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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


1d20+15=23, 1d20+15=35, 1d20+15=27
Buffeted by mental attacks Menek grits his teeth and curses himself for being unprepared. He should have realized that they were dealing with a room full of demons and not standard orcs. Still he endures all the mental attacks though he feels a drain on his soul.

Not resistant to sonic attacks... have something for that Menek mutters and chooses to use the Blessing of Fervor to extend the range of an Ear Piercing Scream spell that he throws at the large demon attacking Sybil.

((Casting Ear Piercing Scream on demon 3, Fort 19 save for half damage and prevent daze))

((Question-answering time:

-Jackben, these guys are all Chaotic Evil Outsiders, so your Smite gets turbo-charged against them.

-KM, use the chart from the link that DeadPhoenix posted. If this would increase the damage you'd deal this turn, you can reroll it with the new dice. If you do, just edit your previous post; I'm not going to apply damage to anything for at least 12 more hours (after I wake up).

-Axel, to apply poison during combat you'll have to go by the rules as written. Going forward, remember that there's nothing stopping you from applying poison to your ammunition during downtime. It doesn't wear off until the ammo is fired.

Seems like combat is going relatively smoothly so far, considering that we started with 22 individual creatures on the field. Keep up the good work guys))
Axel, to apply poison during combat you'll have to go by the rules as written. Going forward, remember that there's nothing stopping you from applying poison to your ammunition during downtime. It doesn't wear off until the ammo is fired.
((Awesome, glad to hear the apply outside of combat part, I wasn't sure about that either. In that case, I think I'll move to a position to where I can unload on the demon attacking Sybil next turn, and will apply a dose of holy water to an arrow while doing so. It's one flask per arrow, right?

Also, burning a point of ki to increase my movement by 20 feet, and moving 40 feet at -5 stealth to M11))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82928]Stealth: 1D20 + 33 = [3]+33 = 36
The mental attacks wash over Ciel, but have no meaningful effect on him. As the orcs are unable to see him and attack, they are no longer his problem; Viss and Fleshbane seem perfectly capable of handling them. The real threat appears to be the larger demons, and one is in the process of trying to kill Sybil.

He begins relocating to a position where he can better annihilate the beast, slinking through the room like a shadow. While doing so, he unscrews one of the flasks of holy water on his person and prepares an arrow to better wound it with. Is he concerned for Sybil's well-being? Not particularly, but she is useful to have around for drawing the demon's ire. More importantly, he is hoping that Gruumsh will demand a sacrifice in death or torture when they get a live audience, and he can't wait to see her squirm with that.

((Updated map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/54faab697032f))


Enslaved Soul Will Save
1D20+15 = [11]+15 = 26

Mind Fog Will Save:
1D20+7 = [19]+7 = 26
Enslaved Soul Will Save:
1D20+7 = [3]+7 = 10

As the orcs get into motion Viss feels the one standing in front of her trying to penetrate her mind. She is able to withstand the assault with great effort. Outraged by the attack she focuses on the orc nearest to her.

Attack Roll against Orc 5: 1D20+29 = [8]+29 = 37
Bite Damage: 2D6+18 = [5, 2]+18 = 25
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [14]+17 = 31

((I'm guessing due to the staggering I can only use one of my melee attacks. Not sure if also effects the grab status of my attack, if yes, just ignore it.))

Something hits Tessa but she doesn't know what it is. All she understands is that something strange has happened. She decides that the best way to deal with this is to bite the orc in front of her once more, perhaps he is the source of that strange feeling.

Tessa Attack against orc 8: 1D20+20 = [9]+20 = 29
Bite Damage: 3D6+22 = [4, 3, 1]+22 = 30
Grapple: 1D20+16 = [4]+16 = 20

((Since Tessa is not attacking the orc that hit her with enslaved soul she doesn't get any restrictions if I understand correctly.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil lets out a yell in surprise as one of the demonic legion attacks her as if from nowhere. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she turns to look upon her glittering assailant. "Blóð ok hefnd! Your chaos will destroy you." Eyes alighting with an ethereal fire, the paladin swings her longsword, her blow infused with the power to smite agents of chaos in Freya's name.

((Smite vs Demon 3 (1d20+16+2+2+2+7=40)

Damage (1d8+4+2+2+2+20=32)

Taking the +2 to attack and AC from blessing of fervor.

