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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game


((Round 5))

reflex save: 1D20+15 = [12]+15 = 27

Menek manages to avoid the worst of Cecil's wrath. Seeing the lances hurt Cecil as much as anyone else he calls out tauntingly Feeling suicidal Cecil? I presume you did not consider how to handle that either in your new world order. He then grants a Fortune Hex to Ozzang'ac and Sybil. Laughing to keep his many effects going as a trickle of blood from his lip clings to his face in the storm..

((Fortune Hex on Sybil and Ozzang'ac., Cackle to extend Fortune on Ciel to Round 6 and on Ozz and Sybil to Round 7 and extend AC and Attack And Save Hex on Cecil to Round 7 or 17))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Reflex Save: 1D20+13 = [19]+13 = 32

Sybil is able to twist out of the way just in time to avoid being blasted by most the illuminated sword storm. Still, the barrage of searing light cuts into her wings deeply, causing burns to appear over her feathery appendages and several spots of charred flesh sear on her exposed hands. Pressing her burnt hands to her chest, she casts some of the lingering holy light into her wounds in an attempt to heal some of the damage.

Lay on Hands: 5D6 = [6, 4, 5, 1, 3] = 19

Satisfied with her effort and no longer impeded by the wind, Sybil rushes forward to deliver Cecil to the end he so desperately deserves.

Attack vs Cecil: 1D20+17+7+4+1 = [8]+17+7+4+2 = 38

((Using +2 attack and +2 ac from Blessing of Fervor. Unsure whether Menek's debuff is still in play, but I also forgot to add flanking if that is accurate, which would make it 40))

Damage: 1D8+4+2+4+12 = [2]+4+2+4+12 = 24

EDIT: updated map here


((Damn, Cecil is at M17? Need to revise my move because Cackle has a limited range))

Fly check: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16

Inspiration to aid Fly check: 1D8 = [4] = 4

Struggling hard against the winds Menek is able to discern slight lulls in the sever winds to move forward towards the fleeing godling.

((Disregard the Cackle for move instead.))

((Fortune Hex on Sybil and Ozzang'ac., Fortune on Ciel till Round 5 and on Ozz and Sybil to Round 7. AC and Attack And Save Hex on Cecil to Round 6 or 16))



((OK, since I can't do anything overly useful at the moment...))

Not turning her head Viss calls to Ciel "You want me to heal you? You don't look to good."

((I gotta admit her asking is kind of out of character since she normally would just do it. But we had enough unfortunate events happening already. This is just for RP mind you. As soon as Ciel declines she will fly over to Tessa and heal her.))
Ciel exits his trance for a moment to respond to Viss. "Your offer is appreciated, but my body is... Peculiar. Unless you can wield negative energy, it would only do harm."
Cecil gasps and his pupils Widen as Sybil's sword impales him through the stomach. The gale-force winds and torrents of rain cease, and the sky clears up in a matter of seconds. Sunlight bathes everyone in its gentle rays, and Cecil falls, sliding off of the sword that ended him and thudding to the ground below.

Following him to the ground, it's confirmed that he is dead. The divine magicks are leaking rapidly from his body, and his heart has stopped beating.

Yet, for now, he is somehow still conscious. Through sheer force of will, he has kept his soul within his body.

"All I wanted," he says meekly, "Was to create a paradise for my people." His breathing is shallow. "I suppose it was foolish to think I could defy the gods forever. Never thought I'd be felled by a fellow Paladin. If you see my son again, tell him that I love him, and that I am sorry."

He laughs humorlessly. "Fate is cruel at times. Though I removed the scourge of the so-called Xenocide Unit from the plane, despite my best efforts I was unable to smite you, Assassin. But if I could not destroy your body, I suppose it have to do to damage your reputation.

"Ciel is not who she says she is," Cecil announces. "Her name is true, but she is not a human man. She is a woman, of profane origin. Though not quite undead, she is near enough to make no matter."

