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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

((I could use the saddle and the periapt, but that would be taking 2 things. I don't think anyone else could use the saddle much, but if anyone wants the periapt I can give up any claim on it))
((Wouldn't mind getting those boots, but we get buffed with haste every battle regardless.

Ooh! If Fleshbane can get the shield and drop an Animated enhancement on it, that'd be a pretty good AC buff without sacrificing two-handing his sword...))

((Honestly, juggling a shield every four rounds it probably not worth the effort. be better off finding some to cast a Shield spell on you every battle.))

((I could use the saddle and the periapt, but that would be taking 2 things. I don't think anyone else could use the saddle much, but if anyone wants the periapt I can give up any claim on it))

((I have an idea for the saddle... but it is of no real use to me until level 16, unless i start casting polymorph familar, which I probably won't. The periapt is also useless to me. in fact the only items i can make use of are the boots of speed and the crown.))
<I need to check if Ozzang'ac can wear the periapt of wisdom and if he has a free slot for it. Ever since converting to Unchained Monk having ki points is actually a useful thing now other than making my flurry better because I can spend ki to help others with saving throws.>
<I think I'm gonna save up for a +4 Amulet of Mighty Fists and stick with my +2. I feel like I'll begin bleeding chips if I keep selling and buying incremental upgrades because the things are so expensive.>


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Don't use those wands if you can avoid it since they are more valuable Sybil has plenty of cure spells prepared and she hardly uses any paladin spells as t is, so I can heal off the damage to anyone that can accept regular heals))


((Not many spells and only two more wildshapes left... What ever is going to happen, Viss might end being totally useless :/
Don't think I can really use any of those things. I rarely use Tessa to ride on her and a shield bonus goes away while wildshaping, pretty sure that wisdome item won't stack with my headband of wisdom... So yeah, I'm good.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Busier than I thought today at work. Whoever needs heals just post your HP and I'll subtract the relevant spells and try to level up tonight, but might not have time to make a RP post before the big shift))
((Don't use those wands if you can avoid it since they are more valuable Sybil has plenty of cure spells prepared and she hardly uses any paladin spells as t is, so I can heal off the damage to anyone that can accept regular heals))

((the problem with doing this, is we will end up never using the wands at all. Also, paladins have a pretty great spell list. if nothing else look at the Litany spells(angelic aspest is also super useful, especially once you get the greater version, as its a level 8 spell for other classes). they are swift and immediate action spells that can do some arguably op stuff.))
<The point of wands is to not have to waste your spells per day on out of battle healing, especially when the character with the wand might not be able to get to you if you need a heal during battle.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Since this has not previously come up for me before: if I have a +5 piece of gear and want to add an enhancement that has a cost of, say, a +3 enhancement bonus, am I paying for the +3 or a +8?))
((You guys can take care of healing behind the scenes. It's basically just a matter of figuring out how many charges from the Wand(s) that it will take to bring everyone up to full, and then subtract that amount. Fleshbane is currently at full health and all of his Psionic powers are recharged.

We're going to cover buying and selling things after this next big scene. There are some things I still need to iron out going forward, so for now you're stuck with the equipment you have))

At Bungo's insistence, the party boards the Phoenix Maelstrom.

"I'm told we're going into a live combat zone. Be ready for anything!" he cries frantically over the magical intercom. The moment that everyone is on board and secure, the ship initiates its space-folding mechanism, whose process is no different than the one used to arrive here.

When the sphere of compressed space polygons shatters this time, though, mayhem surrounds the ship.

Dozens - maybe even hundreds - of figures are careening through the air in any number of directions. Bolts of energy and other projectiles are flying all around. Soon after the ship appears, at least one fast-moving figure crashes into it.

The attackers mostly seem to be humanoid, wearing lightweight armor and riding around on sleek, quick, and highly-maneuverable machines ((Hoverbikes. With lasers.)). There are a few other high-tech machines zipping around, firing heavier artillery. In the distance, a larger, metallic flying ship seems to be the origin point for all of these forces.

Nearby, the Observatory itself is getting pummeled. A large section of the exterior is already blasted off, and that hole seems to be the makeshift origin point of the Raven Queen's forces.

Mere seconds pass before a massive explosion rocks the ship, nearly tearing it in half.


There is a mass exodus of carnival performers, as archons undergo spontaneous conversion into flight-capable drones and assist with evacuation. Scraw polymorphs himself into griffin form and scoops up Jonna and Shirox; Pillari is close by. Bungo can be seen hitching a ride on one of the archons.

