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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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Fail out bailed
People know that many if not most of the "oh shit WW3" posts are usually people goofing around right?
People have been doing that on the internet for a few decades.


Is there any reason at all to start this shit with Nk? I mean syria and afghanistan at least had some revelence regardless of stance or actual reasoning behind it. But this feela lile poking a hornets nest for no reason
Who's starting shit with whom?

That loony fat fuck has been doing whatever he wants with impunity for as long as he's been alive. He can't be allowed to have a working nuclear weapon and he continues to test them. Sooner or later ignoring him and/or laughing at him isn't going to be an option.

Trump isn't the guy to handle this situation (or really any situation), but people here acting like doing nothing will always be an option because "lol north korea they can't hit anything anyway" are kidding themselves.


Very concerned for SK. I hope their veto is actually respected if that's what it is (which I expect). Without an evacuation of Seoul I don't see how this isn't a disaster.

Stopping Kim's nuclear development is great, but it's so so risky for SK and Japan. They can't hit the US now, but they can and will try to hit those two. We can't protect them unless we take out ALL of their offensive batteries.

This situation ends in misery/devastation for a lot of people, even if it doesn't touch North America. Letting it go on also ends in misery for a lot of people. It's a lose/lose.
Who's starting shit with whom?

That loony fat fuck has been doing whatever he wants with impunity for as long as he's been alive. He can't be allowed to have a working nuclear weapon and he continues to test them. Sooner or later ignoring him and/or laughing at him isn't going to be an option.

Trump isn't the guy to handle this situation (or really any situation), but people here acting like doing nothing will always be an option because "lol north korea they can't hit anything anyway" are kidding themselves.
But North Korea cant hit anything anyway.


They should send a team of navy seals into the country and kill mr kim.
I know, I know, its not that easy! lol

Why when they can use B2 stealth bombers or F22 raptors and level the entire senior staff including Kim if they wanted to. The point is that you have millions of brainwashed fanatic North Koreans who would probably start bombarding Seoul and SK with artillery and missiles and then flood into China. Would be a huge mess.

But it seems like this is what is going to happen. Regime change seems more and more likely which is why Kim is doubling down even in the face of wavering Chinese support.
I feel like whatever happens, NK attacks the US or US attacks NK after nuclear test, Trump's approval rating will go up.

He probably knows this too.

People keep saying this shit, but it's not true. He may get a temp bump, but he's been too divisive of a person for it to matter much in the long run. I think getting into a war now, really, will have an opposite effect. I don't think the public at large want another. The failures of Iraq and Afganistan are still relatively fresh
Who's starting shit with whom?

That loony fat fuck has been doing whatever he wants with impunity for as long as he's been alive. He can't be allowed to have a working nuclear weapon and he continues to test them. Sooner or later ignoring him and/or laughing at him isn't going to be an option.

Trump isn't the guy to handle this situation (or really any situation), but people here acting like doing nothing will always be an option because "lol north korea they can't hit anything anyway" are kidding themselves.

Huh, I didn't know Kim was behind the bombing of Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen with impunity. Aside from withdrawing from the NPT and starting nuclear testing in their own borders and assassinating his own brother, what horrible events has he unleashed upon the world at large?


Who's starting shit with whom?

That loony fat fuck has been doing whatever he wants with impunity for as long as he's been alive. He can't be allowed to have a working nuclear weapon and he continues to test them. Sooner or later ignoring him and/or laughing at him isn't going to be an option.

Trump isn't the guy to handle this situation (or really any situation), but people here acting like doing nothing will always be an option because "lol north korea they can't hit anything anyway" are kidding themselves.

The really hilarious thing is that I wasn't sure if your second paragraph referred to trump or kim jong un.
People keep saying this shit, but it's not true. He may get a temp bump, but he's been too divisive of a person for it to matter much in the long run. I think getting into a war now, really, will have an opposite effect. I don't think the public at large want another. The failures of Iraq and Afganistan are still relatively fresh

Yeah, unless North Korea attacks us directly, I feel this would only go on to hurt Trump. All the dead US soldiers and the damage it would do to the economy, I don't think even many of his most ardent supporters would stand behind him.
There is a world in which preemptive strikes against North Korea if they are planning on attacking us are warranted, but North Korea probably does not have the ability to launch a nuclear strike on the American mainline at this time. Less sure of Hawaii.

They probably could launch a nuke towards Japan, which is a more pressing problem, but also not what Trump is talking about in the OP.

