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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((I don't have that prepared however. Nor do I think Viss will feel overly bad when she learns that Ciel has been turned into a worm... truth be told I think she'll have a good laugh at this. But if the day gets by without Ciel being turned back to normal, I'll prepare the spell and turn him back as soon as possible.))
((I don't have that prepared however. Nor do I think Viss will feel overly bad when she learns that Ciel has been turned into a worm... truth be told I think she'll have a good laugh at this. But if the day gets by without Ciel being turned back to normal, I'll prepare the spell and turn him back as soon as possible.))

((There's no hurry...))
((There's no hurry...))

Mike M

Nick N
"Cowards!" Fleshbane bellows as the water elemental's form slips around. "You deign to call yourselves agents of good, and yet you leap to the defense of a god of evil! One who has already rendered one of your own to a wriggling length of worm flesh! Together we can defeat him, but instead you quivery in fear! At least the assassin had the fortitude to try!"

Energy crackles along the exterior of Fleshbane's armor. "I will not be denied!" he thunders. "Baphomet has commenced hostilities against us, I am within my rights to engage! If you will not stand with me, Ozzang'ac, then you will burn with the rest of them!"

Just as Fleshbane's energy manifestation reaches critical mass on the verge of being expelled, the arcs of malevolent power abruptly evaporate into nothingness as Fleshbane's glowing hatred goes dark as the construct goes inert once more. Apparently even the current scenario is not adequate justification to allow him to bypass Zerome's hardcoded preventative measures to keep harm from falling to the rest of the Raven Queen's squad.

((There, thought of an out))
((Alright, we can be out of combat now.))

"Ah, your toy soldier seems to have shorted himself out," Baphomet says, mildly disappointed. "More's the pity. Now about these souls..."

Baphomet is interrupted when a nude woman with a perfectly proportioned body enters the room. Her hair is long, wild, and black, and she exudes an aura of evil. "My Lord," she says, surveying the scene. "I heard the commotion in the guards' quarters. Are you in need of assistance? Shall I dispose of these wretches for you?"

Baphomet shakes his head. "Calm yourself, Malcaneth, and join me. You may be able to shed some light on this situation." He waves his hand, and a second throne grows out of the floor, next to his; the woman jumps gracefully across the room and lands in a seated position.

Baphomet continues. "It appears that someone in the Ivory Labyrinth is stealing souls from the Raven Queen," he explains, then addresses the party once more. "I must admit that I focus the majority of my efforts on plotting out the assault on the Nine Hells; I entrust Malcaneth, my most loyal and trusted concubine, to handle domestic affairs. Perhaps she can shed some light on this situation."

Malcaneth scrutinizes each member of the party for a while before saying anything. "....Perhaps I may be able to help you," she teases. "If you can convince me that you are worth my time. I warn you, I can be very.... difficult.... to please." A wicked grin flashes across her face.

Baphomet once again smiles and sits back to relax in his throne. He shrinks back to his mild-mannered, wingless, six-foot-tall appearance, and his glaive disappears.

((I'm also pausing here to let people catch up. I don't want to move too far ahead past the combat, when some of us are still sort of in the middle of it))
Presuming Menek didn't have the one or two spells that could solve his predicament in potion form, Ciel remains a worm, tucked away on the person of whoever currently has him. He seethes with a hatred that could rival Fleshbane's. Plenty for Baphomet and his turning him into this unsightly form, but mostly for the rest of his so-called partners.

The reluctance of the weak-willed to kill major targets is expected, but he is surprised they went as far as putting protective magic on Baphomet. That was so close to blowing up in their faces, but that damn investigator managed to say just the right words to turn Baphomet against only him. He will have his revenge; if not against Baphomet, then against those who have wronged him. Hell, why settle for one or the other? All of them will rue this day, and he will see this through without abandoning their task. By the time he done, there will hardly be an Ivory Labyrinth left. Good thing its loss will do fuckall to the status quo of the Abyss, other than return some of its natural chaos.

For now, he must bide his time until an opening presents itself. The lesson of the day is that he cannot rely on others for anything, something he had started to forget in the Raven Queen's service. As he waits for such an opening, he mulls over what knowledge he can recall on demons, if any. If he can just remember any weaknesses besides holy water, he might be able to improvise something to ensure that round two goes better for him.

