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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane chuckles with bloodlust as he hoists his sword above his head. "Once again, your inadequate intellect misapprehends the situation," he says. "Embracing the whore demon will not stay my hand, I am not required to prevent collateral damage sustained during an assault on a valid target."

Mountain Hammer vs. Caizel
Damage:  4d6+12=25
((Yup, he's got a +7 dex modifier too. In retrospect, I should have probably spent some of that gold towards raising his saves instead. XD

Well shit, now I have to root for Ciel failing his opposed charisma check. At least the odds are in my favor now!))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84406]Charisma Check: 1D20 + 8 = [15]+8 = 23

"WHAT THE SHINING EPHEMERAL FUCK IS THIIIIIIS?!" Ciel shrieks as Fleshbane's sword comes crashing down.

This makes no sense. Fleshbane shouldn't be able to attack when it could hit him. Is there some kind of bug in his settings? There is no good option. He probably can't talk the robot down, and killing him isn't an option.

Or is it? Ciel recalls that he's been seduced, amidst burning feelings of desire to protect Caizel at all costs. Yes, that's right. His mind is not entirely his own right now. He can try and kill Fleshbane and then plead mind control later. This might even be genuine mind control. At this point, he can't tell if the idea is his or a result of Caizel's manipulation. It's probably better that way, it'll make his excuse more persuasive.

Ciel lets go of Caizel, vanishes, and draws his bow. "Fleshbane. In picking this fight, you are destroying our ability to return to the Ivory Citadel. You are not only throwing out a higher body count, you are throwing out a chance to spite our peers. If you won't see reason, I'll have to persuade you by force. Come, Thanatos! Obey our will!"

Ciel opens fire on Fleshbane while calling Thanatos to the field.

((Since I don't have quick draw, I'm pretty sure I only get one shot this turn.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84407]Sneak Attack: 1D20 + 23 = [3]+23 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84408]Damage: 1D8 + 12 + 6D6 = [3]+12+[2, 5, 1, 6, 5, 6] = 40
((Not sure if that hits, and not sure if Fleshbane's immune to sneak attacks. Remove numbers as needed

EDIT: I should probably roll initiative for Thanatos too.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84409]Initiative: 1D20 + 3 = [15]+3 = 18

EDIT 2: I kind of forgot Caizel's supposed to go before me, so if her turn would contradict mine, I understand and will change it if need be))

Mike M

Nick N
((Actually, I'm not sure if he's immune. I don't thiiiiink so, but that seems a bit odd considering everything else he's immune to. I guess it makes sense to be vulnerable to surprise while still being immune to critical damage since he has no organs and all...))
((I believe they specifically removed constructs being immune to crits and sneak attack in pathfinder, so it seems unlikely you would be.))
((There's an issue here in the combination of 3.5 and Pathfinder's rules. Fleshbane's Juggernaut class specifically makes him immune to crits (and therefore sneak attacks). They did that with the assumption that constructs are immune to that stuff, therefore a 'Perfect Construct' should be as well.

I'm letting the Juggernaut class be the authority here, so Fleshbane is immune to crits and sneak attacks))

Battle Music

Ciel's interference is enough to deflect Fleshbane's attack, and his weapon thumps hard onto the ground next to the succubus.

Caizel smiles and slips away from Ciel. She backs up away from the dueling pair and casts a spell; all around her, six duplicates appear, flooding the immediate area with Caizels, each of which moves in sync with the others.

"Yes, my beautiful little flower," she says to Ciel, "Destroy this tin can! Punish it for even thinking to touch me with its wretched metal appendages!"

The seven Caizels laugh in unison as the battle erupts on deck.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/551f1eb3f0708 Map

Mike M

Nick N
"Wench," Fleshbane says as he retrieves his weapon. "Your games will not work on me."

He adjusts his visual receptors to counter the succubus's illusion and determine her true location.

