So nothing came of that long ass review? This is nuts.
That looks like he swiped at the ball. He was looking right at the ball.
MJ's turnaround jumper was also unstoppable. Man, if LeBron only had a jump shot...
WTF at people thinking it's intentional. Gaf gonna Gaf
Would be the unquestioned GOAT. I don't get how it hasn't improved even the littlest bit, either.
...makes sensescrappy is how you describe dirty white players.
Barkley such a turd
Would be the unquestioned GOAT. I don't get how it hasn't improved even the littlest bit, either.
Jesus maybe replay sometimes is such a waste of time.
Would be the unquestioned GOAT. I don't get how it hasn't improved even the littlest bit, either.
WTF at people thinking it's intentional. Gaf gonna Gaf
lmao @ LeBron's face. He's probably thinking "Ima have to take my goddamn talents to Golden State next season"
He does look very very gassed. And im not one to give the dude excuses for playing badly
If these lil things are not intentional why is it always the same dudes, Green or Delly and Danthey Jones guys like that? You dont see Love or LeBron hitting or kicking dudes in the nuts
That nutslap from Delly is the Finals equivalent of Hillary's emails lol. WTH play the game already!
Heh they might need him. A KD led SA team would be insanelmao @ LeBron's face. He's probably thinking "Ima have to take my goddamn talents to Golden State next season"
That looks like he swiped at the ball. He was looking right at the ball.
Delly VS Draymond nutshot match for the championship