I am also growing weary of open world racers after lots of Horizon time (and I skipped 3 completely). Have you tried the new GRID?
Meant to say something a while back then forgot. I haven't tried it. I grew bored of GRID 1 and 2 pretty quickly, Codemasters need to do something else. Maybe I'm just tired of the genre I don't know.
I'm not sure what I want in a racer anymore. I wish a PS4 Motorstorm would have happened, or even a remaster of the first 3 @ 60fps. The last racers I put tons of hours into was Driveclub and FH3 and 4. I feel like Horizon has perfected the open world racer and there's nothing left in the genre, I don't care much about a new country or city to drive in. WipEout Omega is all I need for futuristic racers, well that and Redout. DiRT Rally and any of the other entries are all I need for sim / arcade rally games. Driveclub will be hard to top for closed course simcade feel. Not a big sim fan, but those niches are filled with good entries too.
I want an arcade racer with multiple shortcuts that are dangerous but huge payoff (think the Rush series), with turbo/nitro mechanics. A new hydrothunder like game, an offroad one, a new Rush. The genre is just stale right now and arcade racers are not worth it to publishers anymore, been that way this whole console gen.