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NCAA Men's College Basketball 2010-2011 Season OT

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Michigan State's remaining schedule:

Feb 6 @Wisconsin 1:00 PM L
Feb 10 Penn St. 7:00 PM L
Feb 15 @Ohio St. 9:00 PM L
Feb 19 Illinois 9:00 PM L
Feb 22 @Minnesota 9:00 PM L
Feb 26 Purdue TBA L
Mar 2 Iowa 6:30 PM W/L
Mar 5 @Michigan 2:00 PM W/L

7-11 in the Big Ten isn't going to make the tourney.


ErasureAcer said:
Michigan State's remaining schedule:

Feb 6 @Wisconsin 1:00 PM L
Feb 10 Penn St. 7:00 PM L
Feb 15 @Ohio St. 9:00 PM L
Feb 19 Illinois 9:00 PM L
Feb 22 @Minnesota 9:00 PM L
Feb 26 Purdue TBA L
Mar 2 Iowa 6:30 PM W/L
Mar 5 @Michigan 2:00 PM W/L

7-11 in the Big Ten isn't going to make the tourney.

Michigan State has no depth at all. Losing one player should not kill your season like this.

< Will eat crow if Michigan State ends up in the final four.


I got grudge sucked!
If we drop another game, unless TOSU, Texas, KU and whoever is leading the BE (Pitt?) tanks, we really can't get a number 1 seed. ACC is terrible, our non-conference schedule, which looked decent in the preseason, has been chock full of frauds. I think Marquette is the best of the bunch. St Johns ran us out of NY and we've been unimpressive since Irving went down, but tonight was big for us. Still, good that UNC is ranked and if we can split with them at least, we should get a good 2 seed.


truly101 said:
If we drop another game, unless TOSU, Texas, KU and whoever is leading the BE (Pitt?) tanks, we really can't get a number 1 seed. ACC is terrible, our non-conference schedule, which looked decent in the preseason, has been chock full of frauds. I think Marquette is the best of the bunch. St Johns ran us out of NY and we've been unimpressive since Irving went down, but tonight was big for us. Still, good that UNC is ranked and if we can split with them at least, we should get a good 2 seed.

If Irving comes back and we get a 2 seed, imagine the shit storm that fans and teams are going to throw in that bracket. It'll be pretty funny though, because at least they can't say we have a cake walk to the final four anymore.


Proelite said:
If Irving comes back and we get a 2 seed, imagine the shit storm that fans and teams are going to throw in that bracket. It'll be pretty funny though.
This year's bracket is going to be a clusterfuck.

I thought last year was bad, but this year seems more muddled.


I got grudge sucked!
Proelite said:
If Irving comes back and we get a 2 seed, imagine the shit storm that fans and teams are going to throw in that bracket. It'll be pretty funny though, because at least they can't say we have a cake walk to the final four anymore.

I'm fine with a 2 as its more of an indictment of our conference and non-con schedule than the team itself. Normally playing 3 preseason top 25 teams along with a historically tough conference takes care of itself. BE is good enough to have two number ones, honestly
thefro said:
The rest of the Big Ten besides OSU has really imploded... lots of solid/good teams but not any great teams.

This may be news to you, but there are no great college teams in basketball this year. The closest would be Ohio State, but they are completely ordinary and only reflect just how bad th rest of the field is.


I got grudge sucked!
DominoKid said:
fuck yes. took him long enough. it aint like the fans wanted him back anyway. i know i DAMN sure didnt.

Well it kinda hurts you more than you think. Drew had been playing mch better off the bench and is one of your better perimeter defenders. Second, if Marshall gets hurt or is in foul trouble you are FUUUUUUUUUCCCCKED, as neither Strick, nor LMac are much in the way of true PGs. You won't have to deal with him next year, but it may cost you a game or two this season.


The news of Drew II leaving was pretty shocking. From everything I've read, it seems obvious that his parents were the ones pulling the strings here. A shame too, because after the shit that's come out just TODAY about how this has gone down, I can't see another D1 program really giving him much of a shot. I honestly feel bad for the kid; he looked miserable all year as the starter and when he was finally put in a reserve role, he seemed to really flourish (19 assists to 4 turnovers and shooting ~44% in the past 4 games).

Really hate this for the team, hurts our depth a lot. Strick seeing major minutes at PG honestly scares me.

