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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((I don't think there is a 5 foot limit to flank. Long arm should give you 10 foot range for melee flank. That plus enlarge should give you 15 range for melee. Enlarge has pros and cons. Long arm is just straight up hitting from further away with melee))

((His size doesn't matter because he is using a bow, so he is limited to 5 feet... unless he took the other feats to extend it, but even then he still wouldn't be affected by size increases.))
((I actually just realized that my best bet for getting in the 5-foot range is charging, since that doesn't incur AoOs. On that note, would it be too late for Ciel to take a 5-foot step to his left during his turn? I also can't tell if the environment will be an issue, otherwise I'll have to just plan differently))
((I actually just realized that my best bet for getting in the 5-foot range is charging, since that doesn't incur AoOs. On that note, would it be too late for Ciel to take a 5-foot step to his left during his turn? I also can't tell if the environment will be an issue, otherwise I'll have to just plan differently))

((I don't think charge lets you avoid AoOs, i think that was just your last character's thing. Also it looks like the part of the ship we are on is at a lower elevation, you might not be able to charge from there... the idea of charging with a bow looks kinda weird in my mind. and looking at charges, they are also melee only. You might wanna look up shot on the run for later use though!))
((I don't think charge lets you avoid AoOs, i think that was just your last character's thing. Also it looks like the part of the ship we are on is at a lower elevation, you might not be able to charge from there... the idea of charging with a bow looks kinda weird in my mind. and looking at charges, they are also melee only. You might wanna look up shot on the run for later use though!))
((I was going off of the table here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Standard-Action
Yeah, it does say melee attack at the end. Maybe I could charge without the attack and lay into him the following turn? The environment could still be a problem though. And that feat does look like it could potentially do what I want to do right now, do you know if it avoids invoking AoOs?

EDIT: Doh, I just saw footnote 1. Yeah, the moving itself would incur an AoO))
((I was going off of the table here: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/combat#TOC-Standard-Action
Yeah, it does say melee attack at the end. Maybe I could charge without the attack and lay into him the following turn? The environment could still be a problem though. And that feat does look like it could potentially do what I want to do right now, do you know if it avoids invoking AoOs?

EDIT: Doh, I just saw footnote 1. Yeah, the moving itself would incur an AoO))

((Moving and doing nothing is just a... well move action, so no avoiding aoos with that. you could make an unarmed attack if you trust your fort saves to save your ass from the str damage... which depending on your bow could fuck over your ability to shoot it.))


((I kind of wish I had zone of foul flames prepared... oh well. When throwing my reflex save, remember that a ranger has evasion.))

As Viss walks down to the kitchen she hears a sudden commotion. When she returns to the others she is greated by a blast of fire. When she hears Menek`s discriptions she quickly sends Tessa away since her companion won`t be able to do much against a foe that`ll hurt her on contact. ((And Tessa`s reflex save is terrible, chances are she is already half dead from the first attack.))
She wonders what she could do since a melee attack is not an option. Any creature that she could summon would not fair any better. So she`ll cast cat`s grace for more dexterity and draws her bow. ((Not sure if shooting arrows at the thing will do any good, even with pin point targeting. Chances are I`m overlooking something useful... especially since I`m not entirely sure anymore which spells I had prepared and have left the list where I wrote them down back home... ))
((Since you removed Tessa from the fight I'm not going to worry about doing her save. Viss failed her save with a natural 1 and takes 50 fire damage.

A bow will work okay against this guy. I don't think you have any good way to get around his Damage Reduction other than raw damage output, which is hard to get with ranged attacks. I don't blame you staying back though, given what this guy is capable of.

Also Nezumi, you probably want to update your character sheet to Level 11 when you have a chance. I'll modify your rolls and stuff accordingly while I'm taking your turns, but it'll help you a lot to get that taken care of. Let me know if you would like assistance with that))

Battle Theme

Fiery cinders whirl unpredictably around the deck of the ship as everyone is assaulted by unholy flames. Tessa and Thanatos in particular suffer grave injuries, and both withdraw from the battle, the vulture retreating upward while the dinosaur falls below decks.

