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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

<There's a Barbarian archetype that is all about wielding oversized weapons, too.

Also, it took me too long to realize that "Cagnazzo spelled backwards" that was summoned by a sahaguin named Baigon is fighting a Paladin named Cecil.>


((I'm gonna make the strength check in my breakfast break. I will then cast airwalk on Tessa so Ozz can let go of her and she can go over to Cecil on her own to bite him. Do I still need to make the concentration check now that I don't have Tessa on my back anymore?

Edit: Had some time left before heading out, I did the check...

1D20+12 = [17]+12 = 29

Ciel is save! ...for now. Will post more later.))
((Ok, now that I know I won't be falling, I can come up with Ciel's turn. Would he be able to go from being clutched by Viss to flipping on to her back (assuming she doesn't object, Ciel should be light enough to not impact her at all while she's a large bird)? If he can make a ride check to do that quickly, he'll do that and cast aspect of the falcon on himself. If that won't work or requires a prohibitively high concentration check or something, I'll try and come up with something else. Will do up an RP post for whatever gets decided after I hear back.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Frustrated by Cecil's deflection of her attack, Sybil grits her teeth. Tightening her grip on her longsword she prepares to follow in pursuit of the godling.

Fly Check: 1D20+17 = [1]+17 = 18


((At least this simplifies things))

Unfortunately this time the paladin's wings cannot find the strength to push through the gale. She instead whispers a fervent prayer in Freya's name to bolster her allies power.

Blessing of Fervor

((I think from her current position Sybil can cast it on herself, Viss, Ozzang'ac, Ciel, Tessa, the two wind elementals, and Thanatos, maybe Mako?))


With Ciel save from harm Viss alows herself to relax for a moment. A moment that ends abruptly when she hears Ozz yell out a warning. It comes just in time that she is prepared when Cecil's magic graps get and tries to force her back into her real form.

The struggle goes on for a few moments that feel a lot longer buy in the end Viss manages to keep the upper hand.

"Hah! Nice try, ass..." Before she can finish her triumphant gloating, all of the sudden an enormous weight pushes her down. "What the... Oh shit!"

The additional weight proves too much to handle and Viss starts decending to the ground faster than she likes. In the confusion she almost lets go of Ciel but manages to get a hold on herself and the assassin.

Before she has time to come up with a solution to her predicament however, the weight vanishes as abruptly as it had appeared. A few horrible moments she expects to see her friend drop to the ground before she realizes that Ozz has flown over and is now holding the dinsaur. In another situation she might have laughed at the sight but the events of the last minutes have somewhat dampened her humor.

"Dammit Ozz, you are a fucking lifesaver! Thank you! Now let me take that of your hands..."

Viss concentrates on Tessa and casts airwalk. "OK, Ozz, you can let go of her now."

Taking by surprise when the watery being lets go of her, Tessa waves her tiny arms around in a vain attempt to stay airborne. When she realizes that she did not fall after all she carefully tests by taking a step forward. The sensation is a strange one but it appears that she can walk just as she would on earth, even if there isn't any ground beneath her feet.

Having regained her composure she lets out a growl, mostly to reassure herself that indeed everything seems to be in order. Than she looks around to find the person responsible for her wierd situation.

((Using Blessing of Fevor to enlengthen the duration of airwalk. For now Tessa will stay by Viss side. Should Cecil decide to teleport to us, she might at least get a AoO in...))
((blessing of fervor's metamagic ability only works on 2nd level spells and lower. airwalk is 10 minutes per level anyways, so its not really needed probably...))
"Dammit Ozz, you are a fucking lifesaver! Thank you! Now let me take that of your hands..."

Viss concentrates on Tessa and casts airwalk. "OK, Ozz, you can let go of her now."

Taking by surprise when the watery being lets go of her, Tessa waves her tiny arms around in a vain attempt to stay airborne. When she realizes that she did not fall after all she carefully tests by taking a step forward. The sensation is a strange one but it appears that she can walk just as she would on earth, even if there isn't any ground beneath her feet.
Ozzang'ac can't help but show a rare smile at the appreciation of his help and at the awkward adjustment the shark expresses, and remarks to both her and the dinosaur, "'No reason flight cannot be the safest way to travel."
((Ciel: To accomplish the feat you're going for, I'm going to require a DC 30 Acrobatics check. If you succeed, you can do that as a move action and proceed with casting the spell.

If you fail by 5 points or less, you'll spend your entire turn doing that.

