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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


<Can I skip to having Ozzang'ac talk to Mystra (if that's even allowed?) before he finds out the others are alive? I want to get it out of the way while people are busy leveling up.>

((I think it would make sense for that to happen before Bungo comes out acting all nonchalant if ThLunarian allows))


((Oof, rolled a 16 for my will save. Can you roll out how much the heal was for? I think you just killed Ciel))

((Ciel is negative energy aligned? Really?

Coyote code roll 85064 for 16 HP 'healing'

Also Ratbreath/Coriolis scampered below deck pretty much right away when the Balor appeared post 964.))
((Yup, and so clutch. I have exactly 1 HP left, unless we're going off lvl 12 health))

While the healing energy mends Menek and Ozzang'ac's wounds, Ciel's rupture and deepen as he lets out a shriek. His eyes go foggy as he sways in place for a minute, looking as if he's about to collapse. He eventually regains himself, and he is furious.

"What the fuck?! Are you trying to kill me? Haven't you heard of at least asking before you throw magic around at people, you ingrate?"

He sighs. "Well, I guess that won't be forgotten. Unless you count necromancy among your magical talents, leave my healing to myself. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go remove myself from the precipice of death."

He pulls out a wand and begins pressing it against parts of his body, slowly undoing the damage done by the balor and Menek.


I ah, uh.. Menek is flustered by Ciel's scream Negative energy affinity? he says in a shocked tone as he realizes what happened What exactly are you Ciel?
After finishing his healing, Ciel scowls at Menek, his voice filled with contempt.

"First you dismantle my attempt to balance the tasks I've been given, then you almost kill me, and now you expect me to divulge personal information for the sake of your curiosity? You know I have a negative energy affinity, and that's all you need to know. 'What' I am is not pertinent to our directives, and I hardly think well enough of you to share that. You want to know? You're a smart man, figure it out yourself."

Ciel continues to give Menek a death stare for a little longer. If nothing further is said, he stomps off to his quarters, visibly upset and muttering something about having the archon generate a bag of puppies for him to drown.
((Sorry folks, rough night last night. Let's get caught up.

Mike M
Nope. Ciel's secret isn't magically concealed. Pierce the Veils wouldn't make it any easier to detect than without.

Ozzan'gac has no way to officially try to contact Mystra until returning to the Observatory, at which point it will be fairly obvious that the others are already back there. He could attempt to speak to her as though through prayer while on the ship, and she may or may not respond to that))

Upon utterance of her name, The Raven Queen appears before Fleshbane ((she is also still in the resurrection chamber, simultaneously)). "I would congratulate you on a job well done," she says sardonically, "But something tells me you would take offense. You requested an audience; what do you wish to discuss?"

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane flexes his fingers, testing the mobility and range of motion of his components in the prescribed order as the archons affix the last of the gleaming plates of adamantine in its position. Gleaming and unmarred, previous experience would indicate that he will not remain in this pristine state for long.

“My data set is incomplete,” he says to the Raven Queen. “I cannot function at my optimal capacity if I am not in possession of the requisite data necessary to make the correct decisions, and it would seem most expedient to ask them of you than to seek them out piecemeal in books. I have a number of inquiries that I would ask of you.

“Firstly, you have every appearance of a being of flesh, and yet I have no compulsion to kill you. I desire to know if this is because my directives have been tampered with, or if your physical form is but an avatar for communicating with lesser beings.

“Secondly, you had expressed sympathy for my fate in the service of Zerome. I desire to know why this is.

“Thirdly, research conducted by my subordinates indicates that Zerome is an entity that has achieved godhood from some more basal existence. If gods can arise in their power, then it seems axiomatic that they can be supplanted or destroyed by forces greater than their own. I desire confirmation of this assessment.”
"Your understanding of the gods is indeed incomplete," says the Raven Queen. "Any who hold domain over a portion of the Astral Sea have long ago ascended beyond the need for a physical body. The form you see before you is fleeting and disposable. It could be said not to exist at all. This is merely one form in which I choose to represent myself to 'lesser' beings, as you call them. You would find the same to be true for any member of the Pantheon. Some put more substance into their avatars than others; mine is almost entirely illusory.