"NO!" Caizel yells belligerently in response to Menek's plea. "This is MY Balor! I and I alone will command it!" In defiance, she throws up her hands to cast a spell. Ozzan'gac attempts to disrupt her, but she evades his opportunism and successfully erects a wall of fire, which encircles both herself and the balor, and cuts painfully through Ozzan'gac ((Ozzan'gac takes 7 Fire damage.)).

The Wall of Fire also emits intense heat, to varying degrees depending on distance from it. Viss takes 2 Fire damage, Sybil takes 5 Fire damage, Fleshbane takes 8 Fire damage, Menek takes 1 Fire Damage, and Ciel takes 4 fire damage.

The Balor pays Caizel no attention. First, it gazes threateningly at Sybil, who feels a malevolent, invisible force restraining her; next, it turns its attentions to Fleshbane. A spiked, flaming whip materializes in its right hand, and he lashes at the robot mercilessly. The third strike rends Fleshbane's head clean off of his metallic body.... though he is still alive. The whip then wraps itself tightly around the robot's body, seemingly of its own accord.

"YES!" Caizel cackles, "DESTROY the metal one!"

((Quickened Telekinesis , using it to attempted a Grapple versus Sybil. Grapple attempt: 47 vs CMD. I think that succeeds. Sybil is grappled either until the spell wears off, or until she can break free of the grapple.

Full Attack vs Fleshbane:
1st attack - 41 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 10 regular damage and 6 Fire damage.
2nd attack - 43 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 9 regular damage and 6 Fire damage.
3rd attack - Natural 20 with a Vorpal weapon, and a 31 vs AC to confirm, which would normally result in instant death.... if Fleshbane weren't immune to criticals. Fleshbane takes 9 regular damage and 3 Fire damage.

Entangle - Free Grapple check vs Fleshbane: 52 vs CMD. Fleshbane has the Grappled condition (but the Balor does not).

Anyone who tries to move through the Wall of Fire will take 2d6 Fire damage (and this includes ending your turn directly in its path). Ending your turn within 20 feet of it will result in additional damage.

Begin Round 2. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55245ee32765c Updated Map))
((I'm not too sure how the Balor's whip works. Can it still attack and grapple people with its whip while it's got Fleshbane snared in it? I know the balor doesn't have grapple condition, but I don't know how many people the whip can deal with at once. Just asking to determine how much Ciel moves this turn.))
<I can attempt a dispel magic check vs. the wall of fire (1d20 + 11HD), but I'm not sure how viable that would be versus Caizel's spellcasting.>
Mako casts haste! Viss, Sybil, Fleshbane and Mako gain +1 attack, ac and reflex(and of course the extra attack).

((EDIT: Left out Menek because it was him or Fleshbane and I think Fleshbane could use the extra help right now... also menek doesn't really attack much I think.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, not sure what to do here. I guess I can so Slip the Bonds and cancel the grapple, but he doesn't hit that hard, all his powers would provoke an AoO, and he's pretty beat up at this point.

Plus he's, you know, decapitated. But I'm guessing his body can still act autonomously? Is it blind without his head? How does this work?))


((A little help would be much appreciated, yes. I'll be traveling until the end of the month so my internet access will be irregular. Sorry :( ))
<I am actually having much difficulty deciding:

1) Whether to dispel the fire wall (and most likely fail)
2) Attack Balor (and most likely miss most attacks)
3) Attempt to finish off Caizel (which will most likely do nothing to change how Balor is acting and likely won't dispel the wall)>
((Well, you could withdraw after escape the bonds to get out of his melee range. But I forget if that's a full round action, so you'll probably have to do that next turn. And like you said, it seems like its magic is more dangerous than its melee (well, the rest of us have to worry about vorpal, but hey). But yeah, as long as you can get out of the square you're in, Ciel should be able to get a flank with Ozzang'ac next turn and start putting the hurt on it.))

((On my phone so can't update the map. Moving to the square one square down and right from Fleshbane and shooting an arrow at Caizel. If I have the range right, I should just be entering his threat range, and I think it's exiting squares that incurs AoOs.))

