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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
“I will not stoop so low as to attempt to hide my presence,” Fleshbane announces. “Unlike you, I am not vermin scurrying through excrement for fear of every shadow that flits by over my head. If I am to meet my end, I will do so head on and with arms wide open so that I might take as many revolting flesh creatures to their ultimate demise as I do.

“As for Baphomet, the solution is clear. He can die, we will kill him. But not because the sadist worm’s thrallmaster commands it. No, I will relish this opportunity to demonstrate conclusively that the masters of this plane of existence are only points on a spectrum: Asmodeus claims that Baphomet is no god, but that is only because Asmodeus considers Baphomet beneath him. What do you suppose a more powerful being might think of Asmodeus, I wonder? How many gods are little more than mortals who have amassed enough power to transcend? What happens if you bring more power to bear against them than they possess? This entire expedition seems to exist for no other reason than for gods to attempt to protect themselves from the forces they know possess the power to end them.”
"Excellent. I'll certainly take an extract of negate aroma when the time comes. As for invisibility, you are already aware that I can create my own. However, it is on a minute by minute basis, so if you have extras, I will take one so that I might conserve my ki for any battles we find ourselves in."

"As for what to do? I am quite obviously biased, but killing Baphomet seems like the best solution for everyone except Baphomet. Our task is to stop the diversion of souls, correct? I do not proclaim expertise on the mechanics of what he's doing, but if he is left alive, how do we know he won't start again? Will we come back a second time if he does? Give him another stern talking to? Or perhaps there is a way to have him stiffle his capacity for bringing souls here, but how would he ever be made to agree to that? So long as he lives, our task is not truly complete and the risk of relapse looms over our heads."

Turning to Ozzang'ac, he says "A sensible enough position. I have no objections to you taking point."

After Fleshbane speaks, he points at him for a few seconds. "Now you. This sadist worm likes your attitude and end-goal, but not so much your plan of attack, or lack thereof. Perhaps your emotional wiring is a little faulty, but there is a difference between bravery and stupidity. Seeking to take on Baphomet and the entirety of his personal guard on all at once is sharply in the realm of stupidity. It would be wise to kill off any hostiles in the vicinity before confronting Baphomet, regardless of whether we confront him diplomatically or murderously, but not by exploding through his citadel wall like some kind of cosmic narwhal and making a dramatic stand."

"Your theory on the gods is interesting, and one I would be curious to see played out. However, contrary to what you may think now, we're not packing that kind of power just yet. To attack the keep head-on would be foolishness. If you insist on meeting death with your arms open, at least make yourself a good distraction for the rest of us."

((Oh god this must have been what every pre-combat conversation with Tiberious ever was like. :p))
When the discussion is done, Ciel returns to his quarters and has the archon produce a chair and popcorn. He opens the blinds up on one of the windows and spends a while reveling in the scenery of the Abyss, leaving himself enough time to apply his remaining poisons to arrows and to meditate and rest.
Upon arrival at the maze, Ciel looks around at the scenery, which is not quite what he expected. It is abnormally orderly for something in the Abyss. Surely a result of Lord Asmodeus having constructed it.

"Well, here we are. Unless anyone has a better plan, shall we commence turning left while thinking about the Ivory Citadel?
Mako keeps quiet during the exchange with Asmodeous, not much interested in his offer or his answers, but she is more then willing to respond to Fleshbane accusations, "Your ignorance truly knows no bonds, doesn't it construct? Not only are some gods best known for ascending from being mortals, but in my world there is a place that can grant such power... assuming they can survive the challenges. Given your presence here in the afterlife, I suspect you would not fair much better then most. As for power... you'd need far more then that to kill a god, and many lesser creatures for that matter."

She then turns to more important matters, "Now Baphomet... He is a long way from a god, that much is sure, but he is still a demon lord and we should not underestimate him. Taking him on alone is all well and good, but the question is how do we do that in the first place? Perhaps Ciel is right about having a distraction... Actually, Fleshbane, maybe you can use your great love of living creatures to use. Attack an area near Baphomet's location, possibly drawing any of his guard's attention while we get his."

