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NDS: Nanostray

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Backlit is better, has better contrast and more even light distribution. It spends more battery power though (and I don't know how much more).

Keep in mind that there are many different backlit screens of vastly varying quality, but in general, they all look better than frontlit screens.


Queen of Denmark
Lisa Lashes said:
Thanks. Are there any advantages/disadvantages by going with frontlit over backlit?
Frontlighting saves on battery life, though some say it provides for a more "washed-out" looking image than backlighting.

Marconelly, I'm not sure where you heard that the screens were backlit, but I was under the impression that they were lit the exact same way as the SP screens were (i.e., frontlit). I suppose I could be wrong, though.


DS screens are hard to come by, and so are close ups of Mario from the N64 version come to think of it. I don't think the environments have improved any, but I think the character models are definately better. Anyone got that pic of Mario looking straight into the camera? Thats a good one. As is the cel-shaded Mario head that you can tweak...
I'm almost certain that they are front-lit, but they do look quite amazing. They definitely looked even better than SP screens to me.


Junior Member
gofreak said:
Where did you hear this? There was a list already announced the other day, unless there's a further unveiling of games to happen..(i.e. media from new games etc.).

i remember reading in in another thread yesterday or so...
They're apparently gonna release screens and footage from the new games.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Human, I think I've read somewhere in the Nintendo PR that they are backlit. I admit I could be wrong though. One thing is certain - people were saying that they do look better than GBA SP screen.

They definitely looked even better than SP screens to me
Heh, they'd better :p GBA SP screen is quite crappy, IMO.
human5892 said:
Frontlighting saves on battery life, though some say it provides for a more "washed-out" looking image than backlighting.

Marconelly, I'm not sure where you heard that the screens were backlit, but I was under the impression that they were lit the exact same way as the SP screens were (i.e., frontlit). I suppose I could be wrong, though.

They're backlit. Both of em. Last I checked. But still not as good as PSP screens according to ppl whove played both.


Lisa Lashes said:
Thanks. Are there any advantages/disadvantages by going with frontlit over backlit?

GBA SP is frontlit. Both DS screens are backlit. One thing that will be nice about being backlit is the whole dust issue people seem to have a problem with on the SP. The Dust is trapped between the light screen and the GBA screen and lights up the dust first, so it's noticeable. With the backlit, the pixels are lit up first, so it's harder to notice any dust that may be in there.

At least that's what I was explained to about the dust thing, they may have been wrong.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
DS screens are hard to come by, and so are close ups of Mario from the N64 version come to think of it. I don't think the environments have improved any, but I think the character models are definately better. Anyone got that pic of Mario looking straight into the camera? Thats a good one. As is the cel-shaded Mario head that you can tweak...

The character models look a bit better (though some of that has to do with different choice of texture for the eyes and such), however the environments look considerably worse from what we've seen...
Holy moly, Marconelly is right:

. Each 3-inch screen can reproduce a true 3-D view and is backlit to assure comfortable play in any lighting condition.

No wonder they looked so nice. This could be false PR though...


So I assume they are then frontlit. Is it fair to assume that backlit screens also cost more money than frontlit ones and that Nintendo chose fronlit ones to keep the DS price down?


Queen of Denmark
Lisa Lashes said:
So I assume they are then frontlit. Is it fair to assume that backlit screens also cost more money than frontlit ones and that Nintendo chose fronlit ones to keep the DS price down?
Sorry, looks like I was wrong -- it appears that they're backlit. :) Unless the PR is mistaken, which does happen occasionally.
dark10x said:
The character models look a bit better (though some of that has to do with different choice of texture for the eyes and such), however the environments look considerably worse from what we've seen...


Will start substantiating his hate
dark10x said:
Well, I guess the water isn't too suprising, though...I mean, a lot of N64 games (like Turok) had very nice looking water effects.
Like hell it isn't. View-dependant reflections (that deform) and specular highlights is stuff that you won't find in many current home console titles much less last gen games.

