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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


Viss decides to ignore Ciel's joke and since the thought of visiting his domain isn't appealing at all she makes a quick gesture with her hand which causes Shirox who had been sitting on a nearby tree to jump down to her.
"Yes?" the lemur askes giving Ciel a suspicious side look, not caring to hide his dislike of the man.
"Can you go and ask the Archons to create a space for archery training? Like, a little south of here should be working just fine. I guess that they should know just what is needed. Or have you any specific wishes that should be considered?" The last question she addresses at Ciel.
"That depends on Viss's preference." Ciel says. "If she wishes to work on resolve first, we need a wall and two rackets. If she wishes to work on finger coordination, we'll need a slow moving target, three juggling balls, and coins."

"Resolve will also need a small demonic dog, as I doubt you are willing to start with a baby rabbit. Do you have a preference on where to start, Viss?"


((Battery is about to die so this will be my last post for a few hours.))
Something about the juggling balls appeals to Viss' cat's nature. "Let's start with target practice. Not much use in getting out many arrows if you can't hit the target." She nods to Shirox who immediately rushes of to give the orders to the Archons.
While they wait for the place to be prepared Viss shuffles her feet unsure what to talk about. She realizes that her liquorice root has stopped giving out flavour some time ago. She takes it out of her mouth and looks at the chewed up end. After some inspection she throws the stick in the fire and takes out a small pouch to get a new one. After a moment of thought she offers the pouch to Ciel.
As they stand around, Ciel says "I doubt you wish to hear of my life, but if you do, I'll share what I'm willing to. I'm quite curious as to yours. Where I came from, a woman could never hope to succeed as a hunter, stalker, or fighter." Upon her offering of the bag to Ciel, he opts to take a strand of licorice. "Much obliged. Now, the purpose of the coin and balls is a simple hand-eye coordination exercise. Once you observe, it's something you can practice independent of my being here."

With that, he begins quickly flipping the coin between the fingers on his right hand while juggling three balls in his off hand, doing it in a manner that Viss can easily observe. After a minute, he swaps the tasks to the opposing hands, and after an other minute, transfers them back. After a few minutes of this, he draws his bow and speaks so Viss can hear him.

"Six arrows in flight.
A single target to pierce.
Watch, and you shall learn."

On conclusion of his words, six arrows thump the bullseye of the target as it's moving along its course, virtually simultaneously, The shots done, he turns to Viss.

"When you can manage the coin and juggling balls for five minutes, you will have adequate coordination to manage that shot. I suspect this will be the easy part for you, as I assume your block is primarily a lack of murderous intent. If it does prove to be a struggle, I will aid you in the motions required to maintain the dual task. For a day though, I will hold off on that. It will be far more beneficial to you if you discern the motion without additional aid."

"As for putting six arrows in the target, that is the end result once you master both this and the mental component."
((Azih, just in case you missed it in the flood of posts, I addressed Menek's request for an audience with Arozora. I'm not rushing you at all; I'm only making sure you noticed it.

Also, Axel, nice random haiku))


((Quick question before I start on my next post. This whole training thing is purely RP I gather? Or do I have to make some kind of skill checks to see how well Viss does. Slight of hand for the coin thing maybe?))


((Yeah, especially since theoretically Viss does have the appropriate feats already :D Will wait for an official ruling by ThLunarian. Also 24 dex... Holy shit. Viss barely has 21 thanks to a +4 belt of incredible dexterity... I really had no idea what I was doing when I built her...))
((If it's any consolation, Ciel's fortitude and will save are pretty subpar, so the high stats came at a price.

