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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


bitch I'm taking calls.
((I don't even know what to think about that deadly wall of rolls. Ciel is truly an island of his own.))
<To be honest Ciel's build seems insanely OP. Having low defenses is kinda alleviated when a DM has enemies act according to what seems most impulsive instead of optimally focus firing easier to kill threats.

It's also no wonder he keeps trying to kill gods that can instagib him if that's his damage output.>


((Disagree with that. Nobody we've faced really knows what Ciel can do. Why would they? Plus Cecil did target Ciel first AND stuff his ranged capability with a god like starting move. Not fun to get nerfed after you've done an effective build.))
((Don't worry, I came prepared for Ciel's shenanigans :) You don't design a solo enemy to fight against 7 super-powered players without some pretty robust defenses.

When Ciel comes adjacent to him, Cecil casts Emergency Force Sphere.


Since all of those attacks are at -4, the only ones that hit are the crits. The Force Sphere absorbs the first two and shatters on the third.

Cecil's AoO is aimed at Ciel. It's a 44 vs AC and deals 39 damage.

I'll RP all that out during Cecil's next turn. And don't necessarily get discouraged either; this guy only has so many spells))


((I'm an idiot for forgetting that I needn't had to move the elementals right next to Cecil. Their Will Save is only +2...and they both failed. But they can still move right? Screw attacking I just have them come a bit closer to me, so that they can profit from my spell. Can they still turn into their whirlwind form as to not provoke AoO? I think that should be possible, if not feel free to retcon my post.))

Seeing the attacks of the elementals fall fruitless Viss decides that some upgrades are in order and calls the creatures back to her position.

Upon hearing her order both elementals turn themselves into swirling whirlwinds and retreat from their enemy.

When they arrive at their new position Viss cast Bull Strength Mass to grant everyone a +4 on Strength.

((The spell should hit everyone but Menek (sorry :() I'll probably send out Tessa to do a bit of biting in my breakfast break.

Edit: or not since she'd be nowhere near fast enough to get even close to Cecil, sigh. I'll have her move forward a bit anyway. Can't change map due to being in Mobil, but her speed is 30ft. She wasn't there for the haste spell (unless we count being a little figurin in Viss' pocket) but can she move further if she does nothing but move? ))
((Nezumi, Tessa could do a charge. When you Charge, you can move double your speed and attack with a +2 bonus, and your AC is -2 until your next turn. Her speed is 30 feet, so she could move up to 12 squares and would be able to make it over there.

Your plans for the Air Elementals are fine, too)


Flying over Tessa's head Viss shouts agsinst the raging storm, "You see that dude in the overly shiny armor with the hollier than thou attitute? Go and take a bite out of him!"

Happy to have something to do other than wonder how she is walking on air Tessa dashes forward. Strange the man doesn't feel evil like the people she normally attacks, but if Viss says this was the enemy than this was the enemy. Opening her jaws wide she bites at the shiny man.

Dash Attack Tessa:1d20+23=[19]+23=42

Damage: 3d6+25 3D6+25 = [1, 1, 6]+25 = 33

Grab: 1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19

Updated map


((Round 4))
((Did the first or the second attack kill Fleshbane. Menek has an AC of 25. If it was the second then Menek is still untouched.))

Menek grits his teeth in anger as Fleshbane falls under Cecil's assault and Cecil turns his attention to him. It's obvious that Cecil is reluctant to hurt Menek as his two strikes are less vicious and sure and miss the spellcaster. Still it is also obvious that Cecil is willing to hurt and kill the non evil members of the group. Menek continues to weaken the demigod to the best of his ability

((Evil Eye Hex -4 to Cecil's saves, Cackle to extend Fortune on Ciel to Round 5. Cackle to extend AC and Attack And Save Hex on Cecil to Round 6 or 16))

Then tries to back away by 5 feet to get some space between him and Cecil.


((Succeed to five foot step backwards))

Updated Map
((Sorry if I prematurely killed Fleshbane. I was under the impression that he was close to dead from the outset of battle because Warforged are difficult to heal, but after looking back over the posts it seems like there was more uncertainty about that than I remembered.

With all of the attacks being smites though, Fleshbane would have gone down by the 4th swing, so the end result would still be the same.

I think we're just waiting for Mako right now))


((You can use your elementals to 'Aid Another' someone else in either attacking or defending against Cecil, Nezumi. A +4 to either is pretty great. I remember that trick from a certain wolf summoning shaman. A certain female monk still pounded said shaman into paste though ho ho ho.

Taking +2 to AC again from Fervor btw.))
((You can use your elementals to 'Aid Another' someone else in either attacking or defending against Cecil, Nezumi. A +4 to either is pretty great. I remember that trick from a certain wolf summoning shaman. A certain female monk still pounded said shaman into paste though ho ho ho.

Taking +2 to AC again from Fervor btw.))

((That fight was fixed, I tell you. Fixed! ::shakes fist::))


((Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll be on a trip starting tomorrow and I don't know how good my internet connection will be. So if it takes some time before I react it means that it's really bad and I haven't had time to go to the nearest McDonald's yet.))