This is some of the stuff I'm talking about regarding his parents (specifically his mother):

Williams told reporters on Friday afternoon that he had received a message to call Larry Drew, Sr., the current Atlanta Hawks head coach and Drew’s father.

“I called Big Larry a little bit after 9am, and at that point, he informed me that Larry was leaving,” Williams said. “We had a long discussion – most of which should be kept private – and basically there was no arbitrating, there was no trying to see if we could rectify anything. It was that was the decision that was made. He thought it was in Larry’s best interest.”

Once again, a player can't man up to tell his coach himself that he's leaving.

This season, Drew's parents were not happy with their son's current role and diminished playing time, according to sources close to the situation. But the vocal dissatisfaction and involvement goes back much further.

Sources confirmed to Inside Carolina that Sharon Drew, Larry’s mother, called the basketball office irate back in 2009 upon hearing news that Williams had a conversation with then high school senior John Wall right before the Final Four.

Mrs. Drew made news again last May. The L.A. Times reported that Landon Drew, Larry’s younger brother, was kicked off the Woodland Hills Taft High School basketball team due to Mrs. Drew’s involvement.

His mother sounds like a grade A bitch.

Marshall also certainly wasn't happy with the way it went down:

Marshall admitted to reporters that he was upset to learn the news from Facebook instead of from Drew himself, adding, “It’s a decision he made – I wish him the best of luck in all of his decisions and where he ends up going from here.”

Marshall also expressed shock in the timing of Drew’s decision.

“If it was up to me and I’m sure 99 percent of the people in the world, we would have liked to have seen him wait until the end of the season,” Marshall said. “But Larry’s a grown man. He makes his own choices.”
UT had a similar situation this season with Shawn Williams. He was pissed off about getting less playing time so he left the team. He transfered to SMU last month so I'm sure he'll get his playing time there.


Well that was a bizarre sequence in the Illinois - Northwestern game. I can't remember refs ever going back to look at previous possessions like that..


SyNapSe said:
Well that was a bizarre sequence in the Illinois - Northwestern game. I can't remember refs ever going back to look at previous possessions like that..
They were trying to watch this week's episode of Glee on there.


James Mccants said:

Roy needs to start screening out future recruits based on the personalities of their parents.
truly101 said:
If we drop another game, unless TOSU, Texas, KU and whoever is leading the BE (Pitt?) tanks, we really can't get a number 1 seed. ACC is terrible, our non-conference schedule, which looked decent in the preseason, has been chock full of frauds. I think Marquette is the best of the bunch. St Johns ran us out of NY and we've been unimpressive since Irving went down, but tonight was big for us. Still, good that UNC is ranked and if we can split with them at least, we should get a good 2 seed.

As a huge Tarheel fan, I think the ACC has gone to shit since they expanded. Watered down the brand, if you will.
I'm in Tampa for the weekend and heading to my second SEC road game of the season when I head up to Gainesville tonight for the UK game. It's College GameDay and should be a good game...we haven't lost back to back games since Cal showed up so we better not start tonight.
kkaabboomm said:
I'm in Tampa for the weekend and heading to my second SEC road game of the season when I head up to Gainesville tonight for the UK game. It's College GameDay and should be a good game...we haven't lost back to back games since Cal showed up so we better not start tonight.
have a friend down there for the UK game as well, enjoy the trip it's a very nice place


fuck the McCants family. they have nothing to be bitter about

Roy took their bipolar headcase of a son and molded him into a college champion and a lotto pick. mighty funny that his life and career goes to shit after he leaves "prison."

hope that bisexual crossdressing heist leader webseries role pays well cause he aint seeing a NBA check again in his life.


claviertekky said:
Nice start for Northwestern so far.

Will not be surprised for a blown lead loss though. Saw one two years ago as a student.

Available here: http://www.cbssports.com/video/player/cbk-live
Ha. That was the greatest loss ever. Up 10 with 3 minutes left - Illinois realizes we aren't athletic enough to move the ball out under duress. Halfcourt trap results in 4 turnovers, and they win.