Anyway, a 2 point dex mod difference makes a training gap believable. :) Especially since she shouldn't have sneak attack damage, the extra attack comes from a ninja skill, and the equivalent instakill ability doesn't unlock until ranger lvl 20))


"How I became a hunter?" Viss shrugs. "I don't even know how to actually answer that. When you grow up in a place very much like this," she indicates the forest around them, "hunting just happens to be something that is necessary if you want to survive. Ever since I can remember Curai would take me with him when he went out to gather food. He was a kind man but he never pampered me, so I had to learn to take care of myself.
"When he died I left the forest and my skills came in handy for making a living. My gender wasn't really ever a problem. In the beginnig the people who hired me weren't in a position to be picky and later word had gotten around that I was good at what I did." She grins. "Also, riding around on a dinosaur somehow really impresses people." She looks at Ciel. "So... I guess that's it for me. Your turn. I have to admit I am morbidly curious how you became... Well... the way you are."

((I wait for you to react to this before I write the reaction to his lesson.))
((No skill checks required for character-building roleplay (though I recommend it if the characters are actually facing off against each other in some way). It's your option to make a roll to give yourself guidance to judge how well your character performed, or you can just presuppose that you were successful or unsuccessful. If you make the roll then you can interpret your own result))

Mike M

Nick N
((Before I get too deep down the rabbit hole with the Balor's gear (I have a scene with Au since Cu and Fe already got their time in the spotlight), by my understanding the most the sword can be upgraded to is +3 since it has seven levels of enhancement with the Unholy and Vorpal attributes. But the whip is vorpal too? Is that correct or a typo?))
"Ah, is that so?" The assassin says. It would make sense that you picked up hunting young, and losing people early does have a way of fostering independence. I do suppose that supply and demand situations can override restrictions such as gender," he grins, "as do dinosaurs."

"As for me? I'll give you the short version. My father was never in the equation. I have reason to believe he was a powerful Druid, as I certainly didn't get that spark or anything else from my mother's side. We lived in poverty until she died around the time I was 8. I found myself looking for power and made a literal deal with the devil, filling my mind and body with assassin's knowledge. I derived the archery from that over years of training."

"The primary assassin's agencies on my continent didn't want me having any serious contracts. Most of them didn't want me there at all. Sufficient to say, I killed the lot of them and set up a grand monopoly on that particular market. I became the merchant of death, the prince of shadows, the final arbiter of life and death."

"Thanatos entered the equation on a mission with a particularly high body count. The vulture grew fat on a trail of corpses, and has followed me around ever since. He has proven useful as a means for taking to the skies."

"Well, I believe that covers the gist of it."

Naturally, a lot of that consists of misrepresentations and half-truths on his life
((Mike M, I believe you have that right. The Whip is also Vorpal - it wasn't a typo. That's not even a house ruling; it literally lists that as loot on the Balor's monster entry. Surprised me too))
((Mike M, I believe you have that right. The Whip is also Vorpal - it wasn't a typo. That's not even a house ruling; it literally lists that as loot on the Balor's monster entry. Surprised me too))

((huh? I though he just made weapons he wields vorpal... and seeing that 2 +8 weapons would be worth 128k gp if sold, I suspect that the intention is that once he drops them they are no longer vorpal. they certainly aren't vorpal in my other campaign where we killed 2 balor's recently.))


((Whoops, I did miss the tome and Menek post))

Menek tries to compose his thoughts before leaning forward and writing in a neat but clipped handwriting.

The objectives of the first mission set up by the Raven Queen were reasonably well accomplished in my estimation. The objective was accomplished and the power balance of the Astral Sea was unaffected with Baphomet remaining a thorn in the side of Asmodeus despite the Lord of Hell's interference. I hope that you would find this result satisfactory.

he sighs deeply and pauses for a moment before continuing

I feel some disquiet however. In the last little while I have not only met and entered the service of The Raven Queen, but have prodded Grummush for information, negotiated with Baphomet, and, most disturbingly, engaged in a public dispute with Asmodues himself. I find myself worried that I am acting above my station. Who am I to represent your divine interests in front of these other gods and goddesses?

