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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


On the way in Menek gulps an extract of Focused Scrutiny and focused on Baphomet. He is about to take his diplomatic turn when....
Viss is able to easily and quickly navigate the halls of the Citadel, thanks to her diminutive stature. Most of what she finds is pretty boring: barracks, armories, dining halls, kitchens, and the like.

The one interesting thing she comes across (other than the throne room) is the hall of consorts. There are about fifteen of them, and none are minotaurs. Most are humanoids of various races. Some seem pleased to be there; others are pretty clearly prisoners. All of them have lavish and well-decorated accommodations: silk sheets, down pillows, smorgasbords of fine foods.

There is pretty clearly a leader among them, and though she appears humanoid, she does not fool Viss's senses: she is a demon, and a powerful one at that.

Before she can scurry closer to get a better look, an obvious commotion can be heard coming from outside the hall. The nude demon-woman, alarmed, rises from her bed and strides with purpose out of the room.


Baphomet looks genuinely puzzled by Mako's overture. "If souls are being consumed in my Labyrinth, it is not by my hand," he declares. "Nor is it my wish for it to continue. You have done well to bring this to my attention. I..."

The door to the throne room flies open, and a guard steps in. (Abyssal) "
Lord Baphomet, we are under attack from within!"

There is obvious commotion coming from outside the room - yelling, general confusion, and people scrambling about.

Baphomet takes half a second to process this, then turns to the party with a scowl. "What is the meaning of this?!" he roars.


Ciel creeps to the opened throne room door just in time to hear a guard yell something to Baphomet. He sees most of the rest of the party inside, too. He has a clear shot at Baphomet, if he wants to take it...

((Ciel, regardless of what you do next, roll Stealth and give me the result both with and without invisibility factored in.

Although we're still sort of in RP mode, this could turn into combat-mode very easily, depending on what happens next. I wanted to add a tense music track to this, but I'm on mobile and I have limited time so maybe someone else can find a cool song for this scene?))
Ozzang'ac is taken aback by the events that are transpiring.. Originally it was planned for the others to scout, but it was not accounted that they would be escorted. It never crossed any of their minds that continuing to scout may sabotage any sort of negotiation. Of course they also didn't expect things to go well with Baphomet.

Ozzang'ac suggests to his comrades, "We must correct this situation quickly. Regardless of our beliefs, this escalation could cost us."


Ozzang'ac. Please form a protective shield in front of the Lord Baphoment Menek says trying to move in front of the minotaur himself.

My Lord Baphoment. Some of our compatriots, working on the very reasonable assumption that nothing in the Ivory Labyrinth could happen without your consent may have taken matters into their own hands. I agree that they have acted rashly BUT they are still under the protection of the Raven Queen and if you can help us prove that you had nothing to do with the diverted souls than we cannot act against you. Please help us with this and our disturbance of your domain will come to a peaceful end.

Inspired focused scrutiny diplomacy: 1D20+20+1D8 = [1]+20+[8] = 29

((Wow, help with diplomacy roll team not evil!))
((I tried looking for tense music, and wound up with this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jopT6gOb0XA I also want to say that no matter how this turns out, it's been fun so far. All of the back and forth has been great, and if this doesn't end in a TPK, there will probably be a lot more of the back and forth afterwards. XD))

Ciel peeks through the door to see Baphomet furious at most of the party. Only the straggler is missing, presumably off hiding in a corner somewhere. The temptation is strong to just let the party try and worm their way out of his fury. However, the risk of their succeeding or making it unambiguously clear that Baphomet is not the culprit is too high.

He stifles a snicker at Menek's transparent attempt to make him stand down. The man is likely clever enough to realize that this is his doing, but this just further convinces Ciel that Menek's words are a ruse to try and make him hold his fire. He highly doubts that they have any certainty of Baphomet's innocence at this point, and Ciel's currently operating off a guilty until proven innocent standard; he has no intention of giving them time to muster proof.

One last thing confirms his choice. If he attacks here and now, from outside the room and before the party can talk down Baphomet, he will almost certainly lash out at them, forcing them to defend themselves against him. His only concern was that the party might stand down and let him die as punishment in the hope that they could resume diplomacy, and now he has a chance to take that option away from them.