((Rolling an untrained knowledge check before instant enemy wears off. I'm not sure if it would be Planes or Religion, but his skill is the same in both. Mostly just looking to see what type of metal bypasses their DR so he can know that without metagaming. :p ))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84201]Demon Knowledge: 1D20 + 2 = [19]+2 = 21
Regardless of what he can recall, worm Ciel begins a light rest and meditation. Not complete sleep, as he wishes to hear what goes on when they think him unable to listen, but enough to begin replinishing the magics he'll desperately need for a round 2 against Baphomet should the time come.
As Ciel impotently and silently rages, he manages to recall (or perhaps Asmodeus has planted the knowledge in his head?) that the upside-down pentagram branded into Baphomet's forehead was originally supposed to be a mark of forced servitude. Baphomet somehow topsy-turvy'd the curse to be a benefit to him, and because of it he has inherited some of the qualities that normally only Devils possess. This grants him immunity to fire and it makes Devils and their worshipers more vulnerable to his attacks ((otherwise you would have passed the save vs Polymorph with the roll you got)), but it also makes him susceptible to Cold Iron (in addition to Good-aligned weaponry, as is the case for all Demons).
Ozzang'ac drops Fleshbane from his grip and looms over the shorted out creature. Relieved that a battle has been prevented and diplomacy can be salvaged, he eagerly and bluntly corrects the machine's observations, "I never said I was good."

<Lawful Neutral. I am allowed to make morally gray decisions. :D>

The elemental turns to listen to the new participant in their matters...

Malcaneth scrutinizes each member of the party for a while before saying anything. "....Perhaps I may be able to help you," she teases. "If you can convince me that you are worth my time. I warn you, I can be very.... difficult.... to please." A wicked grin flashes across her face.

..is his reaction.


((Isn't Dispel Magic enough to get rid of Polymorph? In any case Menek has nothing like that on him.))

With mouse Viss whispering in his ear, worm Ciel wriggling furiously on his giant palm, and Ratbreath muttering to himself in his cloak Menek is starting to feel like a petting-zoo and is only slightly forewarned by the arrival of the demoness Malcaneth. Despite seeing many astounding, not to mention horrific sights on their journey through the Abyss Menek still finds himself intimidated by the sheer confidence of the brazenly nude newcomer.

Menek carefully bungs Ciel into one of his many free Iron Vials to keep him safe and surveys the situation again.

He tries to assess whether Baphomet really is mollified by their actions.

((Using inspiration with focused scrutiny and empathy talent Sense Motive on Baphomet))

1d20+31+1d8=47, 1d20+31+1d8=40

((Using first roll for 47))

What exactly the newcomer is:

((Inspired Knowledge Plains on Malcaneth))


And what she is up to:

((Using inspiration with empathy talent on Malcaneth for sense motive))

1d20+21+1d8=44, 1d20+21+1d8=27

((Using first roll for 44))


For Viss' benefit Menek also does a quick recap.

Lord Baphomet, We apologize for the unpleasantness. Since you've turned the Asmodean assassin who dared attack you into a worm and since the attempt of our construct to attack has also failed I hope we can return to the business at hand.

Menek essays a short bow towards the demoness.

Mistress Malcaneth. We are emissaries of the Raven Queen. Our purpose here is only to stop a diversion of souls to the Ivory Labyrinth that should not be here. I believe it is in all of our interests that this be taken care of quickly. After all such an act occurring in your domain without your knowledge can only be carried out by some powerful entity acting against your interests.

Menek watches her carefully as he speaks ((I think the Sense Motive from before would still apply here?))

((Inspired Diplomacy))
Menek recalls that Malcaneth is a Demon Lord in her own right. She is stronger than any one member of the party, but could be felled relatively easily by the group as a whole - that is to say, she is far less of a threat than Baphomet.

She takes pleasure in seducing men and women alike, and is known to spontaneously shift genders to accommodate this pursuit; this shift is a physical alteration and not just an illusion. Whether in the form of a man or a woman, Malcaneth always appears as a supremely attractive specimen. If she has a 'true' form other than male- or female- humanoid, no one has ever seen it.

Malcaneth has not always been Baphomet's favored consort. About a century ago, she inherited the position from someone else - though this is the limit of Menek's knowledge on the subject.

As to Malcaneth's intentions, Menek gets a strong sense that she wants to help, likely because her interests align with this problem being resolved. She is playing coy in order to see what she can get out of the party first.

"You," she says to Menek, "Bore me. And you're crawling with disgusting creatures. Who among you has a more interesting offer?"

((Those were stellar Knowledge and Sense Motive rolls, but the Diplomacy was pretty lacking.

