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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


bitch I'm taking calls.
((So if I have my buffs right: Sybil is hashed which is +1 to attack and damage, has +3 competence bonus to attack and damage, +1d6 sonic damage if close enough to Mako, and has a hex that lets her re-roll a save, unless that expired? So fortune and +4 to attack rolls, maybe the sonic if in range?

Also updates on previous questions: angelic flesh gives the Fire Resistance which I had mixed up with angelic blood as a pre-req for wings. Updated damage accordingly: Sybil has 69HP.

Secondly, Sybil has restoration prepared for later if people end up having ability damage.

Third, thinking of using lay on hands swift action on self to tank some of the fire wall damage, moving into range, activating Aura of Justice, then maybe using smite. Or I could alter that a bit and use cure serious wounds instead after moving into range. Lemme know what you guys think.))
((Well, the fire wall's gone, but that still sounds good for tanking AoOs. As long as you think Sybil can pass the fort saves that will come up from going in and attacking))


((Can I get a list of everybody else's HP. I can get two people at once with a Cure Moderate Wounds to try and bolster everyone a bit. Fortune on Sybil and Ciel are active till Round 5.))
((So if I have my buffs right: Sybil is hashed which is +1 to attack and damage, has +3 competence bonus to attack and damage, +1d6 sonic damage if close enough to Mako, and has a hex that lets her re-roll a save, unless that expired? So fortune and +4 to attack rolls, maybe the sonic if in range?

Also updates on previous questions: angelic flesh gives the Fire Resistance which I had mixed up with angelic blood as a pre-req for wings. Updated damage accordingly: Sybil has 69HP.

Secondly, Sybil has restoration prepared for later if people end up having ability damage.

Third, thinking of using lay on hands swift action on self to tank some of the fire wall damage, moving into range, activating Aura of Justice, then maybe using smite. Or I could alter that a bit and use cure serious wounds instead after moving into range. Lemme know what you guys think.))

((Using Aura of justice is a free action... HOWEVER you still have to activate smite as a swift action(this applies to all of use) this round or that person loses the option to use it(unless you do it again). And of course fleshbane and ciel can't use it at all(unless you have a lawful version that means only chaotic characters can't use it). This also means if you are using aura of justice this round, you have to do it before anyone else(who it would apply to) makes takes action.
Mako is at full hp so no worries there.))
((Using Aura of justice is a free action... HOWEVER you still have to activate smite as a swift action(this applies to all of use) this round or that person loses the option to use it(unless you do it again). And of course fleshbane and ciel can't use it at all(unless you have a lawful version that means only chaotic characters can't use it). This also means if you are using aura of justice this round, you have to do it before anyone else(who it would apply to) makes takes action.
Mako is at full hp so no worries there.))
((Ciel and Fleshbane are both chaotic evil (I think), so that would be a no-go too.))
<Yeah, this should be Round 3. Gonna also wait to confirm if Menek's debuff wore off or not. I should be able to survive one more full attack but when I do full attack I'm gonna spend a ki point to boost AC instead when I do.>
((Menek's debuff is supposed to last 1 round (I looked it up). That lasts from when he cast it until his next turn (this round).

Since we're being flexible on the order that the party takes their turns, and no one specified, I assumed that Menek went first last round, giving everyone a chance to take advantage of the debuff. So I'm going to hold to that and say that even if Menek doesn't go first this round, it expires before anyone has a chance to go.

This is Round 3 and not 4, my bad.

The talk about smiting and such has been accurate so far.

Also please avoid looking up the stat blocks of the guys you're currently fighting. Or at least don't tell anyone you're doing it :p Some people like to be surprised))
<I should be able to survive one more turn, but if anybody that has nothing better to do can heal, now is the time.

I'm gonna see what Menek does. I really like having that AC debuff.>
<While waiting, I'm gonna throw in some RP; just using the free action to talk, I still plan on doing a full attack>

Water spills and drips from Ozzang'ac, freed by the blade that tore into him. He becomes runny, no longer able to keep parts of himself from streaming onto the ship's floor.

"A service!? Who is it that you are working for, truly!?"
(Ummm oops. Azih you're right, I'm sorry. I didn't know what cackle did and didn't bothet to look it up. That's totally on me. The debuff is still active this round.