Grabbing one of his two remaining holy water arrows, he draws back and lets it fly at Baphomet's heart.
((Burning a point of ki to maximize my stealth roll for this turn. I'm assuming this is like a surprise round so I only get one attack. If I get more, I'll gladly edit them in. Also, there's a good chance that Baphomet's more than 30 feet away which would nullify sneak attack damage, but just in case he isn't, I'll add it and the damage from the D6s can just be ignored if need be))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84136]Stealth: 1D20 + 68 = [5]+68 = 73
((That's a 33 minus the stationary invisibility bonus))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84137]Attack: 1D20 + 50 = [19]+50 = 69
((Woah shit! If I understand quarry right, crit threats automatically confirm, and aspect of the falcon increases the threat range to 19-20 X3. It also adds a +1 I forgot here, but I don't think that matters in this case))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84138]Damage: 3D6 + 17 + 6D6 = [6, 1, 3]+17+[2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 1] = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84139]Crit Damage: 3D6 + 17 = [5, 3, 3]+17 = 28
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84140]CritX3 Damage: 3D6 + 17 = [5, 3, 6]+17 = 31

((EDIT: I misread the damage table, those are supposed to be 2D6. Go ahead and omit the last number on each of those.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I was going to fire off an Augured Answer to try and determine if Baphomet was lying or not, but Ciel just fucked us all. Not that Fleshbane cares, mind. Heh heh.

If Fleshbane's got a line of sight on Baphomet, he's got a Hail Mary play on deck but it might otherwise take him out of commission for the fight.))
<I'm waiting on a PM to come back, I want Ozzang'ac to act quickly atm but I haven't entirely decided what he can or would characteristically do just yet>
((Can I get a general idea where Ciel is? Technically I should be able to see the arrow firing at least... probably not enough to pin point his location, but for my plan i'd only need his general area.))

((oh also just to be sure, i'm sense motive baphomet claims he had nothing to do with the soul stealing.))

Sense Motive: (1d20+20=33)
((No time for a substantial post, but no one notices anything that would make them think Baphomet is lying. And unless Mako can get a 73 on a Perception check or can see invisible creatures, she doesn't know where Ciel is))
((No time for a substantial post, but no one notices anything that would make them think Baphomet is lying. And unless Mako can get a 73 on a Perception check or can see invisible creatures, she doesn't know where Ciel is))

((Well, my plan was to hopefully see the arrow, at or at least get a general idea where the arrow came from, as it would no longer be invisible once fired, I assume.))


Viss' plan had been to listen in on the consorts a little bit and see if maybe one of them has some useful information. Seeing how some of them are humanoid makes her wonder if maybe this women are the souls being diverted. Some of them certainly looked out of place enough.
When she realizes that there is a demon among the women her whiskers shake a little bit. The thing was powerful, what did it do here? If Baphomet had no trouble enslaving a creature like this, going into a fight with him might not be a wise choice at all.
Viss doesn't have time to dwell on the thought. Outside the quarters she can hear yelling and screaming and the demon woman quickly jumps up and leaves the room. Viss decides to follow her. If anything the thing might walk directly in the direction of the commotion reuniting Viss with the rest of the group, for Viss was quite certain that at least one of them was responsible for this, and if the demon woman went somewhere else... well it is always interesting to see the priorities of people faced with a possible threat.
((There's no way you could possibly know the arrow is coming, especially on a critical hit from an invisible attacker. You can get a good idea of the general area it's coming from though. Also, Baphomet is currently medium-sized and only about six feet tall; he's actually smaller than most of the guards, even.))

Viss figured out the layout of this place pretty easily already, so it's not hard to determine that the demon-woman is headed toward Baphomet's throne room. She'll get there in less than a minute.


Baphomet shrieks when an arrow strikes him in the gut, almost embedding deeply enough to poke through his back. He reflexively grabs it and yanks it out; though he is damaged, he is far from frail and still looks very healthy.

His gaze moves to settle on Ciel, whose invisibility does not seem to be a factor. He points his open palm toward the ninja, and Ciel shimmers into view, becoming visible to everyone ((Quickened Dispel Magic. All of your other magical buffs also go away.)).

"I invite you into my Citadel to cooperate with your investigation, and you send your pathetic assassin after me?!" he rages. He grows and expands to over twice his previous size, up to fifteen feet tall, and demonic wings sprout from his back. "THE IMPUDENCE! HOW DARE YOU?!"