And the Korean Peninsula would be ravaged if we tried to nuke Pyongyang. It would a humanitarian crisis of the most epic proportions.



or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
And I told myself with Trump and Kim in power you never know what your going to get. They are two egotistical maniacs in control of military's

Who's starting shit with whom?

That loony fat fuck has been doing whatever he wants with impunity for as long as he's been alive.
Sometimes I wonder where people get their impressions of Kim's personality from. He's kind of a cypher TBH.

The state is loony, and has been before he came into power. The man in the big chair? Who really knows.

I think a lot of people conflate him with Jong Il, who was an eccentric egomaniac.
This will most likely settle back down like it always does. NK tends to react defensively.

A truly preemptive strike against NK would have to be ridiculously over the top and destroy in one fell swoop all of their potential to retaliate against the South and Japan. Casualties would be huge. I don't think anybody wants to cause massive civilian deaths for the sake of enforcing nuclear non-proliferation.


Biggest defense spending in the history of the world and we don't have decent defense lol

U.S and Israel are at the forefront of missile defense technology, which is nowhere near an easy task. We are talking about throwing missiles at other missiles which travel faster than the speed of sound. Everything has to be in perfect conditions to even consider it to be a success from the angle, the speed, and the distance.

ICBMs are basically rockets and Russia and U.S have designed those to carry multiple warheads, this means in order to target an ICBM you have to hit it before those warheads split (typically in reentry if I am not mistaken), do you realize the near impossibility of such a task?

A missile defense system that can't ensure 100% guaranteed success against a nuclear strike is effectively a failed system, but it is and will continue to be improved upon.

The missile defense system U.S and Israel have is indeed "decent" when you compare it to other missile defense systems. Anyways most of these are designed for mid and short ranged missiles and will shoot multiple missiles at each target for increased success. Since these never been used (exception of Israel's Arrow system) in combat against projectiles, it is hit or miss.

This is why U.S would not allow a nation like North Korea to have missile technology that is close to ICBM level, hell, U.S don't even want them to be able to have range on U.S mainland. U.S likely would of struck Iran as well if it remained compliant while testing missiles since it won't just threaten U.S, but send the Middle-East into a nuclear race.

I have to say, I probably would approve of a preemptive strike, but who knows if it would escalate. It WOULD be wise for NK to take the bombing and limp home, but from their actions with the shelling of an island a couple years ago, I can see them being reckless enough to retaliate.
There is a world in which preemptive strikes against North Korea if they are planning on attacking us are warranted, but North Korea probably does not have the ability to launch a nuclear strike on the American mainline at this time. Less sure of Hawaii.

They probably could launch a nuke towards Japan, which is a more pressing problem, but also not what Trump is talking about in the OP.

And the Korean Peninsula would be ravaged if we tried to nuke Pyongyang. It would a humanitarian crisis of the most epic proportions.


The US is not going to Nuke anybody.
The US is not going to Nuke anybody.

I mean, I don't think Hillary Clinton would nuke someone. But she doesn't have the nuclear football. I don't think anything will come of this, this but was always the problem with putting an irrational actor in the driver's seat.
Not sure what to think here. NK has been making big steps towards becoming more capable militarily. If you pay even the slightest bit of attention to this, you understand this.

It is a very weird balance, and I don't know that this is necessarily a posturing by the Trump administration, as much as our military being more concerned about them learning to aim with accuracy.

It's an interesting thought about how many fronts of war the US would be in if something were to go down.

Additional note is that the Pentagon is officially denying this.
This is unprecedented in decades. As much as I hate his other policies, perhaps Trump will have what it takes to finally break the impasse in North Korea. He's made a deal with China that suggests they might withdraw support or even take military action should Kim Jong-Un cross any red lines. Unlike his recent predecessors, he's got the nads for geopolitics and the will to carry it through. So, yeah. Let Kim test his toys. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think it will be different this time. It has to be different, for the sake of the North Korean people.
This is unprecedented in decades. As much as I hate his other policies, perhaps Trump will have what it takes to finally break the impasse in North Korea. He's made a deal with China that suggests they might withdraw support or even take military action should Kim Jong-Un cross any red lines. Unlike his recent predecessors, he's got the nads for geopolitics and the will to carry it through. So, yeah. Let Kim test his toys. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I think it will be different this time. It has to be different, for the sake of the North Korean people.

Was it any different for Iraqi, Afghani, Libyan, Syrian, Yemeni people? Sixth time's the charm!
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