((Using Pierce the Veils, not sure if that provokes Ciel if he's got a bow))
((I think Ciel has a feat that would let that provoke if you're standing adjacent to him. Make a concentration check, which is a d20 + your caster level + the ability modifier that governs your psionics. A 25 or higher and you're good to go. Less than that, and Ciel will be able to get a shot off.

Also, her initiative is a 19, so Thanatos and Ciel can go at the same time.

I had to edit this post a ton of times because I got a bunch of stuff wrong initially. Sorry if that screws you up at all))
Fleshbane's internal sensors adjust to the changing external stimuli. He is immediately able to detect that the real Caizel is
the one three squares to the right. The others are illusions that can be walked through without effort.

She, believing herself to be insulated from harm, is content to allow Ciel to protect her.

((Caizel does nothing on her turn. Ciel and Thanatos are up))
((I'm not sure whether or not you're waiting on me, so I'll go ahead and type up my turn. If Caizel's would have overridden stuff, I'm fine with scrapping it and typing up a replacement turn.

Actually I just realized I don't know what the opposed charisma check for this turn is so I should wait. I have Thanatos's turn typed up and rolled out so I'll just copy-paste that after Caizel goes

EDIT: dat simultaneous post again))
Thanatos finally arrives on the battlefield, and flies over to the side of Fleshbane opposite Ciel. He lands behind the Caziel flanking Fleshbane with Ciel and takes a bite at him.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84410]Bite: 1D20 + 12 = [14]+12 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84411]Damage: 3D6 + 9 = [5, 3, 5]+9 = 22
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84412]Charisma Check: 1D20 + 8 = [15]+8 = 23
Ciel bursts out into maniacal laughter. "Excellent, so you continue to press forward! Now it's self defense! It seems we both have an excuse to kill each other now!"

Ciel focuses on his ki to deal a full barrage to Fleshbane. Though he maintains his form, he's clearly hysterical from laughter and bloodlust at this point.

Though he continues to fight Fleshbane, Caizel may get this sense that her control over Ciel has been more limited than most thralls.
((Full round attack on Fleshbane. I've got a feet where he doesn't occur AoOs from using his bow in melee range, so no need to roll one. All the damage is pre-DR, since I don't know what your DR is

EDIT: sounds like Fleshbane can't be flanked. Each attack roll should be 2 points lower then))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84414]Manyshot: 1D20 + 23 = [7]+23 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84415]Damage: 2D8 + 24 = [7, 8]+24 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84416]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 23 = [15]+23 = 38
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84417]Damage: 1D8 + 12 = [5]+12 = 17
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84418]Ki Attack: 1D20 + 23 = [9]+23 = 32
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84419]Damage: 1D8 + 12 = [8]+12 = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84420]2nd Base Attack: 1D20 + 17 = [6]+17 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84421]Damage: 1D8 + 11 = [8]+11 = 19
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84422] Third Base Attack: 1D20 + 13 = [9]+13 = 22
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84423]Damage: 1D8 + 12 = [2]+12 = 14

Mike M

Nick N
(( Oh my God, he is like some sort of ... non ... giving up ... robot guy!))

((Fleshbane cannot be flanked, incidentally. Take a five foot step straight up through the illusionary Caizel))

Fleshbane's gaze pivots to the demon woman's true location. It is almost as though he has ceased to acknowledge that Ciel and Thanatos even exist beyond being simple obstacles to navigate around, moving past them so that he can draw a line of sight on Caizel.

Shrugging off any attacks he incurs, he raises a hand and points it menacingly at the succubus...

Overchanneled Augmented Disintegration Ray to hit:  1d20+9 (I think? Ranged touch attack)=27
Damage:  26d6=94
Fortitude save DC 27 (+1 from augmenting) damage:  5d6=29

Damage to Fleshbane: 3d8=16

Spell resistance check:  1d20+13=33
((Doh, I thought I had flanking, which cancelled it out. Seeing the whole no-flanking thing means each attack roll should be 2 lower

EDIT: Does that mean I get an AoO?))
((You can get an AoO off, but...))