As the balor grabs Fleshbane with his whip, Ciel senses an opportunity to advance and moves closer to the imposing fiend. He's not yet close enough to hit it hard, but he has a bead on Caizel, who is flipping out. He was hoping to drop the Balor first, but if the fire wall is any indication, she could be a threat. Regrettably, Menek is right in suggesting that she be dropped first.

As he gets ready to fire a cold iron-imbued arrow, something stirs in him. Hmm, I'd rather not shoot her. is this what affection feels like? Probably a left over affect from her magics. Well, now she has to die. This may compromise killing Baphomet, but that boat's sailed anyway, and I can't let such weakness foster. Besides, this bitch can't fuck with my head and get away with it. In a move that may surprise the party, an arrow flies from the shadows at Caizel's throat.

((I'm assuming it hasn't been 8 hours sense the Baphomet shenanigans, but if I'm wrong, he'll cast instant enemy as well))

((Rolled a nat 20 on the shot, 39 to confirm it. Damage with sneak attack, sonic, and crit is 76. Got to love that x3 on arrows, and cold iron should mean no DR.

If things need to be subtracted, I can look the rolls back up once I'm home

Edit: would you roll sonic just once in a crit like precision damage, or multiple times like normal weapon damage? I only rolled it once, so I may have another 2D6s to add to that))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Killing or disabling Caziel is probably your best bet.))

opposed grapple attempt: 1D20+16 = [18]+16 = 34

((Idk if that is enough to escape but based on the Balor's roll to grapple in the first place probably not. If it is then I'll write up a turn If not then I am probably stuck, though I did read you have to stay concentrating to maintain a telekinetic grapple,.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Ok I used the incorrect term. I am attempting to break free of the grapple. I rolled a CMB check to get that value.))
((The decapitation is just fluff. You're not actually impeded. I just thought the image was too good to pass up :)

Jackben you are correct about him needing to concentrate to maintain. You didn't break free though.

Edit: Caizel just dropped, so the Fire Wall is gone too. She never healed from the first battle))


((Round 2))

Menek starts as the monster in the center of the ship seems to immobilize both Sybil and Fleshbane with one action.

Caziel being dropped at the very least makes it a 7 on 1 fight. Even that didn't seem like fair odds.

Menek stares at the demon lord and gives him the Evil Eye Hex targeting AC.

((-4 AC for 11 rounds if it fails Will Save DC 23. Otherwise only one round which is Round 2))

Menek then Cackles at the situation they find themselves in.

((Fortune on Sybil and Ciel extends out to Round 5. Evil Eye -4 AC on Balor goes out to either Round 13 or Round 3. I think Sybil's best hope of getting free is to force Balor to fail a concentration check.

KM I think your unarmed strikes can pass through the Balor's DR. As long as you have ki your strikes are treated like cold iron. There's a lot of attack buffs floating around right now to boot so I think you can put at least some hurt on the demon.

You've got +3 competence on all attacks, +4 insight bonus on all attacks, the sonic damage boost. I think that's everything?
<I'm gonna delay my action so both Ciel's attack will kill Caizel and Menek gets his debuff before I attack.

Also interesting that Fire Wall goes away after the caster dies. I wasn't sure if that was the case but now I know.

Will edit this post with an attack roll.>
You've got +3 competence on all attacks, +4 insight bonus on all attacks, the sonic damage boost. I think that's everything?

((This is correct except he is currently like 10 feet out of range for my sonic damage. i believe he can make a full attack as well, as grappling doesn't allow actions that require 2 hands, but as a monk you don't even need to use your hands to attack... which as a water elemental you might not even really have in the first place. so i think you can flurry even, just with an extra -2 attack for being grappled.))
<Regardless, Ozzang'ac loses about 20% of what his hit rate should be because being a water elemental outside of water incurs a -4 penalty.

Where am I getting +3 on Competence and +4 on Insight?>
<Regardless, Ozzang'ac loses about 20% of what his hit rate should be because being a water elemental outside of water incurs a -4 penalty.