Mike M

Nick N
((I'm also out of town starting tomorrow. Plus it's a Creative Writing Challenge GAF weekend, so it's like double duty! I'm out of the fight anyway, so depending on how much more it goes on, it may not even matter. Heh.))


((I'm also out of town starting tomorrow. Plus it's a Creative Writing Challenge GAF weekend, so it's like double duty! I'm out of the fight anyway, so depending on how much more it goes on, it may not even matter. Heh.))

((Yeah... I should totally be packing... instead I'm sitting here trying to find the right voice for my story...))
((You can't prove that i know water elementals don't have cold immunity! Although I do know monks have evasion(and improved evasion by now i think?) and good reflex saves.))
<I had intended for Ozzang'ac's attack to take place after everyone else had acted so that he would benefit from any buffs, so we can probably just assume the Cone of Cold went off before he charged.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Huh. I thought I cast blessing of fervor, are we already past that round? I'll roll another turn then))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Whoops. Yeah that was my bad, I let coyote code auto fill that and I think that's my BAB or something. Ty))
Cecil is breathing heavier now, as the stress of facing off against eleven different opponents weighs on him. Ozzan'gac's reckless gambit pays off, as Cecil is too distracted by a rampaging, flying dinosaur to see him coming.

He is ready for Ciel, though. The vulture-riding assassin roars up from the ground as though coming from hell itself, and Cecil meets him head-on. He conjures a wall of force to absorb what would otherwise be lethal arrows, and as the surprised assassin scrambles to change directions and get out of the way, the demigod lays into him with a searing holy blow.

He narrows his eyes. "It is clear to me now that I cannot best you," he announces to the team. "Yet I will not go quietly into the night!"

Raising both arms, Cecil gathers a critical mass of holy energy. Slightly behind the scene of battle, dozens of enormous, translucent lances manifest, and the entire arsenal peppers the battlefield, searing everything in its path.

((Technically, in game rule terms, he's just casting a Fireball with untyped damage and Quickening another Fireball with untyped damage, centered on G5 and F16. He is casting defensively, and got a 48 on his Concentration check, so there are no AoO's.

Everyone, including animal companions and summoned creatures, must make a DC 24 Reflex save. A failure results in 71 untyped damage; a pass results in 35 damage. Cecil passed the save, so he's taking half damage.

Cecil then moves to M17. http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55bbccb824bd6

Begin the next round))


Fleshbane brushes off Cu's news, but as he strides through his quarters he realizes that they are much emptier than he is accustomed to. His archon servants are nowhere to be found.

Should he venture outside of his quarters, Fleshbane will note that the hallways of the Observatory are eerily quiet, even when factoring in the absence of his colleagues.

Something is going on.
((Taking the +2 to attack rolls, AC, and saves from fervor for Ciel and Thanatos))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94800]Reflex Save: 1D20 + 17 = [17]+17 = 34
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94801]Thanatos Reflex: 1D20 + 11 = [4]+11 = 15
((Thank goodness for Evasion. Ciel takes no damage, but that one-shotted Thanatos. Err, looking at my sheet, I think I might have forgot to roll his health for 9th level, I can't tell now, the HP for con is right but the D8 isn't. Regardless, it would be cheesy to do that now especially since it would be the difference between life and death for him, so I'm fine with saying he got one-shotted. Disregard the struck, I went through Thanatos's roll history and yeah, both level ups had health properly rolled for. I just need to correct the 8D8 to 9D8 on his sheet. He's dead Jim. Before I type up RP stuff, I need to figure out options. Viss looks like she's about 10 feet away, could Ciel make an acrobatics check to jump to her from the now cooked Thanatos?))
((Is that before or after the DC being cut in half because Ciel's a ninja of at least 10th level?

Also, after the jump, will that be Ciel's full turn or will he have any actions left?))
((Emergency force sphere didn't take up his swift action this turn?))

Reflex: (1d20+14+2+2=24)
((don't forget the +2 from good hope, +1 from haste OR +2 from Blessing of Fervor(unless TL decides only the extra attack doesn't stack I guess), those of you who have it. Also, if anyone fails there save, I might be able to help them...(Thanatos and other pets are kinda low priority)))
((I looked it up and that trick is only supposed to be for high jumps, but that's kind of stupidly specific, so yeah, let's half the DC to 10. We'll call that your Move action, so you'll still have a Standard and Swift.

DP, I won't lie, I didn't know that an immediate action is supposed to take up your swift action for the turn. But since there are ways to accomplish this same thing with a legal number of actions (such as Widen Spell), it's going to stand as is))
Reflex Will Save: 1D20+18 = [1]+18 = 19

<I have IMproved Evasion so I still take halved damage.

I can't use ki guardian because nobody is adjacent to me, and I can't use insightful wisdom on Thanatos because he's too far away.>

EDIT: <lmao "Reflex Will Save">

EDIT 2: <Also, Cecil's position wasn't updated on the map. EDIT 3: Nevermind I'll fix it when I attack and have to update my own position.>
Charge Attack (Buffs:+1haste+3bard+1wtr+2chrg+2BoF+2Str), Damage (Bard, Water, & Str buffs): 1D20+24+1+3+1+2+2+2 = [19]+24+1+3+1+2+2+2 = 54
3D6+2+10+3+1+2 = [1, 6, 5]+2+10+3+1+2 = 30


Ozzang'ac is undeterred. When Cecil teleports again the huge elemental screams out across the raging skies, "I'm not an ordinary member of my kin; It won't be my size that will be your downfall, Cecil! It will be the speed from my training!"