Obviously I would like to see some non-blurry, native resolution screens before passing judgement but so far it looks very impressive.


dark10x said:
The character models look a bit better (though some of that has to do with different choice of texture for the eyes and such), however the environments look considerably worse from what we've seen...
Environments look about the same to me (at least in terms of construction), even with NOA's crappy DS shots. And characters are noticably modeled better, with far more on screen no less. Really though, you should watch the Mario 64x4 video, it looks a bit better than the screens imply.


Will start substantiating his hate
There would be no question which version is the better looking one if NDS had texture filtering (which it may have going by some screens). The character models are noticably improved and the NDS version also runs at 60 fps I believe.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Like hell it isn't. View-dependant reflections (that deform) and specular highlights is stuff that you won't find in many current home console titles much less last gen games.
Well yeah, if that's what's on those screens. But I doubt it a bit. Some DS demos at E3 did have some fakey looking specular highlights though.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
Like hell it isn't. View-dependant reflections (that deform) and specular highlights is stuff that you won't find in many current home console titles much less last gen games.

Obviously I would like to see some non-blurry, native resolution screens before passing judgement but so far it looks very impressive.

HA, if that's actually what they are doing...then it is f*cking impressive. However, I don't believe that is true...
If the DS now has texture filtering then it would almost be a portable Dreamcast in terms of power (with two screens and all those bells and whistles.) Quite impressive. We'll find out soon hopefully.

The thing that makes me think this is that I don't think anyone found a way to get around the Playstation's 3D glitches because it was a hardware thing. I doubt Shin'en could just get around the same rendering flaws with software. Especially when all the 3D software shown up to now has had the exact same style of rendering.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
JasoNsider said:
If the DS now has texture filtering then it would almost be a portable Dreamcast in terms of power (with two screens and all those bells and whistles.) Quite impressive. We'll find out soon hopefully.

The thing that makes me think this is that I don't think anyone found a way to get around the Playstation's 3D glitches because it was a hardware thing. I doubt Shin'en could just get around the same rendering flaws with software. Especially when all the 3D software shown up to now has had the exact same style of rendering.

I think that is REALLLLLY pushing it. Even early DC games like Sonic Adventure spank the hell out of everything we've seen on the DS thus far...

It does seem to be more capable than N64, though, I can't deny that.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
If the DS now has texture filtering then it would almost be a portable Dreamcast in terms of power (with two screens and all those bells and whistles.) Quite impressive. We'll find out soon hopefully.
Even if that IS true, Dreamcast could do mip-mapping, and hell, even anisotropic and DOT3 blending, not to mention lots more memory, so I'd say it's still a fair bit ahead :p


"GAF's biggest wanker"
jarrod said:
Your interpretation of "support of Nintendo for this feature" leaps to the absolute worst conclusion based off an emailer's secondary english....
Or, maybe yours and my interpretation of the worst conclusion to make here is different? I don't really see it as a big deal if device manufacturers don't provide extensive APIs for more generalized pieces of game design like online code. Obviously a Nintendo or Sony needs to provide solid APIs for the core hardware architecture of their machines, but when you start getting into the periphery of the device, like netcode, it seems to me that there should be plenty of samples and APIs on offer to the development community that can do the job.

I'm not saying that Nintendo is somehow holding them back (which *would* be the absolute worst case scenario that I could think of) just that it doesn't sound like Nintendo is doing much to help them at this time.
human5892 said:
Sorry, looks like I was wrong -- it appears that they're backlit. :) Unless the PR is mistaken, which does happen occasionally.
PR seems to use backlit and frontlit interchangeably, since 98% of people don't know the term frontlit or what difference it makes.
radioheadrule83 said:
Anyone got that pic of Mario looking straight into the camera? Thats a good one.
Sure you're not thinking of the Martinet-controlled Mario? There was some confusion at first that a screen from that was from DS, but it's really a quite much more advanced 3D thing running on something else behind the scenes for purposes of shows like E3.
JasoNSider said:
I think there is a good chance that Nintendo has updated the DS hardware to include texture filtering.

Compare these two screens and you can see for yourself.
Be nice, but I don't think that's conclusive. Metroid looks a lot less ugly if you blur it down to about the size of those other shots, too.


