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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((Eh, semantics. :) ))

"Fascinating." Ciel remarks dryly. Oh dear gods, how is this the man that dismantled my Baphomet gambit with a few sentences?


((Gonna wait until I get the result of my second awesome succubi knowledge roll before continuing.))

Mike M

Nick N
"Funny you speak of consistency when you seem to change your mind about something you said previous every other sentence. Anyways, we are here to find the missing souls, not rid the abyss of all over. Trust me, seeing someone like Baphomet dead would make me make me very happy, but would be a pointless endeavor as he would likely be replaced by the next demon lord in line, most likely that succubus or the one we need to be looking for right now. Not to mention he was our best source of information at the time... And on that note, I shall take me leave and search for clues on this Caizel if anyone would like to join me, I'll be back in a few hours. Feel free to continue your useless whining, if you keep it up I'm sure you will become a real boy soon enough. You certainly sound like a few I've known..." the shaman takes out her scorpion as she heads out, "I envy you so much right now."

Using Lore master for a 20 on Knowledge Planes for info on Caizel: 33

Diplomacy: (1d20+20=31)
Gather information Hours: (1d4=4)

((of course I roll max on time))
((...Fleshbane's characterization is hard, okay? ; P))


When Menek lowers her to the floor outside the Ivory Castle, Viss changes back to her usual form. Before turning to the conversation she throws a nasty glance at Ratbreath, for eying her way to hungrily, while she had been sitting on Menek's shoulder.

She holds her tongue when the group starts the usual bickering once more.

When Mako turns to search for information, she decides to go with her.


((You can roll Aid Diplomacy to help Mako if you want Nezumi. If two people aid her than we can get it up to 35 and maybe some extra tidbits of information.))


((Yup, since you got over 10, Mako's result goes from 31 to 33. It doesn't work for all skill checks but does for most of them))
Menek and Mako know the following about Caizel:

-She appears as an exquisitely beautiful humanoid, but she has two tiny horns protruding from her head that are often difficult to see under her hair. She also has leathery wings on her back, which she keeps retracted and hidden underneath gowns. Her hands are clawed, but shapely and have their own beauty about them.

-Up until about 100 years ago, Caizel was in the position that Malcaneth now holds. Malcaneth was able to charm Baphomet into making her the lead concubine, and soon after, she kicked Caizel out. Her whereabouts since that time have been unknown.

-Caizel is immune to electricity. She has damage reduction which can be overcome with either Good weaponry or Cold Iron weaponry. She has resistance to acid, cold, and fire damage. She has an array of magical spells, nearly all of which either influence others or are defensive in nature. She has limited summoning capabilities as well.

-Caizel avoids melee combat whenever possible. Her veins are coursing with a virulent poison, which is most effectively deposited by the exchange of bodily fluids. She is known to apply it through a deadly kiss.


Mako and Viss are initially unsuccessful at getting the minotaur population to open up. Many of them actively avoid the pair; others ignore them entirely. The few who are willing to talk, don't appear to know much of anything about Caizel.

After a while of this, eventually they find a citizen who can give them something useful. He is a very old minotaur - one of the oldest around -, and is more well-spoken than most.

"Yes, I remember when Caizel was forced out of the Citadel," he says. "Back then, rumor had it that she'd holed up in a cave near the River Styx. Don't know if it was ever true back then, let alone if it's true now."


"Go back where you came from" is the answer you get


Ozzang'ac's request for factual information snaps Menek out of his embarrassment

Strength actually is not much of a concern when it comes to this form of demon. Mind affecting magic on the other hand is; charms, compulsions, and the like. These creatures prefer to sow discord among their enemies and have others do their fighting for them.

Caizel will also have access to defensive magic and summoning. If I am not mistaken she would be immune to electrical damage and resistant to acid, fire, and cold besides. Good aligned and Cold Iron weapons should get through her natural resistances though. She can also deliver a poisonous attack through.. well.. through a kiss. It is safe to say that she would not be very dangerous as a melee combatant. She wasn't one 100 years ago at any rate.