The ship is abandoned just in the nick of time, as another series of explosions shatters the remains of the large, nonmaneuverable target.

As they get their bearings, Thanatos arrives on the scene, positioning himself to allow Ciel to neatly hop on from off of Viss's back, and Fleshbane rejoins the party soon after.

The battle rages.

((Pause for in-character reactions. You can treat this as a storytelling exercise if you want, but it's not required))
For the longest time, Ozzang'ac has had memories of a war he took part of to raid a city. He has been ordered to kill soldiers, wreck strongholds, and disregard civilian lives. It was an effort that led to victory.

And now, he creates new memories. New memories of being on the losing side of that war, forced to see destruction and violence wrought upon an invasion as everything around him is torn asunder, "It isn't safe here!!" he yells, and soon begins ordering the others with little regard to any protocol or how they might feel about it, "Cover the civilians' escape and make sure everyone is freed!" He, and he hopes the others will as well, joins along with the evacuation crew, using his immense strength to force open the door; on cue with the explosions and the harsh tearing of metal, he instructs, "Quickly! This ship fortress is crumbling!"

Who are these people attacking them, why do they look so strange, and most importantly what are their goals... these are questions that are going to be answered with great difficulty.
Ciel spends the trip back to the Maelstrom thinking about how to undo the calamity that has befallen her, how to ensure that she is still taken seriously as an assassin. When the assassin's guild of old refused to show her any respect for years, she fixed what seemed to be a hopeless situation by killing everyone else that was a member and declaring a monopoly on the assassination business. Unfortunately, that is not an option here. Ciel is in her own world as they board the ship, and Bungo's words go in one ear and out the other.

Her thoughts are brought to an abrupt end when they come out of slip space and into a war zone. The air is filled with mayhem as a legion of humanoids wielding odd, unfamiliar equipment appear to be attacking the observatory. The sudden explosion of the airship confirms that it is time to enter battle once more. Ciel hops on Thanatos as the bird makes his return, remarking "My, you recovered quickly."

Ciel disregards Ozzang'ac's command, replying "The civilians are of no importance. We must kill the attackers and turn this battle against them!" Thanatos flies towards the battle field, doing his best to dodge lasers as Ciel unleashes a torrent of death, sending arrows into the surrounding enemy soldiers, and most likely striking some of the evacuating civilians as well in her indiscriminate fury. As one hoverbike goes down near her, its rider makes the mistake of jumping on to Thanatos and attempting to dismount Ciel. The humanoid's efforts are rewarded with a point-blank arrow through the stomach. As he kneels over, Ciel pulls his head back. Bearing her fangs, she shoots forward and proceeds to bite the adversary's throat out, ending with blood jetting around Thanatos. She kicks the corpse off and in front of Thanatos's beak so the giant vulture can eat the corpse as a reward for arriving so quickly.

After that display, a blood-soaked Ciel locks eyes with the next closest rider and points at him, murder in her eyes. As she has not had time to remove her disguise yet, she reverts to the masculine voice she has used around the party for almost the entire time and, with emphasis on the first word, says "You are next."
After everyone is able to get away from the explosion, it soon dawns upon Ozzang'ac that Ciel is beginning to draw enemy attention, "Don't be foolish! At least stick with the group!" As groups of mysterious riders draw near the elemental throws out a limb, "Hydraulic Torrent!", causing a powerful stream of water to emerge from his side, pushing away any riders coming close and forcing them to divert their path.

<I hope this doesn't turn into a back & forth, I just wanted an excuse to use Hydraulic Torrent>


Arriving at the Phoenix Maelstrom and being told about an emergency really upsets Viss. She had been looking forward to a few days in peace. Going straight into another crisis doesn't really agree with her plans.

Something tells her that it might be safer to stay in her current form and as soon as they made the jump back to the observatory it turns out to be the right decision. Viss watches in horror as the metal things fly through the air around them shooting at them shooting at the observatory. She is still in shock when they have to leave the Phoenix Maelsrom and doesn't even realize when Ciel leaves her back.

They are attacking the observatory. They are attackin my home! A flood of cold hate washes through her. Before her eyes the scene changes to another place, another time. Ruins of huts, white bones burried under foliage. A home she never knew taken from her. Not again.

