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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

Ciel's nose crinkles as the Balor releases a foul-smelling wave of something over the deck. Is it puking? What a disgusting beast. However, the feeling that accompanies the foul display is much less off-putting. It's not unlike a cheery walk by the beach, stabbing vacationers, or a day out with friends clubbing baby seals.

He dismisses the display as a shitty attempt at demoralization until he sees that everyone but himself and Fleshbane is unable to move. "What a bunch of pussies, I guess it's up to Ciel to save the day again," he mutters under his breath.

He steps out of the smoke so his shots won't be blocked, putting himself next to Fleshbane. "How about another lecture on cowardice while we're here? You see, opportunism and cowardice, contrary to your opinion on the matter, are different things. I usually avoid the front lines not out of some fear of it, but because it's of no benefit to get in swinging range. Right now? I can do the most damage right here, as long as Ozzang'ac or Sybil pull their thumbs out of their ass and get back to trying to kill him. Now where were we? Oh yes, you making a heroic last stand and me being the only other person who can help you kill this thing right now."

While talking at and probably being ignored by Fleshbane, he shoots a flurry of arrows at the Balor he is in turn almost ignoring, running the appropriate mantra through his mind while spewing words at the robot.

Your disgusting act,
has only disabled welps,
your death shall go on.

((With all the buffers paralyzed for the turn, the only thing I think is still in effect is the reroll buff for this turn. If the +4 insight is still in effect, you can add 4 to all my rolls. Really wish I hadn't blown all my instant enemy castings on Baphomet right about now. Also, my weapon's +3, so I guess versatile weapon was a waste of a spell slot. Oh well. XD))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84847]manyshot: 1D20 + 21 = [20]+21 = 41
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84848]Crit Confirm: 1D20 + 21 = [6]+21 = 27
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84849]Reroll (good god): 1D20 + 21 = [20]+21 = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84850]Damage: 2D8 + 24 = [7, 8]+24 = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84851]Crit X2: 1D8 + 12 = [6]+12 = 18
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84852]Crit X3: 1D8 + 12 = [8]+12 = 20
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84853]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 21 = [3]+21 = 24
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84854]Ki Attack: 1D20 + 21 = [11]+21 = 32
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84855]Second Base Attack: 1D20 + 16 = [7]+16 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84856]Third Base Attack: 1D20 + 11 = [9]+11 = 20

((EDIT: updated map- http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/552aea33537ca))


((Can't really see your rolls on my phone but Ciel has fortune on him so you can choose to reroll one attack if you want))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Couple things: Sybil will go ahead and aura of justice and attack, not heal. So HP is still 69. Also her charisma modifier is +7 unless I misunderstand how enchanted equipment works.))

Fort Save vs Strength Damage: 1D20+17 = [13]+17 = 30

Will Save vs Blasphemy: 1D20+17 = [14]+17 = 31

Sybil is stunned by the putrid gas emitting from the Balor's grotesquely extended maw. Closing her eyes, she concentrates, unable to move but attempting to hold on to her consciousness with every fiber of her being.
Ciel's last arrow is the final nail in the Balor's coffin. Its body begins to swell and tremble; it tries to speak, but all it can muster is an angry wail.

The arrow seems to have started an unstoppable chain reaction, but any attempt at escape is fruitless, even for the mobile members of the party.

An ear-splitting explosion rocks the deck of the Phoenix Maelstrom, as a critical mass of fiery, corrupt energy is unleashed upon the party. The outburst is mercifully short-lived.... if anyone is around to witness the aftermath.

The good news is that the Balor is dead.

((Everyone make a DC 33 Reflex save. If you fail, you take 50 Fire damage and 50 Unholy damage. If you pass, you take 25 and 25 (or nothing, if you have Evasion). Update: Anyone with a non-good alignment actually only takes half of the Unholy damage (so 25 or 13).

This is almost certainly going to kill some people. If it does, report the result, hang tight, and don't start working on a new character just yet. If it doesn't, don't react yet until we figure out who survived and who didn't. If you're in the negatives but aren't quite dead yet, report that result as well. If no one survived, that's also okay and don't panic.

You can ignore the paralysis for this saving throw, by the way. I'm ruling that the Balor's death canceled out the effects of Blasphemy.

Combat is over.))
<I failed the save, but I have Improved Evasion and I don't believe I'm helpless so I should only take 50 damage (I would survive the 100 anyway thanks to the heals).