Buff check: +2 from weapon, +2 from fervor, +2 good hope, +7 attack roll and + 20 damage from smite

End turn AC: 39

AC vs Smite Target: 44))
((Demon 3 saves vs Glitterdust and also saves vs Ear-Piercing Scream, taking half damage.

All enemies rolled their perception checks to know where Ciel is. Some succeeded and some failed.

Orc 5 got grappled by Viss. Orc 8 got grappled by Tessa, so it's now grappled by both her and by the Tentacles.

Orcs 1 and 2 escape the tentacles and move out of their range. Orc 6 fails to break free again.

Orc 5 tries a full attack on Viss.

Bite: 17 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 1: 20 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 2: 18 vs AC. Miss.
Gore: Natural 20. Critical fails to confirm. Viss takes 13 damage.

Orc 8 tries a full attack on Tessa.

Bite: 20 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 1: 25 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 2: 28 vs AC. Hits. Tessa takes 8 damage.
Gore: 30 vs AC. Hits. Tessa takes 12 damage.

Orc 10 takes a 5-foot step and tries a full attack on Ozzangac.

Bite: 26 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 1: 25 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 2: 21 vs AC. Miss.
Gore: 24 vs AC. Miss.

Orc 7 charges Ozzangac. While charging through the Glitterdust area, he fails his save vs. Glitterdust and then misses his attack because he's blinded.

Orc 3 also charges Ozzangac. It passes its save vs Glitterdust.

Gore: 26 vs AC. Miss.

Demon 1 flies to N5, 10 feet in the air, and uses his Droning Wings special ability. Viss, Tessa, Fleshbane, Ciel, Thanatos, Mako, and Menek, make a DC 24 Will save. If you fail, you are Slowed until further notice (same as staggered, except you also get -1 to AC and to Reflex saves, and your movement is halved). This is NOT a magical effect, it just has the same effect as the Slow spell.

Demon 2 casts Quickened Invisibility and charges, flying over the tentacles to attack Fleshbane. After attacking, he becomes visible again.

Bite: 45 vs flat-footed AC hits. Fleshbane takes 17 damage. Also must make a DC 23 Fortitude save. If he fails, he takes 2 Charisma damage.

Demon 3 attempts to Full Attack vs Sybil.

Bite: 32 vs AC misses.
Slam 1: 36 vs AC misses.
Slam 2: 30 vs AC misses.))

The Orcish demons slowly wade their way out of the black tentacles, but the damage has been done. Through sheer force of will, Fleshbane fries the brain of one orc; Tessa and Viss each catch another one in their powerful jaws. Three attempt to team up in an all-out assault against Ozzan'gac and fail miserably at it, with one becoming blinded in the process.

The larger demons fare only marginally better. One darts across the room, airborne, and flutters its wings, creating an uncomfortable droning sound accompanied by a rainbow pattern in the air, which threatens to mesmerize everyone around it. Another also flies above the tentacles and across the room, puncturing Fleshbane's hard metal exterior with its demonic maw.

The third, alarmed and incensed by the holy energy that seems so foreign in a place such as this, flails about ineffectually in Sybil's general direction; the paladin easily dodges every clumsy blow coming her way.

((On to Round 3 Here's the updated map.))
((I see it requires a will save. Is it mind-effecting? If it is, add 2 to Ciel's save))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82963]Will Save Ciel: 1D20 + 8 = [8]+8 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82964]Will Save Thanatos: 1D20 = [13] = 13
((Eh, I guess it doesn't really matter, he's slowed either way. I'll wait to see if anything comes out of the haste question before typing up a turn))
((I see it requires a will save. Is it mind-effecting? If it is, add 2 to Ciel's save))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82963]Will Save Ciel: 1D20 + 8 = [8]+8 = 16
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82964]Will Save Thanatos: 1D20 = [13] = 13
((Eh, I guess it doesn't really matter, he's slowed either way. I'll wait to see if anything comes out of the haste question before typing up a turn))

((Honestly, i might not be able to help you even if it does work. my character has no idea where you are and haste requires i specify targets...))
((Honestly, i might not be able to help you even if it does work. my character has no idea where you are and haste requires i specify targets...))

((If you can't, that's fine. You could maybe roll a perception check to get a ballpark location, though I'm not sure if you would have had to do that last turn or if it's a feasible DC.

If his stealthiness blows up in his face, that's all right, non-team players abound in this fight :p ))
Mako feels herself becoming much slower and responds by speeding things back up. She casts haste on herself, Ozzan'gac, Sybil and Thanatos, removing the slow effect on all of them... and anyone not slowed, just gets hasted. and assuming countering the effect allows her to get her move action back this round, she will begin dancing again.