Menek goes off to make his own inquiries which take him on a circuit of whatever he can find surrounding the Ivory Citadel that resembles a place of higher learning. Mostly Minotaur temples and places run by administrator types that help Baphomet run his fairly orderly domain.

1d20+21+1d8=39, 1d4=4

((A little help and we can get over 40))
((I'll assume that someone will help and I'll give you the 40.

I don't have time to RP it out, but Menek is able to find someone who has recently seen Caizel hanging out around the River Styx. You are welcome to RP a scene and create an NPC that gives you the info if you'd like))
((Yep. There's no magical funny business, so it's just a matter of retracing your steps and/or asking around, but that's all mundane behind the scenes stuff. You can find places you've already been to pretty easily))

Mike M

Nick N
"A creature who fears engaging in melee and instead opts for the use of poison and controlling the minds of lesser fleshbrains?" Fleshbane muses. "I will turn her inside out and show her her own rotting organs before I crush her skull in my fist."

Armed with this information, he lumbers off back through the labyrinth to the river.
Ciel is sitting around when Fleshbane proclaims his intent to kill Caizel himself.

Wait a second, himself? Does he know where she is? And he realized this while over half the group is away? Several light bulbs click in his mind simultaneously. This could be just the opportunity he needs. Ciel slips off and stealthily follows Fleshbane. While he tries to avoid being spotted, he is not overly concerned with whether or not the robot realizes he's being followed


((He'll get the information from Menek, Mako, and Viss in 4 hours I believe. Don't have time myself either so here's the RP of Menek providing the information.))

Met a minotaur guard in front of a small temple. He said he saw a demon matching Caziel's description near the River Styx. I believe we'll need to continue our search for her there.
After Fleshbane storms off, Ozzang'ac gives a noticeable pause.. after a moment, he finally states, "Well.. based on Menek's description, he's not wrong.. We should still try to somehow determine whether the souls are surely being stolen before initiating confrontation." He turns to Menek, "Out of curiosity... I know little of land creatures and people, and I know only about the home plane of water which I came from.. how did you know so much about Caizel without needing research?"
((This timing difference could be relevant, because Fleshbane did get an early hint on where to go. Fleshbane and Ciel slink off toward the river while the others are still gathering information))

After about an hour of walking, Fleshbane (and Ciel, not far behind) come upon the Phoenix Maelstrom once more.

Thanatos, the vulture, is circling above the ship, which is a little odd to Ciel, since he was instructed to stay put inside the ship.

((Team Evil is off on their own now, with no do-gooders in the way. What do you do?))
Thanatos's insolent behavior strikes Ciel as odd. It is definitely something he'll yell about during Thanatos's weekly beating. He can think of two possibilities: either the fat feathery sack of shit got hungry and went roaming, or something odd is on the ship. Given the trajectory of Fleshbane's path, he decides to draw closer to the ship. He will now go invisible, but avoid drawing his bow and make an effort to look unthreatening in case Caizel can see through such things as easily as Baphomet. If he is lucky, she is on the ship waiting for them.

Hopefully, they can come to a suitable agreement.


I pride myself on being well informed Ozazang'ac. Demon summoning was a magical threat I have dealt with in a... past life. In any case... where are Ciel and Fleshbane?
<I was hoping to not hog RP today, but I guess that's a bust.>

Ozzang'ac is visibly impressed, "So you are so well prepared to face your enemies that you know of even ones that may only dwell on this plane? That is incredible!"

He shifts his mood at the question given next, "I saw Fleshbane trot off... but Ciel is hidden from us."
As soon as they board the ship, Fleshbane and Ciel encounter a ravishingly beautiful humanoid, with a head of voluptuous red hair. She is wearing a silver gown befitting the finest nobles of any land. Her hands are claw-like.

She is standing next to Bungo on the top deck of the ship. Bungo is looking up at her, plainly smitten.

She spots Fleshbane in her peripheral vision. She doesn't seem to notice the invisible Ciel. "You," she says to the robot, "Are trespassing on my ship."

