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NCAA Men's College Basketball 2010-2011 Season OT

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SyNapSe said:
I never have a good feeling.
Who normally plays at the Richmond Coliseum?

According to wiki, VCU did but then they built a new one. now some indoor football seems to be the only permanent resident. Guess it's time to tune into the Southern championship


SerArthurDayne said:
Don't really follow Basketball recruiting much, but that is great news. It would be nice to have a consistently good team again. My only fear with such highly touted prospects is that they will almost inevitably be 1-and-done, and Florida doesn't have the recruiting ability to cope with that type of turnover.
Even if Beal is 1-and-done, Billy has recruited a nice complement of players who won't be leaving early for the NBA as far as I can tell. This time I think UF can overcome things even if Beal does eventually leave early. But that's still a long way away. Florida has Beal and Pitchford for 2011. Pitchford is a PF who will be a work in progress, so he won't leave early. He is listed at 6-9, 210 and will add size to UF (and UF needs some frontcourt bodies). Beal is awesome and I can't wait to see him at UF. He should provide instant offense.

Florida currenlty has Prather, Yeguete, Wilbekin, Young, and Larson who are all freshman. I believe Larson redshirted this year but he should be a good one. Prather, Yeguette, Wilbekin and Young have played this year, some more than other (Young and Wilbekin having played the most minutes). With the transition from freshman to sophmore there's normally a signifcant improvement, and for Wilbekin and Young I'm expecting big things next year. Prather just needs some more experience but he's definitely done well defensively and with rebounding this season (similar to Young but not quite as flashy). Hopefully Yeguette will blossom over the summer.

And then there's Mike Rossario, a transfer from Rutgers who had to sit out this year. From all accounts he'll be a great guard. So with Rossario, Walker, Boyton, Wilbekin, and Beal as the backcourt we'll be stacked next year. The frontcourt will be Murphy, Young, Larson, Pitchford, Yeguete, so that'll be the question mark for next year, since there won't be a Macklin and Young combo to work off of (Macklin offers senior leaderhsip, scoring, defense while Young is defense and energy). Murphy was coming along well early this season until his injury and ever since then he hasn't been quite the same. I think he just fell behind due to the injury and will hopefully be back in fine form next year (he hasn't been bad per se this year, but he was definitely headed to be the backup to Macklin but Young has taken that role at least for now).

All that said, if for example Patric Young decides to leave early for the NBA (he's been projected as a 1st rounder by some) and/or you have transfers from players who feel they should be starting/playing more, then the entire makeup of the team could change for the worse and the team might take a big step back. Still I think things are headed in the right direction, with a mix of players who will be around 3-4 yrs with some spinkling of highly talented players who may only stay 1-2 yrs. Also it would have been nice to have gotten Austin Rivers for 2011 in addition to Beal, but UF seems to be stable and who's to say Rivers isn't also 1-and-done player which would potentially make things difficult down the road in terms of team stability for the future with 2 recruits who may only stay a year.

Edit: Oh, and for 2012, UF has a commitment from Michael Frazier a shooting guard who's ranked highly, which is the same position as Beal, thus offering some added assurance for that position should Beal leave early.
SyNapSe said:
I never have a good feeling.
Who normally plays at the Richmond Coliseum?

Nice I can always appreciate a beaker with a sense of humor. I have a lot of KU friends so we are always giving each other shit.
POTY could have easily gone to either, but Johnson was a senior so he should get the nod. Rumblings around here are Sully is coming back, would be too awesome if he did.


Yeah if it's allowed im surprised more teams don't do to try and improve their resume. Im not sure, was this recently scheduled or decided before the season?

Seth C

jakncoke said:
Yeah if it's allowed im surprised more teams don't do to try and improve their resume. Im not sure, was this recently scheduled or decided before the season?

The small conferences want their tournaments to be on TV, so they have to hold them the week before the big 6 do, so yeah, I'm surprised more teams don't do the same. Of course, you also have a situation where teams from those conferences rarely, historically, could get in without winning their conference anyway. So in a resume building aspect, it may be useless.


