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Navigating the Astral Sea: A NeoGAF Play-by-Post Pathfinder Game

"For a second I was worried we'd have to explain to the Raven Queen why we had to kill him. And for a construct who hates us because of our emotions or whatever, he sure is quick to let them get out of control."
With Fleshbane handled for the time being, Ciel expresses his amusement at the situation. "My my, Sybil, first you speak of going out of your way to aid evil for the sake of order, and then you actually do it. I think I'm starting to like you after all."

When Menek expresses a desire to get out of the rain, he says "Speak for yourself, I'm quite enjoying this bloody rain."

For the next considerable portion of the ride, he sails along on Thanatos, eyes closed and smiling as the blood rain comes down on him and the others. At times he opens his mouth some to let the blood in. It's tempting to gargle the blood, but should he?

No, that would be crass, and to be crass when presented with such pleasures would be a travesty.

Meanwhile, Thanatos takes a few snips at the blood rain as well. He enjoys it far less than Ciel, seeming disappointed that no meat is attached to the blood.

((You put the idea in my head and I just went with it, Jackben. That's my defense and I'm sticking to it. :D ))

Mike M

Nick N
Once the others have moved beyond a minimum safe distance from the deactivated construct, Fleshbane resumes normal function, the fire in his resonance crystal chest burning once more as its energies flow outward through the channels in his construction. He resumes his flight, maintaining a safe distance behind the wretched creatures so that he is not put into the position of failing to refrain from fulfilling his purpose once more.

Slow-witted, inexcusable creatures, they are. Had they but left him alone, he would have been able to return to the safety of the magnetic field of the airship and calculate a means by which he could counteract the atmospheric effects of the Abyss. This whole scenario might have been avoided entirely if the one flying about on an unsteady broom had done his job in the first place and provided an accurate accounting of environs in which they would find themselves, going forward Fleshbane will only trust the analysis provided by his own subordinates. Biologicals have once again proved themselves the incapable, blundering beings the Pan-Skirn Construct Consensus had always known them to be, putting his well being in their hands was a recipe for certain destruction.

They are so dim that they do not even comprehend Fleshbane’s disdainful hatred for them and all their kind, and it is scarcely a difficult concept to grasp. The breeder female thinks he hates them for their emotive capacity? Nonsense. Emotions in and of themselves are a neutral element, it is the ends to which biologicals use them that—

((Fleshbane will continue to silently dwell on all the ways constructs are superior to organic life all the way to the Iron Fortress unless anyone else wants to engage him, but he’s going to be a bit testy about it if it’s anyone besides Ozzang’ac : )))


Viss tries not to pay attention to Ciel's overplayed admiration of their surroundings. It annoys her to no end that she can't seem to find out what it is about him that seems off to her. She decides to let it go for the moment but plans on looking into the matter more closely once they are done with the current assignment. Which hopefully wouldn't take too long. This place was awful and the sooner they could leave it behind the better.

((Since she can't speak while in wildshape and I'm not gonna waste a magic slot to change it, Viss is ready to move on to the next scene.))
Ozzang'ac changes his form once more, shaping his face at the opposite end of himself to continue hovering through the bloodied sky once more. Drops of rain stain begin to stain his appearance as he flies; he will have to eject the foreign substance whenever he has the chance.

His thoughts dwell on how the metal being had acted on his hatred for people. Such hatred seems so... forced beyond reason.. as if he considered wrongly that others were a disease. Such a thought process was.. most illogical.
Considering the surrounding environs, the remainder of the flight goes relatively smoothly. Every now and then, a renegade pack of airborne demons can be observed in the distance, but all of them ultimately think better than to engage such a formidable force.

The Iron Fortress penetrates the horizon long before the group comes close to it. The structure is crudely built, appearing as nothing more than two colossal cubes of metal, the smaller one stacked atop the larger.

After that point, the density of creatures on the ground steadily increases as the party approaches, until finally they arrive at the front door.

Down below, a fierce and seemingly endless battle rages. The entrance is wide open. Anarchy reigns supreme as frenzied monsters hack each other to pieces.

Despite the extreme conditions, the party is disciplined and/or powerful enough that it becomes trivial to deflect the unfocused attacks of the weak creatures in the surrounding battlefield. They are able to enter the compound with relative ease.

Upon entry, it becomes apparent that the battle is not confined to the outside world. There is a full-scale assault going on within the walls of the Iron Fortress, and if there is any hope of reaching Gruumsh, it will have be earned through a gruesome slog of war.

((We're not entering combat right now. The enemies throughout most of the Fortress are weak enough that we can RP our way through it. You can also take this opportunity to arrange whatever buffs you'd like to be active for when an actual combat starts. I'll start a real battle after everyone gives their reactions and/or RPs their way through this story-telling portion. Keep in mind that the majority of the forces are red-skinned, yellow-eyed orcs, along with a good number of demons.