((Depending on how you want to play this, you may want to roll initiative. If Ciel is going to fight, Thanatos can be included.

The rest of you are free to RP your interactions as you look for info through the city. The timing is a little screwy here since we're operating in different eras, but it'll be fine))
She spots Fleshbane in her peripheral vision. She doesn't seem to notice the invisible Ciel. "You," she says to the robot, "Are trespassing on my ship."
<RIP, succubus we haven't met.

EDIT: Also, RIP Curly 3.0. At least we still have Curly 2.0>
<RIP, succubus we haven't met.

EDIT: Also, RIP Curly 3.0. At least we still have Curly 2.0>

((If they get the first round init maybe(unlikely as i'm pretty sure dex is probably a succubus' best physical stat), but seeing invis means no sneak attack damage(i told you about slayer bro) and we already know he doesn't have the greatest saves... which means Fleshbane might have to go through Ciel to kill her, and Fleshy doesn't have constant see invis(but may have something else for that, but even then...).))

Since Mako is still busy searching for answers on the succubus' where abouts (I guess?) she might as well talk to Viss.

((Feel free to ask Mako whatever, I'll respond probably tomorrow. if you've got nothing, maybe I'll come up with something to talk about tomorrow.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane's internal glow shifts red as his sword forms in his hands. "How fortuitous that you have violated a sovereign vessel of the Raven Queen and enslaved the feeble mind of her thrall," he says. "I am free to act at my full capacity without inhibition."

((21 on initiative, what's the layout of the field? I have a thing to see invisibility, but probably won't burn a turn on it.))
((Yup, you totally did. If a fight breaks out and a lack of sneak attack damage costs us the fight, I will have officially made poor decisions. :p

Fleshbane probably doesn't have to worry about see invis, because...))

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Fleshbane."

Ciel appears in between Fleshbane and Caziel. His bow is not drawn; in fact, he is clearly attempting to look as non-threatening as he can.

"Do not worry about the robot. So long as you keep me between him and yourself, he is harmless. As you've gathered, we are ambassadors for the Raven Queen, sent to address a situation on souls diverted to this region. I am obligated to inquire into that. However, unlike my peers, I wish to see Malcaneth killed. I am glad I was able to meet you on your ship prior to their arrival, as they will want you to cease any activity you may or may not be doing without gaining anything from it; they are not the most reasonable group of five."

"I was hoping we could speak on the matter before their arrival. I'd like to see us reach an agreement that benefits us both, one where we kill your foes without you having to lift a finger."

((If I need to roll init and/or diplomacy, let me know))


Together with Mako Viss strolls through the streets of the Ivory Labyrinth. She isn't much of a city person, but has to admit that the architecture is quite impressing, even if confusing and Viss is glad that Mako at least appears to know where she is going.
Half an hour goes by without the two saying a word to each other, the longer this silence goes on the more uncomfortable Viss grows. Whatever has really happened during the time that Viss had been separated from the group it seems to have put the other woman in a bad mood.
After another ten minutes of walking and being disregarded by the minotaur population, she can't take the silence any longer.
"Erm... you know. I just wanted to thank you, for the other day. You know saving my life and helping me cook and all." She looks to the ground, kicking some small pebbles aside, wrecking her brain for something else to say. After a moment she adds. "That's a fine looking scorpion you have there. Is he your companion?"
Together with Mako Viss strolls through the streets of the Ivory Labyrinth. She isn't much of a city person, but has to admit that the architecture is quite impressing, even if confusing and Viss is glad that Mako at least appears to know where she is going.
Half an hour goes by without the two saying a word to each other, the longer this silence goes on the more uncomfortable Viss grows. Whatever has really happened during the time that Viss had been separated from the group it seems to have put the other woman in a bad mood.
After another ten minutes of walking and being disregarded by the minotaur population, she can't take the silence any longer.
"Erm... you know. I just wanted to thank you, for the other day. You know saving my life and helping me cook and all." She looks to the ground, kicking some small pebbles aside, wrecking her brain for something else to say. After a moment she adds. "That's a fine looking scorpion you have there. Is he your companion?"