Blind with rage Viss darts forward descending on one of the flying things. She grips the person riding it with her claws, carries it away and then lets it drop. Not again! Not again! This is my home, you're not gonna destroy my home.

She darts from place to place, clawing and biting at people. They needed to die. They needed to be gone. In her minds she thinks she hears screaming, the scent of smoke fills her nostrils. I won't let it happen again. This time it won't happen. I'm gonna kill them. No one is taking my home from me.

Viss lands on one of the bigger machines and starts hacking at it with her beak, determined to crack the hull, get the people inside and kill them. The endeavor is fruitless, but she doesn't even realize that anymore.


((Should we level up before or after the fight? Does levelling up 'refresh' spells like a full day rest or not?))
((Your spent spell slots don't get refreshed. If you gained additional spell slots from leveling up, I'll let you fill those. And yeah, you're leveling up before the next fight))
((I don't think anyone else wanted the periapt of wisdom, so would Ciel be wearing that? If she is, she'll have one fourth level spell to jot down.))
((If I take the outflank feat does the bonus only go to me or everyone who's flanking with me?))

((only the people who have the feat get the effects of a teamwork feat. and if no one else has the teamwork feat it does nothing, unless you are an inquisitor(which, btw is an awesome class) and have solo tactics. a few other abilities can get around that too, and maybe a few spells? but unless you took an archtype for druid or hunter that effects that, I hope you are picking it up on you pet as well. if you are serious about getting into the team work feats, you might want to look into broken wing gambit, and if ciel is up for it, broken paw gambit.))

((EDIT: Oh right, reaction post.))

While not particularly caring about Cecil reveal of Ciel's true identity, being a woman certainly doesn't bother her and being, perhaps a dhampir, while strange and raises a few questions what them all being dead, it almost seems obvious. Ciel's action after the fact, however, causes a bit of confusion. Mako writes it off as Ciel over reacting now and just ignores his/hers wild antics for now.

The insanity that comes next will not be so easily avoided. Mako was sure she'd seen, or at least heard and read story's of just about everything n her life. Sure, there was doubtlessly much out there, in her short time working for the Raven Queen, she had found very few surprises. Even Fleshbane could be explained as a metal golem with the strange artifacts that hail from the land of Numera. This scene before her, goes far beyond anything she had every heard of.

Something so new... something so unexpected. Oh the stories she could tell her kin of this. Mako, for the first time in a long while felt something return to her, she had forgotten was ever lost to her... Excitement! Unfortunately, it is cut short, as Ciel ruins the mood, but shouting his plans to harm innocent people, using urgency as an excuse and the bard has no choice but to step into action. She casts a wind wall in order to block him from hitting cizzies, with the unfortunate side effect of probably missing most of the enemies as well. "Damn it Ciel! You need to focus on not hitting innocent people so the rest of us can focus on fighting our enemies instead of You!" After that, she joins in the battle herself, letting arrows loose as she flys around, all the while keeping an eye on Ciel's antics...

((I hope that wasn't too much...))


((Ah good to know, since it just so happens that I get another feat for Tessa as well this level "outflanking" for both of them it is. Edit: I also totally forgot that Viss and Tessa have evasion and therefore didn't take any damage in the previous battle. So if someone healed my 35 points that wasn't necessary.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sybil considers Ciel's revelation and what it might mean for her behavior. It certainly puts some of that hatred in a new context. The paladin ponders this and her victory over Cecil when the Maelstrom comes into view with her captain in a panicked state. Not long after this there is even more chaos.

Chaos and anarchy as strange metal invaders attack the Observatory which has been her new home in the afterlife. The chaos and sheer arrogance of the invaders disgusts Sybil to her core.

"Stay together everyone! Form a perimeter!"

The paladin focuses on protective magics and creating a ward around her fellow ambassadors. But secretly an anger burns within her that urges her to cleanse these strangers with holy flame. She holds off for now, more urgently seeking the presence of the Raven Queen.


bitch I'm taking calls.
((1: that full plate + 5 is only 14 AC correct? Sybil has mythril which is less of a penalty and has her sitting at 13, so don't think 1 AC is worth switching. So we could split the gold next time we aren't in combat.