"Zerome is a menace and, in my opinion, is a blight upon the Pantheon. The patrons which sent each of you here to represent them were chosen randomly, and even now I suspect that Zerome tampered with the results to ensure that he was chosen. He cares nothing for his followers, and merely absorbs those who would worship them into his collective conscious. I pity any who act in his service."

She takes longer to contemplate Fleshbane's final question. "Can the gods be killed?" She asks. "Yes. It's happened before. It would be quite difficult, even for another god, but not impossible. If you intend to set about such a task, prepare for a very long road."
Back in the resurrection room or w/e its called, Mako asks the Raven Queen a question "I take it you are mostly aware of the events that happened on the mission? Because if not I'd like to speak with you about Ceil..."
"Oh yes," says the Raven Queen to Mako, her tone darkening considerably. "I am well aware of Ciel's antics. He will be dealt with upon his return. Leave that to me."

Mike M

Nick N
"This conversation has been enlightening," Fleshbane notes. "I have nothing further to ask of you. I'm sure your duties require you to be elsewhere."

Once the Raven Queen has departed, he turns to Cu. "I have an assignment for you..."

((Cu's task won't be relevant until everyone's back and debriefed.))
Once Ozzang'ac is back in the observatory and able to see the others, surprise overtakes him after encountering Mako, Viss, and Sybil alive and wel, and a new Fleshbane as well. Feeling like he is hallucinating, Ozzang'ac exclaims, "Is it really you? But I saw you-"

Once it is explained how they are alive, a great relief washes over the elemental. For once, he is allowed leniency from his failures and granted respite from fate.


Later that evening, Ozzang'ac will return to his quarters. Bits of furniture have been added in his absence, notably places for his servants to laze about and table trays which glasses holding liquids are placed upon. The elemental moves to address an Archon, asking it, "I seek knowledge once more. Can you tell me how I might go about speaking to my goddess, Mystra?"
The archon silently guides Ozzan'gac to a small, very shallow pool of liquid. Although mute, the mechanical creature somehow manages to communicate that this is a constantly-active divining pool, from which Ozzan'gac has a direct line of communication to Mystra. He can either speak into it, or interface with it directly, given his liquid composition.

As he gazes into it and considers what to do, to his surprise Mystra's face appears in the pool. "Hello, Ozzan'gac. You wish to speak with me?"
Gazing down upon the pool is almost like looking at a reflection of himself somehow. After Mystra's face comes onto the screen, Ozzang'ac dismisses the archon, wishing to speak with her privately.

When her face appears the elemental's thoughts and emotions choke for that second. He had come this far to speak with the goddess but now he is afraid.. He decides to start by easing himself into what he wants to say by introducing his progress, "I... we've been told that we have done well in our quest. Our duties have led to the vanquishing of a dark abomination.."

He recalls Balor, a demon made from the souls of others, forged over the years to act under servitude for a demon mistress. When Ozzang'ac had heard this story, he wondered how different he actually was in this regard. "But your holiness.. Since encountering such a creature its artificial origin had lingered in my mind as we returned to the observatory. I come to you now because I need to know about my nature... the essence of my existence."


"Goddess Mystra...," he begins, "Am I created from the souls of others? Was I created the same way as that demon?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil’s breath catches in a gasp as she reaches consciousness, a soft light pulling urgently at her eyelids. As the paladin notes a lack of the familiar weight of armor, she is struck with a wave of anxiety. As her synapses begin to fire erratically, she takes a deep breath to still her nerves. Raising a hand, she runs her fingertips tentatively across the skin of her stomach, her nails tracing their way up the curves of her body before reaching her shoulder. She pauses just before the moment of truth.

Reaching down her back, she feels once more the feathers attached to powerful muscles just below her shoulders. Angelic wings, the sign of the Valkyrie, the celestial gift bestowed upon her by her Lady and the Allfather. ‘They have returned!’. Moisture gathers upon the paladin’s eyelids and the tension in her chest subsides as she sighs in relief.