"Don't worry, helping people is what I do. As for Aiden, he is my companion, but not one quite like yours. He allows me to contact spirits, which is how I can cast some of spells among with many of my other unique talents. He's also an old friend, since without him I may have never escape from my mother."
((I'm on mobile so I can't overlay this on a Ditzie map yet, but this is the layout we'll be working with:


Fleshbane is standing by the big square on the lefthand side. Ciel is standing on the line running through the center of the ship. Caizel and Bingo are standing by the big square on the righthand side))

Caizel is initially startled by Ciel's sudden appearance in front of her, but she quickly adjusts to the situation. "Of course. Let us talk things out as civilized creatures do." She smiles seductively at Ciel.

((Fleshbane beat her on initiative, so he can take his turn. Ciel should definitely roll Init. Go ahead and do Diplomacy too))


Oh dear, the two of them off alone? That's not... safe for anyone. Where could they have gone? And where are Mako, Viss, and Sybil? We really are not as well coordinated as we should be... Let's get back to the ship. That's the natural staging point and our quarry seems to spend her time near the River Styx in any case.

Menek, unless Ozzang'ac has any other suggestions, will head to the ship.
Oh dear, the two of them off alone? That's not... safe for anyone. Where could they have gone? And where are Mako, Viss, and Sybil? We really are not as well coordinated as we should be... Let's get back to the ship. That's the natural staging point and our quarry seems to spend her time near the River Styx in any case.

Menek, unless Ozzang'ac has any other suggestions, will head to the ship.

((Idk about sybil, but mako viss and menek were gone for 4 hours at the same time... mako and viss probably got back to the rest of the group before menek did since we left first. i'm just rping the part before we got back because of Fleshbane's shenanigans.))
((Just to be clear, if you're on your way back to the ship then you'll have to wait until the encounter with Fleshbane and Ciel to conclude before I get back to you. Their thing is happening significantly earlier than that))
((Yeah, as soon as Mako gets back, she'll probably wait for Menek to show up and then leave for the ship, but that is not gonna happen for a while. Man all these fucking time shenanigans... And I'm the one who started it I guess. Although if we knew Fleshbane could do this kind of shit in the first place... w/e.))
"Excellent. I can't wait to see the look on the others' faces when..."

he is cut off by whatever action Fleshbane takes

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84398]Initiative: 1D20+ 7 = [4]+7 = 11
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84399]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 19 = [18]+19 = 37
((Well damn. At least I got a good roll on the one I'd prioritize. As long as Fleshbane doesn't one-shot her. I'll type up a turn in response once Fleshbane goes.

Also, ThLunarian:
let me know if she pushes into friendly disposition during the talks, assuming Fleshbane doesn't kill her
((It will be a DC 22 Acrobatics check to jump over Ciel's head. I'll let you do that as part of a charge if you'd like. If you fail the check though, you'll end up prone and Ciel will have to make a DC 15 acrobatics check to avoid also ending up prone))


((It took Menek four hours as well so let's say Mako, Viss, and Sybil encounter Menek and Ozzang'ack as they start heading back?))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fleshbane is actually not super great in melee, so no fear of one-shotting her, especially with DR in effect. I swear I found a weapon enhancement that would automatically adjust to DR vulnerability. Transmutative? Metamorphic? Anyone know what I'm talking about?))

Fleshbane charges forward, leaping over Ciel's head and putting the lie to the assassin's assurances of safety so long as he stands between the construct and his target.

((Charging, leaping over Ciel to land adjacent to Caizel and put the hurt on her.))
Acrobatics Check:  1d20+11=26
Fleshbane Special: 1d20+19+[Heedless Charge]+[Power Attack]+[Charge Bonus]

Damage:  2d6+12+[Leap Attack][Power Attack]+[Greater Powerful Charge]
((-4AC from Heedless charge, but +2AC from Absolute Steel stance.))
Time seemingly slows down for Ciel as the hulking robot goes flying through the air over his head. For a moment, their eyes lock as Fleshbane sails overhead, and Ciel can only stare with his mouth agape. When he lands and takes off, he is forced back into action.