... Oh crap, Viss. EDIT: I just saw that Paralysis was cancelled so that's almost a relief>

Overwhelmed by the darkness, Ozzang'ac becomes disoriented. He somehow feels himself weakening, the water that makes up his form somehow thinning. He still has some sense of himself, but only momentarily...

Suddenly a blast hits him. As it does he is put into a harsh shock; a vision emerges before him. The monstrous meteor crashes down upon him once more as it did to his home world, crushing him and his companions.

Ozzang'ac finds himself lost in the astral sea once more.. but it is like a dream this time.. like a memory he is re-living. Mystra's voice beckons him to rise once more, and soon Ozzang'ac finds himself regaining consciousness and back in the inside of the flying vessel. He doesn't know what happened..
((Okay I just looked up Unholy damage. Good creatures take normal damage from it; neutral and evil creatures take half. So Ozz, Fleshbane, and Ciel all take half on the Unholy portion of the damage. Possibly Sybil, too; her character sheet says she's Lawful Neutral which kind of surprised me, but I'll let Jackben decide on that one))
((Ah, sweet. Then I'm alive regardless of what the answer to my spoilered text is. I'll type up an RP post once more people's saves are in. His reaction will depend on the number of survivors))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I typed up an RP post because Sybil failed her save and died. Then I got a phone call and it was deleted. I'm mad and don't feel like writing it again. So Sybil is dead. Her wings got flayed off by the unholy wave and the skin on her skull was peeled away by the flame.))

Mike M

Nick N
((Got 25 on the Reflex save, and I already expended Fleshbane's Reflex-replacing maneuver. Unless I can retcon that he refreshed his maneuvers before one of his attacks on the Balor (I don't think I can take a swift action and full round attack?), FB fails.

I actually need to go tabulate his damage to see if he survived, LOL))


((Can't make my roll just yet, but I'm pretty sure that Viss will die. Even I'd were to roll a 20 I don't think my bonus is high enough to get to 33. Or are there any skills that give bonus to reflex rolls? Acrobatics maybe?))


reflex save balor explosion: 1D20+13+1D8 = [20]+13+[5] = 38

Something had been nagging the back of Menek's mind as the struggle against the Balor went on. There was something he was forgetting. As he stood stunned by the horrifying energies of the monstrous demon he remembered what would happen if they actually managed to kill it. As soon as he could move again he started to shout a warning; bit it was interrupted by a demonic death scream.

OH HOLY SH is all the investigator/itch could get out before he threw himself back down the stairs on the deck. Flame and unholy energy ripped at him but he managed to dodge the worst of it as he tumbled down and came to a rest groaning at the bottom.

It explodes when it dies he moans unnecessarily.
((Can't make my roll just yet, but I'm pretty sure that Viss will die. Even I'd were to roll a 20 I don't think my bonus is high enough to get to 33. Or are there any skills that give bonus to reflex rolls? Acrobatics maybe?))

((Saving throws can crit(succeed and fail... in fact if you crit fail an item gets damage, but no one EVER uses that rule), so you have a chance.
BTW Mike you can swift action and full attack. That is basically why swift actions exist.))

Reflex: 1D20+16 = [9]+16 = 25

Mako starts moving again, but sees some serious shit about to go down. Not expecting to survive this she attempts to at least keep Aiden out of harm... whether or not she succeeds in that, she ends up a chared and lifeless husk on the deck of the ship of the Phoenix Maelstorm. What an incredible strange, unfortunate and not at all ironic turn of events.


((I activated cat's luck in the hope that an additional roll might give me the needed natural 20 but of course it didn't, so Viss joins the fallen ones.))

The Balor's foul cloud of putrid vapor hits Viss like a sledgehammer. The stench and the evil aura are too much for her and she lumps to the floor unable to move. Her eyes still fixed on the battle she watches as yet again it is one of Ciel's arrows that puts an end to their enemy. As the Balor cries its last breath full of hatred towards the sky, Viss realizes that she is able to move again. She has just enough time to think that Ciel is gonna be even more arrogant and insufferable from now on, when the Balor explodes without any warning. If she hadn't been so weak from the battle she might have been able to escape, but as it is, she just watches as the wall of flames and unholy energy washes over her. Not again... is all she can manage to think as the smell of her burned fur hits her nostrils when the fiery inferno engulfs her completely, turning the world dark once again.

((At least Tessa is save...))
<Going ahead and posting to squeeze in some drama before DM gathers the seven dragonballs>

Ozzang'ac slowly reconstructs his shape out of what liquid still remains within his grasp. A large chunk of himself managed to spill through the floor grating into the machinery and pipes below, no longer a part of him.

