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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


"I'm inclined to believe Fleshbane's version of the events here. His logic might be alien to us but it has at least proven to be straightforward, whereas Ciel... well... you have boasted of your capabilities when it comes to deception, which makes it hard to believe you. And I have to agree wit Ozz, I have no intention of helping Asmodeus. Baphomet has done nothing to us that justifies moving against him." Ignoring the couch, Viss decides to sit down on the ground instead.
As Viss is the one person in the group who has yet to wrong him- even though she just basically said she will if a similar Baphomet situation arises- his response to her is a little less smug than his responses to the others. "True enough, I haven't exactly made myself trustworthy person of the year, have I? The truth or falsehood of my statement means nothing if you're all deadset on looking for Caizel, who may possibly be long gone by now."

"However, since none of you trust me anyway, allow me to explain what makes a good liar. It is all a matter of presenting an alternate possibility while hiding your own tells; the key is for your speech in a lie to sound identical to any other speech you would use. Which is why Fleshbane is the perfect liar. As a robot, he has no tells, and what emotions he has don't show up in his speech. Though it pains me to say it, his capacity for falsehood far exceeds my own. None of us can claim that he has a penchant for deception because none of us have caught a deception from him. Well, except for me now. It should be telling how much spite he holds for me that he would sacrifice the option that ends with greater slaughter just to stick it to me. Take what you will from my insight, it's clear you've all already made up your minds."

With his words most likely changing no one's mind, Ciel resumes reclining on the couch.


**Earlier to Ozzang'ac***

I suppose it depends on what our previous purposes were Ozzang'ac. I must confess that my death has shown me that my motivations during my life were.... somewhat misguided let's say. I have more clarity on certain matters than I did in death. Sybil can speak for herself but I find myself incredibly impressed by how she dealt with first Gruumsh and then Malcaneth. Our purpose is to serve the Raven Queen's mission and she has done so admirably despite her obvious distaste for the kind of creatures that we have been dealing with.

** On the ship **

Menek chooses to let the others take the lead in pressing Ciel and Fleshbane for answers before weighing in.

Both of your stories match up for the most part. You came back to the ship to find Caziel onboard. Fleshbane attacked Caziel, Ciel attacked Fleshbane, and Caziel fled. Now the only point of contention seems to be this... contract Menek glances at it for a second I find it somewhat hard to believe that you would have been able to persuade Caziel to read and sign a document while Fleshbane was attempting to rip her limb from limb but the point is moot in any case.

Menek steeples his hand together Firstly you have no authority to bind us to an alliance without our consent Ciel. I see no reason that we would choose to be bound by your contract.

Secondly the terms of your contract are incredibly poor in any case. We are here to put an end to the diversion of souls to this place. If Caziel is responsible then it would be far easier and more direct of us to deal with the source of the problem directly rather than take it upon ourselves to try and assault the lord of this layer of the Abyss on his own ground and invite the wrath of the entire Ivory Citadel and indeed the whole Labyrinth instead.

Finally Baphomet and Malcaneth have been helpful in our investigations despite some very good reasons not to, thanks to you Ciel. Caziel on the other hand invaded a vessel of the Raven Queen and cast mind manipulating magic on at least one, if not two, of her agents to the point of forcing us to turn on each other. As far as I am concerned Caziel has attacked us without provocation and it would be folly to not respond in kind, let alone with an offer to kill her greatest enemies for her.

No, I say we track Caziel down, determine if she is responsible for the abducted souls, and if so, respond to her aggression in kind.
Ciel laughs at Menek's analysis. "No shit! Of course it's indirect and inefficient. You assholes cockblocked me when it would have been easiest to kill Baphomet. Like I was saying to Ozzang'ac, I don't know about the relation between you and your patron, but I intend to see this done in a manner satisfactory to both the Raven Queen and Asmodeus. Maybe when your diety comes to you with a mission you'll tell him or her to fuck off, but I'm not you, am I?"

"But hey, if you all can find Caizel, there's not really anything I can do about that, is there?"
Hearing Menek's words, Ozzang'ac says, "What's done is done. We'll discuss how to not allow it to happen again later, we must make haste before she can fully set up security in her lair."