You can feel free to describe what the innards of the Iron Fortress look like, btw. My vision of it is a little lacking so I wouldn't mind any of you spicing it up))
Mako says "Wonderful, talking to the man who runs this place is sure to be interesting..." as she prepares for the inevitable battles to come. She summons the power of the spirits to grant herself Barkskin, bull's strength and tongues, and then says a short poem that grants the team a boost of morale, with the power of good hope.

((if anyone doesn't want good hope for whatever reason, they can just be more then 30 feet away from at least one party member or just make a will save against a harmless spell(DC 19).))

Mike M

Nick N
“Orcs,” Fleshbane observes, drawing out the word well beyond its single syllable as he says it. “Perhaps the most illustrative of the deficiencies of biological life forms. Observe their malformed appearances, the result of mindless and rapacious breeding without regard for the prevalence of genetic abnormalities. They exist only to reproduce and claim as much for themselves as they can, oblivious to the inherent contradiction that their own unchecked multiplication is the source of the scarcities that drive their conflict. The only thing separating them from most the rest of you is that they do not have the imagination to pretend to be something that they are not.”

Passing through the gates into the courtyard interior, the battle rages on, as does Fleshbane’s exhortation. “I present a thought exercise. Look around you,” he says stomping through the sucking layer of blood, excrement, and mud laid thick upon flagstones beneath, “look upon the Iron Fortress. These mindless brutes lack even the basic metallurgical knowledge to alloy iron with carbon to forge steel, they cannot envision a structure that is anything but simple walls at right angles. They produce nothing but waste and death. What purpose do orcs serve in the cosmos? Why should they be allowed to continue existence? Would not things be bettered if they were disposed of permanently? This is the first truth you must realize.

“The second truth is that you are no better than they are, no more worthy of continued existence. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can achieve peace in through your own destruction. For strife is the foundation of all biology, ‘natural selection’ is but a pleasant sounding euphemism for the fact that all life is pitted against each other in a fight to the death. My kind consume no more resources than it takes for their initial construction, and we take care only to build what is needed, not for its own sake. It is for this reason—“

Fleshbane is interrupted as an orc comes screaming toward him out of the throngs of combatants, a crude sword held high overhead. With a mighty blow, the orc brings his weapon down against Fleshbane’s side, where it bounces off without so much as a scratch. Fleshbane pivots at the waist, his eyes adopting a red coloring once more. “You,” he says, taking a menacing step toward the backpedaling orc. “You are not subject to my restrictions.”

((“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah GO!”))

Fleshbane’s hand lashes out, encircling the head of the orcish assailant. Before anyone can stop him, he clenches his fist with a squishing, crunching noise as blood and unrecognizable tissue is extruded between his metal fingers. He casts aside the headless corpse with an almost casual indifference before snatching the next nearest orc and throwing him to the ground where he obliterates the torso with a stomp of his massive foot. “Finally!” he says, almost as a sigh of relief as he elbows another orc that has attempted to come up from behind, driving a spike through its eye into its brain matter. “Bloodshed! Slaughter!”

If Fleshbane has remembered that according to the Raven Queen’s explanation that these deaths are not truly permanent, he gives no sign. It would seem that the experience is close enough to the genuine article so as to not make a difference to him. Forgetting or ignoring his companions, he wades into the conflict, becoming a nexus of battle unto himself as he sweeps a bloody swath across the courtyard, his laughter rising above the impact of weapons and echoing off the blood-stained, rust-flecked iron walls that rise above all around them.

There is no discernible sides in this battle, no recognizable uniforms or battle standards that would identify who fights for what cause. But as Fleshbane draws near, he seems to have a magnetic field of his own that draws the warriors to him, to their brutal and efficient end. “Weak!” Fleshbane admonishes, his fingers clenching the chest of one such opponent to crush their ribs through their studded leather breastplate. “You are but meat, compost that walks!” he shouts, trampling fallen orcs who are scrambling through the muck to escape his path. “Long after your corpses are but the putrid excrement of worms and insects, I will remain! Your life is but the flickering of a candle flame in the span of my existence, and I will see you extinguished!”

Fleshbane has pressed his way to a stairway that leads up to some sort of mezzanine level that vanishes into the dark interior of the fortress, the glow of flaming torches barely visible within. “Is there none who can stand before me?” he bellows from the foot of the stairway. “These are your best warriors, Gruumsh? This is the final reward for your chosen champions? Your standards must be low, indeed!”

As though in response to Fleshbane’s challenge, a towering figure emerges from the depths of the fortress. Standing heads and shoulders above the rest, it is further distinguished by the fact that it is wearing a full set of plate armor adorned with wicked spikes to match Fleshbane’s own, a tattered flag waving from a pole strapped to its back. Standing at the head of the stairs, it holds a great sword in each hand, a dozen other orcs of lesser stature but no less equipped filling in behind him.

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!” it thunders , its battle cry carried by its elite unit and spreading to the various orcs in the immediate vicinity.

“Die,” Fleshbane commands, his eyes flashing with malevolent light as he superimposes his own indomitable will upon the feeble mind of the war orc.