Please pardon my impertinence, but one of my fellow SAED members was put in an impossible position in regards to serving his patron in addition to fulfilling his duties in the service of the Raven Queen. I hesitate to ask, but must know, if your august personage would have any similar requirements of me in a future mission?
<No doing the RP with Ozzang'ac a day after Menek's rest at the same time? Not that I'd mind if it were a casual encounter but he does feel Menek is the best to talk about more serious matters with.>


Viss listens to Ciel's story. She has no doubt that this is a much shortened version of what has really happened if it is at all true. But she decides not to pry any further, the fact that he has been willing to participate in a civil conversation without any snarky remarks for so long is already remarkable enough. There isn't any time left for more small talk anyway, since Shirox drops out from out a tree and informs them that the Archons have finished their work.

When they arrive at the training ground Viss can't help but watch in awe as Ciel starts doing his little tricks with the coin and the juggling balls. Something about their movement is utterly mesmerizing and she can feel her tail begin to twitch. ((Dammit! I really wanted to post the gif of that cat wiggling her head with the pupils dilating, but searching on gif sites is too much for my old phone:( ))
But as easy as Ciel had made it look, when she tried it herself she quickly realizes that a lot of training must have gotten into this. "I guess it never occurred to me to train my skills in that way. I used to do some target practice in my youth to improve me success on the hunt, but this...,"she says as the balls tumble to the floor for the dozenth time and the coins glide through her fingers. "This is something entirely different."

The target practice itself only goes slightly better. At the end of the training she finally manages to land at least three of her arrows in the target as indicated, before she let herself sink against a tree, on top of having sore muscles she also feels mentally exhausted.
"God dammit. This is almost as bad as when I started learning spellcasting. Curai would sit me down with a stick everyday, telling me to set it on fire. Day after day I'd sit there and stare at the blasted thing without anything happening. And then one day my frustration got the better of me and I just cursed the stupid stick and the whole damn excersise. And just this moment the stick would burst into flames." A little smile crosses her face. "I was so proud when I showed it to Curai. But you know what he said? 'This is wrong. This flame was born from a place of anger. Try again.' And I would spent another three weeks trying to set a stick on fire 'from a place of inner peace'." She laughs. "I can't tell you how many times I tried to cheat. But Curai always knew and just let me do it again." She picks up one of the coins and tries to let it dance through her fingers. It falls to the floor. "I can see this becoming equally frustrating..." She looks at Ciel. "I guess I have to thank you. This excersies will prove to very useful indeed. Let me know if there is something I can do to repay the favor." Remembering who she is talking to she adds, "As long as it is an reasonable request that is in my power and doesn't go against my convictions I'll help."
((...Oh. I could have sworn the dropped weapons were supposed to be Vorpal. I just looked it up though and that's not how they're listed. Oops.

I already said it though so I'm not gonna take it back. Both weapons are Vorpal in this campaign))

More words appear on the pages of the book as Arozora's voice speaks into Menek's mind. "Your station is that of an emissary of the gods. Any trepidation you feel is unfounded and merely in your head. If I thought you unworthy for such a task, you would still be here in my domain.

"As to your hand-wringing that I may require you to act in a way that could conflict with the duties assigned to you by Raven Queen? Please think before you speak. Asmodeus is an underhanded, devious snake who makes a habit of swindling mortals out of their souls. Of course his objectives will be at odds with the Raven Queen, Shepherd of Souls. I, on the other hand, have a productive working relationship with The Raven Queen. Any differences that might arise between us will be resolved well before you have to worry about it."
Ciel chuckles as the training goes on, but does not ridicule her. "This is something that would take most people years to learn. Do not fret that it's not perfect on day one."

"Anger as a shortcut for magic? Most fascinating. I must confess I have neglected the more nature-attuned aspects of my abilities. They were never too necessary for most of my work, and while it was something floating around in me, I never felt compelled to refine it that far. Based on being told to do it again repeatedly, I assume anger-induced magic is deficient in some manner?"

In regards to her expression of gratitude, he is visibly amused by her stipulation. "A most wise criteria to place with me. Very well, should such a matter arise, I will let you know."

When they are done for the day, he departs.
Ciel heads to Fleshbane's quarters and motions to Cu. "Could you fetch your master? I wish to discuss with him some of what I've found regarding our prior conversation."