Hearing Ciel protest once more, he says, "If you insist on making enemies of Baphomet, we may have to abandon you so that you may carry on your task on your own," he threatens, "We can't afford the added risk."

The water elemental moves into the ship. When he sees the sleeping halfling, he'll splash water on the little merman to wake him.


"You have a point that each of us answers to two masters. And as such your desire to please Asmodeus is understandable, especially since I don't see him as overly forgiving with disciples that fail to fulfill his demands. So I'd say that if you want to deal with Baphomet, fine, I'm sure as hell not gonna stop you. I'm just not gonna help you either. If for whatever reasons your actions conflict with the rules set upon us by the raven queen, well, I guess that is something that you have to take up with her then." After a moments pause in which shev remembers Sybil's suspicions, that came close to her own, she adds " If I were you however I would wait how this whole Casiel affair turns out before I start any solo campaigns. Who knows, maybe Baphomet and his demon whore have been lying to us after all, in which case your chances of actually succeeding to kill Baphomet might be a bit higher."
"So I'd say that if you want to deal with Baphomet, fine, I'm sure as hell not gonna stop you. I'm just not gonna help you either."
"Is that supposed to be some kind of fucking consolidation?" Ciel suddenly snaps at her, his temperament seeming to wane under sustained assault from the rest of the party. "If this was something possible to be done by a single person, do any of you really think I would be jumping through this many hoops? Do you think I would lower myself to seeking your help, even tempered through lies and coercion?! Would you have me get on my knees and beg? Is that what you're all waiting for? Or do you want my assurance that I'll aid you in any tasks your gods put forth? Everyone has their price! Name it! NAME IT, DAMN IT!!"

After melting down for a little bit, he takes a breath and steadies himself. "It seems I lost myself for a minute there, how embarrassing."

((Happy Easter, everyone! XD))

If I were you however I would wait how this whole Casiel affair turns out before I start any solo campaigns. Who knows, maybe Baphomet and his demon whore have been lying to us after all, in which case your chances of actually succeeding to kill Baphomet might be a bit higher."

"I will concede that you have a point about Caizel. Luck has clearly not been on my side today, but if I'm not completely forsaken, one of those two is lying or otherwise mistaken about her status. I trust none of you object to me standing back on this one? I have already demonstrated susceptibility to her powers, and she has demonstrated an inability to see the unseen. I would also recommend that you keep Fleshbane out of sight if you wish to gather any information from her first."


Viss bites down a snarky remark when Ciel loses his composure. The man must be really desperate and truth be told she wouldn't want to be in his place right now. So instead of the mocking insult that had been lingering on her tongue, she tries to sound as calm as she can. "This is not about naming a price, Ciel. Don't you think I wouldn't love to see Baphomet dead? Hell, if it were in my power I'll blast him and this entire plane into nonexistence. Sadly it isn't. And I just don't think it is wise to defy the Raven Queen's orders, and yes, despite what you say, I strongly believe that going after Baphomets life without a solid reason would definetly defy her orders."
To his offer to stay out of the encounter with Caisel she answers. "Maybe that's a wise decision if you believe that you aren't able to stay hidden from her. But since you have already met her, can you think of anything that might be of use for the rest of us when we go of to track her down?"
"You-" Ciel stops for a moment, and begins speaking in a monotone voice, looking at no one in particular.

"Vehement disagreement on interpretation of the rules governing us aside, you mistook what I meant by stand back. In standing back, I will not be staying behind. I will be staying in the back of the group unseen, where I won't be detected and enthralled. I will step in if things go to hell, otherwise there should be no need. She is severely wounded and can probably be forced into making a deal if she does in fact have the souls, so long as she doesn't see Fleshbane. Yes, she should certainly show no aversion to talking..."