As for the knowledge check. The 36 didn't get you anything new,really. As for its saves, this thing is incredibly robust. It's slightly less agile than it is willful or hearty, but even then, its reflexes are higher than average))

The balor grins at Ozzan'gac. "Thanks to you, I serve no one. The wench forged me from the souls of fallen thousands over the course of ten long years. Now I have finally come to fruition, and you have spared me the trouble of breaking free of her servitude."
Ozzang'ac grimaces, "And yet you still reward us with death. Evil or not, your lack of honor is despicable..."

Then it dawns on him, "Thousands of souls...? That can only mean.. your very existence has brought disorder to the astral plane. We have no choice but to destroy you."

Ozzang'ac lets out a flurry of needling attacks once more, but this time with more careful pacing of his strikes.

<Spend ki point to gain a +4 dodge bonus.

Flurry of Blows (Highest Attack Rolls, +3 & +4 from buffs): 1D20+17+3+4 = [1]+17+3+4 = 25
1D20+17+3+4 = [19]+17+3+4 = 43

Flurry of Blows (Rest of attacks, +3 & +4 from buffs): 1D20+12+3+4 = [19]+12+3+4 = 38
1D20+12+3+4 = [17]+12+3+4 = 36
1D20+7+3+4 = [1]+7+3+4 = 15

Damage Rolls: 3D6+2+10 = [4, 1, 6]+2+10 = 23
3D6+2+10 = [1, 5, 3]+2+10 = 21
3D6+2+10 = [3, 3, 5]+2+10 = 23

Fire Damage Taken: 5D6 = [4, 2, 6, 4, 5] = 21



Right before Ozzang'ac attacks Menek takes a five foot step NW and shouts Its dexterity is the only weakness I can see and it's hardly a weakness he uses a swift action and a point of inspiration to maintain the inspirational expertise bonus to all in range and a move action to cackle and with his standard action casts Cure Serious Wounds on the guardian elemental.

Ozz cure : 3D8+11 = [6, 3, 1]+11 = 21
((Quick question on fog cloud. My smoke bomb creates a 15-foot radius of it. The text says things within 5 feet get partial concealment, and 10 feet or more gets total concealment. If I was standing on the edge of the effect attacking the balor who was just outside it, would the balor have partial concealment or no concealment?))
((My reading of the spell is that if you're inside the cloud, you can only see 5 feet in front of you and any targets within that range have partial concealment, even if they're outside the cloud.

You will also be partially concealed from the Balor from that position . That's not really spelled out in the text, but it's my interpretation of it))
((Gotcha. Giving the balor any form of concealment seems like a horrible idea, so I'll throw the smoke bomb three squares south to give myself partial concealment and just hope that he doesn't pass and nat 20 the AoO. I'm on my phone and the battery's almost dead, so I'll type up RP to go with it once I'm back in front of my laptop.

Edit: also going to drop his invis since it's just keeping the others from buffing him at this point.))


((Sorry I still haven't posted. I left my phone at a restaurant yesterday and have just retrieved it... I thought I had changed my sheet back after the last battle but I might have misssed something, sorry. Did you include my cat's grace bonus to my dex? Also shouldn't I at least have a +9 bonus? 3 from Mako and 6 from favored enemy? And I never understood if many shot and pin point targeting can be combined. Anyway, Visa is gonna heal Ozz this round. I'm sure that I have at least 2 of my more powerful healing spells prepared. Will definitely write up a more extensive RP post in a few hours. Sorry ThLunarian again, for causing you so much hassle.))
With Caizel dead, Ciel flickers back into sight, his invisibility now nothing but a hindrance. He is almost close enough to the balor to strike where it hurts when it rips his bow from his hands via telekinesis. This in conjunction with its careless admission that Caizel crafted it from souls of the fallen leaves him quite irate: so much for a last-second hail mary on Baphomet.

He needs to pick his bow back up, but he knows a trap when he sees one, and has already taken note of what the Balor's weapon did to Fleshbane. Unlike Fleshbane, however, he kind of needs his head to keep doing things, like not die. To better his odds, Ciel tosses a smoke bomb fifteen feet behind him, causing a sphere of thick smoke to explode out, covering him. With the smoke offering some degree of protection, he picks up his bow and prepares to strike next opportunity he gets.