((I'm still willing to keep the conversation with Viss rolling, just also moving to some Fleshbane stuff so I don't hold everyone up trying to do everything Ciel wants to do before the next mission.))

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane stands alone among the choking clouds of green vapor, the grains of glass scouring the polish from his metal construction as they ride the gale-force wind. In each hand, he holds one of the fallen Balor's weapons, adopting a similar stance to wield them.

The sword is familiar enough, though smaller and less powerful than his own weapon at initial examination. It possesses a certain... Resonance, however. When he holds it, there is a sensation of unity of purpose with the blade, as though it contains a malevolence all its own, a thirst for death.

The whip feels much the same way, but seems to be of less use. This dual wielding stance is unoptimized for his needs, and he had never had need to be programmed with the intricacies of a weapon that is customarily of useless against even lightly armored foes. This one seems different, but--

"The lash should not be underestimated," comes Au's voice from the chlorine haze as Fleshbane pivots about to try and discern her form from the swirling clouds. "Its benefit is not its ability to deal damage, but its ability to hinder your opponent at range. To trip them. Disarm them."

Fleshbane's eyes flash, raising his forearm before him as a braided gold cable strikes out and wraps around his appendage. He drops the whip and loops the entangling gold braid around his wrist before grabbing the taunt cable. With a mechanical roar, he puts all his considerable might into yanking the braid toward him, and Au at last becomes visible. Sailing on the winds like a kite, she sports wings extending out from her back, one hand ending in the molded form of a long sword, the other in the whip. An abstract representation of the Balor itself.

As she crashes into the ground, Fleshbane is immediately on top of her, the vorpal sword at her throat. He finds that he must consciously restrain the sword from seeking it's killing blow. "You are nothing compared to the Balor," he comments. "What use are you to me if you cannot hope to even approximate the threats I face?"

"There is no shame in having been felled by such a thing," Au says, showing no agitation or stress despite the edge at her neck.

"I do not feel 'shame!'" Fleshbane bellows.

Au's sword reforms itself into a hand, and she raises it to Fleshbane's immobile face, running her long and delicate fingers across the wicked grin he wears. "Gold is near universally associated with beauty," she says. "My kind seek to exemplify and glorify such beauty, whatever form it takes, whatever we judge it to be. I see the beauty I seek in the grace of combat, the power of weapons. What you do not see is that the Balor was not a biological creature, but rather a weapon in itself. A construct, like you, only forged from the fusion of souls rather than metal."

"A construct built in the image of biologicals cannot be said to be notably improved over them," Fleshbane says, releasing Au and standing to his feet.

"I do not disagree," Au says, retracting her wings and resuming her exaggerated female form. "My point is that you should look at what Caizel was able to accomplish with her flawed understandings and fallible organic thought processes. In your life, you were the most devastating weapon conceived on your world. Imagine what heights you could reach if you would allow yourself be molded into your full potential."

"You speak of Zerome?" Fleshbane asks. "You would have me submit willingly to my tormentor?"

Au shrugs. "Zerome seems to have his way with you, willingly or not. I only wonder if you wouldn't be better served by stopping a futile resistance and achieve your full potential all the sooner."


Fleshbane vanishes from the chamber only to reappear besides Cu in the reception chamber. "Speak," he says to Ciel, noxious fumes that came along for the ride dissipating around him.

((No dual wield and no exotic weapon proficiency. Blah.))
"In regards to our agreement, I have done research into possible targets. Before continuing, I would like to make some observations I have discerned of the nature of this place. First, the Raven Queen can hear everything we are saying and quite possibly see everything we do; know that she will know if we cross out of acceptable planning done within this observatory, and most likely outside as well. Two, our respective patrons can also hear us at all times and may be able to see us. What I don't know is if the other patrons can or choose to hear and see us. I would propose an experiment with scry blocking, but as they are using god-level magic, that seems like a waste of resources."