Where am I getting +3 on Competence and +4 on Insight?>

((Now that i think about it... i have no idea where you are getting the insight bonus, but the +3 is from my song.))
<Oh, I found it. It was a swift action that Menek did it several posts before the Diplomacy standard action. I think Ozzang'ac was in range as he did it where it would've reached.>
Ozzang'ac winces when his attempt to grab the powerful demon singes his form, vapor escaping from his collected whole. He quickly unsure of what to do in that moment when a wall of flame erupts from below him, burning him even more and bringing great danger to the ship and the rest of the crew. His size in the cramped compartment of the flying vessel leaves him helpless to escape it in that moment. And then.. even though he had previously shown no compassion for the volcanic creature, Ozzang'ac lets out a cry when Fleshbane is seemingly beheaded right before him by the named Balor.

He finally begins to find relief when his vision finds Caizel struck by small harpoons and brought to her death.. It is then in Ozzang'ac's mind that Ciel finally redeems himself as an ally and had corrected his mistake of attempting to strike an alliance with the untrustworthy merwoman.

With a single foe left and no obstacles Ozzang'ac is allowed to channel is rage. He attempts to pummel Balor with a rapid needling coming from his form.

Flurry of Blows (Highest Attack Rolls, spending Ki point to add extra attack, +3 & +4 from buffs): 1D20+17+3+4 = [2]+17+3+4 = 26
1D20+17+3+4 = [18]+17+3+4 = 42
1D20+17+3+4 = [10]+17+3+4 = 34

Flurry of Blows (Rest of attacks, +3 & +4 from buffs): 1D20+12+3+4 = [16]+12+3+4 = 35
1D20+12+3+4 = [14]+12+3+4 = 33
1D20+7+3+4 = [14]+7+3+4 = 28

Damage Rolls: 3D6+2+10 = [3, 3, 6]+2+10 = 24
3D6+2+10 = [5, 4, 1]+2+10 = 22
3D6+2+10 = [1, 6, 3]+2+10 = 22
3D6+2+10 = [5, 6, 3]+2+10 = 26
3D6+2+10 = [1, 5, 1]+2+10 = 19
3D6+2+10 = [1, 3, 3]+2+10 = 19

<Ozzang'ac's attacks are treated as Cold Iron for the purposes of overcoming DR.>
((Okay, to recap this turn so far: (since there's been a lot of behind the scenes talk that could make it hard for someone trying to catch up to figure out what's happened):

-Mako cast Haste
-Ciel shot and killed Caizel; the Wall of Flames disappeared
-Sybil tried, and failed, to escape the telekinetic grapple
-Menek Hexed and Cackled. The balor passed his Will save, but has -4 to AC this round.
-Ozzan'gac beat up on the balor and got multiple hits in, thanks to the Balor's diminished AC. He will be taking fire damage due to using natural attacks versus this guy, which I will tally up when the Balor takes its next turn.

I'll assume that Viss will try a Full Attack versus the Balor since she pulled her bow out last round (though if you are able to get an RP post in, Nezumi, that would be cool. I imagine Viss is having some internal reactions to fighting a powerful demon like this).

Fleshbane still needs to take his turn. As stated, Fleshbane is not hampered in any way by losing his head; that was purely fluff, on account of a Natural 20 being rolled with a Vorpal Weapon. He is Grappled, which would give him a -2 to attacks vs the balor and makes it more difficult to cast spells with a somatic component, as well as preventing him from moving away without escaping first.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55253f9a0756f Map))
((Yeah. I don't know what those are supposed to represent (I didn't create this map, I just found it somewhere), so you can just ignore them. The two round-ish structures along the center of the ship are obstacles though. Ozzan'gac is fine where he is, but he wouldn't be able to move any further to the left))

Mike M

Nick N
((I think Fleshbane’s just gonna go all out with the hacking. It’s about all he’s good for at this point, and it will probably kill him since this guy’s damage output dwarfs Fleshbane’s ability to recover and he went in with a significant chunk of HP missing. But we have an out that his head is still alive if that happens. His sword is +5, but I readily admit I don’t fully understand how that pertains to DR even after Dead Phoenix explained it up thread.))