And just as instantly as Cecil had teleported across the skies, Ozzang'ac darts through the rain in a mere second, taking advantage of the Haste spell bestowed upon him to blast Cecil like a cannon.

Mike M

Nick N
Meanwhile back at home base, Fleshbane takes note of the absence of the Archons. Could it be possible that the source of the interference he is detecting could also be interfering with the system that coordinates the actions of the Raven Queen's autonomous machine workforce?

Having never been expressly prohibited from connecting to said relay system, Fleshbane expands his consciousness into it and sees if he can determine the location and activities of the archons.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94809]Acrobatics: 1D20 + 15 = [2]+15 = 17
Ciel acts quickly when swords begin to fly throughout the sky, rapidly climbing under Thanatos and using his bulk as a shield from the attack. Lacking an even larger bird to hide under, Thanatos has no luck with dodging the magic blades and is skewered by the attack. With a weak caw, Thanatos falls out of the sky before being whisked back off to the observatory.

Thanatos's sudden death forces Ciel to look for a means to stay in the air, but luckily for him, Viss is nearby, and jumping to her back is a trivial matter. The assassin lands softly and makes an effort to not get blood from either of his large sword wounds on her.

"That's twice you've saved my ass by being in the right place at the right time. Who would have though I'd have a guardian bird watching me?" Making light of the situation simply causes him to cough up some blood, and he quickly turns his head so it's just lost in the storm. "On a more serious note, I intend to end this next time we pass Cecil. If he doesn't come to us, you should be able to sail by him. I'd like to banter more, but I must concentrate now." He closes his eyes and begins to slow his breathing, shifting his bow so he's resting it along its side. Ciel enters a trance, and can feel the others in the rain. Their movements seem clear, and in this zen state, the storm provides an outline of everyone. He is ready to react to sudden moves on a moment's notice.

((For Ciel's standard action, readying an attack if Cecil enters Ciel's melee range before Ciel's next turn. Also, Ciel was encouraging Viss to move on him next turn. Ciel wouldn't be able to do much of anything this turn.))


Reflex Save Tessa: 1d20+12=(14)+12=26

Reflex save Viss:1d20+14=(13)+14=27

In her years traveling the lands Viss has fought more than the occasional battle. Somehow there seems to be a law that dictates that when you are told to protect something then surely someone will come along and destroy whatever you're trying to protect.

But no matter how hard she thought in all of her memory she couldn't remember a battle only half as crazy as this. She had barely recovered from the madness of the last seconds when things just continued going to hell. She couldn't even say what surprised her more. The fact that after falling from her grip Ciel came back up to pepper Cecil with a brutal volley of arrows, the fact that Cecil seemed to shrug of said volley as if it was nothing and more or less ignored Tessa's attack as well or that there was now a rain of swords coming down on them.

On the other side of the battlefield she could see Tessa getting hit. It wasn't deadly but the T-Rex was bleeding from several wounds. "Tessa!" she screamed over the raging of the storm. "Get yourself out of here. Just go down to the ground, take cover and wait for us." The dinosaur looked puzzeled. She didn't understand why she should do that and besides how was she supposed to go down anyway? Moreover, what if she ended up going away only to find Viss dead again?

Stubbornly the dinsaurs remains standing right where she is. She might not be able to attack now, but she can at least have a watchful eye over the situation. Over at her position Viss sighs. "Fine have it your way. Let's see how well you react to the sensation of dying. it isn't pleasant, I tell you that."

While she was still arguing with her dinsaur, Ciel's vulture is getting pierced by the falling spears and drops to earth. Before she can react to anything a heavyly bleeding Ciel has already jumped to her back.

"You know, I'm supposed to be the one with nine lives here. But I agree with you. It is time to end this. Where do you need me to go?" She laughs. "Tell you what, if you manage to kill that bastard drinks are on me."

(If I make a flyby attack will Ciel be able to attack as well? Not that my meager bite will do much harm, but I can't let off a spell because it would hit Ozz as well. Unless we retcon that Viss casted the spell before Ozz' charge. In that case I would just cast the spell and then just fly wherever Ciel needs me to be. I'm pretty sure that this time Tessa is really too far away for a charge. The elementals will move in as well and attack. I'll post the attacks later. I'm really tired at the moment and doing throws on the phone is anoying. Or if he doesn't mind ThLunarian can take over control of the elementals, at least as long as I'm away from my computer (till wednesday). That would make things a lot easier for me))
((I think Ciel would only get one attack if Viss moves this turn. Next turn he'd get his full round attack. Unless Viss his some feat that will prevent an AoO, Cecil will get one after Ciel fires his single arrow, and it will basically be guaranteed to kill Ciel.))
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