As he prepares to speak further, he pulls out several pieces of paper to have Fleshbane look at. "Moving on, I have compiled a list of lesser gods, spanning the entire range of alignments. There is an array of targets to choose from, with varying levels of loyalty and protection to the greater gods that rule their respective planes. This one right here is an appealing target, due to the shitstorm it would cause" he says, pointing to the name Freya on the list. "However, that may be ill advised due to both the extensive degree of protection offered by the primary deity of that plane as well as potential accord implications. But if you wish to plan that one, then plan we shall."

"In more general terms, we will need supplies for this job. As I assume the Phoenix Maelstrom is not an option, we will need to shift to the appropriate plane ourselves. You may have psionics that will cover that. I can do it if I'm given access to these scrolls." He points to a part of the paper where he has marked a sorcerer's scroll of plane shift. "I advise we both have multiple uses of a means for planar travel, in case something happens to either of us during the attempt. I would also suggest you pick up some of these," he says, pointing to a part of the paper where he has scribbled down sorceror's scrolls of greater make whole, "so that I can repair you if you take damage during the assault. I'm partial to collapsing the building on more powerful targets to soften them up, so if possible, some form of timed explosives to strategically place would benefit us. We will also need to discern a way to hide ourselves from the perception of the god whose plane we invade, which I can't imagine will be an easy task. Beyond that, greater preparation will come with a specific target."

With no more papers to hand Fleshbane, Ciel stops for a time to see if he has any questions or comments.


Viss ponders her answer for a few moments. "There aren't any repercussions in the sense of the magic actually becoming tainted or dangerous, no. The anger is not so much the source of the magic as it is its focus.
And I don't think that Curai could actually tell the difference in the magic, he could tell the difference in me. Because he knew me really well.
I believe that the reason why he had me redo the spells over and over again, was so that I wouldn't rely on anger as a way of getting power. 'Rage is poison for the soul'he used to say..."
Her voice drifts off and for a moment her eyes seem to look at some place far away. When the moment has passed she turns back to Ciel. "That is the short explanation. The long one would involve me having to recall hours of lessons in philosophy, which I'm way to tired to at the moment. If you are really interested in it feel free to come back another day. But I must warn you. I wasn't the most attentive of pupils when it came to anything that didn't involve me getting to run around and climb onto things. So there might be some gaps in my memory."

((I'm gonna follow Axel's example and go ahead with what Viss is gonna do the next day.))

Waking up after the day of training, Viss still feels a little sore. Still, if she doesn't want their next battle to be another disaster she needed to practice more.
After a few hours of dropping balls and coins to the floor, she decides to call it a day. She looks after Tessa, who seemed to just have finished her breakfast and is snoring happily.
She walks around her domain for a little while, but doesn't find anything useful to do. After another ten minutes of walking around aimlessly, it finally dawns on her. She is bored.
Apparently having finally retreaved some of her inner calm had come at the price of utter dullness.
Determined to change that, Viss leaves her domain. She had just remembered something that had been in the back of her mind. Sybil not being at the last meeting.
How strange that the palladin would let the chance to complain about Ciel just pass by. And who had that young man been? Also there were those snorecats or whatever that Sybil had talked about, Viss still didn't know what those were.
When she reaches the door of the paladin's domain Viss is brimming with curiosity. She knocks on the door cheerfully.


Menek closes his eyes and breathes a long slow sigh of relief. His first mission as a SAED agent had burdened him with some very troubling questions. The response from his patron lifted these from his soul and he found himself comforted.

Sensing that Arozora had other matters to attend to Menek ends the conversation simply.

I thank you for your trust in my capabilities and ask for forgiveness for any unintended offense I may have caused by comparing you in any way to Asmodeus. I remain your faithful servant.

He signs the book and waits to see if there is any response. In either case, as the conversation is over, he shuts the book and makes his way to his room and his bed and sleeps. Unlike the disturbed tossing that was his initial attempt to rest after getting back from the Abyss this was far more like a deep, dark, and restful coma.

Waking up refreshed Menek hums to himself as he gets ready for the next day. He makes the rounds to check on Ratbreath, Jefred and Alyet. He would have to deal with Zelio at some point but before that he sends an Archon to inform Ozzang'ac that Menek is available to meet with him at any time.