I also hadn't considered that Worm Ciel was crawling around in close proximity to a potentially hungry owl for a while up until now. I wish I had realized that sooner, lol))


((Ratbreath ain't the most brave of birds. That's for sure. But..))

Don't eat the Mouse Menek belatedly tells Ratbreath telepathically.
When this is all over, Ratbreath mentally replies, You owe me a feast fit for a king as a reward for my restraint. First you deny me my worm appetizer, and now this delicious-looking rodent, worthy of a main course, is off limits?! You're a tyrant of the highest order!
((Sorry for almost triple-posting, but inspiration just struck))

Her gaze departing from Menek, Malcaneth again inspects each other member of the party. Fleshbane doesn't interest her at all, though whether that's due to his construct nature or due to his current inanimate status is hard to say. She seems puzzled as her eyes pass over Ozzan'gac. She looks Mako up and down with some interest, and winks seductively before moving on.

When she looks at Sybil, though, her eyes light up. "You!" she exclaims with delight. "In all my years, I've never had the pleasure of an Aasimar's company. What's your name, dear? And what is your pleasure? Is my current body to your liking? Or..."

She seamlessly shifts into a male body, wearing a tastefully-placed loincloth. The hair is still long, black, and wild; the muscles are lean and well-defined. "Is this more your style? I assure you, I am fully functioning and very versatile..."
((Isn't Dispel Magic enough to get rid of Polymorph? In any case Menek has nothing like that on him.))

((Baleful polymorph is an instantaneous effect, which basically mean while he was transformed by magic, the continued effect is no longer magical. It's like it changed his dna. If it were a permanent spell, then yeah, it would be dispel-able.))

((Well I was gonna try and come up with something, but i just saw TL's last post so I guess I'll wait for Sybil's reaction first... also a neutral reaction to my 22 cha makes me sad. :( ))
<I'm also surprised Ozzang'ac was ignored for internet reasons. Probably for the best.

Looks like Baleful Polymorph is a standard action and looking at the Permeancy page it says that permanent spells can still be dispelled as normal.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((No tentacle action for you, KM))

Sybil's shoulders lower and she sheathes her sword as Baphomet seats himself upon his throne. She closes her eyes a moment and re-centers herself, steeling her will. 'Freya forgive me for my inaction. Odin be praised that my indecision did not cause a soul to depart before its time.'

Opening her eyes, the paladin calls out to the enlarged witch scholar: "Crisis well met, Master Menek." She also nods at Ozzang'ac respectfully before turning to observe the new actor in their little-big labyrinth drama. As Malcaneth addresses her, she steps forward to eye up the consort.


"How kind of you to include a loincloth when you transform into a man." Sybil holds the demon's gaze. "My name is Rhea. I serve as Valkyrie to Goddess Freya and upon the Astral Council of the Raven Queen." She puts her hands on her hips and nods, as if she has made up her mind about something unspoken.

"I will present you with a gift if you will aid us in our investigation."

Diplomacy: 1D20+23 = [10]+23 = 33
((I won't have Bloodbourne for another week or 3 :(. ))

Worm Ciel continues to let his hatred for everyone grow while talks continue. Fleshbane's worldview is looking increasingly desirable.

Oh for fuck's sake, not only am I missing out on sexy hermaphrodite demons, but the paladin gets picked? Vengeance can't come soon enough
A wild grin appears on Malcaneth's face. Really now? Well, there's no way I can turn down an offer like that."

He takes his time looking Sybil up and down for another short while before clearing his throat. "I can almost guarantee that you're looking for Caizel, the self-titled 'Queen of the Succubi. She used to live here, at the pleasure of Lord Baphomet, until I came along. She couldn't handle the competition and left in a snit. I've had a hunch she's been lurking in the shadows ever since, attempting to consolidate her power in a futile effort to destroy me. If anyone has the motive to steal away souls from The Raven Queen, it's her."

She smiles. "Now, what gift do you have for me, Valkyrie? Or would you prefer to deliver it... in private?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil stretches her wings out to their full length, sending a small gust through the room as they open powerfully. She reaches behind her and plucks a feather from the voluminous plumage. She extends her arm, the gift held between her thumb and forefinger a moment. The large white feather's shine is less bright but even alone it glows with an ethereal light. The paladin presents the feather to the demonic consort, her lips curled into a wry smile.

"Freely given, my gift to you. A memento which I would value exceeds that which would be appropriate for investigating your grievance with a predecessor...But I would be pleased if you would deign to consider it also token of apology for the wormy one's actions." Sybil gives a curt bow to the Minotaur Lord and nods once to Malcaneth.