Fleshbane’s static facial expression is as immutable as ever, but it is difficult to imagine that he would not be wearing one of supreme surprise to find that his head has been separated from his body as it goes flying through the air.

Entangled by the flaming whip, damaged from Ciel’s previous assault, scorched from the flames of the Balor and Caziel’s flame wall, and now decapitated… Somehow, Fleshbane’s lumbering form presses on, his behavioral protocols dictating that his greatest chance for self preservation is to assist in slaying the massive demon before them.

Full round attack vs. Balor
Attack 1:  1d20+19-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=32
Damage:  2d6+10=15
Attack 2: 1d20+14-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=31
Damage:  2d6+10=17
Haste Attack:  1d20+19-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=31
Damage:  2d6+10=19

((Fleshbane, why u so bad at melee damage?))


((Well here's the text:

Inspirational Expertise (Ex): When an investigator succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a monster's special powers or vulnerabilities, he can expend one use of inspiration as a swift action to grant allies within 30 feet that can hear him a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls against that monster or type of monster for 1 round. An investigator must be at least 7th level to take this talent.

It's an Extraordinary affect not a Supernatural one so it's not 'magical'. Fluff wise it feels to me like Menek is so awesome at knowing stuff that he can give other people advice on what to do which Fleshbane should be able to benefit from.

You can argue either way so I guess leave it up to ThLunarian?

Another question, if Menek keeps rolling knowledge and manages to find out some other tidbit of information on the Balor could he keep expending a point of inspiration to keep the buff up?
((Well here's the text:

Inspirational Expertise (Ex): When an investigator succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a monster's special powers or vulnerabilities, he can expend one use of inspiration as a swift action to grant allies within 30 feet that can hear him a +4 insight bonus on attack rolls against that monster or type of monster for 1 round. An investigator must be at least 7th level to take this talent.

It's an Extraordinary affect not a Supernatural one so it's not 'magical'. Fluff wise it feels to me like Menek is so awesome at knowing stuff that he can give other people advice on what to do which Fleshbane should be able to benefit from.

You can argue either way so I guess leave it up to ThLunarian?))

((It doesn't say its a mind effecting effect, so i think he is good to go.))


((Yes, Viss is gonna make a full attack for lack of any better options. I'll write up a RP post as soon as I get the chance.))
((The insight bonus will apply to Fleshbane, and the +5 weapon is enough to overcome the DR. Thanks to the -4 that Menek gave to the Balor's AC, all of those attacks hit for full damage o_O

Nezumi, I'm looking at your character sheet and I can't figure out why there is a +10 in the Temporary Mod box for your ranged attack. Maybe that's a leftover bonus you had put in from a previous battle...? You're getting +8 from all the bonuses floating around right now (Haste, Competence, and Insight).

I've literally never played a fully-decked-out archer, so I'm figuring this out on the fly. It looks like with Manyshot and Rapid Shot, plus Haste, you're getting a total of 6 attacks, made with 5 rolls. After accounting for all bonuses and penalties you're at a net +23/+18/+13 (11 from BAB, 3 from Dex, 8 from bonuses, 3 from magic weapon bonus, and -2 from Manyshot).

First (and Manyshot) attack: 37, will hit. Damage is a d8 + 4 (strength) + 3 (Bard song) + 3 (magic enchantment) = 18 damage. A +3 weapon is enough to overcome Cold Iron DR so it's full damage. Manyshot attack deals an additional 15.

Second attack: 23 doesn't hit.

Third attack: 32 doesn't hit.

Haste attack: 25 doesn't hit.

Ozzan'gac, you attacked the Balor six times with your 'fists', so you take d6 fire damage for each attempt. I'll give you the amounts separately because I don't remember whether you have Fire Resistance: 6, 2, 5, 6, 6, 2))

Boss Theme Part 2

Ciel's solitary arrow strikes true, impaling the Demon Lord through the throat. A cry rings out, muted but nevertheless ear-piercing. Her body erupts in a confined burst of flame, and a pile of ashes flutters onto the deck of the ship... along with some items that were sturdy enough to avoid consumption.