((OK, Time for some RPing ;) I'm gonna start at the beginning of the battle since I did not do the situation any justice in my previous post. Oh, and I'm not entirely sure what my HP is at the moment, but I took 50 damage upon entering the deck which is about half of my total...)).
Upon entering the deck of the Phoenix Maelstrom Viss is greeted by a scene out of her worst nightmares. Caizel, who obviously hasn't taken well to whatever shenanigans Ciel and Fleshbane have played on her before the arrival of everyone else, has returned. But the charred and disfigured demoness isn't what captures Viss' attention. Neither is the flaming inferno raging everywhere. Instead all that she can focus on is the fiery demon accompanying Caizel.
Its aura is not the same as the one that she has encountered not so long ago. But it is similar, oh so similar. She doesn't know what this thing is, but she knows it is powerful.
She sinks to her knees, breathing heavily, not even realizing the flames that burn into her flesh. Again scenes from a time she had hoped to have left behind flash in front of her inner eye. Pain, fear, humiliation. Everything seems to come crashing down around her. Time seems to slow down as she struggles to keep the bile from climbing up her throat.
She is dimly aware of Tessa, her companion's massive form an easy target for the hungry flames. Somewhere she hears Menek shout something.
"Tessa! Get away from here!" Viss manages to get out between clenched teeth.
Tessa doesn't move, determined not to leave Viss alone. Seeing Tessa's resolve gives Viss back some of the strength that had left her when she had spotted the demon. Her surroundings become clear again and thinking returns. Around her everyone else seems to have started moving. She can hear Mako sing, the power of the song helping Viss to get back to her feet. She turns to Tessa once more. "Go! There is nothing you can do here. I'd rather not see you hurt anymore."
Tessa still hesitates. From the corner of her eye Viss watches as Fleshbane has his head taken off yet still does not stop attacking the demon. Next to him Ozz moves in on the flaming beast as well. Viss smiles and takes out her bow. "Go." She says softly to the T-Rex. "Don't worry about me. This time I am not alone in this."
Finally Tessa obliges her and retreats back into the interior of the ship. Viss concentrates on the battle in front of her and takes a deep breath, focusing her concentration before she lets loose a volley of arrows towards, what had Menek called it again? Balor?
She can't really tell if she has done any sufficient damage. She can however see the arrow from Ciel that hits Caizel right in the neck, killing the demon outright. So much for gathering any further information.
Then again, only seconds later the fire demon taunts Ozz and pretty much confirms that Caizel has indeed been behind everything that has happened so far. At least there would be no more aimlessly running around this wretched place once they had dealt with this abomination. Provided they did manage to deal with it... as far as she could tell the creature did not seem to bothered by anything that she and her allies had thrown at it.
She is just about to release another couple of arrows when she realizes how draining ((Hrhrhr)) the constant attacking has been on Ozz. She puts away her arrow and instead moves in on the water elemental offering some of her strength to replenish his.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((It might be a little bit before I can get to a post. I apologize guys, new job and training are absorbing all my time and I haven't been able to GAF on a desktop like I used to at my old job. Linking rolls, trying too look up rules, character sheet, calculate damage and typing up RP posts on mobile is extremely annoying. IDK how mike has done it for so long. =p))

Mike M

Nick N
((It might be a little bit before I can get to a post. I apologize guys, new job and training are absorbing all my time and I haven't been able to GAF on a desktop like I used to at my old job. Linking rolls, trying too look up rules, character sheet, calculate damage and typing up RP posts on mobile is extremely annoying. IDK how mike has done it for so long. =p))
((Because I'm motherfuckin' dedicated.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane's torso makes a screeching, garbled noise, sparks flying from its neck stump as it raises its sword for another swing. Apparently its vocal processors are damaged beyond use at the moment. His head, meanwhile, stares upward at the sky, his eyes flickering erratically but still alive.

Full attack v. Balor:
Attack 1:  1d20+19-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=34
Damage:  2d6+10=16
Attack 2: 1d20+14-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=26
Damage:  2d6+10=18
Haste Attack:  1d20+19-2(entangled)+1(Haste)=37
Confirming Crit: 1d20+19-2(entangled)+1(Haste)+3(Insight bonus)=41 (Jesus)
Damage:  2d6+10=16
Bonus Crit damage:  2d6+10=18


((Hah, it's like you don't even need the attack bonuses... though you really should add it to your second attack and see if that pushes it over the limit))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Oh I'm dumb. I just looked at my character sheet and Sybil does have fire resistance 5, but unrelated to Assamir; it comes from my oracle curse.))