He still feels like he is in a nightmare while glancing around the damaged hull on fire. As he re-gathers what water he can he starts to notice that he is immensely hot, he soon realizes that he has reached nearly the same temperature as the water in the container that was brought to a boil. It is painful to both himself and those that can touch him.

Huffing, he quickly calls out to the first person he can find still conscious, drawing closer but slowing to a hesitation to avoid contact with his heated body, "Menek.. Menek! What had happened.. Can I be sure you are okay..? I..." He spots Ciel in his peripheral vision and for only a moment it starts to seem like things might be normal. But not for long.

Once the elemental is able to view the room with a clear mind it finally dawns on him what is wrong with what he is picturing. Husks of bodies, and another defiled gruesomely- companions become corrupted, lifeless shadows of their former selves, personalities they hold taken from the rest of them.


In that moment, Ozzang'ac begins to relive his personal horrors, "No.. No...! Sybil- Mako! No! Why..- Why must I see you like this!? Viss- Why..! Was there anything I could have done to prevent this!!?" His entire form splashes over and his form starts to fail to keep his human face, but he still manages to cry out, "Why must the fates act so cruel to me- taunt me with impossible danger I cannot stop!?"

Through his omnidirectional vision, he gazes to the mangled Fleshbane, unsure of the volcanic being's fate as even before the explosion the being seemed to lose much function.


((Dawwww. If Viss was still alive she would totally comfort Ozz and recommend a certain talking tree to help him cope with this kind of situations. But since we are on drama...))

Tessa has been pacing up and down relentlessly below deck, the sounds of the raging battle above making her more and more nervous. More than once she wanted to ignore her mother's wishes and go up there. She didn't. She should have.
As a large explosion shakes the ship Tessa decides that whatever has happened up there it clearly changes the situation enough to justify disobedience.
As she steps onto the deck a horrific scene spreads before her. The deck is burning in several places. None of the two evil beings that has attacked them can be seen anywhere. Tessa spots the water creature flowing over the deck aimlessly and the one carrying the feathery one, looking dazed.
She looks around more and only now sees a number of charred figures lying on the ground.
Tessa let's out a heartbreaking growl as she spots the tail on one of the blackened bodies. With two gigantic steps she stands over Viss, nozzling her lifeless form in the vain attempt to get her to move. When the realisation that once again she has come to late to save Viss hits her Tessa throws her head in the air and lets out a pain filled roar that seems to last for minutes.
Only when there is no more air in her massive lungs she stops, nestling herself next to Viss' body, protecting the charred remains.
A combination of distraction from lecturing Fleshbane and unawareness that Balors are living timebombs leave Ciel unaware of the oncoming explosion. He doesn't even have time to yell expletives before the explosion engulfs him and the others.

When the explosion is gone, Ciel remains standing, severely burnt and smoldering, but still conscious. It is when he surveys the battlefield and sees the several dead when he realizes that his lessers were just as slow, but less hardy. Only Menek and Ozzang'ac number among the clear survivors. Of course that damn investigator saw the explosion coming; he probably neglected to mention it on purpose. He'll find a way to bring him down a few pegs later.

"Looks like I'm free of those bitches for a while! They were a wretched lot, I suppose that Balor did something of worth after all. That's three less assholes to shout in protest at my every thought."

And three less assholes to kill Baphomet with. The thought occurs moments later. Now it doesn't matter what he says or does. Though two of his most despised partners and the cat-thing dying pleases him, they now lack the manpower to kill Baphomet regardless of whether or not he finds the words to spur everyone to action. The mission is done; his mission is dead in the water. For a minute, he considers commandeering the Phoenix Maelstrom and kamikaze piloting it into Baphomet's castle, but even he can't rationalize that as being something the Raven Queen would have technically allowed.

He limps over to one of the columns, rests against it, and begins laughing hysterically. For what feels like minutes, his insane laughter echoes through the sparsely populated halls of the airship.

As if on cue, Thanatos returns to the deck, still badly burnt himself. The sight of the bodies sends him into a feeding frenzy, and unless forcefully stopped, he will eat the bodies of the dead while Ciel remains incapacitated with laughter at some cosmic irony he's not sharing with the others.
((While we wait on Fleshbane's results, you guys get some loot.

The Balor dropped a +1 Unholy Vorpal Longsword and a +1 Unholy Vorpal Whip that can deal lethal damage regardless of the target's armor. Note: Unholy weapons can't be effectively wielded by good characters.