I have to see this game in motion. What may look spectacular in the stills could look like an obvious hack in motion.

edit--as for the filtering, even if it's supported will developers bother? Looking at screens with the correct scale makes the texture issue less of a problem.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
PR seems to use backlit and frontlit interchangeably, since 98% of people don't know the term frontlit or what difference it makes
I guess we'll find out when the first speck of dust falls under the screen :p

On the frontlit screen, the dust particles literally GLOW. It's annoying as hell if you ask me. First Ipaq pocket PC had that problem and you can imagine how pissed off people were when that happened, considering how much money they paid for it.


kaching said:
Or, maybe yours and my interpretation of the worst conclusion to make here is different? I don't really see it as a big deal if device manufacturers don't provide extensive APIs for more generalized pieces of game design like online code. Obviously a Nintendo or Sony needs to provide solid APIs for the core hardware architecture of their machines, but when you start getting into the periphery of the device, like netcode, it seems to me that there should be plenty of samples and APIs on offer to the development community that can do the job.

I'm not saying that Nintendo is somehow holding them back (which *would* be the absolute worst case scenario that I could think of) just that it doesn't sound like Nintendo is doing much to help them at this time.
So the argument's moved from "not providing online network play APIs" to "not providing samples of online network play in APIs"? Seems awfully nitpicky given Shin'en's general "if they include it, we'll do it" attitude towards DS development. Do you really think Nintendo's offering less in terms of online toolsets for DS than GameCube, when networking is one of it's prime features? You don't think it's more likely that Shin'en simply doesn't have the resources to run their own network?


JoshuaJSlone said:
PR seems to use backlit and frontlit interchangeably, since 98% of people don't know the term frontlit or what difference it makes.

I'm counting on a JasoNsider e-mail to clear up this confusion once and for all.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I didn't make any argument, jarrod, and I certainly wasn't trying to nitpick anything, but you seem resolved to take us down that road, regardless. I responded to Gore's question with information and you challenged that. Yes, I interpreted an email from the Shin'en as part of the response but it wasn't like I didn't acknowledge it as such, nor can you say it's a faulty interpretation, nor was it the sum total of my explanation as to why Shin'en might have opted not to support online play. In that original response I also referred to the lesser maintenance and support requirement that was probably part of the decision on Shin'en's part.

I wasn't looking to discern Nintendo's larger intentions for DS online play with what I said to Gore and I'm not interested at guessing at it with you now either. *Within the scope of this game* it seemed sensible enough to arrive at certain conclusions, based on what the Shin'en rep said.


Well, you more or less stated Nintendo hasn't delivered the proper APIs, which I'd say is a conclusion fully open to criticism based on what we know about DS, Shin'en's resources and the rep's response. Then upon criticism you clairified that down into a meaningless argument. I don't know what "road" you think I was intending taking us on though?


Console Market Analyst
I didn't mean to cause all that. :(

It's just sad that even now, people are still having to guess what Nintendo's online strategy will be for DS. They need to encourage third parties by supporting wireless internet themselves, damnit! At launch.


I agree with that Gore. Really, it seems to be the only tangible difference in theirs and Sony's online strategies.
Well, I didn't say the same power as a DC, but rather it's almost like it. Especially if Metroid Hunters got some mip-mapping or texture filtering.

The DS talk is actually really exciting. We need more information on the launch though.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
We need more information on the launch though.
Well, what the hell, squeeze some more info out of those guys, since they are willing to talk! I've already wrote earlier what you could ask if you want to go a bit technical.
dark10x said:
The character models look a bit better (though some of that has to do with different choice of texture for the eyes and such), however the environments look considerably worse from what we've seen...
But according to Nintendo and other impressions the DS should be able to run Mario 64x4 at 60fps. That makes a big difference right there.
Marconelly said:
Well, what the hell, squeeze some more info out of those guys, since they are willing to talk! I've already wrote earlier what you could ask if you want to go a bit technical.

Yeah, thanks for that Marconelly. I completely forgot what the terms were. I'll see what I can dig up tomorrow morning :).


If DS is capable of going online, how will it be done? Will you need to plug it into your PC via USB while your connected to the internet or something?

And, lets say you lived in an apartment building and your friend lived next door, in the apartment across from your own, in the apartment above your's or in the apartment below your's. Will you be able to play multiplayer with him?