"If Lord Baphomet and his Malcaneth have nothing further, we shall remove the worm from your premises and proceed on your direction to investigate the former consort."
Malcaneth snatches the feather from Sybil's fingers and morphs back to her female form. "Hmph,"she sniffs. "And here I thought an Aasimar would be trustworthy. Perhaps I'll venture out into the Abyss. A fallen one would be a poor substitute, but a substitute it would be nonetheless.

"I don't know where you'll find Caizel. I hadn't expected her to stay in the Labyrinth, but if you're certain this 'disturbance' is coming from this layer, there's no other possibility. Ask around town; surely someone will know something."

Baphomet rises again from his throne and addresses the party. "You have your answer. Take the worm and this miserable little statue out of my sight. If either of them ever enter it again, no quarter will be given to them."

By now, the scene outside the throne room has died down completely, and routine (if not quite 'order') has been restored to the Ivory Citadel.


bitch I'm taking calls.
"A gift is a gift. Your carnal desires are of no concern to me."

Sybil turns to Menek and Ozzang'ac. "We should make haste and regroup outside the keep."
<I need to AFK a moment, so I'm gonna just make a post and if I couldn't have said this stuff safely then it can be retconnned>

Once outside the Ivory Citadel and able to reorganize with his companions, Ozzang'ac debriefs the others, "Their hospitality had caught us off guard. We were not able to properly update our plans for the scouts."

He continues, "Asmodeus was ready to use us for his own gain.. thankfully we did not have to defend ourselves from Baphomet and fulfill his wishes as a result; the Raven Queen I'm sure will prefer that Baphomet's plans for invasion remain Asmodeus' issue while we continue to seek the departed souls indifferently. The next he visits we will remind him of this."
"Yes, that did not quite turn out like I expected, and honestly protecting that monster was kind of sicking. However, knowing we didn't walk right into Asmodeus ploy is a nice consolation. Speaking of, if he ever cared about our job working for the Raven Queen, I suspect he could have sent someone with a bit more sense, or at least a bit more convincing."
((If you guys want to skip ahead to when you're outside the citadel then that's fine. Fleshbane isn't getting reactivated until you get outside though, so someone will have to carry him. He's probably very heavy; based on strength scores I think Ozzan'gac is the only one who could pull it off alone))
((Oh and also, if someone is able to dispel Baleful Polymorph then please do that soon in real-time, even if you RP it being much later on in-game. Not so much because Ciel deserves it, but more because I'm sure Axel would like to continue playing. Whoever does it, I'll give you a pass on having to make the Dispel Check because I don't think any of you would realistically be able to make it otherwise :p))
((I was planning out a (probably destined to fail) scenario for how to try and force the party to go back and fight Baphomet as worm Ciel, but yeah, getting unpolymorphed would be nice. :p ))
His body returned, Ciel dusts himself off and says, "Well I'm glad that misadventure is over with."

Contrary to the calm demeanor he's projecting, Ciel is beyond furious at the collection of living garbage that actively opposed his attempt on Baphomet and went so far as to defend someone they probably didn't want to in the name of sticking it to Asmodeus and him. The only things keeping him from trying to kill them here and now are the accords and the knowledge that he can't force them to action down the road if they're dead.

Continuing to try and seem like his normally snide self, he says "So, what did I miss?"


**In the meeting room**

Menek lets out an almost inaudible Hrmpf as Malcaneth dismissis him from her attention.

**Outside just before Mako fixes Ciel **

Back to normal size and outside the Citadel Menek kneels and carefully lowers Viss down to the ground. Then he takes out the vial containing Ciel and dumps him onto the ground none too gently.

I don't know what's been done to him but.. he begins but is interrupted by Ratbreath

He got hit by Baleful Polymorph moron.

Menek's eyebrow twitches I don't know exactly how we can...

Just dispel the magic idiot

Menek throws up his hands. Well I don't have dispel magic prepared. If nobody else does I suppose we'll have to find some place to rest before we get back to our investigations. Is Fleshbane reactivated? I must confess I am shocked that the meeting did not end in bloodshed.

**After Mako fixes Ciel**

What you missed is that we determined Baphomet is probably NOT responsible for the soul abductions and so we would have been going against your own lord's instructions if we had attacked him. Our prime suspect is now a jilted ex-consort of his. Caizel

((Inspired Know:planes on Caizel))


((Menek has uh, apparently spent a lot of time reading up on succubi. A LOT of time))
Oh please, Ciel thinks, Lord Asmodeus probably figured that Baphomet wasn't the suspect all along. I highly doubt he'd have been mad had we killed Baphomet. Nor will he be mad if we do it later. All that matters there is that the soul stealing gets stopped too.