((Ninja posted by a ninja just as I was about to... post. Anyways, hopefully my heavy use of Pathfinder lore isn't an issue.))
The elemental hears Mako talk about her world.. and a place she knows where mortals become gods. At first it is an idle tidbit, but a chord strikes in him.. Mystra's words that he is a direct creation of magic, that he cannot ascend..

He motions to correct Mako, "Not... every mortal is capable of ascending.. no matter how strong they become. Some are simply to be below the gods." His words come seemingly from nowhere and is oddly knowing.
((I don't mean to cut off any conversations you guys have, but I also don't want you to feel like you're spinning your wheels for too long so I'm inserting this next piece. Don't let it interrupt the flow of conversation though.

DeadPhoenix, you're fine with the lore you described. Especially since it seems to be based around your character's home plane, which is fair game for you to use whatever lore you find most appropriate))

As the party discusses what, exactly, they should do when they finally find the Ivory Citadel, they follow Asmodeus's instructions and begin the leftward trek through the maze. All along as they go, they pass populated buildings, and minotaurs going about their business.

Less than an hour passes before they turn a corner and see the Phoenix Maelstrom a short distance ahead.

They seem to have made a complete circle, and are right back where they started. Some of the minotaur residents even look familiar. A few seem to take note, and look at the party curiously. One or two mumble something to another nearby resident. Even still, the party is being given a wide berth.

Knowledge Arcane DC 30 or Survival DC 25
It seems like the amount of physical distance you've traveled is consistent with the circle you appear to have made. This suggests that the maze isn't magically confusing and is merely a physical maze. Whatever magic was populating it in the past seems to have been drained away.
((On my phone so I can't link, but Ciel didn't make the survival DC))

"It seems Asmodeus's information was dated. That is unfortunate. Any suggestions on how to proceed? Perhaps I can convince one of the minotaurs here to lead us to the Ivory Citadel."

Looking at Menek, he says "With your sharp senses, you should be able to tell whether or not anyone I persuade tries to lead us into a trap."


I think I might have something else to try Menek mutters. Communing with the mysterious powers he casts Find the Path with the target location The Ivory Citadel on himself.

Follow me
Upon the casting of the spell, a bright line appears on the ground in front of Menek (that only he can see), leading in a definitive direction.

The party follows it through a number of twists and turns. As they proceed, those who aren't trying to conceal themselves gather gradually more attention by the locals. This is amplified by the fact that the population density gradually increases, and the minotaurs become progressively better-armed and more imposing in stature.

An hour passes, and just as Menek begins to feel the spell nearing the end of its life, he (along with any others who are not concealing themselves) is approached by a team of four heavily-armored minotaurs. They are the largest and most muscular thus far, each measuring over ten feet in height. They have heavy spears strapped to their backs, and their horns are significantly thicker and longer than average.

"We have been sent by Lord Baphomet to escort you to the Ivory Citadel as his guests," the one in the lead announces, in stilted Common. Judging by the accent, its primary language is probably Giant. Its tone is harsh and brusque, but not menacing or hostile.

((Remember that if you've been making a point to hide or disguise yourself, none of the minotaurs have shown awareness of your presence (no need for a roll just yet). This is probably not feasible for Menek, since he's having to lead everyone else, so he can't be hiding himself that much))
Up until this point, Ozzang'ac has not felt the need to make himself unknown. He had assumed that the scouting would commence once they finally reached the Ivory Tower.

Once confronted by the brutish guards, Ozzang'ac's idea quickly changes. He says to Menek, "Allow me to accompany you as a guard." He can't outright state a full plan, but hopefully he can do his best to improvise being able to draw danger from the others as necessary.
This is an inconvenience, but one that can be turned to his advantage. He is long out of sight when the four minotaurs arrive, watching to see how things unfold. This could potentially give him a means to infiltrate the Ivory Palace, and while he can't kill Baphomet alone, it could be fun to watch the goody goodies sweat for a bit.