Caizel shrieks a blood-curdling scream as a beam of pure disintegration energy eats into her body. The illusory duplicates of her all dissipate like a fine mist. Her skin is partially charred and her features are disfigured.

"You..." She hisses at Fleshbane, "I'll be back for you." She glares at him with primal contempt, then vanishes completely. Fleshbane's enhanced vision no longer detects her.

Ciel immediately feels longing for Caizel and some disappointment that she is gone, but he no longer feels pressure to act any particular way about it.

((I am guessing this will bring us out of combat. You two can act out a brief scene before we skip ahead so that everyone is in the same time frame again))
((Well damn, I was hoping an AoO could disrupt it. I guess not :(. ))

Ciel takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing a few seconds later. He turns to Fleshbane, his face a combination of anger and disappointment.

"You realize you just disposed of the only person that could have possibly forced the others to kill Baphomet, right? I hope you enjoyed that, because thanks to you, that's probably all the violence we'll be seeing for a while"

Mike M

Nick N
"Baphomet or Caizel," says Fleshbane, "it does not matter who dies so long as someone does."

Turning his head toward Ciel he adds, "Take care that it is not you."
"I take it you're not concerned about maximizing your kill count, then? Fine, right now I have to find a way to salvage this."

Ciel tries to compose himself enough to come up with another idea. He looks toward where Caizel had been standing, scanning for any blood. If he finds some, he'll take out a dagger, lap some of it up, and slap a messy-looking signature on each of the three contracts he had brought to show her. These are worthless now, but perhaps the appearance will be enough to convince the rest of the party otherwise. Yes, he hasn't heard any indication that the mission is over yet, so there's hope.

He needs to hurry. He needs to look smug when the others arrive. But he can't have anyone contradicting his story. Fleshbane is unavoidable, but hopefully won't be able to expose his lies. Bungo could be more of a problem, one he has to solve quickly and non-lethally. Running to his quarters, he comes back with an oddly marked bottle of wine and poors Bungo a glass of wine. "The last 10 minutes or so must have been stressful. Here, drink this. There's medicine in the wine that will help with the jarring nature of what you experienced. As a fellow servant of the Raven Queen, you have my word that its contents will not harm you."

Assuming he doesn't have to spend a while persuading Bungo to drink the short-term memory loss potion in the wine, he hurries to his archon and says "I need an improbably long couch placed right outside the ship. Please create this as quick as you possibly can."

With the arrangements made, Ciel sits outside on a ridiculous looking couch, waiting for the others and looking like someone who's just put them in checkmate.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil opts to fly above Mako and Viss as they pursue their investigation. He soars in low arcs, scanning for any danger along their route. Landing as the group nears the Phoenix Maelstrom, she sighs. Unclasping her canteen, she offers some water to the wildling and the cat girl before confiding in them both.

"I am beginning to feel like we have been misled somewhere along the line. Gruumsh was our first point of contact, and he simply led to Baphomet. From Baphomet, we now have this business with the former escort, which appears dipped in the self-interest of the current consort."

"I am glad the confrontation was ended before we were forced to kill. Especially since it would seem to only benefit Ciel's god. But I cannot shake this feeling that beyond these petty errands..."

The paladin clenches her fist.

"Someone has lied."
((Mako is a changeling not a wildling. I assume anyways. i know nothing about wildlings other then what i just read on a game of thrones wiki, but maybe you are talking about something else.))

"Actually, for demons they've been surprisingly upfront with the truth as far as I can tell. Or at least they don't seem to be purposely leading us astray. That said this Caizel could still prove to be another false lead, but I don't think it is on purpose. At this point she is just the most likely target. Breaking the accords would bring you to much trouble, and neither Gruumush or Baphomet stand to gain more then they are losing, but this Caizel woman has nothing left to lose and clear goal in sight. Chasing after leads, some of which may lead no where, is just part of the job."
With travel making way to a presentation of endless red hues of blood and flame of the abyss, contrast with the pale slab that make up the Ivory Maze, Ozzang'ac, following Menek, decides to make idle chat during the hours which they are detached from the rest of the room and noting their surroundings, "This place was always oddly familiar even though it is nothing like my home.. I think I am finally able to figure out why it gives me a strange feeling.. to me the abyss looks like the fog of blood of a shark or merman but it is as if I were clouded in it."