The orc commander suddenly falls silent, his arms falling to his side as a streams of blood gush out every orifice in his face. He tumbles forward down the stairs, his armor making a clattering cacophony as it strikes every step on the way down before coming to a rest face down on the ground at Fleshbane’s feet. The remaining troops scatter as Fleshbane mounts the steps to enter the fortress. He does not know what has become of his teammates, nor does he particularly care. They are all heading toward Gruumsh, he will meet them soon enough.

((Going to draw his sword, cast Force Screen for +4 AC, and Minor Metamorphosis for +2 STR to prep for the real combat.))
Ozzang'ac simply begins to walk soon after Fleshbane leaps into battle which to indulge in the mutilation of others. He says to the others, "Follow me."

As he moves, he doesn't give pause to the battle before him. He allows orcs to be caught in his watery body; like rubber, Ozzang'ac ejects any orcs he comes across to clear them out of the way to clear a path without making any attempt to kill them (they are doing enough of a job of that on their own.) Finally, the elemental creates a limb which to grasp two Orcs that were moments from ending their lives and announces, "We are here under orders from the Raven Queen. We seek an audience with Gruumish and I wish to notify him in advance."

He will let them go in hopes one of them will comply and become a messenger.


<We ARE here to visit Gruumish right? Just making sure. If we are apparently doing something else and I missed it I'll re-write my post.

Also, I'll spend a ki point to cast Barskin which should give me a +4 enhancement bonus to nautral armor. This would be the perfect time to use Hydraulic Push too, but I figure I'd rather fluff something than to waste ki.>


Ignoring Fleshbane, Menek walks along behind Ozzang'ac and selects two of the iron vials from his bandoleer. Don't want to get hit by anything he mutters to himself and downs both of them.

((Shield and Barkskin to get +3 Shield AC and +4 Natural Armor, up to 30 AC. Shield up for 10 minutes, Barkskin up for 100))

If anyone wishes to get larger or strike from range... or both, then I have infusions for both of those. I also have an infusion of true strike if anyone would like one
<Ozzang'ac being even larger would be hilarious, but I'm pretty sure my damage dice is already semi-capped (in the sense that I didn't find any rules to increase them further).>

Mike M

Nick N
((What size is Ozzang'ac anyway? I'm kind of fudging Fleshbane's size in RP, but he's only at the upper limits of Medium. I didn't know what the rules were for making a character who was anything bigger))
<Ozzang'ac is using class levels for being an elemental, so you could consider it a sort of crude class ability. He is huge right now.

Monk unarmed strike only goes up to Large damage dice.>
((It does? I've seen monk stats up to collosal, but that was 3.5. It may not be there in PF. I don't know, you've probably discussed all that already

Anyway, I'm a bit drinky. I'll post when I get home if I feel like I can. Can't pull up my sheet on my phone))
((I just realized i had the wrong wrist item listed on my sheet, so I just swapped it in for the one I actually wanted... hopefully that's fine as they are both mostly just bonuses to archery stuff(one is just actually useful to me a character). You can keep increasing the dice size, large is not the limit, but its not really worth detailing. Also, I assume he has enlarge person which doesn't work on outsiders, so unless its a different spell I don't think it would work on you anyways.))

Mako, floating above the party, sends out a flurry of arrows and takes out a couple orcs who were getting too close, "Huh? Oh, no thanks Marek, I think I've got the range covered and my arrows already strike true." she proclaims as an incoming flying demon suddenly finds a arrow sticking out of its head.
((It does? I've seen monk stats up to collosal, but that was 3.5. It may not be there in PF. I don't know, you've probably discussed all that already))

<I mostly decided that this character concept fit the game more than what I wanted to play; I wasn't really interested in finding rules to squeeze every possible optimization so I just left the damage dice alone without really asking about it.>
<I mostly decided that this character concept fit the game more than what I wanted to play; I wasn't really interested in finding rules to squeeze every possible optimization so I just left the damage dice alone without really asking about it.>
((I understand completely. I likely gave up stuff for characterization too. But hey, you may be more badass than intended now :p ))


((Still trying to wrap my head around how fighting while in wildshape works. I'm guessing that the only stats I really need to look at in the entry of the animal are the one's under offense. So when it says 2 Claws+18 (2d4+8+ grab) I'm not entirely sure how this would work.))
((Still trying to wrap my head around how fighting while in wildshape works. I'm guessing that the only stats I really need to look at in the entry of the animal are the one's under offense. So when it says 2 Claws+18 (2d4+8+ grab) I'm not entirely sure how this would work.))

((2 is the number of claws that creature can use to attack during a full round attack action, but if you are only making a standard attack action, you can only use 1 of them.
+18 is the attack bonus... you can ignore that because you will be using your own attack bonus, which is your bab(druid/ranger right? so you should have 10 bab)+your strength bonus(which will be increased depending on what size you change into as list in the beast shape spell)+any miscellaneous bonuses you might have(hopefully you either have an amulet of mighty fists or are casting greater magic fang on yourself) which currently includes a +2 from my good hope spell(and you will get another +2 once i start singing).
2d4 is the damage dice... this is unlikely to change unless you grow in size somehow or cast strong jaw on yourself.
the +8 is that creatures damage bonus, most likely from its str bonus only, your str will likely be different and you will have extra damage from other buffs(such as good hope, inspire courage, G. magic fang/amulet of mighty fists).
Grab is a specially ability(i believe your wild shape works like beast shape 3 so you can use this one) that lets you make a free action grapple attempt on anyone you hit with that attack.
I probably explained this very poorly since i kinda spit it out in a couple minutes so if you need any clarification just ask.))