Roy is more Bill Self than Calipari.
DominoKid said:
fuck the McCants family. they have nothing to be bitter about

Roy took their bipolar headcase of a son and molded him into a college champion and a lotto pick. mighty funny that his life and career goes to shit after he leaves "prison."

hope that bisexual crossdressing heist leader webseries role pays well cause he aint seeing a NBA check again in his life.

what am i missing here?


the McCants family is blasting off on Roy for no reason via facebook (and twitter too i believe)

here's some of it




Rashad McCants lol very true.... I suck at life you should give me lessons...
21 minutes ago
James Mccants Look I don't expect any of you to go against "Good Ole Boy Roy", but to have you all taking shots at me is personal. You don't know me and apparently you don't know Roy. I expected this type of backlash and welcome all of you negative comments, simply because non of you have a clue.
18 minutes ago
Robbie Beck I don't know you Rashad, but I'd like to see you succeed. Lots of folks are just perplexed by some of the turns your career has taken. I know injuries didn't help once you got to the NBA, but you seem healthy now. Did the China offer interrupt your opportunity with the Legends or did you just decide that wasn't for you?
16 minutes ago
Chase Gaddy
It hurts to see one of my favorite players talk so badly about my favorite university (@ Rashad). I look up to you guys but to say Roy Williams is responsible for anything besides helping you get a national champ. & getting u drafted in the... lottery is crazy talk.

Anyways, I still remember sitting behind Damion & David Noel in '03 at the Greensboro coliseum vs. Illinois. Sat right behind the bench, but couldnt see anything because i was so short. Good times.See More
16 minutes ago
Adam Lawson James, I looked at your profile.... it's full of n***a this, and n***a that.... Why don't you grow up and be an adult, for the first time in your life?
15 minutes ago
Rashad McCants all these questions with no answers.. so you form your own answers....
14 minutes ago
Robbie Beck I'd rather hear it from you. That's part of the problem is folks forming their own answers. Here's your chance to speak your piece. Take it.
12 minutes ago
Adam Lawson Rashad, what is your problem??? ROY took you from a guy who had no concept of TEAM, probably because of your lame father, to a guy that helped a team win a national championship and THEN become a lottery pick. You're the one that wrecked your career, not Roy.
12 minutes ago
James Mccants Adam: To show how big of a coward you are you don't have a profile picture
12 minutes ago
Adam Lawson Oh really??? You want to see me... Well hold on *****
11 minutes ago
James Mccants And you don't see that on my sight!
11 minutes ago
Adam Lawson Umm, yes I do. Why don't you go get a job?
10 minutes ago
Adam Lawson And you should have encouraged Rashad to, you know, GRADUATE
9 minutes ago
Adam Lawson if he even went to class
9 minutes ago
Chase Gaddy Wow im probably the youngest one reading this & also probably the most mature. Seriously, you cant have a civil discussion without name calling & stupid accusations?
9 minutes ago
James Mccants Adam: Be careful son you as smelling your *****
9 minutes ago
Adam Lawson I don't speak gibberish James. Please type in English, okay?
9 minutes ago
Adam Lawson and responsible parents don't use the word "*****" on the internet
7 minutes ago
James Mccants Wow Adam what an ignorant ******* you are! You graduated form where?
7 minutes ago
Adam Lawson I'm in school at Elon University. Where I'll graduate. Then I'm going to grad school at UNC to get my masters. Next question
6 minutes ago
Rashad McCants
ok here goes...been out 2 years now. my facebook has all kinds of charities and foundations. my mother is a breast cancer survivor and I am to the viewers considered crazy. but lets think a sec. 17 year old kid walks into his dreams with hi...gh hopes and big goals. all to later find out that i need to see a therapist bc my coach dont understand my facial expressions. with the mistakes and miscommunication that happened while in college. I was ready for a fresh start at the highest level. all to walk into the first question of my nba career. How does it feel to be compared to JR Rider? hmmmm..... this happened right after shaking the hands and receiving my hat. you gotta pay for the rest....See More
2 seconds ago
James Mccants I'm not going in to verbal war fare with an ignorant ******* such as yourself.You are not worth my time!
2 seconds ago
Adam Lawson You did it to yourself Rashad. No sob story is going to be applied to you. You compared playing at UNC to being in prison. There is no misunderstanding or miscommunication involved with that. You're just an idiot with a cancer for a family
2 seconds ago

its just pathetic how delusional they are. and it hurts because McCants was one of my favorite Heels. he just refuses to take responsibility for all the problems he's created.


nice 1st half. Ashton Gibbs had damn fine half, his knee seemed to be bothering him I'm very curious whats up with that. Over looking Cincy resume, looks pretty weak. Could see them outside looking in on selection sunday
DominoKid said:
as if the last 25 years or so hadnt already done that.

he's just beating a dead horse at this point.

Before Sidney you could count on the Pack to steal a game here or there and to at least look like they belonged in the league.
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