Why you being such a douche lately? You got the fucking HEAT, Lebron...south Beach..damn son, be moar happy.ph33nix said:no....he was doing it from the beginning of the game. inch up to the 3 pt line and jack up a shot, hoping i'm too slow to react to contest it.
and I truly hope you guys like it when I pause every 5 minutes to check my PIP.
DCX said:Why you being such a douche lately? You got the fucking HEAT, Lebron...south Beach..damn son, be moar happy.
Hold up, let me find a bucket for all these tears. Hey asshole. Play better and within the FUCKING rules and you wouldn't have an issue. I understand though...losing with an auto team is harsh.ph33nix said:Fuck off, I got screwed out of a win. Go fuck yourself if you think this is douchebaggery
DCX said:Hold up, let me find a bucket for all these tears. Hey asshole. Play better and within the FUCKING rules and you wouldn't have an issue. I understand though...losing with an auto team is harsh.
daw840 said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
What is happening here?!?
daw840 said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
What is happening here?!?
ph33nix said:Like I said I took plenty of mid range and three point shots. They just didn't go in, but I guess that's not playing within the rules, according to Lord DCX.
and STFU CB you have the Lakers so don't pretend like you got a B rate team
CB3 said:Check my stats against the Kings. I could make shit. Kobe went 10/27. Yet i still found a way to win and only had 30 PiP. I didnt have to cheese it up like you
Mrbob said:Nice day to be gone for a wedding the entire day, end up with a simmeeeeeed win over the Magic. It is the only way I would beat Ecnal anyway, and looking at his comments he needs a couple losses so he can tear the shit out of Chars in the post season.
Opponents for this upcoming week:
@ Houston Rockets
Charlotte Bobcats
@ Detroit Pistons
Boston Celtics
@ New Orleans Hornets
Dark FaZe said:Personally I think 50 pip shouldn't be set in stone but should be a red flag where the losing party should immediately ask themselves the following question: Was that bullshit?
In the case of the Suns matchup I think we should revisit that and see about reversing it. I think FMT gets the decision. If he is manning up and saying he doesn't deserve the win then pheeniks should get it. Especially in a blowout situation.
Good job with the bolded dumbass. He is like 5 and 1 he doesn't need any advice. You just hurting other people strategically with your post.Smokey said:Can you play today? The sooner the better.
And about the PIP rule...honestly when we play pheeniks you don't shoot jumpers with Lebron. I purposely sag off of him to try and force you to shoot jumpers but 8/10 times you will go to the right baseline try an iso move and get Lebron into one of his bullrush animations to the bucket for a dunk. Same with Dwade, but you do tend to shoot a little more with him than Lebron but not by much.
Every season somebody complains about the PIP rule. The last couple of seasons it was a static number. This year I listen and change it to dynamic where your PIP cannot be more than 50% of your total points (AND you get an extra 4 points on top of that as grace man) and there's still complaining. So it is what it is. The rule is more lenient now than it has EVER been. I don't even include fast break points into the equation and in 2k11 the mid range game is damn efficient. As I said earlier it is very hard to go over the PIP limit in 2k11, it really is.
You got a loss. I got a loss in the tournament. Take it and move on. Be glad it happened now and not in the playoffs.
Bringing in objectivity just opens the doors for bigger issues down the road. PIP used to involve fast break points and subtracting 2nd chance points and caused too many issues. The solution? Just go by the PIP row in the Team Stats screen. Whatever it says there is what it is. In this case the PIP rule is set and known to everybody. All I'm saying is don't let your PIP points be more than HALF of your total score. That's perfectly reasonable and way more workable than the static 50 it's always been in this league.
charsace said:Good job with the bolded dumbass. He is like 5 and 1 he doesn't need any advice. You just hurting other people strategically with your post.
And FMT I like your little insult. Don't be mad because Deron was stylin' on you.
ecnal said:this one?
charsace said:Good job with the bolded dumbass. He is like 5 and 1 he doesn't need any advice. You just hurting other people strategically with your post.
And FMT I like your little insult. Don't be mad because Deron was stylin' on you.
WITNESS2K9 said:Spurs, Hawks, Kings Wolves when can you guys play this week?
I can only assume holding down the LT and "walk" him up to the line and then rise and fire.Dark FaZe said:what is an inch up 3 lol
Dark FaZe said:what is an inch up 3 lol
FrenchMovieTheme said:i just have the ball at the 3 point line and shoot the 3. doesn't come off a screen or pick or anything.
any chance that they'll patch in the ability to set your playbook before the game? its really annoying dealing with these plays and as i said before im not going to sit there for 4 minutes (like pheeniks) while i pick all my plays!
Shurs said:Are injuries turned on?
I noticed when the league started that some scrub (forgot his name) was out for the year, now he doesn't show up when I check the injury report.
Its like you unpaused yourself :/charsace said:I would upload some vids of me roasting fools if they didn't take so damn long.
WITNESS2K9 said:good game Spurs...i finally was able to hit wide open shots...a first for me in this league:lol
:/ Watching a movie..as soon as it's done we can go.Birdman02 said:Mavs are here if anyone on my schedule is around.
Or we could knock out our Madden game if you'd prefer, DCX.
@ Boston Celtics
New Orleans Hornets
@ New York Knicks
Philadelphia 76ers
@ Washington Wizards
DCX said::/ Watching a movie..as soon as it's done we can go.