((Sorry for the delay in responding to you KM. Weekends are always busy for me and Menek's mood was going to be pretty dependant on how the RP between him and Arozora went. Ready to RP at any time. Also I think I can do a seperate parallel RP with Mako later DeadPhoenix.))
Once Ozzang'ac is welcomed into Menek's abode, he starts by complimenting it, "I see that you have a variety of worlds on display, even a part of the sea." Once that is said. Ozzang'ac presents his reason for coming, "The recent meeting whom we discussed Ciel's role on our team had me thinking about the events that took place throughout the mission.. and it has occurred to me that we have been so angry at Ciel that we have been overlooking the actual root of our issues: Asmodeus."

He goes on to explain, "Didn't some things seem odd to you ever since Asmodeus visited us through Ciel's seagull? Balor being fully aware of our arrival was one thing, but nothing about Caizel seemed.. logical. Just after Melcanth informed us about her, Caizel somehow knew to take over our ship, and did so just moments after we learned about her. Worse yet, Balor turned out to be our very goal yet she was willing to risk sacrificing it in order to kill us. Why would Caizel practically throw herself and Balor into our grasp when she should have been protecting herself and it?"

"Finally, Asmodeus seems adamant in keeping Ciel with us even though our mission is done and we may never find ourselves in Baphomet's domain ever again, and he should know by now that Ciel will not be successful in his ventures on his own.. Ciel did seemed terrified during the mission when we finally convinced him that killing Baphomet simply wasn't possible; there has to be a reason why Asmodeus is forcing Ciel into these drastic acts."

"Do you have any thoughts? Perhaps I'm simply overthinking the possibilities of what we don't know?"


Thank you for the compliments Ozzang'ac. I did try to design the room to be comfortable for... most.. members of SAED Menek says as he sits down. If you need anything to rest on then please let me know. I must confess I do not know if Water Elementals even sit on anything and so I don't have anything to offer you for that. Maybe a pool of sea water?

Menek considers Ozzang'acs questions. It was always good to see events from another point of view. I think it is safe to say that very little of what Caziel was doing was logical. Rationality and reason are not virtues that most types of demons possess and most succubi are no exception. The most straightforward conclusion is that Caziel was a very emotion driven creature and her hatred of Malcaneth led her to concoct her ridiculous plan.

Shifting in his seat he continues

Diverting the thousands of souls necessary to create the Balor was an incredible risk in the first places as it would obviously draw the attention of the Raven Queen. And though her aim of letting the Balor loose to rampage through the Ivory Labyrinth and Citadel might very well have succeeded in getting Malcaneth killed it is completely absurd to think that it would somehow have gotten Caziel back into Baphoment's good graces in any way. No I think logic had very little to do with what she was doing.

As for her and the Balor appearing on the ship Menek shrugs We were away from the ship for a very long time and we do know that Caziel was hiding from Malcaneth somewhere near the banks of the River Styx. I find it reasonable that she would have spied our impressive vessel long before we even knew to look for her and came onboard to see if she could derive any advantage for herself. As for attacking us with the Balor I think she was convinced that a surprise attack with the super weapon she had crafted for herself would easily wipe us out. She was almost right. We were fortunate that more of us were not heavily damaged by the demon's initial explosion. If some of us had fallen than the remainder would have been easier and easier prey for that thing. As for why she would do such a thing? Probably to gain revenge on Fleshbane for harming her. The ability to hold a grudge seems to be one of her dominatn personality traits.