Baphomet is trembling with rage now, but still hasn't made any overtly hostile movements. It seems likely that, even though he didn't acknowledge Menek's attempt to smooth things over, the attempt has stayed Baphomet's hand... for now.

((Everyone gets one more chance to make a diplomatic overture to try and calm things down if they want to. If no one wants to, or if they're not convincing enough, then actual combat will start.

I'm also going to treat this as another 'surprise' round: anyone who wants to take a combat action (including defending Baphomet if you want to) can do so, but you only get a single standard action (or Move action).

While you're at it, roll Initiative. Viss, you can do this too, even though you're not in the room right now))

Mike M

Nick N
((Rolled a 22 on Initative with a nat 20. Woot. Going to hold action until Fleshbane is unambiguously threatened, but he certainly won't try and defuse the situation))
You can get a good idea of the general area it's coming from though.
((Thats all i needed... until baphomet solved that problem for us anyways. oh well.))

Mako runs to Baphomet's side, and begins shouting "Damn it Ciel, stand down! You are directly interfering in the investigation now!" She then pulls a fan and a feather out of one of her bags and waves them in the air while speaking an unknown word, suddenly a wall of wind(windwall) appears around her and Baphomet(and probably Ozzang'ac and anyone else if they are close). "Sorry, he is also working for Asmodeus, we really should have seen this coming. I think most of us care much less about promoting Asmodeus then just solving this deal with the souls... That said, you will want to watch out for the construct as well, he may try something as well."

Diplomancy: (1d20+20=21)
Init: (1d20+10=15)

((man i hope you don't do crit fails with skills. not that a 21 is all that great in the first place...))
((EDIT:forgot my scropion gave me an init bonus...))
((Well, time to take a speech action to try and rile things up more XD

Also going to recast swift enemy since he has it prepared twice. It's a swift action, so I'm hoping that's allowable))

His invisibility torn away, Ciel takes an instant to cast instant enemy, and then runs slightly forward into the entrance of the room, staying near the entrance so that most of the rest of the party is between him and Baphomet. He then points at Mako and shrieks

"So you're the traitor in our ranks! I knew there was someone here moving to sabotage our mission and defend Baphomet, you've finally revealed yourself!"

Looking to the rest of the party, he speaks with an impassioned plea. "I've planted the gas bombs and created a diversion just as you said I should. The guards are distracted, now we can strike down Baphomet and fulfill our mission of restoring balance to the Abyss by removing this unnatural, added realm from it! I know we've had our issues since I do in fact worship Asmodeus, but the traitor is trying to use that against us now! We must stand united in killing Baphomet! I appreciate that you were able to bluff me the time to do my part; I couldn't have done a better job myself. But now it is time for battle! For the Raven Queen! For the accords!"

Ciel keeps his bow out, hoping he just canned any attempts at a peaceful resolution.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84157]Bluff: 1D20 + 23 = [8]+23 = 31
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84158]Initiative: 1D20 + 7 = [16]+7 = 23
((Just to motivate people a bit, I honestly have no idea how this scene is going to turn out. It completely depends on what the rest of you do this turn. We are completely off the railroad tracks, ladies and gentlemen :) ))

Mike M

Nick N
((Gonna take an action after all))
Fleshbane laughs as Ciel unilaterally scuttles any hope of a diplomatic solution. "Yes, yeeeeeeeeeeees," he says as his sword forms between his hands, sensing the tipping point of inevitable conflict. "In his lies, the slinking coward still speaks the greater truth. Asmodeus has requested your head, though I hardly require patronage to seek your end. Let battle be joined! Free me of my restraint and let the walls of your labyrinth be bathed in the blood of your followers!"

((Drawing sword as part of a move action to put himself as far away from threatened squares of Baphomet and guards, if possible. This being a surprise round, I can only do the one action, correct?))
((That's right. And actually Mako really should have only been able to pop off her spell and not move as well, so she's grouped with everyone else rather than standing apart.

It's looking more and more like I'll need to draw up an actual map here, even if it's to moderate a battle between party members. I'll get to that later today, but for now, here's what the room looks like:

Baphomet is a Large creature in the top half of the square-ish room. A 20-foot by 10-foot table is two squares south of him (the longer side stretches from east to west).