Sitting up slowly, she opens her pale eyes and dabs a few wild strands of hair on her cheek before tucking them behind her ear. It would appear both Mako and Viss shared her fate in the Balor’s last stand, but are also now beginning to stir to life. Sybil beams internally, but can only manage a wan smile for them both, her body still feeling extremely sore. Moving slightly at the feel of silk on her skin, she looks at the symbol upon the massive down pillow, questioning its origin until a familiar voice breaks the silence.

"Welcome back." The Raven Queen is standing in the entryway to the room.

Instinctively Sybil moves to stand at attention, broadening her shoulders and straightening her back. Realizing the effect this has being without her clothes, she quickly spreads her wings to wrap them in front of her body as she drops to kneel upon the pillow before the Raven Queen.

"Here, put these on." She hands each of them a white, cotton robe. "Your possessions are waiting for you in your quarters. My apologies that you are not still wearing them; the process is much easier this way."

Sybil complies with as much enthusiasm as she can manage in her weakened state. To be given clothing by the Queen herself fills her with a childlike sense of awe. She is pleased to find the cotton robe fits snug around her and is both comfortable and refreshing in its simple, pure design.

""I want to congratulate you all on a job well done. You performed admirably and executed your duties as befit members of SAED and emissaries of the Raven Queen, despite the complications that arose along the way. The souls are no longer being diverted into The Abyss, and you've all earned some down time after such an ordeal.
"The others all survived the Balor's detonation, apart from Fleshbane. He is not here because... well, he is a machine, and machines work differently. Arrangements have been made with his patron, and he will be returning to his section of the Observatory in short order. The Phoenix Maelstrom is already underway on its return journey, and should arrive in approximately one week. For now, I encourage you all to relax."
She smiles at each of them. "And nice work."

Sybil parts her lips, the flood of questions in her mind threatening to burst forth as water from a fall.

‘How were we able to be restored in this way?’
'As emissaries and agents of SAED will we always be able to return from death?’
‘How was a former consort of Lord Baphomet able to steal so many souls and create the Balor?’

Yet as quickly as they have come, she finds her will and endurance for such matters diminish. She simply settles for the simplest words that embody how she feels to have been brought back into existence for a second time.

“þakka þér. Gramercy. I thank you, Raven Queen.”

* * * *

Given a second chance, Sybil reflects upon her decision to abstain from making use of the archons and their services. She remembers her wish to not tax the Queen’s resources any more than necessary for her position. And yet, the paladin finds herself more divorced than ever from the strict regulations she had set for herself. What good is a second chance, or even a third, if one does not truly live?

As makes her way to her designated quarter of the SAED HQ plane, Sybil begins the process of creating a home.

((I’ll have to do the NPC and world build write-ups sometime this weekend))


((Almost done leveling up. Got a question though. I saw that you rolled a dice for Thanatos's HP, Axelhortsemchi. Is that an actual option? Because when I looked up the rules it said that animal companions get the average of a d8 (4,5) multiplied by their hit dice as a base and you just add the bonus from con and eventual feats each level. ))
((Almost done leveling up. Got a question though. I saw that you rolled a dice for Thanatos's HP, Axelhortsemchi. Is that an actual option? Because when I looked up the rules it said that animal companions get the average of a d8 (4,5) multiplied by their hit dice as a base and you just add the bonus from con and eventual feats each level. ))

<That's a pathfinder society rule. Pathfinder Society is like an official tournament play thing where adhere to strict rules. I believe in normal playing you just roll your animal hit points (the first d8 being maxed).>


((Hmm, so can I redo Tessa's HP with the slightly less strict rules? I'm guessing her HP might be a little bit higher that way.))
((Hmm, so can I redo Tessa's HP with the slightly less strict rules? I'm guessing her HP might be a little bit higher that way.))

((I think so, yeah. I didn't see anything saying the averaging rule is mandatory outside of Pathfinder Society either, so it's probably an either/or option for normal play. I'd wait for a verdict from ThLunarian before rolling out new health for her, though. Or at least before making the changes to her sheet, anyway.))