Caizel dropped a unique item called Bonerazor, which is a +2 dagger with base damage of 2d4. Every time it hits, if the target is a person, it has to make a DC 25 Fort save or else they're under the effect of Hold Person until they pass the save (can try to save once per turn). Also, the dagger's bearer can command it to return to him/her if it's within 50 feet.

I'll give you guys money when everyone is back to HQ))
<Incidentally Monks happen to be proficient with daggers and Ozzang'ac has both great strength and dexterity, so the dagger might actually be a viable option depending on the situation.>


When the giant vulture approaches Viss' remains with greedy hunger in its eyes Tessa gets up and angrily growls at it. She dimly remembers a command not to attack any of the people that have been traveling with them and had included the giant bird in this but if it comes any closer to her mother's body, she will forget this command.

((I leave it to Axel to decide whether or not Thanatos will try to eat Viss. If yes, Tessa will attack. Though it might be a while until I have time to look up the rolls and everything...))
((Ah, I forgot that monks are proficient with daggers. I don't mind letting you have it then, Ciel's pretty strictly bow spec'd anyway. I was mostly imagining sneak attack foolery with thrown daggers prior to combat. Though to that regard I suppose swapping the dagger back and forth between who needs it the most at the time is an option.

As for Tessa, there would probably be no need for rolls even if it came to that. With the level difference between them, there's basically no way Thanatos would win that fight. On that note, time for a Thanatos post!))

Food! Food on ship! Thanatos happily eats the corpses that aren't protected. Master isn't stopping him, so it must be ok. Food too cooked, but cooked food beat no food every day. The food looks kind of familiar, like people that yelled at master. No matter, now they people food.

When he get to third people food, the scary looking lizard growls at him. He responds by splaying his wings out, standing as tall as can be, and cawing loudly. All birds know being big is key to scaring off beasties. But the scary lizard doesn't budge! It keeps growling. It must want the people food more. It looks burnt, but Thanatos burnt too. He had two, the scary lizard can keep this one.

Thanatos waddles off towards master, looking back at the scary lizard to give a final, angry caw.


Tessa is not impressed as the giant bird tries to intimidate her with its spread wings and pitiful cawing. She makes a step towards it and roars, showing her teeth to make it clear what faith awaits it if it dares to come closer.
As the bird gets the message and waddles away Tessa glares after it before she settles back next to Viss' remains.


Tessa's roar shakes Menek out of his stupor. He stands up shakily and stumbles up to see Ozzang'ac in puddles and Ciel laughing insanely. Menek looks around slowly. How could everyone be dead? They were dead already or weren't they? We need to get back to the observatory he says thickly as blood seeps out in a trickle from the corner of his lip.
Ozzang'ac crawls to to Fleshbane's remains and picks up the broken head that had detached from the battle while continuing to fail to compose his preferred image of himself. He looks at the remains and ponders existence while somehow managing to think to ask at the same time after Menek gives his suggestion, "Can.. we at least determine if the souls were freed from Balor, or were they destroyed along with the rest of him?"

The elemental continues to move, setting the robot's head on a raised surface before moving to deter the land seagull away from the bodies of Mako and Sybil by imposing on its space, "Away, seagull! These bodies will be defiled no further."

<Speaking of party members dying in places we're about to escape, where did Coriolis go?>
Thanatos only gets a few bites into Mako's charred carcass before all of the remains of fallen party members vanish.

Soon after that, Bungo emerges from below decks and looks around.

"Well," he says, seemingly unaffected by the devastation around him, "Doesn't look like the ship's been damaged too badly. Why don't you folks get down to yer cabins so I can get us movin' back toward the Observatory?"


Sybil, Mako, and Viss awaken, the memory of being charred to death fresh on their minds and in their souls. They all feel drained and weak, but looking around at themselves and each other, their bodies are undamaged and completely nude. Mako notes that her scorpion familiar is next to her.

They are lying atop a srawling, down-soft pillow, with this symbol inscribed upon it.

All three women can tell that the symbol has both arcane and divine properties.

"Welcome back." The Raven Queen is standing in the entryway to the room. "Here, put these on." She hands each of them a white, cotton robe. "Your possessions are waiting for you in your quarters. My apologies that you are not still wearing them; the process is much easier this way."

Once everyone is clothed (if they want to be), the Raven Queen addresses them. "I want to congratulate you all on a job well done. You performed admirably and executed your duties as befit members of SAED and emissaries of the Raven Queen, despite the complications that arose along the way. The souls are no longer being diverted into The Abyss, and you've all earned some down time after such an ordeal.