Edit: Perception: 1D20+15 => 31

((If thats enough to pinpoints ciel's location and you are cool with me being able to target him, add him to the hast list I guess.))
Ciel is closing in on the demon targeting Sybil when the flapping wings of a demon send vibrations through his body. He feels himself slowing down, and struggles to move. Well fuck, this is going to be a problem, he thinks to himself.

Focusing on the demon nearest Sybil, he activates Instant Enemy and draws his bow, managing to shoot the one arrow he coated with holy water at the demon. After the arrow is shot, he steps away in an attempt to continue concealing his location.

((Casting favored enemy, then attacking demon 3 with the holy water arrow and taking a 5-foot step to N10))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82968]Attack vs flatfooted AC: 1D20 + 29 = [18]+29 = 47
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82969]Damage: 1D8 + 11 + 5D6 = [7]+11+[4, 6, 1, 2, 3] = 34
((I forgot to apply the favored enemy damage to that roll. It should actually be 40 total))
For a moment, Thanatos slows down. He speeds back up, but everything is still confusing.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82970]Confusion Effect: 1D100 = [52] = 52
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82974]Damage: 1D8 + 6 = [1]+6 = 7
Thanatos has hurt himself in his confusion!

((Edit: Doh, I had the page up on confusion too. Managed to misfire, I guess that's what I get for trying to do a bunch of things at once. New damage roll inserted))
((confusion attack on yourself doesn't do normal attack damage, just 1d8+str. still annoying, but generally much less deadly.))
Orc 10 takes a 5-foot step and tries a full attack on Ozzangac.

Bite: 26 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 1: 25 vs AC. Miss.
Claw 2: 21 vs AC. Miss.
Gore: 24 vs AC. Miss.

<Gonna take the extra attack from Blessing of Fervor, I get an extra attack off of Haste, gonna spend a ki point to get another attack. If I get any of this wrong, just dock off any attacks that shouldn't happen in the following rolls.

Targeting Orc 10 first, and if he dies any subsequent attacks go towards the adjacent ones>

Power Attack portion of Flurry of Blows (First, Haste, FoB, Ki, Second from Flurry): 1D20+19+2-3 = [18]+19+2-3 = 36
3D6+2+9+6 = [6, 3, 3]+2+9+6 = 29
1D20+19+2-3 = [6]+19+2-3 = 24
3D6+2+9+6 = [3, 5, 2]+2+9+6 = 27
1D20+19+2-3 = [5]+19+2-3 = 23
3D6+2+9+6 = [3, 6, 4]+2+9+6 = 30

1D20+19+2-3 = [14]+19+2-3 = 32
3D6+2+9+6 = [4, 1, 2]+2+9+6 = 24
1D20+19+2-3 = [4]+19+2-3 = 22
3D6+2+9+6 = [2, 5, 6]+2+9+6 = 30

Last two attacks (Power Attack not applied): 1D20+14+2 = [2]+14+2 = 18
3D6+2+9 = [5, 1, 5]+2+9 = 22
1D20+14+2 = [13]+14+2 = 29
3D6+2+9 = [1, 6, 1]+2+9 = 19

The water elemental more than easily shifts his form to render any swings at him useless. He retracts his fluid form to allow a claw to smoothly whoosh through a gap he made in himself, and soon expands several watery limbs to push away any further attempt at slashing his form. He subsequently shifts his form from one side, then the other to easily avoid the other two orcs.

Seeing as he has been surrounded, the Elemental takes advantage of his new hasted abilities to stab the orcs with numerous, now needled limbs with rapid frequency.

<EDIT: Oh yeah, so I don't look OP, subtract 4 from all of the attack roll results, because I keep forgetting I take a -4 penalty just from being an elemental. I'm gonna add the penalty to my attacks on my sheet since I assumed most battles would be in the air.>
((The extra attack from haste and blessing do not stack. i'd suggest taking the +2 attack dodge and reflex bonus. while it doesn't stack with the haste bonuses, they are better and the other options probably don't do anything useful right now anyways.))


((Damn I just realized that Tessa has Multiattack... but she failed her save against slow so that doesn't really matter at the moment, right? Have to leave the house for now, will post my actions later.))
((Damn I just realized that Tessa has Multiattack... but she failed her save against slow so that doesn't really matter at the moment, right? Have to leave the house for now, will post my actions later.))