He soon asks, "Did you ever imagine during your studies to fight demons in your home plane, that you would find yourself brought to their world? For a mission that doesn't call for a crusade at that?"

He finds a new thought, "And Sybil as well.. And the rest of us. It seems most of us have to betray our original purposes in some way or another."


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Sybil has a habit of describing things using her own weird Norse ideas. I didn't mean anything by it but I was prolly thinking of changling and just forgot. I'll use that from now on.))

The paladin's eyes narrow while she listens to Mako. "Yes, that makes sense. I still struggle to see the purpose some of us serve here and constantly see conflicts of self interest. Perhaps this makes the feeling of being misled inevitable.
(("Chasing after leads, some of which may lead no where, is just part of the job."
"You may be right. One thing I feel is certain. The afterlife has been just as chaotic as life itself."
((I'm going to assume that Fleshbane is just doing his statue routine for the time being, so that we can catch everyone else up))

Sybil, Ozzan'gac, Mako, Menek, and Viss finally arrive together at the Phoenix Maelstrom. Outside the ship, Ciel is seen relaxing on a very out-of-place couch. Fleshbane is visible on the deck of the ship, standing inertly.
As the others come into view, Ciel puts on the most insufferable smirk he can manage. He's got nothing, and he knows he's got nothing, but hopefully he can convince the rest of the party otherwise.

When the party is within earshot, without bothering to get up, he'll say "Ah, so nice of you all to finally arrive. I'm afraid the festivities have come and gone already."

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane is indeed doing his statue routine, one fist oddly clenched where the other is not. He faces the gangplank, almost as though he expects questions to be asked of him.

Gonna retcon that Fleshbane picked up Ciel's arrows? If I can?
"Ciel appears very proud of himself, so I assume something happened here while we were gone. He will likely continue spouting lies, so I'm hoping you will explain what happened here."

((I also assume there was signs of a struggle, but I can't be sure...))
((Fleshbane is actually not super great in melee, so no fear of one-shotting her, especially with DR in effect. I swear I found a weapon enhancement that would automatically adjust to DR vulnerability. Transmutative? Metamorphic? Anyone know what I'm talking about?))

((i was going to respond to this before but i forgot. Transformative will allow you to change a weapon into a completely different(it has to stay the same size though) but that will only get you past bashing/piercing/slashing dr. there is also a feat that will also allow you to get past those types of dr as well. However for stuff silver alignment dr, you only need a proper bonus to beat it. +3 dr beats silver and cold iron, +4 gets past adamantine(you can also use weapons made of the proper type of metal for this and some spell can do that for you too i think, if only temporarily) and +5 get past alignment. you an also get past alignment with holy weapon properties and the like. bane is also kind of an option as it gives a +2 to a weapon when used against a proper enemy, so a +3 bane evil outsider weapon would be +5 against demons so ignore just about any dr they might have(just hope they don't have epic).))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil attempts to grill Ciel as Mako marches up to Fleshbane.

"What in the abyss do you mean by 'festivities'? And what is this furniture doing here?"

"And where is Bungo?"

Mike M

Nick N
"The succubus was aboard the ship when I arrived," Fleshbane informs Mako. "She had bent the captain's feeble mind to her will. I attempted to engage, but Ciel... Interfered."

Extending his clutched fist before him, Ciel's arrows clatter onto the deck as Fleshbane drops them before the shaman. "His inadequate mental capacity left him vulnerable to the demon's commands, but he continued to oppose me even after the spell was broken. If not for him, I could have ended her... But she escaped.

"Subsequently he appears to have drugged the halfling, forged his documents, and apparently forgot that I witnessed these events and am capable of relaying them to others."