"The others all survived the Balor's detonation, apart from Fleshbane. He is not here because... well, he is a machine, and machines work differently. Arrangements have been made with his patron, and he will be returning to his section of the Observatory in short order. The Phoenix Maelstrom is already underway on its return journey, and should arrive in approximately one week. For now, I encourage you all to relax."

She smiles at each of them. "And nice work."


Fleshbane becomes conscious prior to the return of his senses, much like during his first encounter with Zerome.

His senses return to him much more quickly than last time. It is not long before he becomes aware that his body is being rebuilt by a team of Archons, and that he is in an alcove of his very own domain - an area which was not designed by his specifications. Just outside the alcove, he can see Cu, Fe, and Au standing by, watching quietly.

When his vision returns to him, he sees a monitor, upon which the face of Zerome is broadcast. "You have performed your duties adequately," the entity informs him. "We have transferred your programming to a new vessel. You will find that its functions have been modestly improved. We have deemed it acceptable to grant you the freedom to move about the Astral Sea, so long as you continue to comply with the summons of the Raven Queen. Any attempt to deliver harm upon unsanctioned lifeforms will be met with immediate deactivation, as per protocols previously observed."

Zerome seems to have said his peace. His face lingers on the monitor, watching and listening as Fleshbane's new body is completed.

((Everyone gain a level, and each PC gets 25,000 gold. This will put you at Level 12. The Raven Queen and Zerome are available for interaction if anyone at HQ wants to take them up on it.

Those who survived are on the ship. You can do RP stuff while on the ship, or you can elect to wait until it gets back to HQ as you see fit.

Jackben, if you have time, this might be a good opportunity to talk about your section of the Observatory))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84972]Ciel HP: 1D10 + 2 = [9]+2 = 11
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=84974]Thanatos HP: 1D8 + 4 = [2]+4 = 6
Thanatos waddles his way over to Ciel, squawking angrily about the meanies that won't let him eat. Without ceasing his laughter, Ciel punches Thanatos in one of his wounds, sending the bird away whimpering.

When Bungo reemerges, Ciel makes some effort to speak through the laughing. "You <snrkr> seem in good spirits, all things considereHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'll haha go wait in my quarters. Have to mend my wounds and whatnot."

Ciel walks down the hall back to his room, laughing like a madman all the while. Unless anyone else tries speaking to him, he makes no efforts at conversation with the survivors.
HP roll: 1D10 = [9] = 9

At the ship, Ozzang'ac finally manages to reshape himself. He focuses on putting out fires in the ship and protecting the bodies of the others, oblivious to the lack of need to do so.

As the moment of mourning passes, his emotions take him to another venture of interest. Contemplating what he had experienced this day, he decides that he will want to find a way to speak with goddess Mystra once he returns to the observatory.
<And on that same note, I just watched Birdman finally. I caught the inspiration behind Menek's owl (or at least I'm guessing that is the inspiration, could just be a wild coincidence).>

Mike M

Nick N
((All leveled up))

Fleshbane steps forth from the repair bay where the archons attend his reconstruction. The mindless machines follow, attempting to graft metal plates and align internal mechanics despite. Without a word or bothering to meet what passes for the eyes of his slave-master, the menacing construct puts his fist through the televised face of Zerome.

Fe makes a note of surprise as Cu lets slip with a muttered, "Oh, my" while the shards of glass fall to the ground. Only Au fails to react to Fleshbane's unprovoked outburst.

"The Raven Queen," he says, his voice veiled by the white noise of static as a crawling archon attempts to calibrate his vocal components. "I desire an audience."


((Haven't even started levelling up lol))

** On the ship **

The others are fine? Back at the Observatory? Is this normal? Menek asks Bungo slurring a little before shaking his head and sending a Healing Hex ((Cure Moderate Wounds once a day per target)) onto himself and Ozzang'ac and Ciel.

Feeling better he looks around and notes the fallen. Bungo's lack of concern making him feel better.
((Aww shit, here we go. What would the will save on that cure moderate wounds be?))

Ciel's maniacal laughter comes to an abrupt hault as Menek begins to throw around healing magic. "Stop! Your aid is neither wanted or needed-" is presumably as far as he gets before the spell goes off.


((Will Save DC 23 for half healing. Taken from cure moderate wounds page since the healing hex page doesn't really specify.))
<Can I skip to having Ozzang'ac talk to Mystra (if that's even allowed?) before he finds out the others are alive? I want to get it out of the way while people are busy leveling up.>
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