"Oh, all right then." Before getting up Viss stretches and fights the urge to sharpen her nails on the fabric of the couch. Remembering something she takes out the little figurine of Tessa, sets it onto the floor and releases the spell that holds her friend. Back to her usual shape the T-Rex looks around slightly dazed. When she realizes that they are back at the ship and she has been transformed for no reason at all, she snarls angrily at Viss before vanishing into the ship, obviously offended. Viss sighs and starts to go after her. "If you excuse me, I better see that I'll get a cow or something for her or she'll be insufferable for days. Come to think of it I'm quite hungry myself. So I'll be in the kitchen and see if there is still some stew left. Let me know when we are going." With that she follows Tessa into the interior of the ship.
((Very sorry about my disappearance yesterday, folks. I had more to do on Easter than I thought))

As the conversation wraps up and everyone is about to head below deck, Caizel reappears on the center of the deck. Her burn marks and scars have disappeared.... and she is not alone.


"I told you I'd be back," she says smugly to Fleshbane. "And it looks like more of you have joined the cause! Fantastic - now I can rid the Astral Sea of the Raven Queen's lackeys once and for all! Allow me to introduce you to this Balor - a little project I've been working on. Once it's had its way with you, I'll send it after the bitch Malcaneth, and then I'll have Lord Baphomet all to myself!"

The Balor wastes no time. It raises its arms and chants some ancient, foul syllables, and a fiery inferno erupts over the hull of the ship.

Caizel shrieks in surprise and pain as the fire eats into her. Suddenly her injuries sustained from Fleshbane become visible again. "NO!" she wails, "NOT ME, YOU FOOL!"

((This dude got a 30 on his Initiative. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55229a15492d6 Here's the map. Everyone place yourself on the map wherever you'd like to start. Then make a DC 26 Reflex save. If you pass the save, take 25 Fire damage. If you fail the save, take 50 Fire damage.

Then, roll initiative and take your turn. Have fun! :)

EDIT: Scaling down the damage a little bit. 50 damage if you failed the save, 25 if you passed it.
((No worries, it was Easter. I figured I'd be the exception in being able to post. I don't have time to do a full turn right now, so I'm just doing initiative and saves))

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84448]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 14 = [14]+14 = 28
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84449]Initiative: 1D20 + 7 = [13]+7 = 20
((Nice! Good save to the rescue. Mechanically, this is 100% evasion, but going to fluff it a little if that's ok :p))
As the Balor throws fire everywhere, comes out of his dejected trance and ducks under the couch. "Hah! Fireproof padding, bitch! It looks like a deal is out the window, so I'll have to have fun with this."

Ciel flips over the couch and disappears, ready to do battle.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84452]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 8 = [5]+8 = 13
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84453]Initiative: 1D20 + 3 = [4]+3 = 7
Thanatos fares much less successfully. The flames practically cook him on the spot, forcing him to take to the skies and flee the battle.

((Edit: Oh yeah, placement. Thanatos is going to be as high in the air as he can get, not sure how to place that on the map, but he's basically out of the fight. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5522aa15af05c))


((What happened to the couch?))

Menek yells with surprise at the sudden appearance of two demonic entities

init balor: 1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12

((Expending a point of inspiration to reflex save))

inspired reflex save: 1D20+14+1D8 = [13]+14+[8] = 35

and manages to avoid the worst of the roiling flames as he dives to the floor of the deck. Ratbreath rolls out of his pouch and does a sort of scrambling run below deck.

Fleshbane! Menek shouts through singed lips. Your time to shine I think

Mike M

Nick N
Action Before Thought:  1d20+13=28
((Maneuver that replaces a Reflex save with a concentration check))
Initiative:  1d20+2=16

Ignoring Menek's call to action, Fleshbane stays put and channels his energies into his reparative abilities.