That assumes that Fleshbane doesn't try to kill them all in the next few seconds, another reason for him to be hidden in standby.
Having not bothered to hide herself, Mako speaks up after Ozzang'ac, "Of course you can come, we wouldn't want you to turn down an invite from Baphomet himself!"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil wonders why Fleshbane was even given the capacity for speech and pities anyone whose last words were to hear him drone. "I have no intention of hiding either, at least not unless absolutely necessary. Such tactics are disgraceful. Though I am also not in service of a god who once imprisoned the lord of this layer..."

She looks at Ciel a moment before the assassin vanished. "You staying to the shadows may improve our chances at negotiation."

As they walk through the maze, the paladin remarks on the conversation of ascension. "Ozzang'ac I do not believe that to be true. Freya teaches that through valor one can forge her own destiny, one worthy of notice by the Allfather himself even." She is uncertain where the elemental has founded his philosophy but his words always seemed to carry a foreign wisdom that was delivered with grace.

Observing the Minotaur people she is relieved to notice little hostility at first but remains vigilant as the group begins to gather attention. Once the towering envoy meets them, she takes point to stand on the other side of Menek opposite Ozzang'ac and nods. "Yes. Lead the way and we shall follow."


((Before getting off the boat Menek would have offered the following infusions to whoever cares for them. Standard action to drink.

Two negate aromas
Two invisiblity
Long arm
Enlarge Person
True Strike
Very special Enlarge Person+Long Arm combined Should give fifteen foot reach.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Anyone planning to scout or sneak around should probably take one. So I'm thinking Viss and Ciel? Fleshbane, Sybil, Menek, Mako and Ozzang'ac being the visible ones. True strike is awesome but probably most useful for sneak attackers.))
((Yeah, I'll take the true strike if no one else feels like they need. I'm going to hold off on drinking in until it looks like we're about to be in a major fight though))
<Ozzang'ac has his own collection of potions so he shouldn't need one.>

When Sybil remarks on the cowardice of assassination tactics he thinks back to his first king, the one that first summoned him. He was a tyrant, but Ozzang'ac was bound by the nature of the planes and summoning to protect him from those that wished to strike from the shadows, from the darkness where the light from the surface does not reach.

Thankfully, the sons of the tyrant were more worthy of his protection than he was, and Ozzang'ac out-lived the infamy.

As they walk through the maze, the paladin remarks on the conversation of ascension. "Ozzang'ac I do not believe that to be true. Freya teaches that through valor one can forge her own destiny, one worthy of notice by the Allfather himself even."
Ozzang'ac hesitates to speak out any further to the point where the conversation simply ends. He starts to think though, that if the aforementioned Freya knew the nature of his creation, that even Freya would agree that Ozzang'ac is incapable of ascension. After all, Mystra, a goddess herself that had supposedly created, him stated it flat out.

Then again.. this is assuming it is true that he was created by her.. but Ozzang'ac is slowly coming to terms to accepting it as truth.


He hovers ready to continue his escort task. He makes sure to keep a steady gaze all about him as he moves, as a guard well should.

Perception: 1D20+16 = [2]+16 = 18


I thank you for the escort. We would be glad for the guides Menek says to the huge warriors.

He also looks around as they are guided along.

((I'll mark off the stealthy potions and True Strike from my list. Nobody wants the range extending options?))

((Here's how I understand the marching order currently:

Menek, Ozzan'gac, Sybil, Fleshbane, and Mako are following the minotaur escort out in the open, with Ozzan'gac taking point and Sybil probably also maintaining a strategically protective position, while Ciel lurks in the shadows and Viss takes the form of a mouse or similar rodent. Axel probably should figure out whether Thanatos stayed behind on the ship, is flying overhead, or has been transformed into a figurine for Ciel to carry around. I assume that Viss used the figurine option, but if not then Nezumi may want to specify as well.))

The minotaurs lead the party through a few more twists and turns. It's another twenty minutes before the destination comes into view.