He looks the assassin in the eye. "You wish you can exact vengeance on me, for betraying your secret. You wish you could torture me and hear my screams of agony. Flay the skin from my bones and feed it back to me, no doubt. But I will not give you the satisfaction."

Cecil's soul leaves his body, for parts unknown. There is a bright flash of light, and his bodily remains vanish.


Fleshbane taps into the visual sensors of an archon and attempts to make sense of what he sees. The creatures' senses are far less acute than his; they don't see much better than in black and white. Still, it is enough to suit his purpose.

All the archons are gathered a vast aorship hangar, which no one in the party has seen yet. Half of them are fastidiously building weaponry of all varieties, and the other half are undergoing conversion into battle drones.

In addition to the archons, most of the staff of every member of SAED is also present - that is, those who are not in Faerun. Au and Fe are there, as well as Ciel's people, and an enormous sentient tree that could only be from the druid's domain. There are others who Fleshbane doesn't recognize.

In the center of it all is the Raven Queen, who is directing everyone like a taskmaster. She appears stressed.

Fleshbane is interrupted by Cu. "Shall we continue on, Master? The Raven Queen detected your return to the Observatory and sent me to fetch you. We're all convening in the hangar, though personally I don't see the need for all this 'preparing for battle' hullabaloo. Anyway... Hangar Alpha is this way."
Ozzang'ac catches Cecil's body as it begins to fail to carry the Queen's power and keep him in the air. He almost responds to Cecil against his revelation of Ciel's origin.. but Cecil begins to disappear. All the elemental can do is swipe Cecil's crown, his proof of nobility and rule- it is a little something he wants for later before it is gone.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil's face pales as Cecil falls off of her sword and tumbles to the ground. Even as the elemental attempts to break his fall, it is hard to see the dying lord as the omnipotent figure he was just moments ago. Yet even in his last moments, Cecik continues to strike, betraying a secret of Ciel's origin.

But Sybil does not have the will to strategize at this time. She looks upon the team, guilt suddenly clouding her eyes as she offers an explanation no one asked for. "He was an usurper and we have defeated him. That is what we do." The paladin looks around a moment for confirmation before hastily wiping the blood off her blade.

It will not clean easily.

In an unsteady voice she stares at the smoking ruins of Fleshbane. "We did well. All of us, we...fought together and that made a difference this time..." Sybil winces against the churning knots in her stomach.

"Lets deliver the news to Fairhaven's son that the law of nature has been restored. We had no other choice? He is not the law. Then we can leave."

She wonders where Scraw is. Another knot of worry begins to twist.
He responds to Sybil, "I wish to return to Evrai to deliver the news of Cecil's death to the commander of their guard.. and to deliver this crown. I shall go by myself."

The royal guard of Evrai reminds Ozzang'ac so much of his past that he feels a sense of personal obligation to return once more.


I am sure they know already. We need to let Edgar know and get back to the Observatory as fast as possible. Heirineous may need to protect Edgars village
Ciel looks back at Cecil, the assassin's face sculpting into a grin of pure malice. "On the contrary, Cecil. It is you who seeks revenge, and of all the death knells I've seen, this is one of the more creative approaches I've witnessed. You have been slain, your people are all subject to death once more, and you are spending your last moments knowing you're powerless to do anything about it. What torture could I inflict on you that could possibly surpass that feeling, Cecil?"

Quick to change the subject, the assassin replies to what is perceived as Sybil's plea for reassurance, eyes gleaming with what looks like psychotic glee. "Yes, we put that dog down as a team. I have to hand it to you, I was spending too much effort playing civil and jumbled Heironeous's request with Edgar's. Had you not attacked, I probably wouldn't have remembered what we were supposed to do. The others had either made the same error or just not wanted the fight. But you acted alone, and it went so, so much better than when I did. You saved the mission, Sybil, and now the people here have been condemned to death like they should be, like the law says is required."

Ciel would normally feast on Sybil's uncertainty for much longer than that, but leaves it there and moves over to wound treating, pulling out the wand and getting to work. "Yes, we've done our job here. No need to dally further than is necessary."

