he missed the shot but does anyone have the gif of Dunn's crossover destroying that dude?
This is the best defense I've seen from the Lakers in years.
To be fair this Pelicans squad is the equivalent to playing your little brother.
I'm including other summer league games as well. The young players are making good decisions, with Brown, Ingram, and Zubac standing out.
Oh okay.
Brown has always been a pretty good defender. Not sure if he's an NBA player yet.
Anyone see Ingram's Sportscenter post game Interview? He looked high as fck
Dudes a Method Man markThat's how he always looks.
rise and shine...its meaningful basketball time.
New Zealand did some kind of tribal war dance at mid court while Team Canada had to stand there trying not to bust out laughing. They zoomed in on Corey Joe's face.
we tied at the half. Loser goes home and winner moves to the finals where they still may go home anyway.
Is he wearing Kevin Love shirt? Who sanctioned this fuckery?
Danny fucked up not tsking Dunn, dude looked DWade out there with the crossovers and gritty defense
I'm sure Ninja can't wait for that 2020 version Kevin Love.Maybe he's begging Kev to come home?
Dunn had the least chance to bust for sure. Jaylen the highest SMH. Dunn is obviously more ready right now without question
Smart cut off before the miss. That was nasty though.
I like his game and he was my favorite overall prospect after Simmons and Ingram, but if they couldn't deal him everyone would be whining about drafting another guard that can't shoot.
Dunn had the least chance to bust for sure. Jaylen the highest SMH. Dunn is obviously more ready right now without question
3:00 PM EDT
Puerto Rico vs. Serbia (Final) (FIBA Olympic Qualifying)
Croatia vs. Italy (Final) (FIBA Olympic Qualifying)
If you're watching Croatia vs Italy. Just watch Saric play
Dude is good
What channels are these on, or is there a stream?
espn 3/watch espn
don't bother with PR/Serbia its 22-3 Serbia
Thanks. It's crazy how much basketball is on given it's the summer.