((I think ThLunarian gave us the option for rolling for the initial 10 levels or just taking half. I took half just to make that part of building the character simpler. Been rolling ever since))


((Yeah, but according to the rule I used I didn't even get the average point for every level because tge ruke stated to multiply with the hit dice of the animal companion and those didn't change with every level (they are at 10 now) so technically there have been a few levels where she only gained the con modifier and an extra point from a cat folk favored class bonus.))
<I'd probably just stick with the HP Tessa has now and just roll for future dice rolls. Even for animal companions I think most people just max the first hit die as well as with PCs

The whole hit die thing is also really weird to get used to. Basically if a monster has more or less rolls of hit points than their levels (which often aren't true class levels), then usually it goes by how many hit die they have for determining things that normally class levels are done for as PCs.>


((Yeah, but according to the rule I used I didn't even get the average point for every level because tge ruke stated to multiply with the hit dice of the animal companion and those didn't change with every level (they are at 10 now) so technically there have been a few levels where she only gained the con modifier and an extra point from a cat folk favored class bonus.))

((I don't think ThLunarian would have an issue with you redoing Tessa's HP if you want. But it's his call. He is the DUNGEON MASTER))
((Nezumi - It's true that animal companions don't gain HD for every level you gain. They actually don't even gain the extra HP from their con mod. If you don't want to take the average amounts for each HD then you can reroll, but you'd only be rolling a number of dice equal to her HD. KM is right that it's kind of confusing; sorry about that))

Mystra looks at Ozzan'gac through the divining pool with a strange sort of fascination. "There were no souls used to create you, Ozzan'gac," she says. "That's typically only a practice that evil creatures engage in. I find it tasteless and crass. You were created from a combination of water, and my own magical infusions. If you're worried that you're anything like those demons, you shouldn't be.

"And the Raven Queen informed me of the work you did in the Abyss. I agree with her that you've done a fine job representing me. Keep up the good work." She smiles, and her image vanishes from the surface of the water.

((Later this evening I'm going to make a post that puts everyone in the meeting room for a scene. Feel free to riff off of whoever until then if you want))
((If Ciel's going to get torn a second ass at the meeting, I'm fine with waiting till then; otherwise I'm good for a scene of Ciel having to have a sit down shortly after getting off the aircraft.

Also, I goofed on the no con mod health for animal companions, I was going off this part of the animal companion page:

This is the total number of eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice the animal companion possesses, each of which gains a Constitution modifier, as normal.
Should I change Thanatos's sheet to remove that extra health?))
((Uhh... animal companions do gain bonus hp from con. everything does except familiar's who just get half their master's hp(and stuff with no con score).))

((EDIT: BTW I got craft wondrous items now, so i can make(or upgrade) stuff for people at half price... it'll take time though and I am in fact going to spend at least the next 8 days upgrading my headband))

Mike M

Nick N
((Gonna plow ahead here…))

The hallways of the SAED headquarters echo with the sound of Cu’s pace, as he marches forward bearing an air of purpose and intent. His metallic skin is polished and gleaming, his posture is immaculate, and his stride perfectly measured. He is an elemental on a mission, his calculated stoic expression hiding the flutter of excitement that beats in what would be the stomach of a biological organism. Viewing himself as much an embodiment of protocol and etiquette as he is of a representative of his element, he is secretly thrilled that his newly reconstituted master seems to have been rebuilt with a modicum more mindfulness. That he would have asked this of Cu gives the elemental hope that the savage machine may yet be transformed into something more presentable among polite society.

Arriving at his destination, Cu turns a neat ninety degrees and gives three sharp raps upon the doorway to Ciel’s chambers.

((EDIT: BTW I got craft wondrous items now, so i can make(or upgrade) stuff for people at half price... it'll take time though and I am in fact going to spend at least the next 8 days upgrading my headband))
((Ooh! Then I could get a headband +6 instead of +3 if we can come up with an RP justification.))
((Yeah, I could do that too, if time allows. No idea how that could be RP justified though.