The Ivory Citadel is an imposing structure, multiple stories high. It is made of iron, but unlike Gruumsh's iron fortress, this building was obviously crafted with more care and precision, employing relatively advanced metal-shaping techniques and incorporating designs and decorations into the metal itself.

It is designed like a fortress, and the outside is heavily guarded; as the party approaches, those who are hidden will have a more difficult time staying out of sight.

((Nezumi and Axel should make Stealth checks if they want to slip inside without being detcted))

The entrance to the edifice is built like a drawbridge, but without the pit or body of water; it simply swings downward to the ground.

Outside, the minotaurs were fairly rowdy and disorganized, but inside, the guards are far more disciplined and even have a rudimentary patrol plotted out. The escort leads the party to a room with metal chairs that have some very basic and not-terribly-comfortable cushions.

"Lord Baphomet will see you shortly," the leader of the escort announces. He and two of the others depart, while the fourth stays behind, presumably to monitor the party.

((There won't be a whole lot of time to do things, but I feel it's pretty important to pause here and get everyone to check in and declare if they're doing anything that has the potential to cause trouble before the next story beat. If you're going to do something like that, make your best guess for the skill roll to go along with it))
((If someone can make Thanatos a figurine, I'll do that. Otherwise, he'll be left behind for this one.

I'll go ahead and consume the invis and no scent potion for rolling stealth on following along into the citadel. On my phone, so I can't link. Subtract 20 from the roll for anyone who can see through invisibility. Also, let me know if this counts as an urban environment. That will trigger some more bonuses.))
stealth: [19] + 40 = 59
Ciel sneaks along, staying out of sight. He expects Fleshbane to dismantle any diplomatic efforts, so he doesn't have to follow them in to sabotage the talks just yet.

His plan is to draw the rest of the facility elsewhere. Say, a room full of dying, screaming courtesans. He slinks on to find where they're located. He'll have to move fast for the time tables to match up.

((Oh yeah, I forgot to guess at the skill for finding the proper room. Perception I guess? Add four to my roll if this counts as urban))
Perception: [8] + 15 = 23
Ozzang'ac begins to wonder why they are being brought to Baphomet's attention so soon. Either it is true that there is another side to the missing souls case that they were ill informed of, Baphomet and his minotaurs acknowledge their working for the Raven Queen, or worst yet, know that Asmodeus had visited with them and are suspect.

The elemental uses his all around sight to glance to the guard with them, hoping to have some kind of hint of what they think of the group before they meet with Baphomet himself.

Sense Motive: 1D20+16 = [14]+16 = 30
Ozzan'gac doesn't notice anything troublesome about the minotaurs. They strike him as slightly stupid lackeys who are loyal to Baphomet. It seems like the only thing keeping them in line is that loyalty; otherwise they'd probably be wild and untamed.

Ciel is having some issues navigating the citadel. He has no trouble staying hidden, but he can't seem to figure out the layout of this place in a timely manner.

((This means that you won't find what you're looking for before the audience with Baphomet begins. Also this does count as an urban environment))
((All right, does that mean he needs to head back, or can he keep searching to create a diversion during the meeting? I imagine the time required to get back to the room Baphomet's in would be an important factor too))
Ozzang'ac keeps his voice low and hushed as he says to the others, hoping that the guards are as uncaring as they seem, "I think they had to be instructed that we were coming. This meeting was planned."
((Tell me how long Ciel is willing to search for the Courtesans' quarters before he decides it's taking too long and that he should do something else instead, and also say what that alternative plan will be))
((Let's say two minutes after the party enters Baphomet's chambers if he hears it, five minutes if he doesn't. For alternate plans, he'll chuck poison gas bombs into an air vent if he finds one. Otherwise, he'll probably just throw one into a crowded room or mow down a lone Minotaur and haul ass back to the chamber while using his invisibility skill. For the alternate plans, he'd probably use sudden disguise to take on another appearance, and allow himself to be seen for a split second before vanishing and losing them, just to leave them searching for someone that doesn't exist.))
((The poison gas is added on top of an actual smoke bomb mechanically as I understand the ninja tricks I took, so I'd imagine so

Edit: now I'm just talking about smoke bombs to no one. Curse me and my fortuitous phone check timing :) ))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sybil will not partake of the potions just yet. She'd have to be convinced of its contents. She has an somewhat of an aversion to alchemical concoctions for story related reasons. Given that is how she died.))