((Ciel in Fleshbane's current estimation.))
Mako is actually a bit surprise, she was expecting a little more coercing and less to have actually happened. "Oh... Well, thank you for telling me and good job I guess. Thankfully we got some information on where she has been hiding. Apparently somewhere by the River Styx, so finding her should be relatively simple with this ship and you can finish the job. I'll inform the others so we can get moving as soon as possible." she says, then turns to leave but then stops and asks, "How did you know she was here anyways?"
((Ok, that picture got a much bigger laugh out of me than it had any right to.))

"What festivities, you ask? What do you think? Fleshbane and I met Caizel on this very ship. As you surely guessed, I wanted her to see things my way, so the soul-ending could end with Baphomet's death. However, Fleshbane went all slashy-blazy the second we walked in. To make matters worse, she exercised a degree of mind control over me sufficient to have me attack Fleshbane. He is no doubt showing those injuries to Mako as we speak. However, the trip wasn't fruitless. Before he wounded her to the point of making her vanish away, I did get her to sign these."

With a triumphant look, he holds up one of the contracts, with a signature by Caizel's blood on it. "Given Fleshbane's penchant for spite, he is no doubt giving a different version of events to Mako just to spite me. Caizel is who knows where now, and he would rather see us fail the mission than achieve it in a way that I would like."

As for the improbably long couch, Ciel ignores that part of the question all together, letting its existence speak for itself.

((Hoping to use a joint bluff and diplomacy to implant the idea that Fleshbane is lying in everyone's head, as well as sell Ciel's version of events. I'm hoping the contract will count as convincing enough evidence to negate the -10 penalty for trying this, but if doesn't, oh well, not many other options :) ))
((Something big is going to happen before you guys leave the ship again, but first I at least want the conversation to continue until the couch thing is explained, because that's so random that Im interested to see what it's about.

Axel, unfortunately PCs can't use persuasion skills to force other PCs to act a certain way or believe a certain thing. Diplomacy is right out; intimidate can only be used in the combat action way; bluff versus sense motive can at MOST tell one PC versus another something like "You don't detect anything in their body language that suggests a lie is being told." They can believe whatever they like as befits their character.

This definitely puts you at a disadvantage here because the scene is just a few posts up and it's nearly impossible to overcome that, but this is preferable to either A) a giant, multi-post wall of spoiler'd text during that scene or B) me forcing PCs to believe something that the player honestly doesn't think their character would believe.

I didn't mention it before BTW, but the potion of memory loss was successful on Bungo. He's chilling in his own cabin right now))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Clearly it's a large version of this couch, and it's because no one told us afterlife was gonna be this way...))

"I trust Fleshbane only to do everything in his power to enact violence. If he is capable of deception I have yet to see it."

Sybil looks suspiciously at the contract as Ciel displays it smugly. Fed up with the assassin's showboating, she attempts to snatch the paper out of his hand and read it for herself.
<Yeah. A bluff check would be metagamey as heck in this instance, but I've heard of some DMs allowing it based on a quick google search.>

((Clearly it's this couch, and it's because no one told us afterlife was gonna be this way...))
<*sees the cast step all over the fountain* WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO OZZANG'AC!? STHAP>
Right - Ciel, roll Linguistics. A DC of 20 will let it pass as sufficient evidence to negate the -10 on your bluff to at least make you believable in terms of body language/tone of voice
((Yeah, I wasn't sure if you'd allow it, but it was worth trying. Seems fine to me, now Ciel will just have to move to Plan D. :p ))

Ciel allows Sybil to take the contract without any resistance, continuing to smirk. "Oh, so you want to look at it? Go on, no problem. That's merely my personal copy. In fact, why don't you sit down? This is a rather nice couch, I'd hate to think I went through the trouble of requesting only to have it go unappreciated."