EDIT 2: Since we're talking about crafting, I should also mention that Ciel can make poisons for people at half price, if anyone decides they want some.))

A silence reverberates through the hall following Cu's knocks. There is a short time of silence, followed by the sound of footsteps quickly approaching the other side of the door. The entrance to Ciel's quarters is opened, and Cu is greeted by a surly looking dwarf.

"Come in, come in, there are such sights to... wait, you don't look like one of the agents Ciel described, are you one o' their personnel? Anyway, you're the first person to come knockin' on this door. Name's Arlen Ironbeard, what can I do ya fer?"

Mike M

Nick N
Cu gives a slight bow at precisely the right angle as Arlen greets him. “Good day, sir,” he says. “My name is Cu, and I have been assigned as personal attendant to an associate of your master. It seems that our respective employers had something of a disagreement during their last expedition, so I have been dispatched to deliver a message seeking whether Master Ciel would be amenable to agreeing to a parley to discuss a proposition.”
Arlen tugs on his beard in response to Cu's words. "An associate who had a disagreement with 'im last mission? From what I've seen of 'Master Ciel,' that could be just about anyone. Ya mind tellin' me who your master is before I run this message to Ciel? He's been in a fouler mood than usual since it's return, and while there hasn't been any rough stuff since one of his other servants got spirited away, eh, I'd rather not take my chances giving him a half report."

Mike M

Nick N
Cu’s mask of propriety flickers for a moment as he answers Arlen’s question. “I beg pardon for the coarseness of the language,” he begins, “but as you can imagine it is quite beyond my control. I am in service to the construct known as Fleshbane.

“Oh! Before I forget!” he says, his gleaming metal construction becoming fluid and flowing apart to allow access to his chest, “I come bearing a gift for the host.” From the cavity, he produces a tall, narrow box. Maybe about the size of one that might hold a bottle of wine.


((I was actually thinking of picking up Craft Wondrous Items.. hrm.. Menek could become a quite astounding potion brewer on next level up if people are interested. It takes a lot of time to craft anything though so a lot depends on how much downtime we get before the next mission for Mako.))
Arlen lets out a short laugh. "Ah, so those two want to have a chat? I've half a mind to watch the spectacle myself, but I can't imagine either of them would let me do so unscathed. A present, eh? I'll see to it that Ciel receives it and responds to yer message. I'll be right back."

Arlen travels to a newer edition to Ciel's layer, a so-called nature room, designed to help him get in touch with the less-used aspect of his powers.

It is quickly apparent that any semblance of beauty in nature has been tainted by Ciel's twisted mind. A stream of blood cuts through the area, With tumor-ridden trees crying out for the mercy of death through dozens of mouths apiece. Ciel is sitting in an opening as ungodly squirrel-maggot hybrids pour from the openings of a nearby tree. On his other side are more of these creatures, along with a five-headed mangy deer, walking with hands where its hooves should be.

Ciel is already feeling more in touch with nature as small, black birds with an old man's head land on the branches of one of the fell trees, crying out blasphemies in a long forgotten tongue. Struck by insight, Ciel begins to sing a semblance of this madness-driven language, evoking further shrieking from the not-birds and further pleas of death from the trees. One of the man-headed birds lands on his outstretched hand as they reach a soul-draining harmony.

This draws the attention of not only the deformed deer-like monstronsity and the unreal looking birds perched on its many heads, but also of creatures yet alerted. Bloated raccoon-esque fiends begin dragging themselves toward Ciel, leaving a trail of profane ooze in their wake. Spiderlike birds emerge from nearby grass, leaving a trail of webbing behind as they try to take flight. A slimy reptile with its face covered in tentacles and its body bound in a shell emerges from the stream of blood.

The creatures gather around Ciel, joining in the ode to madness. The assassin greets the animals that approach him, and the ensuing cacophony begins to be heard outside of the "nature room." Yes, Ciel is much more at peace with the rudimentary nature powers he's had access to for the bulk of his life now.