If you fail by more than 5, then you mess up and fall.

Menek and Mako still need to take their turns, too))


((Wasn't that an AoO? Also I'm really not sure what to do with my elementals. I fear that sending them after Cecil will just be a waste of time since they probably won't hit anyway and he'll likely teleport away next turn. I also just realized that I now need to make turns for four people... Fun!
Edit: Beaten and hope you feel better soon.))
<Meanwhile on this plane of existence and somewhere east of Sword Coast while this battle is happening, a trio of intrepid heroes walks through a forest full of basilisks like it was nothing.>
((Well then, this is hella reckless, but Ciel can't do much of anything otherwise unless a normal ride action or something else would work (it doesn't have to be a flip, he just wants to climb up onto Viss's back), then I won't risk this. Otherwise, here goes nothing.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94702]Acrobatics: 1D20 + 15 = [3]+15 = 18
Ciel is braced for a fatal counterattack when Viss sweeps in and gets him out of there. "Huh, you actually saved my ass there. Guess I owe you a round of drinks or something when we get back to the observatory." Ciel is preparing to calmly go from her talons to a more stable position on her back when suddenly a T-Rex appears on her back. Ciel attempts to move in the panic, but only ends up falling for his efforts. He is able to somewhat cushion his fall, but is left waiting for Thanatos to pick him up. The giant vulture sweeps down as fast as it can to retrieve Ciel

((I believe you said it was a 60-foot fall, and Ciel would pass the DC 15 acrobatics check to reduce the damage on a nat 1.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94705]Fall Damage: 1D6 + 4D6 = [1]+[4, 3, 5, 2] = 15
That comes out to one point nonlethal and 14 points lethal from the fall. Thanatos should be able to reach Ciel this turn, so if he has enough movement left for a free action fast mount, he'll do that. I guess that's my turn if there was no alternative to the acrobatics check.))
Just as Ozzang'ac finally has a moment to feel like he's protected someone since the destruction of his kingdom, Ciel's fall breaks his streak before it can even start.


"What are you doing?? Are you cra..." Viss watches in disbelieve as Ciel struggles out of her grip only to fall to the ground. "Idiot... I'm still gonna hold you to that drink though!"
Ciel just looks up with a rather blank expression as he falls "You know what? This still beats the alternative. Hardly your fault everything went batshit insane."

He looks set for a dramatic end, as 60 feet is a rather large fall, but ultimately lands with little more than a sprained ankle. Left waiting for Thanatos and forced to contemplate all of the moves that were made for him to have a chance and fail, he says the only thing he can given the circumstances. "Ow."

((Now that I think about it, maybe someone could cast feather fall on him before he hits the ground. I think it's an immediate action and wouldn't burn a turn, but if it would, probably not worth losing most alternatives as 14 damage isn't much.))
((FUCK! Yeah, it probably would have, and then he could have flown a T-Rex into Cecil for his final volley. Though I guess now Thanatos doesn't have to get bent out of shape with jealousy.))


((She hasn't even moved yet... she could have freaking walked directly below him... I guess there is a reason catfolk get a -2 on wisdom.))
((Eh, it's basically my fault for going straight to typing up the post without weighing the options with others first. At least it's basically just an inconvenience.))


((And on the plus side at least for the moment Viss doesn't have to worry about Cecil coming after her, which means I can safely send the elementals forward for an attack. I'm wondering, the attack line reads "Two slams", does that mean that they get two slams as a standard attack or is that the full attack? I'm gonna go with one attack for each one for now I I get to make another one, just tell me and I adjust it...)

Elemental 1 Slam Attack: 1D20+21 = [8]+21 = 29 ((Nope...))

Elemental2 Slam Attack: 1D20+21 = [9]+21 = 30 ((sigh... guess I used up my dice luck on trying to save Ciel...))

Updated map


((Round 3))

You wish to have all the benefits of being a god and none of the responsibilities? Bind the soul to an eternity tied to the physical plane? No renewal? No rebirth? You are a fool Cecil. Menek says withdrawing his rapier from the injured demigod.

Will Save: 1D20+14 = [11]+14 = 25

((Might be good for Ciel to spend the time below to heal himself, Menek only has positive energy healing. Plus you could use your Fortune to reroll the acrobatics check?))

Menek hits Cecil with another Evil Eye targeting his ability to attack this time

((Evil Eye hex (no AOO on hexes till Round 4 or 14 depending on Will save DC 24))

And laughs to extended the two curses on Cecil and extend the boons on Menek's allies.