The Balor witnesses the spectacle, and makes a sinister laugh. "You have done me a service by destroying Baphomet's whore," it says, and everyone hears its voice in his or her native language. "I will repay you all by giving you swift deaths."

The party is undeterred by this threat, unloading on the creature with all they have. Ozzan'gac, pummels the Balor with a series of pinpoint watery strikes, maintaining the discipline to follow through even though each strike he attempts causes more of his body to evaporate. The Balor's unholy aura is ineffective against a Neutral creature such as Ozzan'gac.

Fleshbane, silent in the face of a flesh-born enemy far too great for him alone to exterminate, pushes through the severe handicaps he is suffering and strikes the Balor thrice. He feels the demon's unholy aura trying to punish him, but his own malevolent nature renders the magicks inert.

Viss, knowing better than to engage such a foul, flaming beast in melee combat, launches a series of penetrating arrows at the creature; some of them actually manage to puncture its profane flesh.

The beast is not one to take a beating laying down, but it also knows how to prioritize. First it releases Sybil from its grasp and uses the force of its mind to try and wrest the bow from Ciel's hands, having seen how dangerous the assassin can be with it.

It then wills a five-foot-long, black and red sword with jagged edges to appear in its left hand (the right is still holding the whip that entangles Fleshbane). It plunges the cursed weapon into the water elemental's viscous body, attempting to eliminate it as a threat.

((Sybil is no longer grappled.

Ciel is targeted by a Quickened Telekinesis; the Combat Maneuver version is being used to attempt a Disarm. He rolled a 39 vs Ciel's CMD. If he succeeded, Ciel drops his weapon and must spend a Move action to pick it back up.

Full Attack on Ozzan'gac with an Unholy Vorpal Longsword.

First attack: 43 vs AC. 22 damage.
Second attack: 37 vs AC. 20 damage.
Third attack: 39 vs AC. 18 damage.
Fourth attack: 34 vs AC. 19 damage if it hits.

Fleshbane is still considered Grappled.

The Balor no longer has -4 to its AC.

Begin Round 4. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55253f9a0756f Map, but it hasn't changed since the last time))
((Nope, I've got nothing. I am about to throw down a smoke bomb though that should create concealment his true seeing can't pierce. The smoke is based on the effect of fog cloud. Being in the fog may hamper your accuracy too though, so before I throw it, I thought I'd check and see if you want the smoke's border to include Fleshbane as well.

Also, the CMD check succeeded, so once I know that, my turn will be a standard action to throw the smoke bomb and a move action to pick up his bow))

Mike M

Nick N
((Incidentally, I looked this guy's stat block up...
Unless I misunderstand how one particular power works or Lunarian pulls his punches, we're fucked when his HP drop to 0.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Boo Mike, don't spoil yourself like that! Will type up my turn soon. Even if we TPK, the way this campaign is set up we just end up back in the Raven Queen's domain, I think. I trust thLunarian to make it fun no matter what. Not super concerned about winning, and dying would be a cool RP opportunity.

Can anyone give me a rundown of the current buffs on Sybil and their type, like moral or what not? Thinking of transforming into the oracle version of a megazord.

Strike that, better idea: would using Aura of Justice to grant everyone in a 10 foot radius of Sybil the ability to smite be a better idea if we're going to unload on him? And is that a standard action or just an activate thing?))


((Hrm, I thought this was Round 3? Must have gotten mixed up. I think the Hex to AC should still be active though THLunarian, The Cackle should have extended it out one round. Also Menek and Mako should probably go first guys.

Sorry combination of work firewall and invisiblecastle not being available means I might not be able to link rolls directly.

coyote code roll id 84650 menek got a 36 on another knowledge roll is that enough to get info on say.. the demon's saves? And would that let me use another inspiration point to re-up the +4 insight bonus as a swift action?))
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