the really long couch is just something Ciel added to look more pompous and throw the others off some. I was more or less imagining Aizen and his chair when I wrote that up. I'll try and think of a way for that to come out as his lie rapidly crumbles around him. EDIT: Actually, let's make it do something. He'll slip one of the copies of the fake contract into the couch for safe keeping. At least until it's destroyed/dematerialized

((Edit: Just saw your post above.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84433]Linguistics: 1D20 + 7 = [13]+7 = 20
Damn, dat clutch roll. I guess I should roll body language/voice bluff then? We can just ignore it if no one wants to mess with all that.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84434]Bluff: 1D20 + 19 = [14]+19 = 33
I think that would be a 39 against Menek due to favored enemy bonuses against humans.

Sorry for the countless edits, especially in the spoiler text. I keep thinking "hey I didn't type everything I should have."))
Sybil is certainly no expert of demonic handwriting techniques, but there's nothing about the contract itself that overtly suggests inauthenticity.


bitch I'm taking calls.
A small vein pops out on Sybil's forehead as she realizes she has no idea how to decipher demonic script. Her eyebrow twitches a moment before her facial features smooth. She spends a couple more seconds with her cursory glance before throwing it onto Ciel's lap and crossing her arms.

"Okay, so it's real. Mind explaining what it means? It would benefit everyone if you informed us of your strategy this time."

Her steely appearance shifts into a small smile.

"Unless you rather enjoyed squirming around in Baphomet's chamber and have developed a taste for dirt?"
"I agree completely, Sybil. Charging in there alone, or worse, with my comrades siding with Baphomet would ensure a repeat of last time. As for the taste of dirt, I suppose it depends on whose boot I'm licking it off of," he says while matching her smile.

"It's actually quite simple, this contract means that once Malcaneth and Baphomet are dead and his head is mine, Caizel will be bound to stop all diversion of souls immediately, at the risk of earning far more enemies than us if she doesn't. In other words," he says with a grin, "I have not impeded our mission. I have simply altered the criteria for its completion."

"I'm sure you all have additional questions, or perhaps you wish to vent about my efforts to appease both of my masters. Come, sit. There is room on the couch of camaraderie and reconciliation for all of you. Even you'll fit, Ozzang'ac."
< I was looking forward to seeing if Menek had a good response to my earlier post. I guess the RP moved way too fast and it's too late now. I'll probably say something in response to this momentarily.>
The news of Caizel's arrival at the ship brings a bit of alarm, "So the succubus we have just learned about had infiltrated our ship and attempted a take over..? I hate to say it, but Fleshbane may have been in the right to defend the ship if this is true."

Listening to Ciel boast about making deals behind their backs and changing the conditions of the mission, Ozzang'ac quickly speaks up, "Asmodeus has already proven unworthy of our trust. I suggest that we will not be bringing him Baphomet's head and complicating our mission needlessly."
Ciel looks at Ozzang'ac calmly. "Your words don't surprise me, for you have no interest in his death. It's a matter of doing the tasks given to me; both of them. I don't know how devoted you are to your deity, perhaps the concept of devotion is foreign to one of your nature. But for me, when my master comes with a request, I am going to do everything in my power to see it done, which is why I will do anything short of abandoning the Raven Queen's task to see it so. If that means making contracts behind your back to force you to help me kill Baphomet, then that is exactly what I will do," he pauses to snicker for a moment, "well, done at this point."

Mike M

Nick N
"As I stated earlier, the coward is nothing if not consistent in his treachery," Fleshbane says, standing at the top of the gangplank and looking down at Ciel's befuddling tableau with the couch. "There is no such contract, he is once again trying to manipulate you into fulfilling the wishes of the one who holds his chain. I have grievously wounded Caizel, we must pursue her so that I may finish the job.

"Unless of course you are convinced by these forgeries and believe that we must slay Baphomet..."
"That doesn't answer my question, but no matter. I'll get the others so we can move on." Mako says, then continues to exit the ship and join the others.

"Enough lounging around, we need to find a soul stealing succubus... well a soul stealing succubus stole the wrong souls."
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