Two squares south of the table, Ozzan'gac is in front. Menek, Mako, and Sybil are right behind him.

Slightly south of that group but spaced apart from each other are Ciel and Fleshbane.

A lone minotaur guard (the one that came in to warn Baphomet) is essentially standing in the doorway. Ciel had to brush past him to get inside the room.

The Wind Wall is basically active along the area of the table.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil will cast blessing of fervor and target herself, Mako, Menek, Ozzang'ac, and Baphomet. She will then move to position herself into the most advantageous spot between Baphomet and Fleshbane.


((Is there a way that Viss would be able to make it to the throne room before the demon woman to warn everyone of her arrival? I have a slight feeling she might not be too happy about the situation she'll find...)


Lord Baphomet I realize that you would find it incredibly offensive that we have a follower of Asmodeus in our ranks. But he is protected by the accords of the Raven Queen and also CONSTRAINED by them. The Raven Queen only desires for the abduction of souls to cease. She has no other interest in this matter. The one who shot you is trying to goad you into attacking us as at that point we will have no choice but to defend ourselves.

Inspired focused scrutiny diplomacy: 1D20+20+1D8 = [20]+20+[1] = 41

To back his words Menek gulps a potion of Enlarge Person and turns so his back is to Baphomet with his arms open wide and he is facing Ciel. Basically using his body as a shield for Baphomet.

Inititiative: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17
((Viss can pick up the pace and get to the room two rounds ahead of the demon-woman. Viss will arrive in the room on the next round.

Here is the map. The 'wall tile' in the middle represents the table I mentioned. The wall tile at the bottom represents the door that Ciel just entered. I decided that the minotaur guard isn't going to be a factor in this fight. All your spells went off to hit the intended targets; if the position I put you in on the map would contradict that, don't worry about it))

The rage on Baphomet's face evaporates into a mixture of confusion and delight. He grins and looks at Ciel. "It seems that your people have abandoned you, Assassin," he says. "The rest of you will be spared, so long as you don't act against me while I deal with this worm. Afterward, we can continue our discussion, as civilized creatures do." He ignores Fleshbane for the moment.

A ten-foot-long glaive appears in his right hand. He holds his left hand out and points the palm at Ciel. The ninja feels both his body and his mind being attacked.

((Ciel, Baphomet just cast Baleful Polymorph on you. Make a Fortitude save DC 19. If you fail that, make a Will save DC 19.

If you fail only the Fort save, you turn into a worm but still retain your mental faculties and special abilities. If you fail the Will save too, you lose all of your abilities and you have the mind of a worm.

It's everyone else's turn, except that Viss isn't there yet. If peoples' turns are very dependent on the order they go in, we'll go to the initiative rolls to determine what happens first))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((This is an incredibly difficult fight to role-play.))

"Ciel you fool!"

Sybil draws her blade as Baphomet casts his spell. She takes a step forward to intercept the minotaur lord but then hesitates. Her voice wavers as she calls out.

"You've left us no choice!"

And yet none of them had spoken of an intention to defend the evil minotaur Lord over their own. Indeed, they even had experienced history with the shoot-first-ask-questions-later tactics of the pale assassin. Known and yet allowed him to sow chaos freely and now standing by as he is likely slaughtered before them.

"Your chaos in pursuing the conceit of your patron...has endangered the entire mission!"

And yet...this cannot be Odin's will. Given the choice between defending two evils, would Freya not save the known evil bound to the service of her lord?

Sybil struggles to hold onto her sword.
((Damn, i should have prepared my baleful polymorph. I'd try to lower ciel saves, but i'd need to take an action before baphomet so that's not gonna work. Oh well, i'll stick with plan A... assuming ciel doesn't fail the save.))
((This is an incredibly difficult fight to role-play.))

((That's the idea of the whole campaign :) Moral ambiguity and difficult choices are exactly what I'm going for in this game. I think it makes for a far more interesting story. It's going to be especially hard on a Paladin though. You're doing a great job with it Jackben.