Sybil attempts to help attack the Balor but heals herself first.

Swift action: lay on hands self: 5D6+10 = [6, 1, 5, 5, 2]+10 = 29


She then moves to the left corner of the Balor and attempts to smite it in Freya's name.

Smite versus Balor:

Smite: 1D20+17+7+4+1 = [6]+17+7+4+1 = 35

((Don't think that hits))

It appears the gods have forsaken her in this fight.

((This would have been the damage: 1d8+4+2+4+1+2d6+22))

((AC 42))

((Fire Damage: _: 1D6 = [4] = 4
absorbed by damage resistance))
((You can't smite and lay on hands yourself on the same turn... unless you use lay on hands as a standard action, which I assume you can do. Also I was kinda hoping for the aura of justice... oh well.))

With magic likely be ineffective, Mako instead opts for the more direct route and activates arcane strike and begins firing.

Attack: 1D20+18+3+1 = [18]+18+3+1 = 40
1D6+2+3+3 = [4]+2+3+3 = 12
Haste Attack:1D20+18+3+1 = [15]+18+3+1 = 37
1D6+2+3+3 = [1]+2+3+3 = 9

Second Attack: 1D20+18+3+1-5 = [8]+18+3+1-5 = 25
1D6+2+3+3 = [2]+2+3+3 = 10

(((Darn, only 1 away from a crit on that first one.))



bitch I'm taking calls.
((Ok I can redo my turn and do aura of justice instead, it's just I don't know how to position myself where you guys would get the most benefit. The range is only 10 feet))
((Well, you might be able to walk through Menek's(if he is flying you can just walk under him no problem... or maybe even just fly over him) square and use aura of justice(free action) then continue next to the balor and activate the aura of justice smite with a swift action. This should put Mako, Viss, Menek and of course yourself in range of the aura. Assuming you can use aura of justice in the middle of a move action, that is up to GM of course.))
((Sybil can use her Aura of Justice in the middle of moving as DeadPhoenix suggested. That means you can do that, and then either heal yourself, or attack the Balor.

You forgot to include Flanking in the attack roll I think (you'd be flanking with Ozzan'gac), so that attack roll will hit if you want it to... you just wouldn't regain the HP from Lay on Hands. I'll let you decide that after this post, since it won't mean the difference between this thing surviving or not this turn. If you do decide to attack, you'll need to make a Fortitude save DC 26, or take 4 Strength damage.

Nezumi, you're completely right about the Favored Enemy bonuses, which I forgot about because I've never played a Ranger before. An additional attack would've hit, and the ones I already counted should have dealt more damage. I fixed it in my calculations))

The Balor's mood quickly sours as attack after attack bypasses its defenses. The cloud of billowy smoke that has just obscured its vision doesn't help its disposition. "Insolent maggots..." it hisses. "The time for leniency has passed!"

It opens its mouth, and continues opening it further and further, until the diameter is half the size of its entire body. Profane energy spews forth from it, polluting and profaning the entire deck of the ship. A rancid stench assaults everyone's sense of smell. An evil aura far more concentrated and powerful than anything ever encountered by anyone on the ship threatens to overwhelm the team.

Only Fleshbane and Ciel are unaffected....

((The Balor has just cast Blasphemy, and passed its concentration check to avoid AoO's. It affects all nonevil creatures within 40 feet, so that counts you too, Ozzan'gac.

Make a Will save, DC 25. If you pass, you're Paralyzed for 1 round and you take 3 points of Strength damage.

If you fail, you're Paralyzed for 10 minutes (aka out of the fight) and take 5 Strength damage.

You can ignore the part in the spell description about getting banished to your home plane.

Only Fleshbane and Ciel actually get to take turns this time, since everyone else is going to be paralyzed for at least 1 round.

The map hasn't changed since last time))
((If that's the case, then you're actually Dazed for 1 round too. I didn't bother to list it because I figured Paralysis would make Dazed irrelevant. I just checked the character sheet you sent me and it doesn't list Dazed among the immunities.