((This might be what you meant, but I want to clarify. Tessa doesn't have the multiattack feat because she doesn't have 3 natural attacks. As per the rules, instead she has an additional attack with her Bite, at a -5 penalty.

That doesn't matter this turn though, since she's Slowed. It also wouldn't have mattered last round either, since she was Staggered, nor the turn before that, since she had to move first in order to get into range. It is good to keep in mind for the future though.

Also, to confirm, Mako was able to start dancing again, so the bonuses from that are back in effect.

Ozzan'gac got a few hits in but also missed a few times. Orc 10 is still standing. Ciel hit, but Demon 3 is still alive))


((Yes, that was what I meant.))

Will Save Tessa: 1D20+7 = [6]+7 = 13
Will Save Viss: 1D20+15 = [12]+15 = 27

Viss notices that one of the greater demons has started cornering Sybil, but since she doesn't really think she can be of assistance at the moment. She instead doubles down on the creature between her claws. It had started biting and clawing at her but she barely felt the pain.

((OK, since I'm not slowed down I get all my attacks back and if i read the rules right, the fact that I have the orc grappled means that I get another two claw attacks through the rake ability, right?))

Attack:1D20+29 = [19]+29 = 48
Damage:2D6+18 = [3, 5]+18 = 26
Grapple:1D20+17 = [1]+22 = 23

1st Claw:
Attack:1D20+29 = [15]+29 = 44
Damage: 2D4+18 = [2, 3]+18 = 23
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [9]+22 = 31

2nd Claw:
Attack: 1D20+29 = [14]+29 = 43
Damage: 2D4+18 = [4, 3]+18 = 25
Grapple: 1D20+17 = [14]+22 = 36

1st Claw (Rake):
Attack: 1D20+29 = [14]+29 = 43
Damage: 2D4+18 = [4, 1]+18 = 23

2nd Claw (Rake):
Attack: 1D20+29 = [5]+29 = 34
Damage: 2D4+18 = [2, 2]+18 = 22

((Should I've read the rules for rake wrong just ignore the last two attacks.))

Again something strange happens that Tessa does not understand. All of the sudden she feel sluggish. On top of that the beast she had been biting, started to struggle and hurt her. In retaliation she bites back.

Attack: 1D20+20 = [6]+20 = 26
Damage: 3D6+22 = [3, 5, 4]+22 = 34
Grapple: 1D20+21 = [9]+16 = 30
((if you are grappling, you do not get to make a full attack because you have to spend a standard action maintaining the grapple, so i think you just get the rake. However, you can let go of a grapple ass a free action and then make your full attack, possibly grabbing them again(this is one of the things that makes the grab ability amazing). Although this does mean you have to choose between full attacking or getting your rake.))


((Ok, I guess I go with dropping the grapple and getting my full attack then. So the two rake throws can just be ignored.))


Will save: 1D20+15 = [19]+15 = 34

Menek weathers another demonic assault on his mind We need some help. he says and casts Summon Monsters IV to call on an archon hound at I18 to get a flank with Sybil on demon 3.

Being an Arozoran Archon hound, he looks like this.


What is going on here? the hound sighs oh well I guess I'd better get on with it the hound hefts a sword and growls at the demons surrounding it.

((I think you control summoned creatures right ThLunarian?))
((You can control anything you summon unless you strongly prefer I do it. I'm not going to get nitpicky about the sorts of commands you can give it, so unless you want your summon to engage in some Xanatos Gambit tomfoolery, it'll pretty much do what you want it to.

....However, Summon spells take a full round to cast, which means the Archon wouldn't appear until the beginning of your next turn.

If you'd rather do something else instead, then you're welcome to change your action. If you want to stick with it, I'll put the icon on the map next turn.

Also, so everyone remembers, if you cast a spell while you're adjacent to an enemy, the enemy can take an Attack of Opportunity on you unless you pass a concentration check of 15 + the spell level. I'll 5-foot step you away on the map this time (and I'll also do it whenever you don't mention it but it's feasible to do so), but if you're ever surrounded then it could matter.