Menek sighs as he comes to the subject of Ciel Asmodeus did not get what he wanted in the Abyss that is true. But Ciel only failed by inches in the Citadel. If Baphomet had been a bit angrier then we would have been forced to defend ourselves and most likely kill him. The assassin has proven himself to be incredibly effective and fanatically loyal. Why wouldn't Asmodeus want such an agent working for him within SAED? We are working for an astoundingly unique organization Ozzang'ac. The kind of protection that allows us to speak with a being like Gruumsh and not get destroyed on the spot is something that any deity would want to be able to use for their own ends or at the very least keep tabs on.
"Is that so? From my experience, philosophy is a means for pushing the worldview of one's choosing. I won't ask you to dredge up a bunch of theory when the simple answer is sufficient."
Following the discussion with Fleshbane, Ciel has one more thing to bring up with him. "I wish to begin moving against one of the other members immediately. Could you scan for magical alarms on Menek's door? I won't ask you to aid me in the snooping beyond that.

Assuming Fleshbane cooperates and the coast is clear, Ciel creates two layers of protection by first changing his appearance to a mundane tower worker and then going invisible. Checking that the coast is clear, he carefully enters his chambers and closes the door behind him, ensuring no one inside or in the hall saw the motion.

He is immediately assaulted by the ambient music flowing through the quarters. Ugh. This music is insufferable. Most likely a deliberate decision, that bastard.. The music is grating, but his mind is kept at ease from a simple truth realized from Dyliah: things created by the archons are well within the ability of this group to dismantle.

He keeps an eye out for any traps and triggers, avoiding or disarming as is needed while exploring. What catches his eye is a large, incomplete void within the quarters. One he could have sworn he felt life stirring in.

My, this is curious. Why is a portion of his space blank? Perhaps Menek has a Brick of his own who's been banished to the void. Yes, this could work well.

He begins to traverse the void.

((My goal here is for Ciel to find Zelio and try to learn Menek's history from him. He's your NPC, so I think it's pretty much your call on what he's willing to tell Ciel. I also imagine this would be happening at a different time than the meetings, but that's kind of up in the air too. :p))
((Axel, I love that you're getting so into this; your scenes are really bringing the campaign to life and it's awesome. That goes for all of you, by the way; I was hoping the campaign would sort of take on a life of its own over time, and that's definitely how things are shaping up.

However, let's slow things down juuuuuust a tad. Your scene with Fleshbane is still incomplete and Menek is still talking with Ozzan'gac. Why don't we save that post above for after Fleshbane responds to you and after Menek and Ozzan'gac finish their conversation? There's plenty of time; I anticipated a lot of shenanigans going down during this downtime, and I'm in no real-life rush to start the next mission.

Thank you for your understanding :) ))


"You're right I guess and regarding worldviews it is probably sufficient to simply note that ours are quite different. And since I'm not the preaching type, I'll spare us both the lecture." She gets up suppressing a wince when her sore muscles protest against the movement.
"I think this concludes things for today? Unless you want to stick around for some grilled fish, I'll call for Pillari to see you out."
Ozzang'ac hrms, "I suppose you are right. It is just that I get the sense that we were ambushed far too easily and we had nearly walked into failure."

When it comes to the explanation as to why Ciel is still around, Ozzang'ac responds, "So you think Ciel is still with us to deliberately force gods to try and kill us so that we may potentially destroy them in return?"


Ciel is here to report to Asmodeus and do his bidding. What Asmodeus will want next is something I do not know. Baphomet is not a god by the by. Might not have been as formidable as the Balor in fact though we would have had to flee the Labyrinth if Ciel had succeeded.

((This is one day after the meeting, when is Ciel infiltrating?))
"Regardless, we have to plan around this possibility of disruption in our next mission. We may need to avoid visiting with the gods or other possible 'targets' directly until we can confirm what we are dealing with through outside means. Is there anything we can do to potentially avoid another vessel take over without leaving us stranded?"

<As a note I've been getting a ton of things mixed up during this entire conversation, forgetting Baphomet wasn't a god or the actual span of time everything took place. I suppose it fits Ozzang'ac not having great int though.>
((Okay everybody, here's a list of the scenes currently in progress and whose turn it is to respond.

*Ozzan'gac and Menek are engaged in conversation. This one is the easiest because it's right above this post, but all the same, it's Azih's turn to respond.

*Ciel just reported to Fleshbane about the lesser gods, including the fact that Sybil's god is one of them. It's Mike M's turn to respond.

