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Need For Speed franchise opinions

In a recent topic, NFS came up and it was apparent that everyone has their own opinion what is considered the best title in the series. There is actually a lot of titles that people either really love or despise. So they do mess up sometimes and people compare it to Call of Duty because of its annual releases untill a few years ago, but you cant deny the fact that its a series that never felt stale because almost always they tried something new. Even if they had a successful title, besides Underground, they never made a part 2 but instead tried something different again. Anyway, I was lucky to be there almost from day one so here are my short opinions on each title I played and Id like to know yours as well because Im sure not all of us will agree ;) Here we go:

NFS 1:
Never played it on release, didnt even know about it at the time but I got around to it much later just to say I tried it. Eh... nothing to write home about.

NFS 2:
Now this is when I first got introduced to the franchise. Think it looked great, awesome music, very floaty physics but overall a good time.

NFS 3 Hot Pursuit:
Now this is what I think put the franchise on the map and as a huge competition to anyone that tried to go head to head. To this day I still feel its the best sequel, their opus. Of course they got other amazing titles but at the time this was such a huge step forward and including the cops was the best idea ever. It also had one of the most bad ass intros. Autumn leaves would fly up when you rush through, you could break through some objects, very detailed 2d cockpit for each car.

NFS 4 High Stakes:
I had it both on my PS1 and PC and that is the one title where I remember "wow, ps1 graphics are really bad'. Its because if Im not mistaken the first NFS that used Open GL graphics and supported the Voodoo 2 graphics card so it was insanely good looking if you had the cash (i didnt). It didn't feel like much of a step up from 3, the soundtrack was great but the tracks did not sit well with me. Oh and ita the first NFS that introduced damage. It was lame, i mean ur going 200mph and u crash once and all of a sudden your steering is fucked, or you just slow down so bad its best to restart the race.

NFS Porche Unleashed:
This is one of those titles that you either loved or hated because its only Porche cars. I adored it, not because I was some huge fan of the one brand but because A, the music was so chill and zen, B, with that music you had beautiful looking landscapes, kinda sunset vibes. I dont know how to explain it but it was winter break and the game fit my environment so well. I hated that one night mission where you couldn't touch anything but had to go as fast as possible to the finish line and it was like a 7-8 minute full on race. Countless restarts.

NFS Hot Pursuit 2:
Had this on my PS2 first, literally a perfect sequel to HP1. Exotic cars, cops, exotic locations with laps again. The PS2 had one amazing feature that PC didn't and that was the fast forward action. In the middle of the race you would press....L1 i think and the camera would switch to this gran turismo replay style but go in front of you and show how the road ahead looks and then swoop backwards into your car. Really wowed me at the time. Another great soundtrack (Rush).

NFS Underground 1:
Main points here, from this game onwards, there would be no more race replays in any other NFS title. Also, here comes open world. The game was fantastic though. It was obviously cashing in on the Fast & Furious hype but it worked. Night races only, great soundtrack again, super fast with the nitros and that blur effect. Another title where everyone got stuck at that one race....lets say number 64 where you were racing 1 on 1 and you couldn't make even one mistake or the opponent passes you forever. And it was like 7 laps of that. Weeks were spent trying to pass that one.

NFS Underground 2:
They went all out with the customization which was great. The new map was good too. Kinda very similar to UG1 but still a solid upgrade. Oh and thats when drifts got introduced. The soundtrack however was not my cup of tea. Too many hip hop tracks for my taste unlike UG1.

NFS Most Wanted:
Probably the most liked amongst everyone. Cheesy cutacenes but it kind of gave you a propper story for the first time, ur not just randomly racing to be some king of the hill. But like many games from that era, game was covered in piss filter. However Id say it has the most iconic car out of the whole franchise and many people modded their own BMW to get the same look.

NFS Carbon:
Back to night racing, better graphics but so so racer. It introduced this teammate thing, i cant even remember if it was that important. I know you could block other racers that way from advancing. Overall: its ok.

NFS Pro Street:
This is when I slowly felt the burnout from the franchise but even if I wasn't burned out this game to me was complete utter SHIT. I hated everything about it. It looked so bland so boring, graphics were terrible, trying to be some deser circuit racer. Every single race looked the same. Complete garbage. Yet theres people that loved it. Me? 2/10!

NFS Undercover:
So this had some type of story again but it was so forgettable, actually the whole game was forgettable. They phoned it in, seemed like a lazy cash grab. Soundtrack was ace though.

NFS Shift:
Tried to be a sim racer. Its not what I wanted in my NFS so I never bothered playing it. Though I heard it wasnt that bad at all.

NFS Hot Pursuit (2010):
Amazing! Fast cars, crazy cops, the most beautiful open world NFS. Graphics top notch. Faith restored in the franchise!

NFS Unleashed 2:
Same response as Unleashed 1.

NFS The Run:
I hated the downhill concept, honestly the only title I never gave a chance. Who knows maybe I would of liked it but to go from HP to this, i was dissapointed and played maybe 1 hour of it.

NFS Most Wanted (2012):
Hated it. Not because it was a bad game but because it was a softporn version of Burnout but with a NFS name next to it. The map was wacky, you could do 360 loops, jumping off buildings and I never liked the concept of how you aquire cars. I did buy it for the Vita years later and actually really enjoyed it. Either i changed my mind or i just accepted such a game on a handheld but not on a console.

NFS Rivals:
Another one that people loved or hated. Me I really enjoyed it. It was grittier than before,cops were very aggressive. Great graphics and if im not mistaken they could impound your car for good if you had too many hits. Overall very good IMO.