32 on bluff without favored enemy modifiers. For this one, anyone who passes will see that Ciel is on the verge of a full blown mental breakdown, and any pushing on the topic will probably send her over the edge
For anyone who isn't Fleshbane, Sense Motive DC 32
Ciel is on the verge of a full blown mental breakdown and will go over the edge if the topic of her identity is brought up


((I was wondering I have a spell that uses negative energy to let vegetation wither. Might it be possible to use that to heal Ciel in the future?))

Ciel's explanation about needing negative energy suprises Viss but before she can inquire further Sybil strikes the final blow on Cecil. The triumph over their victory is quickly taken over by Cecil's reveal. What a malicious bastard. The whole mission was going so smoothly. Everyone worked together, no one fought or argued. No one... well almost no one died. How dare this asshole tarnish that. She already has her bow out to quieten the guy once and for all when he does everyone a favor and vanishes.

But it is clear that the damage is done. Sybil is looking a bit shaken and Ciel... Viss remembers his... her... visit a while back when the assassin had inquired after being a woman and a hunter at the same time. At the time she hadn't found anything too peculiar about this question but with the new development...

She shrugs at Ozz' eagerness to bring back the crown. "I see why you'd want to do that but I gotta say, I don't think those people will appreciate your effort as much as you hope. Just let's get back to ship and go home already."

She goes over to Tessa and turns her back into a figurine then she turns to Ciel. "I'm certainly no expert in negative energy but there might be something I can prepare in the future. I gotta look into it a bit though. Anyway since you lost your ride... feel free to hop on. It should be easier now that we are on the ground." She returns to her giant falcon form waiting for the assassin to accept her offer.

((I also just read that there are negative energy elementals, could I summon something like this to "attack" Ciel for healing?))
Edit: 1d20+11=13+11=24
Ciel's brow twitches for a minute before the assassin answers Viss. "Ah, yes, that. It is a long way to the Maelstrom, isn't it?..." Ciel stares off into space for a minute before remembering what Viss was asking in the first place and scampering on to her back.


Sense Motive Ciel: 1D20+23+1D8 = [12]+23+[1] = 36

Menek lets his gaze linger on the assassin for a bit before turning away We acted in accordance with the laws of the Astral Sea but on Faerun we are assassins. We inform Edgar of what was done and then we flee. If you must do the honorable thing Ozzang'ac then... take with you a means of killing yourself in case they attack you.
Ozzang'ac responds to both Viss and Menek, "I do intend to kill myself one way or another as it is the only way to return to the Astral Sea quickly while you return to the observatory. I will swim into the sun if they do not kill me themselves."

At that, he begins handing over his possessions so that they do not get lost in his death.


Viss shakes her feathered head at Ozz' explanation. But since she is relatively certain that nothing she could possibly say would sway the elemental's decision, she spares herself the energy to cast the spell to help her talk in her current form. Instead she just spreads her wings and takes to the sky eager to return.

Strange, how when she arrived here it had felt so good to be in the material realm, now all she could think of was to return to the observatory and her little forest. It was as if finally the fact that she was no longer a being of this realm had sunken in. If only she knew how that made her feel.
Ciel does an eye roll at Ozzang'ac's words. "You know it would take far longer than 10 years to get to the sun and... actually, that sounds good to me. You do you, you crazy mass of water."

Ciel looks around at the others, particularly at the prolonged gaze Menek takes. Ciel says nothing to him, but the assassin's heart rate begins to pick up.

Oh fuck, he knows. Of course he knows. What do I do about this?

Mike M

Nick N
Fleshbane takes in the vision of the activity on the hangar through the eyes of some anonymous archon and Cu's message that he has been summoned to aid in the mysterious effort to mount a defense against threats unknown.

"The hangar is this way," Cu states as he begins to lead the way down the empty, echoing corridor.

"I have already obtained the spatial coordinates," Fleshbane announces before vanishing through a crackling fissure in spacetime.

