Uhh what? What did you want Presti to do, trade Durant last season?
Why do you think he or anyone in his position needs your validation?
Again I don't know about the relationship Presti and KD have. But if there was even a slim chance that KD might leave that you have to take it with an absolute certainty, because why the fuck would have want to stay because he was
close and it is his best chance at a title. We have been saying this for the past few years and OKC has failed in the WCF time after time again. 2011 against the Mavs, 2014 against the Spurs, 2016 against the Warriors.
This era of superstars don't care about that 1 team for life loyalty stuff. Presti has been getting dealt great hands, but it is only a matter of time before you bust and lose.