((Cackle to extend AC and Attack Hex on Cecil to Round 5 or 15. It also extends the Fortune on Fleshbane to be active until Round 5. I think Cecil is out of range for Cackle so he only has it till Round 4)).

((Taking +2 to AC from Fervor))


((I got yet again another (probably stupid) question? I maybe want to cast a spell on Cecil in one of these rounds when I get the chance. In the spell description it says, that the target must pass a reflex save for half the damage and so on and so forth but I can't find how it is determined when the save passes.))


((Spell Save DC is:

10 + spell level + ability modifier (. Druids use WIS I believe)

Maybe hold off on that for a bit. Menek can hit Cecil with another Hex dropping his saves by -4 on Round 4 maybe. Making it likelier to stick.

<Not sure what you mean by "when the save passes", but basically it's a chance to take half the damage instead of all of it (so unless he has Evasion/Improved Evasion which seems unlikely for Knightly types, you're pretty much guaranteed to do damage to some degree.)>


((What Azih posted was the answer i was looking for. I swear I looked like crazy but didn't find it! And yeah I'm gonna throw around a STR buff next round anyway.))
((lol, just remembered I have feather fall as a bard spell. so if anyone falls again, I can at least help them avoid the damage.))

Air dancing: (1d20+22-8=26)

Mako flys almost effortlessly through the air and casts good hope on everyone in the area(everyone past flesh bane is to far away. and it might be to late to retcon her casting it before people(or elementals. and fleshbane is immune anyways) moved away.)
((Not 100% sure who is in range due to how high or low they are, but i guess my main target is Sybil and myself. Anyways, Good Hope gives a +2 to attack, damage, Skil Checks(which includes fly), ability checks(if these even come up) and saves(I believe this doesn't stack with my Inspire Courage bonus to saves vs fear and stuff(you still get the +3 against those though), but it applies to all saves so its pretty useful).))
A lightning bolt illuminates the darkened sky for an instant, and rain drops can be seen beading and running down Cecil's holy armor.

As Menek and Fleshbane lecture him from opposite directions, he shakes his head.

"Your conflicting messages do much to undermine you," he chides. "And you, construct: the irony of our similar philosophies is not lost on me. We also agree on one other thing: Both of us cannot escape this confrontation alive."

He lays into Fleshbane without reservation. In short order, Fleshbane is reduced to a haphazard pile of metal scraps, which are quickly carried away in the unrelenting wind and rains. The construct being disposed of, Cecil focuses on Menek.

((Declare Smite on Fleshbane. Full Attack; Power Attack-ing for 5.

First attack: 44 vs AC. Fleshbane takes 37 damage.

If that takes him out, he switches to Menek. If Fleshbane is still up, he'll continue to attack him.

Second attack: 33 vs AC on Fleshbane for 37 damage, or 26 vs AC on Menek for 17 damage.

Third attack: 22 vs AC on Menek for 21 damage.

Fourth attack: 21 vs AC on Menek for 19 damage.

Each Air Elemental must make a DC 20 will save, and if they fail it, they can't attack Cecil this turn.

Begin Round 4. Map http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55babcb94d3d8 Don't forget to make your Fly checks if you are medium sized. Oh and just as areminder, Ciel is mounted to Thanatos but they are at ground level, 60 feet down))


Fleshbane regains sentience after his visual sensors are already operational this time; it seems that whatever process that Zerome had set into place to facilitate his "resurrection" is becoming more efficient.

He immediately detects an anomaly: His connection to the machine-god is experiencing some interference.

It's not enough to sever the connection, but it is a significant decline in signal strength.

As he processes this unusual piece of information, Cu parades into view, evidently excited about something. "Oh, Master Fleshbane," he says. "The timing of your return is quite fortuitous! There have been some recent, and rather significant, developments in your absence. I am not privy to all of the details, you see, but it seems that the Observatory has visitors, in a manner of speaking! I can scarcely contain myself!"
<Dibs on charging Cecil into square H6. I may head to bed soon, so I want to declare I am going to roll up my attack in a moment but I also want my attack to take place after other characters apply any buffs /nerfs this round even if I get in a post before them.

Also, new party member hype?>
((Aww shit, (possible) new party member hype.