I think Fleshbane got away with doing this last turn too, but that was because I wasn't paying enough attention so he got a freebie :p

The grappled orcs were damaged and were successfully grappled again, but they're still alive. They're both at under 50% of their max HP))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Would activating Divine Bond provoke AoO? Thinking of having Sybil do that and select holy, then take the +2 ac from Fervor for this round. Gonna skip the fluff for this post, at the clinic at the moment, had an allergic reaction to something =( ))


((Everyone is doing so many different things and I'm just standing there biting and clawing. I wish there was something more useful to do, but I don't think there really is...))


((Didn't realize a demon had made it all the way to Menek. Will change act ))

Menek curses as the freakish demon flies right up to him. He retreats by flying to O11 behind Ozzang'ac and hits the demon with an Evil Eye Hex. ((-4 to all Saves Will Save 23 to reduce to one round otherwise it's 11 rounds)).

((Updated map:http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/54fcd111e047d))

Acrobatics roll to avoid AOO: 1D20+13 = [18]+13 = 31

((Menek wishes he could do any sort of decent damage Nezumi. Plus your grapple makes sure those orcs don't harm anyone))
((No worries. Now that Ciel's been slowed, he's going to be lagging behind in usefulness and damage for a while XD

Also, sorry to hear about the allergic reaction, that sucks))
((Everyone is doing so many different things and I'm just standing there biting and clawing. I wish there was something more useful to do, but I don't think there really is...))

((You're a druid right? and a ranger for that matter if i remember correctly. you should have some useful spells. we've got enough spells going around that just doing damage should be fine.))


((Really hoping demon fails his will save, but if he (she? it?) does make it then I'm a bit confused on the one round duration of the Hex. Does that mean that it'll still be active when Menek goes again? Or will it expire right before? If it expires right before than maybe Mako can put some hurt on it.

Also made two mistakes. First updated the map wrong. Here's the correct one:

Second Menek flew to O12, not O11))

Mike M

Nick N
((Sorry for the late reply. Busy weekend, and our very first battle is like… equivalent to the endgame battle of QftHR in complexity.))

Will Save vs. Droning Wings: 1d20+8=26

((For the invisible demon who attacked, Fleshbane has Blind Fight (but I don’t know if that affects whether or not he gets caught flat-footed or not), and if he does still get flat footed, he has Uncanny Dodge to keep Dex AC, but it still wouldn’t beat a 45 on attack roll. Wall of Blades won’t beat that either. But he is at least immune to the CHA damage, so no sense in rolling for that, and I have Damage Reduction 2/Adamantine. That means anything that’s not dealt by something made of adamantine gets 2 HP knocked off the damage, right?))

Fleshbane turns as the demonic orc looses the battle between their minds, liquefied brain tissue flowing freely out its nostrils and eyes. The demons take to the air, one attempting some sort of sonic attack that threatens to scramble the minds and dull the reflexes while another one renders itself invisible to Fleshbane’s sensors.

“Your efforts are better than the last one,” he shouts to the demon with the flapping wings, “and yet still you fail to incapacitate me. I am not a being of flesh and blood to be so easily manipulated by your parlor tricks! Underestimating me will be your undoing!”

The second demon shimmers back into the visible spectrum before Fleshbane, its monstrous teeth enclosing on his arm with enough force to penetrate even Fleshbane’s reinforced hide. His internal sensors detect the presence of some ancillary effect to the attack that would cause additional impairment to a biological organism, but Fleshbane’s perfected construct nature renders it moot. “You,” he says, tearing his arm free to grip his sword, “You will die first.”

 Mountain Hammer vs. Demon 2: 1d20+18=38
Confirming Critical:  1d20+18+3 (Battle Ardor)=32
Damage:  4d6+24+4d6 (Mountain Hammer bonus damage)=53

((Mountain Hammer ignores DR and hardness, so I guess that’s a great roll to get a crit on, presuming these guys AC isn’t something that Fleshbane won’t be able to meet even with a maxxed roll like that. Sticking with +2 AC from Battle Fervor))
((Azih, your demon passed his save. His penalty to Will saves will apply on your next turn, and then it will go away (so you'll have a chance to take advantage of it).

Fleshbane hit the demon for the full amount of damage. These guys are pretty easy to hit actually.

I don't have time for a full Bad Guy Turn post right now, but I wanted to post this info at least so that people could plan what they want to do on their next turn))
((Jackben, activating Divine Bond won't provoke an AoO so your turn is fine. Also I hope you're okay from the allergy thing!

Orc 6 fails to break free from the tentacles for a third time.

Orc 1 charges at Viss. 37 vs AC will hit. Viss takes 24 damage.