"Is that so?" Ciel says, feigning surprise. "Then I suppose it's for the best that things played out the way they did."


Considering the nonsense you spouted about Mako being a 'traitor' I highly doubt that you're glad things have worked out the way they did. Menek says to Ciel. But we will talk about this later. First we have to find out more about Caizel.
Ozzang'ac repeats so that Ciel can hear, "The Raven Queen would not want us interfering with the personal matters of the gods anyhow.. we are not assassins for hire."
Ciel gives Ozzang'ac a bemused look.

"It seems you know more of the Raven Queen's nature than I do, to speak of what she'd think with such confidence. An uninformed peasant such as myself only has the briefing and the language of the accords to go off of, which does not speak to the issue one way or another."

"Still, it doesn't really matter now. Regardless of what I want or don't want, what's done is done and I can't exactly make you all go back in there to fight. To business, then?"

Ciel sits down and procures some paper, taking notes on the prior encounter and what information is shared on their new target.

he's actually drafting a simple contract stating that on consideration of five silver and in exchange for the death of Malcaneth and Baphomet, Caizel will stop all soul diverting immediately upon their deaths, lest she lose her soul to Asmodeus if she breaches. The signature line will be of sufficient room to let her sign in her blood for binding purposes, and he will be writing three copies: one for him, one for her, and one to later be filed in the Nine Hells

Mike M

Nick N
Once removed from the presence of Baphomet, Fleshbane’s functions resume normal operation and he is able to stand and move under his own power. “Wretched, insolent cowards,” he admonishes. “Short-sighted, witless fleshbrains! To what purpose is Baphomet worthy of your protection? You claim to avoid seeking conflict, but by his own admission, he raises an army to wage war on the devils in their hells! Does your fear of committing offense and jeopardizing your own safety outweigh your concern for the fate of the multitudes that will suffer in the coming onslaught? Or is it simply a matter of seeking to be contrary to what Asmodeus desires, so much so that now you all are at the beck and call of a demon lord seeking to reinforce his claim on his territory?”

Pointing his finger at the newly restored Ciel, he adds, “This one is defined by his falsehoods and treachery, and yet he is the only one among you that seems to act with any consistency!”

Rolled a 62 on Augured Answer for “How do I get to Caizel”
The Raven Queen said:
"All the gods of the Astral Sea have agreed that, concerning matters of soul allocation, you have absolute authority. The laws of whichever domain you enter will not be able to touch you - so long as you do NOT interfere in any way with the status quo in that domain."

Ozzang'ac hrms, but still states with confidence to Ciel, "On the contrary, I am sure it has been mentioned in briefing at some point."

After that response, he has learned to tune out Fleshbane. Instead, he turns to Menek, revealing his confusion about a word he had heard, "Do you know what these creature known as succul-eyes are?" He imagines a culinary where an eye of a fish is prepared as an appetizer.
"Funny you speak of consistency when you seem to change your mind about something you said previous every other sentence. Anyways, we are here to find the missing souls, not rid the abyss of all over. Trust me, seeing someone like Baphomet dead would make me make me very happy, but would be a pointless endeavor as he would likely be replaced by the next demon lord in line, most likely that succubus or the one we need to be looking for right now. Not to mention he was our best source of information at the time... And on that note, I shall take me leave and search for clues on this Caizel if anyone would like to join me, I'll be back in a few hours. Feel free to continue your useless whining, if you keep it up I'm sure you will become a real boy soon enough. You certainly sound like a few I've known..." the shaman takes out her scorpion as she heads out, "I envy you so much right now."

Using Lore master for a 20 on Knowledge Planes for info on Caizel: 33

Diplomacy: (1d20+20=31)
Gather information Hours: (1d4=4)

((of course I roll max on time))
But your tactics in the field are of no concern to me, provided they get the job done.
Ciel smirks at Ozzang'ac and says "Very well, your certainty is noted. By the way, I think the word you're looking for is Succubi, unless we're dealing with some kind of freaky-ass giant floating eye that seduces people."


Menek coughs and seems to turn a little red.

Well, you know, I pride myself on being well informed and so I do have some knowledge of succubi. They Menek waves his hands around a bit. They're demons. he finishes lamely.
<As long as it's the CORRECT job being done. :p>

Ozzang'ac is even more confused, "So there is nothing particular we should be worried about other than their strength?"
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