2: HP: 1D10+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Character advancement is a serious pain for me. Maybe I'm just lazy. Can anyone recommend a good tool to use for leveling up? I just want something that makes the organization easier. I thought ahead when we started and planned out the first few levels ahead of time when we started but now I've caught up with my pre-planning and picking new spells and juggling lists for oracle and paladin is pretty unwieldy.))
((1: that full plate + 5 is only 14 AC correct? Sybil has mythril which is less of a penalty and has her sitting at 13, so don't think 1 AC is worth switching. So we could split the gold next time we aren't in combat.

2: HP: 1D10+3 = [5]+3 = 8

Character advancement is a serious pain for me. Maybe I'm just lazy. Can anyone recommend a good tool to use for leveling up? I just want something that makes the organization easier. I thought ahead when we started and planned out the first few levels ahead of time when we started but now I've caught up with my pre-planning and picking new spells and juggling lists for oracle and paladin is pretty unwieldy.))

((Hmm... something for handling spells might be tough to find, for free anyways. And even then, they would only have the spells from books they've personally included(although hopefully there would be an option to add your own spells) so finding stuff outside of pathfinder might be hard. I can suggest checking out herolab, but i've never personally used it, just know a LOT of people swear by it for its ability to make character building super easy(not sure how it works with gesalt characters though, but i would assume it does).))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Yeah tbh I wouldn't mind spending 10 or 15 bucks just to have something permanent, especially if I can ever finally get a real life group going. I did see you recommend hero lab in the PBP thread as well so I'll definitely check it out. Cheers Phoenix.))

Mike M

Nick N
No sooner does Fleshbane finish advising the Raven Queen to ascertain the intentions of these interlopers who would be so foolish as to bring what appears to be a large portion of their civilization to the frontlines of a war than does a large capital ship make itself known as it launches a glimmering swarm of aircraft toward the Observatory like a swarm of malevolent locusts.

“Madness,” Fleshbane muses as the sky is lanced with rays of searing light. “Fleshlings never cease to astound with their shortsightedness.”

A portion of the wall explodes outward under the assault, the sudden decompression carrying with it a sundry assortment of archons and equipment out into the air beyond. “If you do not already possess the abilities to commence a bombardment of their landmass below, I would recommend acquiring it quickly,” Fleshbane advises as he marches toward the breach. “In the interim, I will end as many of their lives as possible.”

Stepping out from the ripped and torn flooring that remains behind from the initial assault, Fleshbane becomes airborne and joins the seething mass of automated archons pouring forth into the sky to do battle. As he moves to engage the enemy, he expands his consciousness into the ad hoc communication network of the autonomous drones that surround him. The small constructs’ diodes flicker before turning a shade of orange to match Fleshbane’s own illumination before falling into a tight formation alongside him, their rudimentary defense protocols superseded by his tactical coordination.

The squadrons of commandeered drones seem to fly without order or reason, yet somehow laser fire upon Fleshbane is always intercepted by one of their number while others launch in kamikaze trajectories to smash into the flying transports and destroy them. Fleshbane himself flits about the aerial battlefield, blinking in and out of existence as he warps from one space only to appear in another to either smash the conveyances out of the sky, or to splatter the pilots directly.

“Force is equal to mass multiplied by velocity,” Fleshbane observes to no one in particular as he winks into position just in time to clothesline one of the pilots with particularly messy results. “Their speed only increases the potency of physical attacks against them.”


((Levelled up. I use YAPCG which is a free Excel spreadsheet on occassion for characters. It doesn't really help with gestalt though. I don't think Menek will do much until we're in a fight so no roleplay here I think.))
<My solution for Gestalt (which I came up with when I was considering making Dorthlenne a multi-classed character) was to just list off the class features and spell lists separately as if I were leveling two characters.

and then there is a third section where I list off general statistics (HP, AC, Saves, Attack & Damage rolls, CMB/CMD, attributes, etc), and this section also has what feats I chose every other level.>
((Myth-weavers divides feats and abilities into two columns, and I've found it helpful to divide it so all of one class's abilities are on one column, and the other classes are on the second one, with level granted feats being put on the side with less entries. As for HP and other stats, I don't really have a trick for that.

I am also done leveling up. I took Escape Route on Ciel and Thanatos, so they both ought to be immune to AoOs in flying combat now.))
((Sorry for the delay guys, I just wanted to make sure I had all my ducks in a row before I made a proper post))

The battle continues for some time, and despite the air superiority demonstrated by the party in comparison to the invaders, in the end there are simply too many of them.

Their numbers are replenished by reinforcements faster than they can be taken out. Though the party suffers no major losses in the skirmish, the archons are systematically wiped out.

