, you're Staggered, and if you failed versus Confusion then remember to abide by the terms of the spell description. I'll let you roll the d100 yourself to determine what you do this round.

Begin Round 2!))

Mike M

Nick N
((Before I get too deep here, by my reading of Construct Perfection, Fleshbane is explicitly immune to all Mind-Affecting and Death effects, so none of that should affect him irrespective of whether he has a soul or not (and by Warforged fluff, I believe they have souls anyway). I ate the nerf to non lethal damage immunity without complaint, but this would effectively wipe like literally the only reason to have taken Juggernaut levels rather than go full Warblade.

I'm not upset or anything, just studying for my Rules Lawyer BAR exam : P ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Enslave Soul Will Save (1d20+18=26)) basically save by default because of Divine Grace))

((I intend to smite the demon in front of me but I want to know which roll to use, as if demons are outsiders with an evil subtype it could double the potential damage.))
((Before I get too deep here, by my reading of Construct Perfection, Fleshbane is explicitly immune to all Mind-Affecting and Death effects, so none of that should affect him irrespective of whether he has a soul or not (and by Warforged fluff, I believe they have souls anyway). I ate the nerf to non lethal damage immunity without complaint, but this would effectively wipe like literally the only reason to have taken Juggernaut levels rather than go full Warblade.

I'm not upset or anything, just studying for my Rules Lawyer BAR exam : P ))

((You're right about Mind Fog and Confusion, my mistake there. The Enslave Soul ability isn't mind-affecting though (that's an actual tag that accompanies spells, it's not a judgment call), so you'll still have to save against that.

Also you're still immune to nonlethal damage. I just temporarily closed a loophole for the benefit of character building. Its actually fine with me if you want to reopen the loophole from here on. Call it adaptive programming :p))

Mike M

Nick N
((You're right about Mind Fog and Confusion, my mistake there. The Enslave Soul ability isn't mind-affecting though (that's an actual tag that accompanies spells, it's not a judgment call), so you'll still have to save against that))
((Bu... Bu...))
Enslave Soul (Su)

A kalavakus can attempt to enslave the soul of any mortal creature within 60 feet as a swift action. The kalavakus must have line of sight to the target. The target can resist this special attack with a DC 18 Will save, but is staggered for 1 round even if the save is successful. If the save is successful, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours. If the save is a failure, the target’s soul is enslaved—this creature takes a –6 penalty on all attack rolls and saving throws against that kalavakus. If a creature with an enslaved soul is slain by that kalavakus, the soul immediately infuses the demon’s body, affecting it with a heal spell (CL 12th). A kalavakus can have only one mortal soul enslaved at a time—if it enslaves a second soul, the first is released. This is a mind-affecting death effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
((It will be a bit before I can type my turn up, but would it be possible to put holy water on my arrows to bypass DR? I'm assuming it's not a feasible option, but I wanted to check))

Mike M

Nick N
((Doh. Foiled again :p Wasn't trying to cheat, I promise, I just missed it. Okay okay, no saving throws for you))

((Woo hoo, my first case as a big city rules lawyer!))
((It will be a bit before I can type my turn up, but would it be possible to put holy water on my arrows to bypass DR? I'm assuming it's not a feasible option, but I wanted to check))

((That's clever enough that I'll allow it. You even get to treat it as poison since you're evil. I like it))

Mike M

Nick N
((Unless you are getting another buff i am unaware of you should only have +2 to saves.
Also, if Fleshbane is immune to mind effecting... effects, he is also immune to most of my buffs.))
((He's immune to healing too, he's not built to be a team player. I'll cope : )))
<My bad. I don't think my results change either way. I literally had to rush to some food cooking so I couldn't double check anything.>
<My bad. I don't think my results change either way. I literally had to rush to some food cooking so I couldn't double check anything.>

((Since confusion sucks, I'll help you out.))

Mako notices Ozzangac acting weird after that confusion spell, so decides to help him out with Saving Finale.

((immedate action to cast, but ends my performance so no one getting inspire courage. Ozzangac gets to reroll his failed save.))
((I think you were talking about this earlier, but they just(as in less then an hour ago) released an faq on damage dice changing based on size. figure it might of interest to some here.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane’s weathers the onslaught of spells and abilities designed to weaken and enfeeble the mind with nary a hindrance. One orc in particular has wandered close and attempted to do… Something, but to no effect.