Cu stands alone in the hallway, observing the last lingering arcs of energy fade away as the wound in the fabric of the universe closes. "Of course you have," he sighs to himself.
<Ciel, can you give an aid another check so I can push my sense motive bonus to 32?>

((That said, if anyone else in the party wants to aid you, I can't exactly stop that, can I? :)

EDIT: Joking aside, this is going too smoothly, so while there's no way in the Nine Hells you'd get a willing aid other from Ciel, let's say Ciel's frazzledness counts as an aid other just to make things interesting. No need to die of curiosity now!

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94863]"Aid Another": 1D20 + 8 = [4]+8 = 12
<Haha, I was joking and giving you a bit of a hard time there. I still haven't clicked the spoiler text.>

"That won't work?" He asks, now unsure of his plan. "It may be better if I returned to Evrai off-mission then. I suppose we can give the crown to Edgar for safekeeping."
((Nezumi, I'll let you summon a Negative Energy Elemental if you want to. That's actually a neat way to handle healing Ciel.

If you want a scene where Ciel has a breakdown, you might want to initiate it yourself. The next real post I make is going to move us on significantly and there won't be another chance to deal with it for a while. I also don't see Menek or Mako pressing you about it, because somehow Ciel has actually become kind of friendly with the rest of the party.

The alternative is to leave this unresolved throughout a major scene, another battle, and a significant campaign shake-up. We can do that if you want. It's your call though
((You can't aid another on sense motive you silly goose.))

Sing > Sense Motive: (1d20+22+2=29)

((Why? Why do you do this to me? Also, I think summoner monster and summon nature's ally only let you summon monsters from bestiery 1 so I don't think you can get negative energy elementals(they don't sound like a good fit for a spell called nature's ally anyway, or even a druid in general), because holy shit would the summons spells be even more op then they already are if you could just summon new stuff from every new book. Also, its kind of unneeded since Me, Menek and Sybil can all prepare inflict spells(ciel just has to convince us to do so).))

"Why are you people so willing to die, again and again? If you want them to have the crown back, I can just go invisible and sneak in, then sneak right out. I'll need to prepare a spell or two. Actually, can you use teleportation magic yet Menek? If I know my witches, that is something you can do. That would make getting in and out quite easy."

((There is also word of recall for cleric/oracle, but idk if Sybil has access to 6th level spells yet, but being an oracle she'd have to choose it as a spell next time she levels. Sybil also can get plane shift as a 5th level spell, which perhaps could be used to return to the home base?))
"It is not just about giving them the crown. I was hoping to speak with the commander as well. I accept that is not a possibility so I will just drop it."

<Was wanting to do a bit of a dramatic piece but I think that was already shut down>
((I'm gonna listen to DeadPhoenix and change my mind about the Negative Energy Elemental. Can't do that, sorry. I didn't realize how overpowered that was at first.

This is also a really bad time for a solo mission away from the rest of the party. I strongly recommend that if you guys try to return the crown, you all hold off on returning to the ship.

Alternatively, as KM just offered, hold off on it until later))
<Like Ozzang'ac said, it's less about returning the crown and more about actually getting to talk to the commander to relate to her, so I pretty much have no choice but to hold off on it until later.>


((Ah, OK. I was just looking at things I might be able to do with negative energy. What about Defoliage though? The spell doesn't require any throw so there is no real "damage" to it but technically Viss is still throwing around negative energy. It's only a level 2 spell though, I think so the healing effect would probably rather small...

Edit: Yay! Free plastic surgery for Viss whenever she wants!))
((Cecil was carrying a +4 Longsword, +5 Full Plate armor, and a +3 Heavy Steel Shield. His crown is a head slot item that gives you +2 to every stat.

There was also the loot stash that Edgar gave you guys before you left Kaku, though I'm not sure if anyone noticed it out of character.

In addition, everyone add 20,000 gold to your character sheet, including Fleshbane))
((oh wow that crown is actually kinda good for people using a bunch of ability scores. are we sure we have to give that back? Yeah I don't recall a loot stash from Edgar right now...))
"Well, you know, death kind of loses its impact after the first time around. If you're talking about slipping in invisibly, that's kind of my thing, remember? I can just do that if not for Ozzang'ac's pride and desires. Pride and, and, and..."