Also, Baphomet beat everyone's initiative so yeah, there's no going before him))
((Well this will be interesting, I have a straight up 50/50 on making the fort save. Here goes!))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84185]Fortitude: 1D20 + 9 = [8]+9 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84186]Will Save: 1D20 + 8 = [12]+8 = 20
What the fuck? is all Ciel has time to think before he is suddenly turned into a worm, though he retains his faculties. If Baphomet figures this out, he's probably dead, and he can't attack like this, so his begins doing his best to come off as a mindless worm, crawling aimlessly.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84187]Bluff: 1D20 + 23 = [20]+23 = 43

Mike M

Nick N
((Edit: And there's Ciel's outcome.))

Fleshbane's unpleasant synthetic approximation of laughter fills the room. "Now the worm's form matches his nature," he observes as the glowing energy that seeps out from between his plates turns blood red. "And lethal force is authorized."

((Casting Force Screen and augmenting it up to +6 AC as he marches toward Baphomet. Please, please, please stop him, there is no way he can take Baphomet.))


Lethal Force is NOT authorized. Menek shouts. We will restore Ciel to his normal form afterwards. If he has not been damaged and not been permanently altered. His actions have been merely temporarily blocked. Lord Baphoment! We will take the Assassin away but I must insist that he NOT be damaged. Your alteration can be reversed. Yes? If not then we will have to defend ourselves.

Inspired focused scrutiny diplomacy: 1D20+20+1D8 = [10]+20+[2] = 32

On his turn Menek scoops up Ciel and examines him.

((Spellcraft Ciel))
Spellcraft Ciel: 1D20+19 = [11]+19 = 30

((Sense Motive Ciel))
Using inspiration with empathy talent: 1D20+21+1D8 = [7]+21+[7] = 35
1D20+21+1D8 = [7]+21+[8] = 36

Body of a worm, Mind of a worm Menek holds onto Ciel carefully now shielding him from Baphomet.
Mako casts slowing mud (DC 20 fort save, causes slow and blind for 11 rounds)on Fleshbane, "Stop Fleshbane, you can not win this battle alone and it serves you no purpose. Not to mention we may still need your abilities when we find the true culprit."


Viss is hastening along the corridors to reach the throne room as fast as possible. On her way there she casts beastspeak on herself. If possible she would try to warn her comrades without compromising her disguise. It might still proof to be useful.
"Ah, so we have another challenger!" Baphomet declares, smirking arrogantly as Fleshbane strides forward. "Though at least this one has the courage to face me out in the open. But perhaps this time I should simply leave my self-appointed body guards to defend me!"

He steps backward and takes a seat on his throne, filling the room with his own menacing laughter and watching the scene unfold before him.

Mouse-Viss enters the room to find Baphomet sitting on his throne laughing, Ozzan'gac attempting to restrain Fleshbane (and failing), and Ciel nowhere in sight.

((Begin the next round))
Still presumably on Menek's person, worm Ciel crawls around haphazardly, coming off as a helpless worm but in actuality searching him for any potions that could undo the polymorph effect

((Any roll I could make for that?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fleshbane can just do Slip the Bonds to escape and be immune to grappling, honestly the best I can think of is someone throwing themselves between him and Baphomet when he takes a swing to cause him to shut down.

This is a really interesting fight where what *I* want and what my character wants are at odds. Heh.))
((@Axel: It depends on whether Menek actually has something that could do that. The only ways to do it, as far as I can tell, are with either Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, or Wish. It seems unlikely that he has any of those, but if he does then you can just find them automatically))
<I agree that Grapple is not the best option, but I feel that Ozzang'ac is desperate to try and control the situation before it gets more out of hand.>


When she enters the throne room Viss is more than a little confused by the situation presented to her. She had expected the group to be in battle with Baphomet or at least his guards. Instead Baphomet is sitting on his throne, seemingly having a good time, while Ozz is engaged in a grappling match with Fleshbane. Ciel is nowhere to be seen, but that isn't too surprising.
She runs up to Menek and quickly climbs up to his shoulder, squeaking in his ear. "It's me, Viss. Look, I have no idea what is going on here, but I just paid a visit to the concubine quarters. As it turns out the head lady is a demon, and a quite powerful one at that. And if that alone isn't bad enough she is on her way here. I'm not entirely sure what she wants, but she didn't look happy at all, so I suggest that we don't give her any incentive to be mad at us."

((Should I make another stealth throw for this action? I'm guessing that Viss' voice would be only loud enough to be heard by Menek.))
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