Before very long, the invaders are seen boarding the Observatory, and not long after that, suddenly the party finds themselves all alone in very hostile territory - though somehow, Scraw, Pillari, Shirox, and Jonna are nearby and unharmed.

Despite all impulses to the contrary, the only true option at this point is to retreat. The unfamiliar land mass below is home to forests and densely-packed cities that could make for potential shelter to foil any who might pursue them.

With few remaining options, together the party makes haste for the ground. In the general direction they're headed, either a forest or a city are their options.

They are not allowed to flee without a fight, though, and an elite squadron of enemy soldiers pursues, forcing a delay on the decision about which way to go.

Seven soldiers on hoverbikes and one heavy artillery vessel break off from the bulk of the invading forces and meet the party head-on. The bikes' vehicle mounted laser rifles seem to have fully-automated aiming capabilities, and they use them to their full extent.

Meanwhile, the artillery vessel lets loose explosive incendiaries - the same sort that were utilized to send the Phoenix Maelstrom to its fiery end.

((The movement you make in this battle is relative to the constant forward momentum that everyone on the battlefield has. This doesn't have any game rule effects; it's just for added flavor. Also keep in mind that these are homebrew enemies so they might be a little rough around the edges, design-wise. We'll see how it plays out.

Also, even though Scraw and company are nearby, for the purposes of this battle they're not participating.

First round, the bad guys go first.

Hoverbike 1 makes five attacks at Fleshbane.
First attack: 39 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.
Second attack: 33 vs AC. 18 lightning damage.
Third attack: 21 vs AC.18 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 15 vs AC. 14 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 13 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 2 makes five attacks at Sybil.
First attack: 29 vs AC 18 lightning damage.
Second attack: 22 vs AC 16. lightning damage.
Third attack: 25 vs AC. 14 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 21 vs AC. 17 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 10 vs AC. 21 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 3 attacks Mako five times:
First attack: 32 vs AC. 26 lightning damage.
Second attack: 33 vs AC. 22 lightning damage.
Third attack: 29 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 17 vs AC. 13 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 15 vs AC. 13 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 4 attakcs Menek five times:
First attack: 26 vs AC. 14 lightning damage.
Second attack: 30 vs AC. 24 lightning damage.
Third attack:35 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 13 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 18 vs AC. 17 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 5 attacks Viss five times:
First attack: 31 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Second attack: 39 vs AC. 17 lightning damage.
Third attack: 27 vs AC. 22 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 19 vs AC. 20 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 16 vs AC. 20 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 6 attacks Ozzan'gac five times:
First attack: 40 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.
Second attack: 27 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Third attack: 23 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 23 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 19 vs AC. 20 lightning damage.

Hoverbike 7 attacks Ciel five times:
First attack: 33 vs AC. 16 lightning damage.
Second attack: 39 vs AC. 20 lightning damage.
Third attack: 28 vs AC. 23 lightning damage.
Fourth attack: 8 vs AC. 13 lightning damage.
Fifth attack: 8 vs AC. 19 lightning damage.

Heavy Artillery centers an explosion on H8. Ozzan'gac, Fleshbane, Mako, Sybil, and Viss, make a Reflex save, DC 22. If you fail, take 37 Fire damage; if you pass, take 18 Fire damage. Evasion and Improved Evasion apply.

You guys are up! Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/55c81808519d8
<Only the first laser hit Ozzang'ac's Flatfooted AC. Reflex Save: 1D20+19 = [5]+19 = 24

A strange sensation burns into the 'back' of the large elemental, a feeling of pain that channels into his entire body with a great sting. Sparks of electricity cackle all about the elemental, his form easily conducting the lightning from the blast.

In order to prevent further damage, the head twists during his swim and begins lobbing water from his form, the smaller pools of liquid skillfully aimed to conduct the electricity from the beams and stop the bolts from travel.

Soon, a large animal-like metal creature, like a monstrous behemoth version of Fleshbane appears. Soon fire begins raining from its top and volleying over their heads, "Watch out!!" he screams, immediately diving like a dolphin in the air to swim past the declining fall of the explosive bits.

<It's getting late, I might take my turn tomorrow, maybe. I suggest we lure them to the forest.

Also, I ended up having an idea of something I could do to practice DMing battles while this campaign is going on, holding arena events where players can fight monsters with no real (and no canon) story going on.>
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