Ciel's facade crumbles quickly and suddenly. An ear-piercing shriek suddenly fills the air around the party as she leaps off Viss and begins frantically pacing, eyes glazed over. "You know, you know, you know, you know! I can see it! You believed him and now you know!"

As suddenly as the shouting started, it stops, and Ciel stands especially straight, taking on the grace of a runway model and placing a hand over her face. "This is suuuch a pain in the ass. Now we're going to have to have a discussion about whether I'm qualified to be an assassin at some point. How utterly blasé." While continuing to talk, Ciel quickly shifts out of the runway model personality and takes on an almost chipmunk like demeanor, cheeks puffed out and talking with a more perky speed. "And now I get to remember what I sound like normally! You forget these kinds of things after a century, you know. Golly gee, that's going to be swell! An adventure for all of us!"

After the more excited outburst, she seemingly falls asleep for a minute. After either being woken up or coming to on her own, she speaks drowsily. "*yawn* Sorry about that, I got bored with that last personality, I guess it was off." Ciel yawns again before slumping to the ground, one arm over the other. "Everything is hopeless. You can run for centuries, but you'll always be found. In a way, none of us are too different from this kingdom. You can hide from oblivion, but it finds you. Despair always finds a way..."

She looks about ready to go into tears when she hops up with cheer and begins to bounce up and down like an excited child, producing a lollipop from seemingly nowhere. "But it's ok! The power and friendship and happiness will stop all that nastiness! Or something like that," she says with a look of minor frustration. "No, that doesn't seem right..." She produces an equally mysterious pair of glasses and pushes them up the bridge of her nose, speaking in what seems like a poor impersonation of a robot. "By my calculation, there is an 87.657849235164088893% chance that this is also not the correct personality. Taken with a 96.4271853599653% chance that our next mission will be more grave than this one, it is unlikely that the proper time for introspection will be allowed."

The glasses fall off and Ciel rolls her head around, cracking her neck. She flows out her cloak to look like a cape and bares a pair of sharp looking fangs. "Now this feels closer, more correct. I am a killer of things, after all. Uuuuuuwryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"

She cycles through some of the prior personalities before resuming a posture close to the one she has maintained throughout their field work so far, and finally speaks in a somewhat calmer, melodic voice. "Oh. Ok, here we are I think. That takes care of that for now. We can save the awkward talks for later. We still have a mission to report, and shouldn't tarnish the fact that it went relatively well too much, now."

She turns around and hops back on Viss like nothing happened, her eyes still glazed over.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94868]HP Ciel: 1D10 + 2 = [5]+2 = 7
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=94869]Thanatos HP: 1D8 + 4 = [5]+4 = 9
"Fleshbane," the Raven Queen spots him immediately after he materializes. Her voice is burdened and worried. "We have a situation. There's.... Well, I suppose it would be easier to show you."

She waves her hand, and the floor becomes translucent. The archons pay no attention to this change, but more than a few of the sentient staff members cry out in surprise and alarm.

What Fleshbane sees below him is the last thing he would expect. Where before there was nothing but the bluish-pink hues of the Astral Sea's waters, now there is... something else.

Half a mile down, a vast and varied landscape stretches as far as Fleshbane's visual sensors can see. There are fields, forests, roads, mountains, rivers, and cities.

Cities with skyscrapers.

It reminds Fleshbane of what his own home world of Skirn might have looked like before the fleshlings were exterminated.

"Yesterday," says the Raven Queen, "THAT appeared below us. And none on the pantheon saw it coming, least of all me, which is somewhat embarrassing, as it showed up right under my nose. So far, there has been no communication from the surface - not to me, and not to any of the rest of the Pantheon."

"Aye," a dwarf chances to approach the duo. Fleshbane recognizes him as Arlen Ironbeard. "If'n my experience is any indication, I'd say we're bein' invaded. That's why we're all holed up in here, setting up defenses and getting ready tae fight."