Hell yeah! Billy Donovan finally gets his first SEC Coach of the Year award (what the hell took the SEC coaches so damn long? guess back-to-back NCAA championship titles wasn't good enough) and Chandler Parsons gets the first ever SEC Player of the Year in Gator history (what the hell? no Gator has ever had this distinction in the 79 year history of UF in the SEC until today)! It's a great and proud day to be a Gator fan! :)


I got grudge sucked!
DominoKid said:
Larry Drew's freestyle diss to UNC

i cant lol hard enough at this fool's life.

I hate you guys and even I can't support this moron. I hate him more for leaving and making you better than you were before.

Also, Jalen Rose can go die in a fire calling our black players a bunch of uncle toms. Sorry that our best uncle tom is still starting in the league and your sorry ass has been rockin' a desk announce gig for years. GTFO.


truly101 said:
I hate you guys and even I can't support this moron. I hate him more for leaving and making you better than you were before.

Also, Jalen Rose can go die in a fire calling our black players a bunch of uncle toms. Sorry that our best uncle tom is still starting in the league and your sorry ass has been rockin' a desk announce gig for years. GTFO.

lmao wow

Butler taking it too wisc milwaukee in the horizon championship

Edit: haha nova'

Edit: Marquette up 17-0 lol
lol i jinxed them Prov scores

Undercover Brother
I came to ask a favor. Can anyone help me with creating an avatar. All I am wanting to do is Mizzou's Basketball Logo. I thought this would be easy, but then I read the FAQ on avatars.


Watching Marquette versus Providence is fun. Neither team too concerned about defense just running up and down the court like a track meet!


Low moral character
jakncoke said:
I could see Nova' missing the tourney.

Me too. Especially if you believe that whole deal about the committee looking at the team entering the tourney and not the team from earlier in the season.

Nova hasn't had a good win in over a month. Still, you would think that an RPI of 31 and SOS of 19 is probably enough to carry them in. They haven't necessarily had any bad losses during that stretch, except for today.
Here's the video they played before the OSU Wisky game. I was really surprised they played this as well as have the deal with it towels. Usually tOSU is very conservative and doesnt want to hurt anyone's feelings, we've had multiple things taken away from us because they "put down" opposing teams. They really put on a "production" that night, pyrotechnics and all, was the best atmosphere I have ever seen in the schott.

The start of Marqutte/Providence was hilarious. Marquette beat us early in the year, but weve gotten some big wins since then. Hopefully the good WVU team shows up today.


UConn v Pitt is an interesting matchup if the Huskies close this one out. If Oriakhi keeps playing as well as he has the last 2 games, we could definitely see an upset.


Low moral character
Amory Blaine said:
UConn v Pitt is an interesting matchup if the Huskies close this one out. If Oriakhi keeps playing as well as he has the last 2 games, we could definitely see an upset.

I think it'll come down to Kemba Walker. If he hits 50+ percent of his shots like he did today, UConn has a very good chance. They also need some secondary scoring, so Kemba doesn't have to take 30 shots. If he goes like 10/27 or whatever it was like the last time Pitt and UConn played, I don't think they'll have much of a chance.

I don't expect Oriakhi to dominate Gary McGhee in the low post. McGhee is a really strong defender. The only times I've seen big men score easily against Pitt was when they were just hitting their shots from 4-5' out. I haven't seen many big men push McGhee around.
Rumble in El Paso for the C-USA tournament? UCF player just kicked an ECU dude in the face and got a double tech thus an ejection. ECU retaliated and got a tech each on two of their better players.

UCF somehow came out of that deal ahead as the player lost isn't much of a loss at all and they made more free throws out of the exchange. Dumb play though, that caused a 5-8 minute delay with 13 seconds left in the first half.

Round 1 of the CUSA tournament -
UCF 39
ECU 34

Oh, and I wonder why CUSA is pretty much considered a one-bid league when teams RPI and SOS/Opponent SOS is in line or better than a lot of other teams from "bigger" conferences. CUSA is rated the 8th best conference in RPI, but they're in the discussion for only one bid.
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