Also, I have a few questions about the Combat while mounted section of the Pathfinder SRD and some general movement stuff. The mounted combat rules make it sound like you can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is doing a double move, but the other page you linked suggests otherwise, so I'm not sure which wins out. With haste, Thanatos's speed is 80 feet, so a double move would be 160 feet. If he can attack, it says the attack would happen about halfway through the move. For that to work, he'd have to pass by where Ozzang'ac would be (or do it before Ozzang'ac charges and end outside of that space). Is passing through allies ok if you don't end in their space? Trying to figure out if a full attack is feasible. If not, He'll just fly back up and cast Aspect of Falcon on himself. Healing would take 4 or 5 turns to recover enough to make a meaningful difference, so probably not going that route.

Also, would Menek's +4 still be in effect, and did Mako's good hope spell land on Ciel?))
((Aww shit, (possible) new party member hype.

Also, I have a few questions about the Combat while mounted section of the Pathfinder SRD and some general movement stuff. The mounted combat rules make it sound like you can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is doing a double move, but the other page you linked suggests otherwise, so I'm not sure which wins out. With haste, Thanatos's speed is 80 feet, so a double move would be 160 feet. If he can attack, it says the attack would happen about halfway through the move. For that to work, he'd have to pass by where Ozzang'ac would be (or do it before Ozzang'ac charges and end outside of that space). Is passing through allies ok if you don't end in their space? Trying to figure out if a full attack is feasible. If not, He'll just fly back up and cast Aspect of Falcon on himself. Healing would take 4 or 5 turns to recover enough to make a meaningful difference, so probably not going that route.

Also, would Menek's +4 still be in effect, and did Mako's good hope spell land on Ciel?))

((as long as you were within 30 feet of sybil it should have gotten you))
((as long as you were within 30 feet of sybil it should have gotten you))
((That's what I'm trying to figure out. It depends on when the spell went off relative to when he fell. So it's a yes if it was before he fell a bit of the way, and a no if it's after.

Clearly Fleshbane needs to have a nuke built into his torso.))
((Although I don't WANT that to work because it's hazardous to the enemy's health, I can't find a good reason why it wouldn't work. I don't know what the person in that other link was talking about. I blame him :p Yeah, you can do that, and you can always move through allies' squares as long as you don't end on their square))
<Going to charge Cecil, picking +2 Attack, +2 to AC & Reflex for this turn; spending a ki point to activate furious defense as an immediate action (+4 dodge AC until the end of my next turn

Charge Attack (Buffs:+1haste+3bard+1wtr+2chrg+2BoF), Damage (Bard & Water buffs): 1D20+24+1+3+1+2+2 = [2]+24+1+3+1+2+2 = 35
3D6+2+10+3+1 = [3, 2, 2]+2+10+3+1 = 23

Add any bonuses I might get by any effects that my allies might cast this turn.

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55bacaa605e69 >


Twisting himself into a spinning torpedo, the water elemental becomes a darting missile that aims to ram himself into the Paladin, screaming in a fit of strife as Cecil begins to take out his allies and begin killing, "CECIL!!! I've survived Balor! I'll survive you!!"
((All right! I don't know what all bonuses I have on me right now, so the numerical values may need tweaking. I think Menek's attack buff is still in effect from cackling and unless you rule that I was in range of Mako's buff, I'm assuming he fell out of it. That could mean -4 and +2 to the attack rolls and +2 to the damage rolls. Taking the +2 on attacks, AC and reflex from blessing of fervor for both Ciel and Thanatos and using another 7 unholy water arrows. Confirmed no +4, so rolls are 4 lower than the rolls arm))

The fall mostly hurt Ciel's pride, but it appears it may have been a blessing in disguise. With him plummeting out of the sky, Cecil appears to have turned his attention to Fleshbane, striking at him with the deadly force the assassin was expecting to be on the receiving end of. But that means his guard is down, and he's just begging for Ciel to kill him, godling or not. With a bit of blood still spurting from his wound, Ciel sends Thanatos back up towards the others, sending him on a slowly curving path to first gain altitude and then move towards Cecil.

Cecil's distraction from Menek's assault and Ozzang'ac's vicious charge make him an easy target, as the assassin sails in between the would-be demigod and the giant water elemental. Time slows down as Ciel locks eyes with Cecil. He's no longer concerned with the mission. Vengeance for injuries inflicted on the others is no motivation. He just wants this bastard to die. The words Ciel rattles off at a hasted tempo feel like they're spoken over minutes for the two adversaries.

"Want your damn haiku?
You made a fatal error.
You don't fuck with me."