When they arrive at the Iron Fortress Viss carefully lowers down Tessa to the ground before landing herself swiping away orcs left and right with her massive wings. Tessa, happy that the long flight is finally over, starts snapping at the orcs munching down one of them.
Viss returns to her true self and immediately starts putting arrows in the enemies rushing towards her. She catches a glimpse of Fleshbane mowing it's way through the hordes of orcs and shutters. Whatever it was that kept the thing from killing her and the rest of the group, she hoped it never failed.

She quickly follows behind the rest of the group. The stench of blood and rotting flesh is so overpowering that for a moment she thought that she might throw up. She briefly wondered if the creatures around her considered this to be heaven or hell and felt sorry for whatever souls had been taken from their rightful place in the afterlife and condemned to this madness.

She also spots some lesser demons in the sea of orcs but she is relieved to find that none of them emanates as powerful an aura as the one that had been her demise. But just to make sure that she really had her game back she targets one of the demons and shoots an arrow through its eye. Watching with silent satisfaction as it toppled over.

As they walked towards the entrance of the fortress she casts, barkskin and cat's grace on herself. Who knows what enemies might await them inside.
Ciel pays Fleshbane little attention as they move through the Iron Fortress, instead continuing to revel in the sights of the Abyss like some kind tourist. The stark walls of the fort are bathed in the blood and entrails of the numerous orcs and demons killing each other. The carnage supplies a lovely juxtaposition with the plain style of the interior's construction. He looks towards the ceiling in admiration of the gore that has managed to reach the chandeliers.

"When we get back, I'll have to update my meditation chamber with the Abyss's sense of feng shui," he mutters to no one in particular.

The occasional orc or demon is foolish enough to try and attack him, thereby forcing Ciel to stop being an art critic and resume being an assassin. Such efforts are rewarded with a step into the victim's blind spot, followed by a quick slice with a curved blade on his person. A spinal chord is severed here, a vital organ is pierced there. As time goes on, the orcs and demons become more persistent, agitating Ciel to the point of drawing his bow. He begins dropping them several at a time, arrows striking in between ribs and into organs as well as through throats and eyes.

"And I was enjoying our tour of the keep. Some people just have no respect for personal space."

Thanatos seems to be having more fun with the killing, or as it seems to him, lunch time. The giant vulture doesn't even wait to strike against enemies that attack him, he just moves headlong into the melee. He bites several orcs in half, and manages to swallow one whole. The smaller demons also find themselves unsafe from his appetite. While no where near Fleshbane's level of lethality, he is probably the next behind the robot in actively seeking out victims to kill.

In preparation for greater foes ahead, Ciel casts Aspect of the Falcon and Acute Senses on himself.


bitch I'm taking calls.
The fell influence of the Iron Fortress lays thick in the air long before Sybil&#8217;s gaze fixes onto the colossal structure itself. The signs first appear as the winged paladin soars high over the others, her concentration absorbed in vigilant patrol. Her wings had begun to struggle through the increasingly unsteady wind, one that felt as if it changed direction tirelessly. Down below, the ground appeared to crawl is if it were a living carpet of mad flesh, demons and orcs fighting, bleeding, and dying in an unending cycle.

In sighting the fortress in the distance, the paladin is finally able to give origin to the foul presence she felt. The crude but massive structure appeared as if carved from a massive set of obsidian stone, its unadorned appearance almost a statement in of itself. Without respect to any form of architecture or vision it struck Sybil as existing for the sake of itself. As the group drew closer, the sheer height of the carved walls shocked her, as well as the story they told. What she thought was extensive scaffolding upon the sides of the walls turned out to actually be tangled, twisted piles of yellowed bone. Several thousands of laborers must have died, each one on top of the other, their bodies testament to the cruel force required to carve the rudimentary shape of the fortress.

For all her scouting it is actually another SAED ambassador who spots the entrance as they find a spot to land and continue on foot. The paladin&#8217;s eyes remain focused on the many points of conflict, her body marching along at the tail end of the group as they make their way inside. If anarchy reigned in the wild lands of the Abyss, this was the beating heart from which its chaos was born. Vastly different rooms and structures, battlements, abandoned siege weaponry, burning flesh, pools of thickening blood and demonic ichor decorated what little space was unoccupied by clashing combatants. While the outside structure was uniform the inside appeared changed with every room, the schizophrenic architecture appearing to have been altered every time a new force wrested power from the old.