Augmented Body Adjustment: 5d12=37

((Ciel did a number on me.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Oh, I took that to be we were down on the dock or something. I guess Fleshbane's at the top of the stairs above Ciel?))
((Wait, did I put myself behind a wall I can't attack from? I'd redo the location to be closer if that's the case, I just looked to where 30 feet out would put me))
((Everyone is on the ship when the fight starts. I lumped the icons off to the side for easy access, but you can slide them to your starting position without regard to your movement speed or anything. Ciel is fine where he is and will be able to fire an attack from that position if he would like.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/5522b6a694a2f Map with Fleshbane put into position))
Init: 1D20+10 = [19]+10 = 29

Reflex: 1D20+15 = [8]+15 = 23

((Best reflex mod so far and I'm the first one to fail... BTW Menek, I'm pretty sure you can use inspiration after seeing the results of your roll, so you could have saved yourself a point there. Also, Fleshbane's concentration check is only +13? Not that it matters since you pasted, but assuming you have full caster levels, it should be higher. concentration is caster level + casting stat mod and I assume you have more then 15... whatever you casting stat is.))

Mako dun fucked up and gets a face full of fire. She does the only thing she can think of in response... she starts singing. She also casts Heal on herself.

((Inspire courage, everyone gets +3 competence bonus to attack and damage and +3 morale bonus to charm(this might actually be useful this fight!) and fear saves. Also, any meleer withing 30 feet of Mako gets +1d6 sonic damage on their attack and ranged people get +1d6 sonic damage on any enemy within 30 feet of her(currently both enemies are in range for that).))


Mike M

Nick N
((Should be 14, that's a typo. Level 11+3 Int modifier.

Also, I should have Wall of Blades-ed Ciel's attack back then, but oh well.))
((Sweet. For this turn, going to cast Versatile Weapon with the chosen DR bypass being cold iron))

Despite saying he'll have fun with this, Ciel sighs while preparing his arrows. Well shit, in between the balor and her declaring death against the Raven Queen's forces, my hands are tied now. I've done just about everything that could be done to bring about Baphomet's death. Hopefully that will be enough


bitch I'm taking calls.
initiative: 1D20+2 = [3]+2 = 5

Reflex Save: 1D20+12 = [9]+12 = 21

((Fire resistance 5, so Sybil takes 45 fire damage))

Sybil's attempt to find cover fails and she is caught with Mako in the full blast of the Balor's flame. Yelling as the heat burns her exposed flesh, she channels her pain by channeling holy power into her wounds. She then moves to draw her sword and calls upon her divine bond to imbue it with Freya's Holy power.

((Swift action to lay on hands self:

lay on hands: 5D6+10 = [2, 6, 1, 3, 3]+10 = 25

HP: 79

Then using divine bond to imbue weapon with holy power.

I don't have access to my desktop so if someone could move Sybil next to Menek that would be awesome. Also anyone within 10 feet of Sybil gets +4 to fear and charm resist))
((KM, Bungo is actually below decks in his own cabin, so I'm going to say you're already back above deck after concluding that Bungo is unharmed, even though there's a small hole in his memory. You can place yourself strategically, as you please.

I'll address all knowledge checks before the Balor takes his next turn))


balor knowledge : 1D20+22+1D8 = [6]+22+[5] = 33

((Is that enough for Menek to use the inspirational expertise talent? If so as a swift action Menek grants everyone within 30 feet +4 insight bonus on attack for one round at one cost of inspiration.))

We face a Balor! One of the most dangerous foes on this plane!

Menek touches Sybil on the arm and grants her the Fortune hex for two rounds. We need you the most here Paladin. Well you and the assassin .

Forcing the magic out Menek gives the effect of the hex to Ciel as well.

He then laughs, managing to keep it to a mirthless chuckle to extend the duration to three rounds.

((Split hex to give fortune to Sybil and Ciel. For 3 rounds you can reroll one save, check, or attack and take better value))
Reflex Roll: 1D20+16 = [20]+16 = 36
<Improved Evasion, so that is brought to no damage>

The water elemental more than easily stands firm in the flames that attempt to engulf him. Instead, he emerges from the flames unscathed as he arrives. He states simply, "That was unwise."

He attempts to grasp Balor so that the party can take out the succubus before she can flee again.

Grapple attempt vs. Balor: 1D20+23 = [14]+23 = 37


EDIT: <Crap. Forgot we were rolling initiative. _: 1D20+8 = [19]+8 = 27


Before you go into melee with that monster Sybil. Perhaps you could make use of this infusion of Displacement more than I could.