“Your attempts to impose your will upon my superior intellect are fruitless,” he informs the wretched creature. “You have demonstrated remarkable fortitude to have shrugged off my previous attack, but it is not a mistake I shall repeat. You have brawn, but have you brains to match?”

Holding the orc’s gaze, Fleshbane’s eyes blaze as a battle of wills plays out between the two adversaries, Fleshbane attempting to use his newly endowed ability to affect the minds of those around him to obliterate that of the orc’s entirely. “You will perish, filth.”

Psychic Crush vs. Orc 9 (9 power points + 4 to amp DC and damage)
Saving Throw Damage: 5d6=19

((Will Save DC 27 with a +4 bonus to take 19 damage, or instantly reduce to -1. It’s probably a 50/50 shot, but I’m actually pretty shitty for melee, ESPECIALLY if there’s damage reduction going on. Going to put Blessing of Fervor toward a +2 bonus to AC))
((Caster level check to overcome spell resistance please. D20 + your caster level, which I think is 10 for you. Spell resistance works against psionics and psionic resistance work against spells.

I already rolled the saving throw, which failed at 25 (bonus included), so if you roll 11 or better then the orc is dead))
<I still don't have the time to write my turn, but I'm waiting for a DM ruling on the damage dice thing htat's been being brought up>
((Urp, just looked at the poison rules and it's a standard action to apply it to a single piece of ammunition. Unless you want to allow him to coat multiple arrows at once or allow him to have put dividers into his quill and filled certain sections with certain substances before hand (I actually meant to ask about this earlier, but now it just seems kind of metagamey), it's probably more practical to just keep attacking. Assuming I don't get wrecked by these will saves, of course :p))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82910]Will Save- Mind Fog: 1D20 + 10 = [16]+10 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82911]Will Save- Confusion: 1D20 + 10 = [19]+10 = 29
((Praise the sun! I'll wait for clarification on poison stuff before doing any attacks, but I'll go ahead and get Thanatos's turn done))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82912]Will Save- Mind Fog: 1D20 + 10 = [8]+10 = 18
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82913]Will Save- Enslave Soul: 1D20 = [14] = 14
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82914]Will Save- Confusion: 1D20 = [1] = 1
Thanatos is happily minding his business, flying along and eating things, when all of the bad things in the world descend upon him at once. The next thing he knows, he's barely in the fight anymore; things have gone strange.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82915]Confusion Effect: 1D100 = [8] = 8
He stares off into space for a moment, following the strange device flying around the room. It lands on the orc-like thing near Ozzang'ac. He wants to eat it, and also the orc thing that doesn't smell like an orc. Not one to be picky, he tries to take a bite out of it.

((Attacking Orc 10))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82916]Attack: 1D20 + 10 = [3]+10 = 13
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82917]Damage: 3D6 + 9 = [3, 6, 2]+9 = 20
Ozzang'ac is able to clear his mind to defend himself from the mental attacks on his being as per his meditative training, but the strain of doing so allows the third attack on his thoughts to overcome him even for a moment. He begins to lose control of himself, and is suddenly unable to keep his form, turning into a wobbly mass of water splashing.

Thankfully, somebody heals him of the mental blight that overtakes his actions. Thanking Mako for her aid, the elemental slowly grows back into his preferred form, towering above the orc below him. Looking down at the orc in front of him, he states, "Allow me to demonstrate the worth of accepting help from others."

Trusting Sybil to handle herself for at least a little while, Ozzang'ac decides to take care of the orc standing in front of him.

<Taking +2 Attack off of Blessing of Fervor once more, that with GOod Hope brings me at +4 attack; I'm also going to go ahead and assume my damage dice is 3d6 unless the DM rules otherwise

Attacking Orc 10
Power Attack plus Damage rolls: 1D20+19+4-3 = [11]+19+4-3 = 31
3D6+2+9+6 = [3, 6, 5]+2+9+6 = 31

I forgot to add the Power Attack damage bonus so I edited it in>
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