Sybil observes keenly as Fleshbane begins to create a maelstrom of killing, Mako provides ranged cover and protection through her poetry, Ciel's pet seeks a chaotic meal of its own, and Viss exacts vengeance from the demons peppered throughout the Orc forces. She is forced to dodge the corpse of an Orc as it flies towards her and watches as its lifeless body tumbles down a set stone steps, its twisted grimace split in two by the gash in its face. Drawing up alongside Ozzang&#8217;ac she watches as the voluminous elemental expels the forces in its way and questions two others.

&#8220;Would that his sentient waters could wash away all the blood and filth from this foul fortress&#8221; she remarks to Menek as he mixes and swigs from his alchemical extracts. Feeling tension churn its way through the muscles of her body, she is urged to action. She will not abandon her charge and her place with the others as Fleshbane has done. But even if she cannot bring the walls of this place crumbling down upon itself, she can still clear the path for the group with righteous impunity. "I will save my sword for a true fight. The chaotic denizens here do not deserve to stain my blade."

As the group comes upon a mass of Orcs embroiled in combat, Sybil activates the brand upon her neck, and channeling the power she is granted through Freya, releases a concentrated wave of force. The shockwave passes through the party harmlessly, before crashing against the crowd like the ocean against a cliff side, lighting up the room with a brilliant flash. As agents of chaos not a single body is left unscathed, half of them bent forcefully to their knees, bones cracking and any skin uncovered by armor beginning to blister and burn, the other half disintegrating into a fine mist of foul dust.

The force of the blast causes adjacent stone columns to crack, the sound echoing throughout the hall, before tumbling into one another like giant dominoes. Disturbed by the sound, several Orcs sitting atop harpoon machines change aim to point their weapons toward the party, and a giant prowler demon also takes notice with hungry eyes. In response Sybil takes flight and slams into one of the tumbling columns, diverting its course directly onto the row of siege weapons, crushing their controllers and causing two of the machines to misfire into the stomach of the prowler demon. Writhing in pain, the demon rips the harpoon engines from their mounts, crashing them into the rest of the undestroyed ballistic weapons and their controllers.

Leaving a trail of lawful fire in her wake, Sybil ensures the party will have a path back out of the fortress that none with chaos in their hearts may cross.

((Equipping Shield and activating Ioun Stone before combat. AC 37. Also would like to cast Blessing of Fervor on the party before combat if possible. It lasts 10 rounds which I'm not sure what the time distinction on that is, maybe cut in half by the time we reach actual combat.))


Menek observes Mako carefully as she floats above the rest of the party. I think... I can do that. he holds out his hand and, muttering some words, raises them up and rises along with it. ((Using Flight Hex to fly for 10 minutes))

No need for the damn broom here he whispers to Ratbreath.

Don't get too excited. You're still stuck with it for long flights Ratbreath responds sourly as he hides in Menek's cloak.
The disorganized forces within the Iron Fortress are, by and large, no match for the elite team of Astral Sea ambassadors, and they are able to cut a swath through the hostile forces with hardly an effort expended.

The party is physically protected from the horrific conditions within this sweltering palace, but the psychological effects may be another story. The majority of them have never before witnessed such gruesomeness and atrocities, and for some, being in the thick of it might be a bit much.

Nevertheless, the most important requirement to be enlisted for this assignment was an iron will, and along with that comes a strong stomach, and so ultimately everyone powers through.

They all reconverge in a large room, deep within the second level of the Fortress. The walls and floor are blood-stained iron, and the creatures here are a cut above the rest - they have to be, if they were able to come this far. The "orcs" in this room loosely fit the description, but on cursory inspection, they could in fact pass for demons themselves in the right light; their bodies are hulking, rivaling Fleshbane in height, and they are covered with razor-sharp horns.

The larger demons stand in the vague shape of men, but they have no eyes or noses to speak of, and their bodies are covered in reptile-like skin. Illumination escapes from their slightly-opened mouths. Shivering insectile wings protrude from their backs.

None of the creatures in this room are armed with manufactured weapons; their natural ones appear more than adequate to pose a deadly threat.

Battle Music

http://beta.ditzie.com/74595/54f88f7030d7b This is a map of the battlefield. You can drag your icon around the field and put it where you'd like to move to. If you do, you can press Enter to save the image. From that point you can copy the URL and paste it in your post for an updated map that everyone can see.

The party will go first. I meant to have you guys roll initiative during your exposition but I forgot to, so we'll just go with it.

Your turns will go in posting order. If two people type up their turns at the same time and contradictions result from that, I'll sort it out. Nezumi, I recommend you wait to go last, just so you can observe how everyone else does their turns so you have a better idea of how this goes.

Also Nezumi - have you made a character sheet for Tessa? If so, can you send me a link to it? I'll have her go after the rest of the party but before the bad guys.

Also, sorry about the barebones art style of the map. I'm nowhere near as artistically talented as KM :p

The room is high enough so that those who want to fly will have room to do so.))