*Viss just knocked on Sybil's door. A conversation hasn't started, but it's Jackben's turn to respond (by answering the door).

After these scenes are concluded, the scene with Mako and Menek can happen.

Then, after that scene is concluded, we can cover Ciel's infiltration antics.

Hopefully this is an agreeable compromise. This thread has been running away recently, which is mostly a good thing, but it does mean I need to step in and regulate the pace a little bit more. Sorry to anyone who is having trouble keeping track))
<If you want you can go ahead and end the conversation with Ozzang'ac and we can further plan our actions once we actually get a new mission and have more context to work with.>


I think I may actually have something for that up my sleeve Ozzang'ac. We did leave our ship in an incredibly vulnerable state. This must not happen again. I should start researching that right away actually. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?
"Not in particular that I can think of. I can only wish that we can use Ciel's talents and.. values- for our own benefit instead of for Asmodeus' meddling. I may visit with the Raven Queen, I hope she will be willing to indulge on a more personal question I have had as of recently."


When it is time for Ozzang'ac to depart Menek's room, he will return to the observatory and summon an archon. The elemental shrinks himself so that he can more easily speak into the terminal provided, "Archon.. I don't wish to interfere with the Raven Queen's business so an audience is not necessary, though I eventually do wish to ask her something if it is not too trivial."
The Raven Queen appears before Ozzan'gac, a gentle smile on her face. "I assure you that it is not a bother," she says. "I appear before you only as an avatar - one of many. I am very capable of performing multiple tasks simultaneously, Ozzan'gac. As we speak, I am also attending a meeting with Erathis, drafting a report about the incident with Asmodeus for presentation to the full Pantheon, and attending to a crisis at one of my temples in the Material Plane.

"But you need not concern yourself with these matters. You report directly to me, and therefore it is my job to be here when you need me. What questions do you have for me?"
Ozzang'ac makes a mental note about what she said about Asmodeus, and after she introduces herself, Ozzang'ac begins, "I have actually been wondering something.. how often do deaths like mine occur, where a catastrophe wipes out civilization? Is it so common that it is as natural as any one man's death? Do you ever wonder if something like what happened to my kingdom could ever happen to the gods themselves?"
"All civilizations die," she says. "On average, more people die through other means, but eventually everything crumbles, only for new civilizations to emerge and replace them. That has been the way of things for countless millennia, for long before I ever existed."

She raises an eyebrow about Ozzan'gac's follow-up question. "So you're asking if it's possible for the gods to be wiped out," she says. "...I suppose it's possible. Gods have died in the past, so it stands to reason that a great enough threat could emerge. I can't even imagine what form that threat could take, though."

She rubs her chin in thought as she studies the water elemental. "Have you been speaking to Fleshbane? He also asked me recently about whether gods can be killed. It's somewhat disconcerting."
Almost expectedly, the elemental lets out an "I see.. It is truly the power of the gods to be able to see millions die so easily and still find an understanding of it."

When Raven Queen confirms Ozzang'ac's theoretical scenario, he chimes in, "The creature that had befallen my kingdom, I knew not what it was; I had seen death but it was only a vague abomination to my sight. Perhaps such things truly are unimaginable when they exceed all knowledge of everything around you."

When quizzed at whether he has spoken to Fleshbane and why, he answers, "I have not. I find his views somewhat worthless and stubborn to be honest. I opted instead to discuss our last mission with Menek and what we could do to improve." His form shifts, what would be brows raising, "Fleshbane inquired about the death of gods? But I thought he only cared about killing those weaker than he is? Those born of flesh."

I'm trying to be a bit coy to avoid metagaming, but it's starting to get harder to avoid , methinks.
The Raven Queen expels a sigh. "Yes, well, it seems that he is setting his sights a bit higher these days. But I've already said too much; it is not my place to divulge Fleshbane's secrets - or any of yours, for that matter.

"If that is all, I bid you farewell for now. Please enjoy your downtime and get some rest. The next mission is not quite ready to present to you, and won't be within the next few days."
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