warriors look more comfortable on offense in the first half here than in any half against the thunder. also, kevin love has been hilariously bad the last couple possessions
Not buying it. Every year it's the same excuse. Even here in Miami, "Oh he needs more help". Give me a break.
Lue needs to have one of his now classic talks with him.I guess we got Shitty Kevin Love tonight. Great. Cavs loss for sure.
Milana is overrated.
Bu bu imagine if they had Kevin Love. The hottest of garbaggio
I'll never get over ABC having Mark Jackson continue to commentate on Warriors Finals games.
Force that motherfucker to realize just how bad of a coach he was.
Going from Bosh to Love for your super 3 has to be one of the biggest downgrades ever.
Wiggins > Love?
I hate the Warriors, seriously. I hate how good they are, their smug attitude, and all their fans.
Yeah, this is pure salt. I really hope Cleveland can pull this off.
Not shit on Chris Bosh but history says otherwise......
Maybe Kev his a case of the yips with this being his first game ever played in an NBA finals. Everyone needs to play better.
Oh, there you are JR. Haven't attempted a shot yet, lost you for a minute.
You mean to tell me a team with 2 starters who are complete negatives on Defense is having trouble hanging with one of the best offensive teams in NBA history? Who could have predicted this?
Funny enough the Warriors were a pain to beat in the Arcade
lebron is pissssssssssseedd