Sybil nods in agreement. "And yet we were escorted directly to the Ivory Citadel. I have also not seen any armies, and the simple community at the start of the maze does not look militant at all. There may be more than meets the eye at play, but all things considered I am more than willing to hear what Baphomet has to say."
((Axel, since it may be a bit before everyone has described what they're doing during the wait, you may be interested in writing up a narrative description of Ciel doing his thing - but don't actually post it until after I do my next story-advancing post, please. You won't be able to know exactly when the party gets ushered into Baphomet's quarters, so keep that in mind as you write it))


Fleshbane. Remember. We have not proven that Baphomet is responsible for the diverted souls. Acting before such proof could easily be construed as breaking the terms under which we operate and case you to no longer under the authority and protection of the Raven Queen.

Menek scans the room for traps.



((Uh, a lot happened since I last checked the thread.... Questions, is this a new day? Do we have the full allotment of spells again? Also, I was wondering if there is a way for Viss to determine what would be the most unobtrusive animal to wildeshape into so that she can go undetected?
Edit: I'm pretty sure I get a bonus on Stealth while in wildshape, but I can't find the rule anywhere))
<I think I remember checking awhile back on how much of a stealth check bonus you get off of the smallest animal you can be for your level and I think it was like a +12 bonus based on size (the animal in question might have extra dex bonuses relevant to Stealth too.>
((You can count this as a new days for purposes of spells. The trip was long enough that you had time to get adequate rest. I meant to mention that but I think it slipped my mind.

You can use this table to determine your stealth bonus when you change into something of a different size: Fine +16, Diminutive +12, Tiny +8, Small +4, Medium +0, Large -4, Huge -8, Gargantuan -12, Colossal -16.

I'm sorry for moving kind of fast, Nezumi (and also Mike M, who I just realized has also been absent from the immediately-recent plot developments). I feel like my pacing was a bit off for this section so I'll work on that as we move forward. Feel free to backtrack in your narrative if you'd like, to cover things that you feel like you might have missed out on))
<I guess since this thread is quiet atm, I'll go ahead and ask. Would there be a knowledge check for what kind of animal would be least conspicuous?>


((I almost forgot I asked that. I had settled for a mouse, but if there is a way to have something more native to the surroundings I guess that would be even better.))

Mike M

Nick N
((My posting may be sporadic for the indeterminate future. Work is just… Just… just fuck work, all right? Don’t get me started on this shit. Plus I work in a somewhat unusual field and there’s all this confidential information I can’t talk about anyway and blaaaaaaaaaaaargh. Let’s just say that there’s a client company out there that I wish had some sort of physical personification so I could punch them in the dickhole.

The good thing about being an antisocial murderous construct is that I can skip vast swaths of interaction and not really be out of character : P ))

Fleshbane remains silent during the circuitous route around the Labyrinth, making something of a small commotion as he marches forward, heedless of the minotaur population scattering before his approach. He takes no action against the creatures, though the rapid pulsing of light that had previously been associated with the intensity of his desire to murder those around him is apparent. If any dared to keep pace with him and look closely, they would observe that the surface of his metal construction appears to be fluid, with whorls of the substance forming and dissipating as the liquid metal somehow flows while keeping its shape. This might be considered analogous to someone keeping their hand on their sword, but Fleshbane is not about to brook any conversation about ways in which he might be considered to act like a creature of flesh.

Arriving back where they started, he stares back at the airship. “Behold the wisdom of ‘gods,’” he says. “Once again demonstrating that they are only a difference of degree of inferior intellects rather than kind.”