He does not have to fake outrage for Caziel; it's the real deal. "Fleshbane, you fool! You would sacrifice greater slaughter ahead just for a spur of the moment kill?" Then he shouts in the odd, hissing language he used when the group first met. Necril:
Thanatos! Get in here and block Fleshbane at once!

He then calls out to Caziel! "Quick! Back up and allow me to embrace you. I have seen him shut down before when he tries to attack fellow ambassadors. My sincerest apologies, I was unaware that his bulk allowed him to jump so. Still, I ask that you don't destroy him, his power will be useful in falling Malcaneth"

((Deferring my action until after Caziel to see if she moves at all.))
Caizel is once again caught off-guard, this time by Fleshbane's flying leap, clear over the head of the assassin. His attack connects, and she reels backward, making a moaning sound that sounds like a combination of pain and pleasure.

She looks around Fleshbane and into Ciel's eyes. "Please," she says pitifully, "Help me. Defend me from this terrible creature so that we can talk this out! I'll make it worth your while...."

((Ciel, make a DC 26 Will Save. This is a mind-affecting enchantment. If you fail, you begin to think that this lady is the most beautiful creature you've ever seen, and what she's saying makes perfect sense. If you end up failing, but you want to avoid engaging Fleshbane, roll a Charisma check (d20 plus your Cha mod).

Make a disguise check.

It's Ciel's turn.))

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/551ee1ffb85d1 Map

((Edit: Darn simultaneous posting. She beat you in initiative so technically she would've gone before you, so I'm going to invoke DM privilege and retcon your post, sorry :p))
((DM status does win in post initiative checks :p))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84402]Will Save: 1D20 + 8 = [11]+8 = 19
((And here. we. go.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84403]Charisma Check: 1D20 + 8 = [19]+8 = 27

((I'm assuming a charisma check higher than the initial will save is good, but if not and my action is a no-go otherwise, I can edit))

39 total on disguise check
Ciel begins to start barking out orders to Thanatos and admonitions against Fleshbane when Caizel locks eyes with him. He is immediately smitten.

He was going to help her anyway, but now it is more than just securing Baphomet's death. Beauty is something to be preserved, and beauty of this magnitude can not be marred by something as aesthetically jarring as Fleshbane. In fact, if Fleshbane must be destroyed for such an end, then so be it.

However, though enthralled, Ciel is not so easily dominated. In the face of this overwhelming urge to protect her, he recalls his original plan of hugging her and forcing Fleshbane to shut down. Perhaps he can even pretend that her... whatever she is doing to his mind gave him the idea. Yes. This is perfect. He must embrace the most beautiful thing in existence, and doing so will let his plot continue.

Ciel burns a point of ki to virtually flash over to her location, and wraps his arms around her. "I apologize for the robot's actions, I was unaware something so bulky could move so gracefully," he whispers in her ear. "Trust me on this one. I have seen him shut down before when trying to attack fellow ambassadors. He should cease being a threat in a manner of seconds."
((It's an opposed charisma check, and you won this time. It'll happen again on your next round though. For next round it will be a DC 24 Charisma check.))

Caizel does not seem pleased at Ciel's choice of protective measures. She is about to say as much when something distracts her. "Oh really now... is that so?" And she giggles just a little bit.

((Fleshbane's turn is next, but.... (Mike M only)
My plan here is for Fleshbane's anti-violence protocols to deactivate temporarily against Ciel, since he is actively hampering the mission. I wanted to run that by you to make sure you're okay with that first, though. If you are, you can have Fleshbane make note of the change in protocol himself. If not, and you'd rather have Fleshbane forced to restrain himself, then RP that instead
Bungo fled to hide behind a barrel the moment Fleshbane took to the air. His affection for Caizel is unable to overrule the knowledge that he can't do a thing about any of this.
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