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NC reps shrink NC Court of Appeals prevent Cooper from naming replacements

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Quoting from State Senator Jeff Jackson's Facebook page:

"You should know what just happened to our Court of Appeals, because it's nuts.

Our Court of Appeals has 15 judges. We just passed a law to shrink it to 12. Why? Because three of them are hitting the age of mandatory retirement soon and Gov. Cooper would be allowed to appoint their replacements.

That's it. That's the whole reason.

There was abundant evidence presented to the legislature that the Court of Appeals has a heavy workload and this bill will slow down the disposition of justice in our state, but the bill was quickly passed despite these warnings.

Notably, the last four Chief Justices of our state Supreme Court Justices - a bipartisan group - all strongly opposed the effort.

Here's the most remarkable part: The move was so extreme that it compelled one of our judges on the Court of Appeals who was approaching mandatory retirement - and is a conservative Republican - to resign his seat in protest of the law and thereby allow Gov. Cooper to appoint a replacement.

As he said, “I did not want my legacy to be the elimination of a seat and the impairment of a court that I have served on."

Gov. Cooper vetoed the bill, but the veto was overridden by the GOP supermajorities that currently exist in both chambers. It's now law.

What can we do? Only one thing: pick up three seats in the House or six seats in the Senate, break the supermajority, unlock Gov. Cooper's veto, and restore political balance in our state."

Absolutely insane. I hope North Carolina is one of the first states where Obama directs his efforts to take back state legislatures and fight gerrymandering.


NC GOP is evil and petty at an unprecedented level. Death throws of a dying breed.

NC was the poster child of the new south, growing at a crazy rate, now not so much


Since Cooper was elected, the amount of salt seen by NC GOP has been off the charts. Planet sized deposits.
Do they think they are fucking entitled government rights or something?

It is mind boggling.


Since Cooper was elected, the amount of salt seen by NC GOP has been off the charts. Planet sized deposits.
Do they think they are fucking entitled government rights or something?

It is mind boggling.
Hopefully it's eye-opening to a lot of people who normally don't pay attention to what the GOP does. This kind of behavior would be going on country wide if they could get away with it. Overall it's just shameful and embarrassing the moral depths they are willing to plumb just to keep power.


It seems insane to me that North Carolina is so harshly gerrymandered that the GOP has supermajorities in both houses even after losing the governorship.


Unconfirmed Member
NC GOP is evil and petty at an unprecedented level. Death throws of a dying breed.

NC was the poster child of the new south, growing at a crazy rate, now not so much

Seriously. Everyone was talking about the Triangle being the new Silicon Valley. Now I don't see any reason a liberal person would want to move there with the state level government being absolutely batshit.
NC GOP is evil and petty at an unprecedented level. Death throws of a dying breed.

NC was the poster child of the new south, growing at a crazy rate, now not so much

NC is currently the poster child of the old South, doing everything in their power to disenfranchise voters as soon as they got rid of the pesky Voting Rights Act restrictions.

It's almost frightening, the level to which NC Republicans have been willing to throw out all pretense of succession and decorum to avoid even minor losses in power.


Cartoon villains have nothing on the Republicans.

You should stop calling them GOP, by the way. There is nothing "grand" about their crusade to destroy the planet for profit and trample the rights of minorities.


NC is currently the poster child of the old South, doing everything in their power to disenfranchise voters as soon as they got rid of the pesky Voting Rights Act restrictions.

It's almost frightening, the level to which NC Republicans have been willing to throw out all pretense of succession and decorum to avoid even minor losses in power.

it's actually the poster child of the new GOP. Every major Koch-funded movement has started here. The Old South would handle a lot of the issues very differently. It's harmful to think that this is an old person's movement, it's not.


The move was so extreme that it compelled one of our judges on the Court of Appeals who was approaching mandatory retirement - and is a conservative Republican - to resign his seat in protest of the law and thereby allow Gov. Cooper to appoint a replacement.

Did the Governor get to use this last-minute replacement opportunity, after all the rest of the political BS involved here? I would hope this early retirement from the protest-judge wasn't in vain.
This is absolutely shameful. If you live in NC, like I do, please tell everyone you know about this crap.

The NC GOP's bullshit flies under the radar for a lot of people.


Live in NC?
Please call your state representatives. It takes <5 minutes of effort to let them know that you disapprove of their nonsense.


NC GOP is evil and petty at an unprecedented level. Death throws of a dying breed.

NC was the poster child of the new south, growing at a crazy rate, now not so much


it's a sad state of affairs for people who live in the progressive areas of NC

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Here's the most remarkable part: The move was so extreme that it compelled one of our judges on the Court of Appeals who was approaching mandatory retirement - and is a conservative Republican - to resign his seat in protest of the law and thereby allow Gov. Cooper to appoint a replacement.

At least someone is being honorable here.
This could be enough to start a civil war, if it were the 18th or 19th century. Or in a less sedated country, maybe.

It's on par with "taxation without representation", truly. They're effectively preventing half (or more) of their citizens from being represented in government.
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