Will the wirelessness-tisity of DS be like that of hand radios where you can have one radio and your friend could have the other, you can be like two miles apart and still talk? If not, would it be possible for Nintendo or a thirdparty to release something like an... antenna that would increase the range of your DS so you could play with someone whos miles away from you?

BTW, answer my questions damnit! =P


"GAF's biggest wanker"
You didn't cause anything, Gore. Apparently I just push jarrod's buttons, whether I mean to or not. The fault is therefore mine for existing.

I'd say is a conclusion fully open to criticism
Great, you've amply registered your disdain for what I've already ackowledged - from the beginning and multiople times since - as an interpretation that could turn out to be inaccurate.

Then upon criticism you clairified that down into a meaningless argument.
Again, I wasn't aware I was making an argument in the first place, so is this outcome surprising? The argument is yours, jarrod, not mine.

I don't know what "road" you think I was intending taking us on though?
The road to nitpicking into tedium and acting innocent of doing such in the process. Your normal approach when you see something you don't like.


Mike Works said:
So guys, this Nanostray game looks-

oh, you're talking about the psp vs nds again

Hey! Do you imply that every thread concerning PSP or DS games, peripherals, screens, accessories, batteries, buttons, size etc etc etc turns into a DS vs PSP fght? How dare you! :) But, seriously now, don't you love these threads? Great laugh, insanity, subjectivity(not that I'm objective) is everything I need. These kind of threads make my day.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Vieo said:
If DS is capable of going online, how will it be done? Will you need to plug it into your PC via USB while your connected to the internet or something?

And, lets say you lived in an apartment building and your friend lived next door, in the apartment across from your own, in the apartment above your's or in the apartment below your's. Will you be able to play multiplayer with him?

Will the wirelessness-tisity of DS be like that of hand radios where you can have one radio and your friend could have the other, you can be like two miles apart and still talk? If not, would it be possible for Nintendo or a thirdparty to release something like an... antenna that would increase the range of your DS so you could play with someone whos miles away from you?

BTW, answer my questions damnit! =P

WiFi enabled router thats connected to the internet, your router should be recognizing any wifi enabled devices, including your DS.

It will also be able to detect nearby DS and connect with them aswell, as long as they're within reach, which is 30 to 50 feet irrc.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Or if you happen to find yourself in any existing Wifi hotspot, which may either be free access or not.


Tag of Excellence
Yay I'm looking foward to this title. No online play is fine, I can deal with that (have been for 10+ years in the portable market anyways) but 2 player sounds very fun.


Mama Smurf said:
Irirdion II was pretty decent I hear, so I look forward to it.

It's one of the worst shmup I ever played. Oh and MESSAGE TO NINTENDO: Dont fucking shit on us by limiting online gaming to local wireless. I frankly will never venture outside of my house with my DS so setup a xbl type of portal. New challengers, all the time, kthx

Dont fuck me over.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Really? Never played it, but it got good ratings across the board (not something that can be said for the first game).


kaching said:
You didn't cause anything, Gore. Apparently I just push jarrod's buttons, whether I mean to or not. The fault is therefore mine for existing.
Don't sideswipe things by turning this into something personal.

kaching said:
Great, you've amply registered your disdain for what I've already ackowledged - from the beginning and multiople times since - as an interpretation that could turn out to be inaccurate.
That will most likely turn out inaccurate, thank you.

kaching said:
Again, I wasn't aware I was making an argument in the first place, so is this outcome surprising? The argument is yours, jarrod, not mine.
Well, when one throws out reaching evaluations they shouldn't be surprised when they get challenged.

kaching said:
The road to nitpicking into tedium and acting innocent of doing such in the process. Your normal approach when you see something you don't like.
Welcome to Gaming-Age Forum.


GAF's Bob Woodward
shuri said:
Dont fucking shit on us by limiting online gaming to local wireless.

They've not done this - they were quite explicit about DS's ability to hookup to a wireless hotspot for play with people "in other timezones" i.e. online play. It'll be up to the developer, as long as Nintendo has provided the necessary dev tools etc. (and i'm sure if they haven't, they will do soon).
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