((Are you kidding, the demons look photorealistic! :O ))

Menek wipes his brow, the potion he had imbibed had made it possible for him to Endure the Elements. It did nothing to make them comfortable in any way. The only thing helping him keep his cool was the knowledge that chaotic and evil souls had to go somewhere and to have them confined to slaughter each other in this plane was the best that could be hoped for.

A quick look at the inhabitants of this new room confirmed for Menek that they were faced with some of the elite warriors of the First Layer of the Abyss. Unlike what they had seen outside and on the lower levels of the Fortress these could actually kill them.

Stand aside he shouts from his hovering position We are here as emissaries to see Grummush!

Roll Diplomacy

Not really expecting this diplomatic ploy to work Menek, eye twitching like mad, also takes out a small tentacle from his spell component pouch and chants some words causing Black Tentacles to appear centered on G4. ((Should grab all the orcs and the demon in the middle. Leaving the three orcs on the right and one orc on the left alone as well as the two demons on the flank. The tentacle field should end juuuustt before Fleshbane. CMB to grapple is 15. CMD is 25. Harsh terrain will last for 10 rounds))

Let them come to us! Don't go into the tentacles he shouts to his allies.

With the field set to their advantage. Menek studies the movements of one of the arcs not lost among the waving grasping tentacles. ((Move action is Studied Combat on orcs))
For many, the sensory assault of the Abyss would be a trial. Ciel is not one of those people. So far, this is the most fun he's had sense dying, and he'll be going home with some notes on new torture tricks; he'll have to look into building that summer home here after all.

He waits a moment to see if Menek's plea for diplomacy does anything. Assuming it doesn't, he says "Yeah, I didn't think so. How about I encourage them to start moving?"

With that, he vanishes. He slows his breathing while surveying the targets before him, it looks like the three nearest orcs are the ones most likely to be susceptible to his technique. He readies his arrows, focusing on the proper mantra from his days of training.

You are more than orc,
but are not yet a demon,
I shall teach you pain.

With that, he fires a barrage of six arrows, his bow sounding more like a machine gun than an archery tool.

((Using Invisible Blade as a swift action. With blessing of fervor and a ki point spent, I'm up to six attacks for the turn (well, five with one being manyshot). Starting with Orc 8, and if he dies, I'll shift to Orc 9. If he dies, I'll shift to Orc 5. EDIT: I forgot about aspect of falcon. All of those attack rolls should be one point higher EDIT 2: I think I goofed on the stealth damage not being multiplied rule. Manyshot is still 2 different arrows, so each one would get their 5D6, I believe. I'm editing in another 5D6. If that's not how it works, just ignore it))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82825]Manyshot vs flatfooted AC: 1D20 + 20 = [15]+20 = 35
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82826]Damage: 2D8 + 22 + 5D6 = [6, 8]+22+[3, 1, 4, 5, 1] = 50
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82837]Extra 5D6 for Manyshot: 5D6 = [2, 1, 2, 4, 1] = 10
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82827]Rapid Shot vs Flatfooted AC: 1D20 + 20 = [3]+20 = 23
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82828]Damage: 1D8 + 11 + 5D6 = [2]+11+[1, 1, 3, 6, 5] = 29
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82829]Ki Attack vs Flat Footed AC: 1D20 + 20 = [16]+20 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82830]Damage: 1D8 + 11 + 5D6 = [2]+11+[1, 1, 6, 3, 3] = 27
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82831]Blessing of Fervor Attack vs Flatfooted AC: 1D20 + 20 = [16]+20 = 36
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82832]Damage: 1D8 + 11 + 5D6 = [8]+11+[3, 5, 2, 5, 5] = 39
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82833]Attack 2 vs Flatfooded AC: 1D20 + 15 = [11]+15 = 26
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82834]Damage: 1D8 + 11 + 5D6 = [3]+11+[4, 6, 2, 6, 4] = 36

As Ciel lightens their numbers, Thanatos takes to the air to bite at the orcs, sailing in towards survivors on the front row.

((Having him fly to JK 10/11 while 10 feet in the air. That should leave protect him from the orcs unless they have reach abilities. Biting Orc 9 if he's still alive. If he isn't, biting Orc 10.))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82835]Bite: 1D20 + 10 = [5]+10 = 15
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=82836]Damage: 3D6 + 9 = [1, 2, 1]+9 = 13

Mike M

Nick N
((How is radius calculated in Pathfinder, is it like FFTactics?

You know, like this?

I.e. if I have a 20 foot radius power and center it on D8, will it get those two demons and four orcs in front of them?))
((Please roll for the tentacles' CMB (just one roll that will be used against all targets this round). You don't need to worry about rolling damage because these guys have enough DR to shrug it off.

Edit: A 20-foot radius centered on D8 would actually hit two Demons and five Orcs. Azih's map below is accurate.

Also, I didn't actually design any of the images, I just cropped them out of Google Image Search results :) ))
Ciel's efforts to take down the Orc have grievously wounded it, but it is not yet down for the count. The forest of horns covering its body seems to have partially blunted the force of the arrows headed in its direction.