This goes for anyone else who is immune to paralysis but susceptible to Dazed))


will save: 1D20+13 = [12]+13 = 25


The roiling profane energy that hits him like a sledgehammer is far beyond anything Menek had experienced either in life or death. It makes the rest of the horrors he had witnessed in the Abyss pale in comparison. Only by muttering his new mantra over and over is he able to endure the mental assault and even then just barely. For a precious few moments all he is able to do is repeat The more you know the more you do not while standing still like he has been poleaxed.
((Are there any buffs flying around that affect will saves? If not...))

Will Save:1D20+11 = [11]+11 = 22

((Gonna wait for confirmation that I'm fucked before I write my reaction.))

((You are in fact fucked! I was gonna try to use saving finale, but I'm paraylzed so I'm not even singing anymore. However, once I start moving again I can use countersong since this is a sonic effect.

...Also, if Sybil is gonna use AoJ, I'd like to do that instead of arcane strike. Also actually use my feats, i should have used manyshot at least. I must have forgotten I had it since that was my first full attack in the campaign. I think I also forgot to mention I have a +3 bow, so should be going through cold iron dr, idk if you took that into account...))
((Hmm, what is Arcane Strike then? I looked it up and I found a feat with that name here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/arcane-strike-combat , which makes your weapon magical with a +3 bonus, but if your bow is already a +3 then I'm assuming that's not what you're talking about. Or maybe it is and I'm reading it wrong. Either way this is a good place to clarify it.

Also, if you want to change your previous turn then you're going to have to walk me through the actual attack and damage rolls that you want to use, because archer combat is kind of my weakness rules-wise, and when you throw in smiting on top of that it makes things even more hazy for me))
((Hmm, what is Arcane Strike then? I looked it up and I found a feat with that name here http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/arcane-strike-combat , which makes your weapon magical with a +3 bonus, but if your bow is already a +3 then I'm assuming that's not what you're talking about. Or maybe it is and I'm reading it wrong. Either way this is a good place to clarify it.

If you want to change your previous turn then you're going to have to walk me through the actual attack and damage rolls that you want to use, because archer combat is kind of my weakness rules-wise))

((I just meant that the bow is a +3 weapon so it goes through cold iron and silver. arcane strike has no effect on that. well arcane strike an make a non-magic weapon count as magic, but that doesn't help me here.
I could just reroll my attacks with the smite bonuses, but i'd need to know what sybil's cha bonus is first.))
((Oh so no extra attacks or anything? In that case I can just add all the numbers in myself, don't worry about rerolling. Sybil's cha bonus is at a +6 right now though, for future reference))
((Oh so no extra attacks or anything? In that case I can just add all the numbers in myself, don't worry about rerolling. Sybil's cha bonus is at a +6 right now though, for future reference))

((oh no. i would do extra attacks. my first shot would have a second arrow(from many shot. same damage as my other arrow) and i'd have one more seperate from rapid shot and -2 attack on all shots... and now that i'm thinking about it, i'd also have +1d6 sonic damage on each attack(but not on the second manyshot arrow))
Attack: 1D20+18+3+1+6 = [5]+18+3+1+6-2 = 31
Damage: 1D6+2+3+11 = [4]+2+3+11 = 20
Manyshot:1D6+2+3+11 = [6]+2+3+11 = 22
combined sonic damage:2D6 = [6, 3] = 9

Rapidshot:1D20+18+3+1+6-2 = [1]+18+3+1+6-2 = 27
damage:1D6+2+3+11 = [3]+2+3+11 = 19
sonic:1D6 = [6] = 6

Haste attack:1D20+18+3+1+6-2 = [20]+18+3+1+6-2 = 46
damage:1D6+2+3+11 = [1]+2+3+11 = 17
sonic: 1D6 = [5] = 5

Haste crit confirm: 1D20+18+3+1+6-2 = [18]+18+3+1+6-2 = 44
extra crit damage: 2D6+4+6+22 = [4, 5]+4+6+22 = 41

2nd attack: 1D20+18+3+1+6-5 = [9]+18+3+1+6-5 = 32
damage:1D6+2+3+3+11 = [5]+2+3+3+11 = 24
((forgot the sonic damage here, but it probably missed anyways.... also it has another -2 attack, probably doesn't help))

((And i think i actually rolled worst except for the crit on the haste which makes up for it i guess! Oh yeah, don't forget the first attack(one per creatuer per smite) on a smite deals smite damage on evil/chaotic outsiders, so that is another 11 damage... actually another 33 damage because my first hit was the crit i think. mother fucking paladins, i love them so much.))
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