The sight and sound would have been enough to shatter the mind of someone like Dyliah, but Arlen lead a much grittier life. He merely sighs upon seeing the new room and mutters "I'm getting too old for this shit" before making his way to Ciel.

"Hey Ciel! Ya actually got a visitor, a servant of Fleshbane's of all things. Apparently he wants a parley to discuss some kind of proposition, and he bought a gift. His servant's waiting outside fer a response."

Ciel gets up and begins making his way out of the room, expecting Arlen to follow. "Is that so? I planned on having nothing to do with that bastard after the way our last mission played out, but unlike the others, if he has a proposition, it will probably at least be... interesting. I'll hear him out after seeing what's in this box."

Ciel takes the box to the lounge and calls an archon. He instructs it to open the box once he is a safe distance away, and after confirming its contents, scan it for any traps or magical threats. After discovering what's inside, he makes his way to the entrance, where Cu is still presumably located.

"I'm intrigued in what your master could possibly have to say to me. You may tell him I'll meet with him as soon as he is able."

Mike M

Nick N
((Inside the box is a strange object that looks something like an inverted wine bottle. The top of it is a geometric shape, like a faceted hexagonal box made of panes of dark glass set in black tungsten. Inside the translucent glass, some sort of fluid fills the cavity of the box. The chamber is mounted atop of a spiraling tube of the metal, which ends in what looks almost like six insect legs. This is clearly how it is meant to stand, since the odd glass box has a pointed top to it that would prevent it from being set down with that on the bottom.))

“Ah, the master of the house!” Cu beams as Ciel arrives. “Did you like the gift? I am told it is a most horrifying way to die, the victims organs practically liquefying and pouring out every orifice. Very contagious, very high mortality. Not what I would have personally selected of course, but my master seemed to feel that—“

Cu’s greeting is cut short as Fleshbane erupts into existence beside him, ethereal arcs of energy lingering behind the mark wound he has punched through spacetime to arrive in Ciel’s lounge. “I am able now,” he says.
"A most excellent gift, your master has picked up on my tastes rather quickly." Ciel remarks to Cu.

Upon Fleshbane's arrival, Ciel motions claps his hands, and Arlen fetches a few wretches from his dungeon to serve as furniture for them. "Your gift is most appreciated, a most fascinating strain I'll have to dabble with later. I've been told by Cu that you wish to put the ugliness of the Ivory Labyrinth behind us and discuss something? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still holding a grudge over the failure of my Caizel gambit, but seeing the united front the morally haughty members of our group put on, we'll never accomplish anything if we can't get past such things to cooperate. Feel free to have a seat. Don't worry about breaking the furniture, they are but fleshlings made by the archons, completely disposable. In fact, feel free to break them if you feel so inclined. I can't hope to match your gift on such short notice, but I can at least be hospitable.

So, what is this proposition of yours?"

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane opts to remain standing, heedless of the rather convincing simulacrum of people that Arlen has fetched at Ciel's behest to serve as seating. As realistic as they are, somehow they do not register as viable targets to Fleshbane's systems.

"My thrall master has seen fit to furnish me with a modest upgrade to my capabilities," he rumbles. "Though I am still bound by its accursed restraints on my actions, my increased capacity has begun to allow me to find... flexibilities in the directives that govern my behaviors. As well as additional capabilities I had not possessed before."

In demonstration, he lays a hand on Cu, who promptly winks out of existence. "I have sent him forward in time a few moments," Fleshbane explains. "It is best that knowledge of the contents of this conversation be compartmentalized as much as possible."

Once the room is clear of sentient beings besides Fleshbane, Ciel, and the furniture, Fleshbane continues. "My primary directive is to end the existence of biological organisms, something with which I am sure you are well aware," he says. "But I am not free to act on this, not so long as Zerome's machinations interfere with the purity of my code. To pursue my primary directive, I must be freed of Zerome's control, and subsequently all other actions may potentially be subordinated in pursuit of this. To this end I have sought you out, as you have the highest probability of lending your aid. I propose that we agree to a temporary cesation of hostilities as we try and find a way to perform a proof-of-concept experiment.