Menek's diplomatic efforts fell on deaf ears, but his summoned Black Tentacles have successfully restrained all four Orcs within their area, though they seem ineffectual at dealing any lasting damage.

((Ciel, if you want to change the target of your attacks to an Orc that isn't inside the Black Tentacles then I'll allow it))
((Sneak attack kind of limits me to the orcs in a 30 foot range unless I want to give up the extra damage. Are 5 or 9 not caught in the tentacles? Orc 4 could work too if he's not caught))

Mike M

Nick N
((On mobile as usual, can’t update the map. But it’s okay, I’m not planning on moving anyway.))

Fleshbane does not seem impressed, standing near the front of the line, stained red with the blood of the carnage he has wrought on the path here. “The only difference between you and your brethren is the amount of biomass you possess,” he addresses the monsters as he holds his hand outstretched before him.

“My analysis indicates that your bioelectric potential is consistent with that of the countless weaklings I have already ended,” he says as an arcing ball of electricity begins to form in the palm of his hand.

“Burn,” he says. The sphere of ball lightning flies from his hand at immense speed, impacting a spot on the ground between a number of the demonic opponents. The iron flooring of the room conducts a massive amount of electrical energy into the surrounding creatures. The air begins to smell of burnt blood, cooked meat, and ozone.

Energy Ball (Electricity) at D8:  10d6=52

((Reflex save vs. DC 27 for half damage. Electricity grants +2 DC and + 2 manifester level for the purposes of overcoming power resistance, if they have any. Burning 3 additional power points to Augment it for another 3 die damage and another 1 DC.))


((Oh God. I meant G8 for my spell. Fine with going with G4, and typo being the same as Menek not being used to magic. Up to you ThLunarian.))
((No problem Azih, it's centered on G8 then. This also means that Orc 4 isn't caught, which would make it a good target for Ciel. I'll go ahead and assume that you're switching and adjust the damage.

Bad news for Fleshbane, though - the electricity literally does nothing to any of these guys. They're immune to it ))


(( I know you said that I should go last, thing is I need to get up really early tomorrow, so if we don't want to end up waiting on Viss I should probably have her act in the next 2-3 hours... I'm currently reading and calculating like a mad woman. :D))
((Just fyi for manyshot, precision damage(such as sneak attack damage) only counts once, due to it being a single attack roll or something like that. Anyways, gonna start by rolling knowledge checks on these guys, i'm gonna assume planes for the demons and local for the orcs, let me know if it should be something else.))

Knowledge Planes: (1d20+14=29)
Knowledge Local: (1d20+14=28)

Mako, stifles a laugh at Fleshbanes attempt to electrocute demons, beings dancing in the air, activates her arcane strike and fires off a shot at orc 9(assuming he's not dead yet or something).

((Inspiring courage, everyone gets a +2 competence bonus to attack and damage(this won't stack with ciel falcon spell attack bonus, but its better anyways). there is also a morale bonus to certain saves, but good hope already has the covered.))

Arcane short bow Attack;Damage: (1d20+15+1+3=24, 1d6+4+3+3+2+1=18)
((of course I roll a 5... if orc 9 is dead already just go for orc 6, but -1 attack and damage because I will no longer have point blank shot.))
((EDIT:Oh they all survive, alright, good to know guess you can ignore that stuff about them possibly being dead.))
((almost forgot i made a 5 foot step.))
Mako knows quite a bit about these creatures. The 'orcs' aren't really orcs at all, and only bear a superficial resemblance to them. They are Demons through and through. In addition to witnessing their immunity to electricity, they also have Spell Resistance, their Damage Reduction can be overcome by Good-aligned weapons or attacks, and they have the ability to arrest the soul of a creature, making it extremely difficult for that creature to attack it (but it doesn't affect the victim's ability to attack other targets).

The larger demons have an array of spells at their disposal, which are designed to gain an advantage on the battlefield rather than to straight-up deal damage. They are resistant to Acid, Fire, and Cold damage. Their bites are vicious, and have the ability to drain their targets of Charisma, feeding off of that energy to heal themselves.

The Bow attack hits Orc 6 and deals a bit of damage to it.

((No need to say all of this in-game. Just assume that all characters know these things))
"If anyone can grant there weapons holy energy, I strongly suggest doing so or this fight will last a long time. They are also resistant to magic so you're gonna want to stick to conjuration spells and they are also resistant to most types of energy, other then sonic and... well... you saw what happened with electricity. Heh. And watch out for the big ones bites! They will drain your very personality."

((too much? talking is a free action, but that is still probably more then 6 seconds...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
The winged paladin grinds her teeth at the formidable display of chaotic evil before them. She is not surprised by their stoic silence to Menek's offer of peace nor their failure to be impressed by Fleshbane's droning and complimentary electrical light show. Demons were an insidious and calculating breed who could rarely be charmed or negotiated with. Though Sybil knew their darkness kept the influence of light in check, as supreme agents of chaos she quietly hoped that upon the foretold Day of Reckoning their kind from be wiped from existence once and for all.