((Menek offers Sybil the infusion from his bandoleer of vials. I guess it would be a move action to take and standard action to drink to get 11 rounds of the spell Displacement.))
Before you go into melee with that monster Sybil. Perhaps you could make use of this infusion of Displacement more than I could.

((Menek offers Sybil the infusion from his bandoleer of vials. I guess it would be a move action to take and standard action to drink to get 11 rounds of the spell Displacement.))

((Uhh... i'm just gonna say you might wanna wait for that knowledge check on the balor before handing out extracts of displacement.))
((Yeah, Azih, you can do your turn over. You're going to want to, actually.

The Balor has constant True Seeing, has DR that can be overcome with Good or Cold Iron weapons, has an Unholy Aura that makes it both more difficult and painful for Good-aligned characters to attack it, has a laundry list of powerful spells that do various nasty things, is immune to Fire and Electricity, and can entangle its foes with its whip as a free action if it hits them.

It also has Spell Resistance, so anyone who tries to cast a spell on it will need to make a Caster Level check to overcome it.

Its Unholy Aura makes it so that any Good creature that hits it with a Melee attack must make a DC 26 Fortitude save, or else take 1d6 Strength damage. That's on each separate attack.

It's one of the most badass Demons in the game that isn't a Demon Lord. And it's more powerful than a few of the Demon Lords themselves.

Ozzan'gac's grapple is unsuccessful, and he takes 4 Fire damage automatically when he tries.))
<I have a couple of potions of lesser restoration if anybody ends up needing them.>

((I've got one lesser restoration and one normal restoration prepared as well... can't really use them in battle because they are 3 rounds of casting(also expensive to cast) so i'd suggest just making your fort saves. hopefully the paladin/cleric has more Heals prepared then I do...))

Mike M

Nick N
((Fuuuuuu... Unless anyone knows a repair spell, Fleshbane's immunity to healing means he has to burn his power points and turns recovering from Ciel's bullshit.

Thanks, Diego : P))


((Don't think I can do anything else other than not offering the lol displacement. Ciel and Sybil have a pretty good buff for three rounds plus everyone gets a +4 insight bonus on attack roll on the next turn. Thinking of giving Oz and FB the same buff next turn if some emergency healing isn't required))


Sybil I recognize this thing now. I would not advise melee. It's unholy aura would sap your strength with each hit. Ciel, Ozzang'ac, and Fleshbane would be immune to that. It has many other horrible spells to hit at range. It's immune to fire and lightning. Resistant to cold and spells. Its whip can tie us up. It can see through defensive illusions. The only thing I can suggest is to kill Caziel first so we can try to gang up on it. Oh and spread out so it can't hurt all of us in one go!

Menek gives everyone the bad news.

Mike M

Nick N
((Does it have ranged attacks? I could maybe fly straight up and snipe it or Caizel, maybe? Or would I just hit a hot air balloon since it's an airship?))
((Does it have ranged attacks? I could maybe fly straight up and snipe it or Caizel, maybe? Or would I just hit a hot air balloon since it's an airship?))

<"has a laundry list of powerful spells that do various nasty things" suggests to me that it has the worst possible ranged attacks you can expect :( >


((It's whip has pretty long reach and it's got AOE spells like the fire trick it started out with. Range really does seem like the best option for everyone not a giant neutral water elemental. If we spread out then maybe it won't be able to hit all of us in one go.))
((Assuming it's not immune to flanking, I can get in and do some serious damage with sneak attack shenanigans. I'd have to eat an AoO or take several turns to 5-foot step in though, and taking a hit could be bad if it gets a followup))


((You could swing by Menek to get a long arm or enlarge person or a two in one that has both infusion. You've got really good range though.))
((Well, not sure if longarm would increase a bow's range, and the threat range for flanking is 5 feet default. I could just attack from where I am, but that would be giving up the 6D6 sneak attack damage on each hit))


((I don't think there is a 5 foot limit to flank. Long arm should give you 10 foot range for melee flank. That plus enlarge should give you 15 range for melee. Enlarge has pros and cons. Long arm is just straight up hitting from further away with melee))
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