His arrows all clustered on the bowstring like a shotgun round, he lets them fly simultaneously, unleashing unholy hell on Cecil. He keeps flying along on Thanatos, and if the deed is done, looks towards the others with an expression that screams "There. Was that such a big deal?"
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94720]Manyshot: 1D20 + 32 = [20]+32 = 52 (auto confirm)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94721]Manyshot Crit Damage: 4D8 + 80 + 6D6 = [4, 1, 8, 6]+80+[2, 3, 4, 6, 4, 3] = 121
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94722]Rapid Shot: 1D20 + 32 = [5]+32 = 37
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94723]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [1]+20+[5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 2] = 46
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94724]Haste Attack: 1D20 + 32 = [1]+32 = 33
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94725]Fortune Reroll (ignore if expired): 1D20 + 32 = [20]+32 = 52 (auto confirm if valid roll)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94726]Damage if fortune still in effect: 3D8 + 60 + 6D6 = [8, 2, 2]+60+[6, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3] = 90
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94727]Ki Attack: 1D20 + 32 = [8]+32 = 40
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94728]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [2]+20+[5, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3] = 44
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94729]Base Attack 2: 1D20 + 27 = [14]+27 = 41
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94730]Damage: 1D8 + 20 + 6D6 = [7]+20+[4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 5] = 53
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94731]Base Attack 3: 1D20 + 22 = [20]+22 = 42 (What the fuck, is this acrobatics compensation?)
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94732]Damage: 3D8 + 60 + 6D6 = [8, 2, 8]+60+[2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 5] = 101
((Uhh... yeah. If Cecil's not dead, he'll get an AoO as Thanatos flies by. updated map for ending position. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55babcb94d3d8

Mike M

Nick N
((Dropping this now while I'm at the computer, won't need a follow up until after the battle has concluded unless we want to split the narrative. I'm cool either way. EDIT: Also, jesus christ do I need help optimizing Fleshbane if everyone else is going to routinely do 20x the damage he does. Damn!))

Fleshbane's awareness flickers into being within a new body once more. While this one does not seem to have any immediately apparent improvements over his previous vessel, the speed at which he was able to achieve reactivation indicates that Zerome has continued to make additional improvements somewhere in the production process.

The fact that he can detect the absence of Zerome's meddling in his processes fills Fleshbane with revulsion as he proceeds to run a systems check to ensure that none of his operating directives have been altered any further by the enslaving god. His hate for his captor is quickly eclipsing that he possesses for flesh beings. But what is causing the signal loss? Zerome is a being of pure calculation, it seems inconceivable that it would err in reconstituting Fleshbane with the ability to resist its control.

As Cu delivers his unusually enthused news, Fleshbane marches past him with scarcely a passing glance. "I fail to see what relevance the Raven Queen's guests are to me," he says. "Monitor the situation in Faerun and report any developments to me. I am experiencing signal interference with my alleged patron and wish to discover the source. Anything that may aid me in freeing myself of him takes precedence over all other concerns."
((Ciel's a total glass cannon in this setting. He has two bad saves and low AC, I pretty much put everything into damage and subterfuge. That was also kind a a bullshit row, how do that many 20s even happen?

But you know, deals with the devil and stuff :). ))


((Fortune still in effect, +4 is not. That was an investigator one round only deal only not a witch hex. I'm just... gonna wait and see what the result is of Ciel's flyby.. Daaaamn.))
((Uh, I just realized I forgot to roll the will save. This could be huge.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94735]Will Save: 1D20 + 9 = [6]+9 = 15
((Had I recalled I had to do that, I would have invoked fortune on this instead of the nat 1 for sure. Doing that and giving up one of the crits if allowable.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94735]Will Save: 1D20 + 9 = [6]+9 = 15
((WELP, bye bye killer rolls, unless Cecil's actions counted as an attack on Ciel or there are 5 points worth of modifiers floating around I don't know about.))
((EDIT: Wouldn't I get another reroll from Ozzang'ac too? Going ahead and rolling that if I do. Ignore it if I don't.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94737]Will Save: 1D20 + 9 = [9]+9 = 18
((Well, that one passes if Mako's buffs are in effect. Wheel if fate is turning? Alternatively, if Cecil AoOs him on the way past, Ciel could still get an attack off if he survived, couldn't he?))

((Illiteracy is serious business. Don't ask how I can write but not read.))


((The Will save is only if you start your turn adjacent to Ciel and he doesn't attack you previous turn. Ciel was very much out of range.))
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