If Gruumsh was anything like the scrolls the Witch scholar spoke of, an audience would be earned with the blood of the most powerful of the First Layer. That, Sybil decides, would be the order of this realm, if any could be said to exist at all.

Beating her wings she soars to the edge of the group as she soaks in Mako's shrewd advice. Summoning up the power of her goddess once more, she sends a blast of lawful energy into the midst of the demonic orcs. As the others make their move, she begins to plan ahead while physically preparing to repel a counter-attack from the elite demon horde.

((Using a move action to re-position [anticipating AOE spells], then casting Order's Wrath in the vicinity of G9.
Damage: 10d6=36, 5d8=30. Erased the creature roll given Mako's confirming they are demons.
Will Save DC 21 to reduce to half damage and avoid being dazed for 1 round.
Caster check for spell resistance [do I roll these or does the DM?]: 1d20+10=22
I'm interpreting the 30 ft cube to be six tiles, is that right? Which would mean the cast would get Orc 1, 2, 6, 8, and 9.))

Unsheathing her sword she calls upon the divine bond she shares with Freya, the blade illuminating in a brilliant aura.Activating Divine Bond on Sybil's long sword and infusing it with Axiomatic power. ((- saved for Round 2))
((uhhh... divine bond is a standard action, so unless you've got a trick up your sleeve, you can't use that and cast a spell in the same round. Also, Axiomatic probably won't get through their dr, so I hope you already have holy on it. That said, you are a paladin so you can just smite and ignore their dr completely anyways. Also, unless TL wants to change the rules you have to roll spell pen for ever target you hit with an aoe spell. kind of annoying to do each, but it means you less likely to get completely screw out of your spell doing anything.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Additional 5 spell resistance rolls: 1d20+10=23, 1d20+10=22, 1d20+10=12, 1d20+10=30, 1d20+10=27))

((uhhh... divine bond is a standard action, so unless you've got a trick up your sleeve, you can't use that and cast a spell in the same round. Also, Axiomatic probably won't get through their dr, so I hope you already have holy on it. That said, you are a paladin so you can just smite and ignore their dr completely anyways. Also, unless TL wants to change the rules you have to roll spell pen for ever target you hit with an aoe spell. kind of annoying to do each, but it means you less likely to get completely screw out of your spell doing anything.))
((I didn't know that. I'll save divine bond for another round and rethink the buff. I've never played a paladin so I don't know how smite works, but my regular smite is actually a smite chaos, I can use smite evil but only by expending a lay on hands.))
((I didn't know that. I'll save divine bond for another round and rethink the buff. I've never played a paladin so I don't know how smite works, but my regular smite is actually a smite chaos, I can use smite evil but only by expending a lay on hands.))

((unless smite chaos has completely different rules then smite evil, it shouldn't matter(if these guys are demons they are choatic so no problems using it on them), as any kind of smite lets you ignore all dr for your attacks... on that note though, there are a lot of enemies, probably more then you have smites, so you probably will want a divine bond holy up for this fight and save the smites for the big guys in back.))


((Well, I just figured out what I want to do, but I don't have the time to write everything up now because I have to get up at 5am.... Either I do it in my breakfast break (that be in like 10 hours) or if it holds up the progress for too long ThLunarian can post for me.))
((I'll accept a single Spell Penetration roll for an area spell in the interest of simplification. The 22 is enough to affect everything.

Orc 1 failed his save and is Dazed. The other four in the area were hit for half damage.

If KM posts his turn before I go to bed, then I'll roll for Viss. Sorry I took so long getting back to you btw, Nezumi.

Updated map with the Tentacle area included. Kind of janky and not 100% accurate but I think it works for now))
<Ozzang'ac's graphic should actually be a size category bigger since he's huge right now.

I am trying to figure out where I can move as everybody is in front of me and I don't have a lot of movement which to fly over everyone with.>
<Ozzang'ac's graphic should actually be a size category bigger since he's huge right now.

I am trying to figure out where I can move as everybody is in front of me and I don't have a lot of movement which to fly over everyone with.>

((Might wanna try going for orc 7, fewer people in the way and its out of the black tentacles aoe.))
<Looks like unless I spend a Blessing of Favor (cast by Sybil earlier) to increase my movement speed, I can only really attack Orc 10 with my default movement speed. The starting position kind of messed my options a bit (I need to be a front liner because I take up so much space.)

Using the Blessing of Fervor start of turn bonus to "Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves."

Move to L.12: Updated Map

Designate Orc 10 with Crane Wing (+2 AC against Orc 10)
Attack Orc 10 while Fighting Defensively (+3 AC, -2 Attack which is cancelled out by the Blessing of Fervor bonus)

Attack Roll (+2, -2), Damage Roll: 1D20+19 = [13]+19 = 32
2D8+2+9 = [2, 7]+2+9 = 20

I will fluff my post later, maybe. I will be leaving momentarily.>

EDIT: <I just realized Menek used Diplomacy earlier, and I just realized I don't know why Ozzang'ac is attacking just yet. I want to know if Menek's Diplomacy works before I confirm this is the action I want to do.>
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