Orc 5 attempts a Full Attack vs Viss.
Bite: 18 vs AC misses.
Claw 1: Natural 20. 25 fails to confirm Critical Hit. Viss takes 14 damage.
Claw 2: 29 vs AC. That may or may not hit because I'm not sure what Viss's AC is while she's Wildshaped. If that does hit, then Viss takes 10 more damage.
Gore: 16 vs AC misses.

Orc 8 attempts a Full Attack vs Tessa.
Bite: 19 vs AC misses.
Claw 1: 28 vs AC hits. Tessa takes 13 damage.
Claw 2: 25 vs AC misses.
Gore: 31 vs AC hits. Tessa takes 9 damage.

Orc 10 5-foot-steps and attempts a Full Attack vs Ozzan'gac.
Bite: 20 vs AC misses.
Claw 1: 24 vs AC misses.
Claw 2: 29 vs AC misses.
Gore: Miss

Orc 7 5-foot-steps and attempts a Full Attack vs Ozzan'gac.
All four attacks miss. Also he's blind. But he would've still missed even if he weren't blind. These orcs aren't very smart.

Orc 3 tries to Full Attack Ozzan'gac and oh god why.
First three attacks miss.
Gore attack: 35 vs AC hits I think. It doesn't look like you took the AC bonus from that Fervor spell last round. If that's the case, Ozzan'gac takes 13 damage (apply DR to the number I give you because I'm not counting it).

Orc 2 attempts to charge at Ozzan'gac. 32 vs AC misses.

Demon 1 casts Quickened Invisibility and Charges at Menek. 45 vs AC will hit. Menek takes 20 damage, and must make a DC 23 Fortitude save. If he fails, he will take 1 Charisma damage. The demon becomes visible again after attacking.

Demon 2 casts Quickened Invisibility, takes a 5-foot-step, and then attempts a Full Attack on Fleshbane.
Bite: 41 vs flat-footed AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 7 damage. Charisma drain is irrelevant. Demon then becomes visible again.
Slam 1: 34 vs AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 7 damage.
Slam 2: 41 vs AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 8 damage.

Note: Fleshbane should have only take 10 damage last round. I forgot that Juggernauts are immune to Sneak Attack damage. My bad.

Demon 3 casts Quickened Invisibility and 5-steps at a downward angle, under Sybil, and attempts to Full Attack vs Ozzan'gac with Flanking.

Bite: Natural 1 misses.
Slam 1: 34 vs AC hits on the nose, I think. Ozzan'gac takes 8 damage, and apparently Elementals are also immune to Sneak Attack.
Slam 2: 34 vs AC again. Ozzan'gac takes 7 damage. If I got the AC wrong then adjust accordingly.))

Tension mounts as the players on the battlefield begin to converge on pivotal areas. Ozzan'gac suddenly has his watery hands full, as he is swarmed by myriad demonic creatures. Their inability to land a decisive blow is only fueling their rage.

Elsewhere, Tessa and Viss find that they are only barely keeping their assailants at bay, and it is rapidly deteriorating into a slug fest to see who can survive the merciless trading of blows.

The larger demons continue their sneaking tactics, which are somewhat ineffective against a machine and an elemental, who each lack any particularly vulnerable areas. The one engaging Fleshbane retorts in an aural version of binary code which Fleshbane's processors have no trouble decoding.

"Flesh, metal, I care not," it says. "Here, there is enough pain and misery for all! No need to discriminate!" It then emits a screeching cackle and launches into a full assault versus the robot.

((Just to clarify, these demons are all made of flesh and are not robots. The one demon just managed to speak in binary code anyway.

Updated map. Sybil is flying above the large demon.

Also, I apologize if there is a bit too much going on in this battle. This is my test gauge to figure out what exactly this party is capable of handling. Just FYI, this is something like a CR 17 or 18 encounter (meaning that it would be of average difficulty for five characters of Level 17 or 18) and you guys are holding your own very well and are mostly winning. Gestalt characters are no joke o_O

You can start Round 4))

Mike M

Nick N
Demon 2 casts Quickened Invisibility, takes a 5-foot-step, and then attempts a Full Attack on Fleshbane.
Bite: 41 vs flat-footed AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 7 damage. Charisma drain is irrelevant. Demon then becomes visible again.
Slam 1: 34 vs AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 7 damage.
Slam 2: 41 vs AC will hit. Fleshbane takes 8 damage.

