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NCAA Men's College Basketball 2010-2011 Season OT

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Shit. I just wanted my terps to at least make the tourney this year... fuck. If we still had Vasquez this team would be a top 15 team. We can't shoot worth dick and when we are on, we take to many dumb shots.

Looks like its NIT this year unless we get a miracle and beat 5 outta 6 teams. Gonna be rough against VT and UNC on the road though. Damn the man.


Watched UNC/Clemson.

Watching Ohio State / Wisconsin.

Finally, actuall basketball being played.

Godamn I forgot how white Wisconsin is. Why are they so white.


BertramCooper said:
This is fun.

I'm really enjoying this.

*high five*

I'm hoping this blowout continues. God I'm so tired of seeing "Is this the week OSU loses?!" headlines every day.
bucknuticus said:
Ohio state is the least talked about undefeated team ever.

Well, except for the Xavier team of 2004.

EDIT: This joke doesn't work ion the internet. The response I want is: "What Xavier team"

and I would reply "Exactly."

But, the more likely response is "They weren't undefeated you jackass, they were 18-14(made up number)!" which ruins everything.


Shick Brithouse said:
Kraft is going to be some kind of special player when its all said and done.
Yeah, no. He's not good.

He's pretty nice defensively (albeit a little overrated in this category), but that's about it. I know he's only a freshman, but not exactly much room for potential. I honestly believe he's the "weakness" of the team. If tOSU was a true team of the forever (and I don't believe they are), they'd bring a much better 5th/6th man that Craft.
ggnoobIGN said:
Yeah, no. He's not good.

He's pretty nice defensively (albeit a little overrated in this category), but that's about it. I know he's only a freshman, but not exactly much room for potential. I honestly believe he's the "weakness" of the team. If tOSU was a true team of the forever (and I don't believe they are), they'd bring a much better 5th/6th man that Craft.
:lol watch today's game or the purdue game and say he's overrated on defense. He's one of the best on ball defenders I have seen in a long time.


bucknuticus said:
:lol watch today's game or the purdue game and say he's overrated on defense. He's one of the best on ball defenders I have seen in a long time.
Jordan Taylor just abused him. Same thing was going on earlier. What are you watching?

He's actually now having a nice game offensively though.

And if you want a game to reference, thought he did a brilliant job against Illinois. Though McCamey was in a huge slump then.
Do either of these teams even pretend to run an offense or do they just chuck up shots? Wisconsin looks like they pass the ball around the outside then just throw up a 3 when someone is remotely open. Then OSU just runs it into the lane and sees what happens


BertramCooper said:
We'll beat them in C-Bus and at the Big Ten tourney.

No worries.
I doubt they will make it far enough in the big 10 tourney to play us again. But its ok because we will have the league championship trophy.


Shick Brithouse said:
I doubt they will make it far enough in the big 10 tourney to play us again. But its ok because we will have the league championship trophy.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm those tears
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