"We must not be too quick to attack," says the large tree - Oldorophan, Fleshbane recalls from his research on Viss. "Their appearance may not even be of their doing. If their intentions are peaceful, then brashness could force us into an unnecessary conflict."

The Raven Queen brushes the two of them off and waits to hear what Fleshbane has to say.

Mike M

Nick N
"If it is an invasion attempt, it is a foolish one," Fleshbane opines. "No military endeavor would entail bringing vital resources and infrastructure within range of hostile forces if at all possible, let alone what would appear to be at least an entire nation.

"As to the lack of communication, I am detecting interference on various transmission wavelengths and mediums. It seems unlikely to be unrelated to this event, but it may not be an intentional act on their part. It could be a side effect of whatever phenomenon has brought them here, or there could be a third party deliberately jamming both sides in the hopes of provoking hostilities."

Turning his graven face to the Raven Queen, he adds, "You require an emissary to ask them of their intentions. Preferably one that holds a first strike capability if they mean harm."
((No but only because we're very soon going to cut away from that scene until the rest of the party returns. I debated cutting away right there, but decided to give Fleshbane a chance to react first.

Edit: And here we go))

The Raven Queen opens her mouth to respond when an explosion rocks the hangar bay.

The Observatory is under attack.

((Annnnd scene))


Viss' beak falls open upon watching Ciel's outburst. She actually feels pity for her in a way but is pretty sure that the assassin wouldn't react to kindly if she let that show. When she seemed to calm down and is back on her back Viss immediately takes of into the air to at least spare her anymore questions by the rest of the group that might lead to further outbreaks.

During the flight she ponders her mind for something to say. She would lie if she wouldn't admit that she was curious as hell what that had been all about. Some parts she was able to guess but the rest... Asking directly was out of the question but not saying anything at all was also killing her...

After 10 minutes of flight Viss finally settled on asking," So... are we still on for that drink later?"
Ciel sits in silence for several minutes before responding to Viss "Sure. Fuck it, sure, why not." Attempting to return to her normal sense of sarcasm, she adds "Of course, it'll have to be in my quarters. Pretty sure I'm still banned from everyone else's spaces, but that's another story all together."
After collecting the equipment left behind by Cecil, the party makes haste to return to the Phoenix Maelstrom outside of Kaku, as they are now fugitives in the kingdom of Evrai.

After only an hour of flying, they are surprised to see the airship uncloaked and headed straight toward them.

It comes to an abrupt halt just in front of them, and Bungo's amplified voice announces, "EVERYONE ON BOARD! THERE'S AN EMERGENCY AT THE OBSERVATORY!"

((Pro-tip: Handle all of your healing that would have taken place in the hour after the battle right now. There won't be a chance to rest for a while))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Will level up Sybil and I can also get on healing duty for anyone that needs it. I need to review the previous post about Edgar giving the party items and figure out a way to get Sybil in that plate mail without destroying her movement too much, eventual plan was a freedom of movement ring but those are pricey Also will get a reaction post up in the next couple of hours. Pretty excited about the recent then if events with both Ciel and the Observatory.))
((The part with the loot:

"Please accept these gifts, as tokens of my appreciation, and offerings to Heironeous's chosen," he says. "I thank you all for visiting our humble city and bringing with you so much joy and spectacle. Know that we are your allies here, and that you are welcome whenever you wish."

He bows, and unless he is stopped for conversation, he gracefully withdraws to a respectful distance, to watch the party depart.

The chest contains Boots of Speed, a Periapt of Wisdom +4, a Holy Longsword +3, and a Collar of Uncanny Horsemanship ((homebrew item. For any animal equipped with the collar, its owner gets a +10 circumstance bonus on all Ride checks made while riding it. The animal's speed is also increased by 10 feet in each mode of movement that it can already use)).

Mike M

Nick N
((Wouldn't mind getting those boots, but we get buffed with haste every battle regardless.

Ooh! If Fleshbane can get the shield and drop an Animated enhancement on it, that'd be a pretty good AC buff without sacrificing two-handing his sword...))
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