As Menek leads the navigation through the labyrinth, Fleshbane matches pace, though the deeper they get into the maze, the less quickly the more burly specimens of the race seem to get out of his way. Soon the minotaurs eclipse even Fleshbane’s size, and their actions become less getting out of his way than purposefully standing aside to size up a possible opponent. The threat of violence is an undercurrent that arcs between Fleshbane and those he passes.

When the guards move to confront the party and nominally offer escort to the presence of their target, his energy pulse is so rapid that it becomes almost a steady glow. Uncharacteristically enough, he remains silent and relatively passive as the guards lead them the rest of the way, right into the heart of the Ivory Citadel as they await their audience with their unexpected patron. At being addressed by Menek, he turns his gaze downward to the human. “Do not presume to lecture me, worm,” he says. “If the cytoplasmic mush that you use to process your meager thoughts were not so unsuited for the task, you may recall that my primary directive is to extinguish as many biological life forms as possible, which is dependent on my continued existence. We are on a plane of hulking cowards, as none of them have made any act of aggression toward me. I am constrained in my interactions until they do so or otherwise demonstrate an actionable violation.

“Baphomet clearly demonstrates more intellect than the braggart Gruumsh. I fully expect that he has summoned us here to attempt to strike a deal with us or redirect our investigation down other routes.”
((Nezumi, a mouse is fine. It wouldn't be particularly out of place in this plane.

I'm going to move things along four hours from the time of this post though. Unless otherwise stated, I'm just going to assume that Mouse Viss is lurking in the shadows passively when the party gets called in))


Menek looks at Fleshbane curiously. You do realize that none of us are 'biological life forms' anymore? We're dead. We're souls. This is the afterlife. I have no 'cytoplasmic mush' anymore as you put it.

Mike M

Nick N
"Very well, I propose that you submit to allowing me to crack open your skull to assess its contents. I trust that since you feel you have well and truly transcended your meat state, you no longer have need to retain your head to maintain your existence?"
"Just... take his word for it." Ozzang'ac suggests. He doesn't know if it is true, but he is invested in believing in the idea if it means calming the volcanic being down.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Standing at attention, Sybil makes sure her tunic is tucked neatly into her armor and that her hair is tied back properly. Hearing the merciless machine voice reverberate behind her, the paladin looks nervously for sign of the minotaur demi-god before turning to glare at Menek and Fleshbane. She makes a curt sweeping motion across her neck before resuming her former posture.
Mako briefly wonders if monstrous humanoids count as a person for the sake of charm person, but decides against trying anything too rash... at least for now.


When they arrive at the labyrinth, Viss decides that it might be of service to the group if she stays hidden. After she has turned Tessa into a little figurine and put her into her pocket ( not without protest from her large friend), she turns herself into a mouse and scurries along a few feet behind the rest of the group.
When Asmodeus' information turns out to be false she can't help but feel a little bit relieved. The less they had to rely on the hell lord's help, the less they would feel pressured into helping him.
When the minotaurs appear to guide them to the citadel she is surprised. After their meeting with Gruumsh, she hadn't expected to find something like courtesy and formality anywhere in the Abyss. She smiles to herself thinking how happy Sybil must feel at the moment.
When they reach the citadel and the others are lead to their audience with Baphomet, she decides that there are already enough ears and brains at work to deal with whatever the minotaur has to say. So instead of following the rest she decides to sniff around the citadel and see if she can find out anything that might be of help for their mission.

((Phew! Made it! My stealth throw was 1D20+35 = [10]+35 = 45 (since rats are tiny I'm assuming a mouse would be diminutive.) I'm figuring that I have a good fifteen minutes to search around for something. Preferably information that might shine some more light on the relationship between Baphomet and Asmodeus. Oh, and I have nothing else planed for the next 4-5 hours. So feel free to let me make throws for every little detail ;) ))
((Nezumi, go ahead and roll a Perception check when you have a chance. Your stealth roll was enough to remain hidden))

It's a matter of minutes before a closed set of doors in the waiting room open, and yet another armored minotaur appears. This one's attire is more ceremonial than functional, and it's slightly leaner than the rest of the guards in the Citadel. "Lord Baphomet will see you now," it says, in a smoother tone and with a slightly better grasp of Common.