"I want to kill a god."
Fleshbane's desire to kill a god elicits a roaring laugh from Ciel. "My, we're just diving right in to the deep end! You know what? Fuck it, that sounds like just the kind of move that could liven things up around here. There are lesser gods out there that should only be a few steps beyond the Balor we killed in terms of power, so if the opportunity presents itself, I will aid you in some good old fashioned deicide."

"However, I have a few conditions of my own to this truce. Should I receive another task from Asmodeus, you are not to hinder my completion of it. As justifiable as your response was to the way I went about trying to negotiate with Caizel, we can't have more episodes like that if this truce is to work, from either of us. I would also ask that you aid me in hindering the personal missions of the others, so long as we can do so without running against your programming and the, how to put it, mandatory tasks given to us."

"Now, if you accept, we have much planning to do. Killing a god is no small task; we'll have to go in prepared and leverage every advantage we can."

Mike M

Nick N
The glow of Fleshbane's eyes strobes for a fraction of a second as he consider's Ciel's conditions. "Your terms are acceptable."
Ciel grins devilishly upon Fleshbane's acceptance. "Excellent, then we've got ourselves an alliance. Gods will fall before us now that we're not at each other's throats."


((I'm gonna do the rerolls later. I don't have much time at the moment but I at least want to get a short reaction post in so that we can resume with the events.))

Viss slowly comes to Ber senses in a bright room. The cushion she is lying on is comfortable and for a few moments she purrs as she curls herself up on it. Then the memories hit her. She had died. Again. Though since she was more or less up and about dying in this existence didn't seem to come with the finality that was usually attached to it. There was little solace in that thought though.

Once again she had been brought to her limits by a powerful demon. One again she had failed to rid the world of its existence. It had been Ciel who had banished it. Maybe only evil could truly banish evil after all. But is that was so, what chance could she stand against it?

When the Raven Queen appears Viss only listens to her congratulations with half an ear. Maybe the others did a good job but she certainly hadn't. The ugly truth was that the job would have been just as accomplished if Viss had stayed on the ship or hadn't come to the abyss at all. Even her attempt to bring some harmony to the group had failed miserably and hearing Mako bring up Ciel to the Raven Queen only emphasizes that.

Still there is one thing she has to ask the Raven Queen. "My Lady. I don't see Tessa here. Is she all right? If she is back on the ship I would ask that you have someone look after her. She isn't really all that self sufficient and she also got hurt pretty badly."
After Mystra disappears from view, he feels he wasn't able to ask what she had meant by magical infusion. What kind of magic was infused? Is he made out of a part of her or something else? At the very least, he is not a violation of the balance of souls.

He wanders back to the center of the observatory. Before he heads back to his own branch he stops to consider visiting one of the several varied homes that are created, possibly in an attempt to further his curiosity about other worlds.

<Which one of you guys should I pick?>

Mike M

Nick N
His compact with Ciel set, Fleshbane vanishes from sight again, followed by Cu winking back into existence. The copper elemental starts, looking around wildly as from his perspective Ciel had instantaneously changed position while Fleshbane has disappeared without a trace.

Recovering his composure, Cu bows to Ciel and says, "I take this as my cue to depart, then," before showing himself out.

Ozzang'ac eventually decides that it may be best to visit the home of one of the fallen party members that are now alive. He decides to travel into Viss' area to talk about what had happened during the quest.

Upon entering the forest, Ozzang'ac finds himself in as much of a culture shock as when he entered the horrors of the abyss. He finds himself among the surface of a tropical island yet the forest is different from an island's somehow. There is no shoreline and the dirt feels different from sand. He waits near the entrance to be addressed by Viss' servants before intruding any further.
<*goes to Paizo forums*

Looks like Unchained is out, and people are upset over Summoner getting nerfed to the ground. I should find out what else changed.

EDIT: apparently monks trade their Will throws for a less crappy Flurry of Blows. notsureifwanttobehonest>
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