Note: Fleshbane should have only take 10 damage last round. I forgot that Juggernauts are immune to Sneak Attack damage. My bad.

((Are these damage totals before or after damage reduction?))
((17 or 18? I'm not sure if I should be more surprised at the level gap or that we're holding our own. Gestalt is crazy indeed.))

Ciel takes a slow, labored step away from the orcish demon nearest him. Trying to not give away his presence to any of the demons, he uses one hand to prepare another holy water arrow and the other to alert Mako by putting a hand on her forearm. He attempts to whisper so that only she hears him.

"Two questions and comments. One, can you do something about this damnable slowness that has taken me? Two, I don't know if you can bless water, but if you can, you should bless Ozang'ac so he can tear through these bastards."

((That may not be allowed/ maybe no one has bless water ready, but Ciel is totally putting that out there. And since Ciel took a 5-foot step, I'm rolling his stealth to talk to Mako like he's moving with invis. If you want to make it a sound-based stealth, just subtract 20 from the roll. I'm burning a point of ki to add 4 to the roll.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=83058]Stealth: 1D20 + 42 = [4]+42 = 46
((Damn, RNG really wants me to get detected))
Thanatos is still having a hard time with things.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=83059]Confusion Effect: 1D100 = [16] = 16
Amidst all the colors and flying things. He sees food. Lots and lots of food. There are a bunch of small foods attacking the wet food, but the wet food doesn't give a fuck. There are too large foods, one in pecking range nearby the bright food and one just out of reach, with a flying food above it and a bunch of cylindrical foods poking out of the ground around it. Thanatos is hungry, but he doesn't feel like moving. With laziness prevailing, he tries to take a bite out of the big food near him.

((Attacking demon 2.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=83061]Bite: 1D20 + 10 = [1]+10 = 11
Unfortunately, what Thanatos thought was the large food was an empty patch of air no where near the demon, which he bit at while attempting to squawk a sea shanty he heard once upon a time.
((That's an amazing idea about Bless-ing Ozzan'gac, but unfortunately the spell can only bless 1 pint worth of water so I have to veto it.

Mike M, all damage I give is before DR, just in case I forget that someone has it. So you can subtract 2 from each of those hits))
Mako is flying so he is probably touching her feet, which is good enough. "Ah! Oh, its you... My magic isn't- you don't care. I can't do it and he's too big anyways. Anyways, I don't think anyone can really help you with your slowness, but I can haste you."

Mako moves up and away from the demon to the south of her, doing a barrel roll in the air to avoid an Aoo and then casts haste on herself, ciel, thanatos, ozzy, menek and fleshbane.

Tumble>Acrobatics>Dance:: 1D20+21 = [4]+21 = 25

((A 4? god damn I hope that guy already made his aoo without me noticing. at 33 ac with blessing, so i am likely to get hit from the looks of there rolls they just got... oh well, that's what the temp hp is for.))



bitch I'm taking calls.
((Thanks for the concern guys. Contact dermatitis is no joke, got some steroids now though so I'm good to go. That was an awesomely creative idea, Axel. I should have known given all the cool shit you tried with Tiberius. The following fluff is to make up for last turn.))

Sybil lifts her sword horizontally and closes her eyes. As she whispers her holy prayer, her lips almost brush the edge of the blade.

'Lawful Aesir, I beseech thee: bless my sacred steel with the power to banish these fiends of the Abyss and I hereby swear I will smite their chaotic flesh to dust until the day of reckoning extinguishes their anarchic souls forever.'

As the words are spoken, the edges of the Paladin's sword spark at various points, ringing out as if struck by unseen blows from all directions. The barrage increases in speed faster and faster until the straight, steel blade is drained of its sheen, becoming jagged, cracked and translucent. It has taken on the appearance of ancient ice, as if forged by some divine mineral long lost. As Sybil opens her eyes, she lifts Freya's divine bond above her head.

"Behold, Sverð af Hálka!" Held aloft, the holy weapon shines with a painfully bright blue light to those who hold chaos in their hearts. Sybil's wings beat frantically as she witnesses Ozzang'ac swarmed by enemies, his fluid mass gracefully dodging and deflecting every strike. As she turns to exact justice upon her chosen foe, she sees it fly away from her.

"Ég er ekki lokið!" Feeling her limbs enhanced by Mako's wild haste magic, Sybil swoops down to execute a vicious trio of strikes upon the marked demon.