The party is ushered through a short hallway and through an open set of double doors, taking them to a throne room of sorts, though there is a large table in the center, filled with a jumbled assortment of papers and haphazardly-placed figurines.

Seated at the throne is a six foot tall, gaunt figure. His head is that of a bull, with horns of average size; his torso and arms are human-like; his legs are those of a bull. This is a departure from the vast majority of the other minotaurs that the party has observed thus far, whose legs were all humanoid.

He is dressed minimally, with only a sparse cloth strategically placed between his legs.

Sybil detects that this creature is definitely evil, but it's lacking a strong chaotic presence.

"Representatives of the Raven Queen," he greets the party. His speech is far from cultured and not particularly formal. "I would not go as far as to call you 'welcome' here, but I have heard of the Accord and wish to respect its dictates. What business do you have here in my Labyrinth?"


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Citadel....

((Ciel is up. I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but you are able to find vents into which gas bombs can be thrown if you want to follow that plan still. End your narrative by describing where you intend to go immediately after you perform your disruptive act.

We'll go in posting order. If Axel is the next one to post then his narrative is completed before anyone gets a chance to reply to Baphomet, and I'll explain how the situation in the throne room changes at that point. If any conversation happens with Baphomet before Axel posts, then those will happen before Ciel's narrative completes.

Nezumi, since you're only snooping around and aren't actually planning to make waves yet, the time constraints don't matter as much for you))
"Well Baphomet, we have received word of souls being diverted from there proper destination, into the abyss. In our search for answers, we had a talk with Gruumsh and he sent us to you. So, we are here to find and put a stop to any such activities, then return any wayward souls." the shaman explains. "Your assistance in such matters would be greatly appreciated of course."

Diplomancy: (1d20+20=38)

((Just in case you wanted a diplo roll with that.))
Ciel moves through the citadel as an unseen shadow, looking for where the courtesans' living quarters would be. It is refreshing to be back in his element, infiltrating heavily guarded facilities. Not only that, but it gives him some time away from the ingrates he's forced to play nice with.

He looks around, but the citadel's layout is somewhat complex. Normally when he's doing a time-pressured infiltration, his clients have supplied him with schematics for the place. Being on his own complicates things. A minute passes, then another. By the time five minutes have passed, he's looking for alternatives. By now, they may have already engaged combat, or worse, reached a point in talks where it's evident that someone else is causing the soul conversions. Ciel is pretty sure it's Baphomet based off the words of Gruumsh and Asmodeus, but even if it isn't, he doesn't really care. He suspects Asmodeus will reward him for Baphomet's death regardless, and he intends to make it happen one way or another.

Just as he's about to give up and head back, he finds vents. Excellent, this will work almost as well as killing the courtesans. Maybe this vent even connects to their room. He pulls out a smoke bomb, lights it, and throws it in. Burnt other fumes; they ought to kill any weaklings who get breathe it in, and it might weaken the vitality of the hardier minotaurs by a little. More importantly, it should cause an alarm and get them looking for the source.

If any minotaurs are around to see this, Ciel will shift his form into a tall, heavily scarred man and reveal himself for an instant.

"Come get me."

With that, he ducks around a corner, drops the illusion, and vanishes, letting the guards pass by without a clue. He then hurries back to the waiting area. If the coast is clear, he'll cast gravity bow, aspect of falcon, and anticipate danger on himself. Then, he'll cautiously peek through the door, and if he can get a glimpse of Baphomet, he'll take him as a quarry and instant enemy before slinking through the door. He'll seek cover and only move when Baphomet is looking at the others and ideally away from him. Against a demon lord, he has to assume his invisibility is compromised.

((If you want rolls for any of that, let me know.

Also, if there are multiple vents he finds, he'll throw one in each.

EDIT: Forgot about the extract of true strike. He'd drink that before trying to sneak into Baphomet's chamber too.))
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