((Full attack versus Demon 3:
Attack 1: 1D20+16+2+2+2+7 = [19]+16+2+2+2+7 = 48
Crit confirm:1D20+16+2+2+2+7 = [7]+16+2+2+2+7 = 36
Damage: 75

Attack 2: 1D20+16+2+2+2+7 = [6]+16+2+2+2+7 = 35
Damage: 43

I got the right...the right to smite

Attack 3: Natural 1))
The claws strike through his watery form, limbs and teeth impale at him, but his watery form simply rejects the attempts at his destruction. With a stoic tone, he asks, "You are only wasting your god's time and slowing the Raven Queen's resources."

Though he himself does not fight well above water, it does not stop him from being a passive wall in the fight. He decides instead to help the others not as fortunate to avoid injury. Seeing Sybil is very capable, he spots from an unseen sight a demon of similar calibur fighting with Menek. Without even needing to change where he seems to look, Ozzang'ac ejects watery spikes from the back of himself to attack the demon engaged in battle with Menek.

<Taking the +2 from Blessed of Fervor again, Haste gives another +1 to attack rolls

Going to Fight Defensively (-2 Attack, +3 AC), designating Orc 2 for Crane Wing (extra 2 AC when he attacks)

Flurry of Blows vs. Demon 1 (I have lawful damage reduction from ki pool if that is relevant)

Damage Roll: 3D6+2+9 = [6, 2, 1]+2+9 = 20


Fort save: 1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10

Wincing with pain and feeling oddly drained Menek shifts five feet east to try to get away from the demon that's pursuing him and hits it with Feeblemind ((DC 23 Will save or drop Int and Cha to 1)).

I don't understand. The.. hex.. doesn't feel like it took hold Menek gasps to the owl hiding under his cloak.

Extend it then idiot. Ratbreath mutters back.

What? How?


Laugh? What would that do? How could that possibly....

Stop trying to understand this stuff you absolute tit Ratbreath cuts Menek off and then does the owl equivalent of a sigh before burrowing into Menek's armor and squirming right into his armpit. Just... Laugh

Menek does a herky jerky dance as he floats in mid air and tries to shake the owl off What are you.. ahaha. ahaha.. AHAHAHAHAA

((Cackle to extend Hex one round.))
((Mother of god that's a lot of damage on that smite. Sybil just straight-up killed Demon 3))

Menek's magical assault on the skittish demon is effective. Upon being struck dumb, the creature flies in an erratic pattern, careening in random directions and unsure of what it's doing. In short order, it is wandering away from the battle site.

((Demon 1 is also out of the fight. I'm going to remove it from the map on the next round))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane weathers the assault from the demon without comment. He is not impervious to the creature’s attacks, but for all the might and demonic fury of the thing, it is inflicting relatively insignificant damage. The construct won’t last forever at this rate, but unless the demon demonstrates an ability to innovate new means by which to pummel a machine engineered built to withstand the cataclysmic destruction of Fleshbane’s world, victory is the outcome of the vast majority of Fleshbane’s probability modeling predictions.

Augmented by the unsolicited help of Mako, the demon’s actions seem to slow slightly. The trailing edge of Fleshbane’s sword whistles as it cuts through the air in two arcs to strike his foe. An ineffective attack on the surface, but Fleshbane is only buying himself time. His analysis of these creatures has revealed that his means of reliably inflicting damage is limited, and he needs a moment to regain his ability to overcome their natural hardiness and resistance.

((Swift action to recover maneuvers))
Attack vs. Demon 2:  1d20+19=29
Damage:  2d6+12=19
Haste Attack vs. Demon 2:  1d20+19=35
Damage: 2d6+12=17

((I didn’t roll high enough for it to matter this round (Or last round, rather), but is there anything that would prevent the use of Wall of Blades against any of these attacks from the demon? Maybe not when he turns invisible, I guess? But between Uncanny Dodge and Blind Fight, I’m pretty sure I keep my Dex bonus to AC and can still use Wall of Blades…

Battle Fervor +2 to AC))
((You're interpreting it correctly: nothing prevents you from using Wall of Blades against these guys. Blind Fight and Uncanny Dodge both have you covered. If I'm reading it right, the only way you would be unable to use Wall of Blades is if you were completely immobilized.

Both of those attacks hit, but Demon 2 is still alive. I think you should have another attack available..? I know your BAB is less than maxed, but if it's at least +6 and you're using a Full Attack action, then you should have two normal attacks in addition to bonus from Haste))
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