NFS Reboot:
Ohhh Lord, shit me sideways. I was so hyped for this, we waited 2 years. Ken Block and the crew...i actually welcomed the cheesy curscenes again. It looked to become a spiritual successor to Underground titles. I bought the game at 1pm. Sold it online by 8pm. I hated the handling, the rubber banding was terrible and when you hit a wall you dont bounce off of it but instead it slows you down to a complete crawl and of course everybody catches up to you in seconds. I found the map points confusing, didnt know whats a new objective and what I already raced. Maybe i was stupid but either way big dissapointmen.

NFS Payback:
Because of previous one, i waited for reviews. Most said it wasnt good so I bailed. But now since theres no good arcade racers, i thought I might give it a chance because its way cheaper (on sale PSN actually) and it seems its one od those again you either love or hate.
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Soundtrack aside Underground 2 was one of my favorites because of the customization and the map was really well done. Payback is another one where they've tried to focus on a bit of a story but I found myself kind of enjoying a lot of the story elements. Car selection is pretty decent and the customization is a lot of fun if you enjoy spending way too much time placing vinyls juuuuust right.
NFS 1:
Never played it.

NFS 2:
Very good.

NFS 3 Hot Pursuit:

NFS 4 High Stakes:
Good game, great OST but a very different game.

NFS Porche Unleashed:
Kinda feel the same as NFS4.

NFS Hot Pursuit 2:
I loved it but the races were loooooong.

NFS Underground 1:
The best in the series for me, loved everything about it and if I had the chance I'd play it again.

NFS Underground 2:
Blergh. Open world bullshit. I much prefer the first game.

NFS Most Wanted:

NFS Carbon:

NFS Pro Street:

NFS Undercover:

NFS Shift:
I played through one race and hated the shaky cam. It's basically a sim NFS and since I barely played it I can't say anything about it.

NFS Hot Pursuit (2010):
A good game.

NFS Unleashed 2:

NFS The Run:
Jesus Christ stop it.

NFS Most Wanted (2012):
This again?

NFS Rivals:
Played a bit, got boring fast.

NFS Reboot:
Holy fucking shit. I can't play this. It sucks.

NFS Payback:

That's it for me.


Gold Member
Never been the biggest fan but I have fond memories of NFS 2, Underground 1&2 and Hot Pursuit 2010.
I kinda miss the franchise being good. I enjoy a fun arcade racer every now and then.

As the OP says, It seems to me that they have run into the same issue as 3D sonic, where they try to reinvent the formula with each new game instead of sticking with one for a while and polishing it based on the feedback.
Maybe that way of doing things worked once but IMO if the past 2 gens have shown something is that it's not working anymore...at least for this franchise
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The Undergrounds, Carbon and the old Hot Pursuits were awesome. Especially the F&F inspired games.
Criterion's stupid unskippable cutscenes and car porn are unbearable. I want to race, not to watch a 5 minutes long cutscene about some car I don't care about!
I’ve played most of the franchise, some better than others, similar to most opinions expressed here, although the games kinda blend together in my memory.
Good write up OP.

Is Shift 2 considered a NFS game?
Edit, Shift 2 is NFS Shift 2 Unleashed. Okay, these names are all over the place.
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I consider NFS III not only the best game in the franchise but also one of the best racing game I've ever played. Just pure bliss throughout. The most memorable tracks, cars and just an absolutely amazing soundtrack out of all the games.

The last NFS game I played were Underground. Didn't really care for it. Didn't like the direction they went for and thought the series had lost it identity.
Im really curious what they will do with NFS 2019. The last 2 had imo massive marketing put into them but not such a good outcome. I mean if a third installment, with over 2 year development ends up bad, im not sure they will keep the franchise alive. I could kind of understand previous titles mainly because it was like 10 month development time.

Its always going to be open world but they better make sure its eye candy map. Ease off on the seriousness of the story and maybe just go for a safe bet, try making a sequel to a previously successful entry (most wanted 2, hot pursuit 3, underground 3). At least by name they might get their good grace back.

My favorite NFS intro still:

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I enjoy all of the need for speed games. Underground 1 is my favorite. I had a lot of fun with the need for speed reboot a few years ago.


Old Member
Been with the series since I got the first one for Saturn upon release

1, 3, HP2, Underground 1&2 and Most Wanted are the very top tier of any racers as far as I'm concerned. Rivals is right under there, and NFS 2015 alongside it simply because cities at night are my all time favorite environments to race in and it's an absolutely stunning title visually.


III was pretty neat. Had some neat tracks. I think Atlantis was one. Like a psuedo-futuristic city.

I really liked Underground 2 because it was open world. It was sort of goofy, but it was fun to play. And while I am not a big hip hop fan, I loved that version of Riders of the Storm with Snoop Dogg

The PC version of Porsche Unleashed was really good, because it was sort of like a Porsche version of Gran Turismo, not like the console version of the game. I'm not a big Porsche fan, but the game was well done.


Only ever played NFS Underground 2 and it was ok. Music wasn't good. People that played the first Underground generally said that one is better.


Drifts were introduced in Underground 1, not 2. I liked the drifting in Carbon. Never actually finished that game though.

Porsche Unleashed was great, up until you were forced to used manual transmission, which was too hard with a keyboard. If you have a racing wheel it's another story.


My favorite is probably hot pursuit on ps4, though that opinion changes. I do like most of the modern ones, although recognize they have faults. The run was the most egregious, due to terrible road detection... touch a dirt shoulder that looks drivable and it acted like a crash.

My tips for the next nfs:

1) open world hybrid. That is, keep it open world but have easy menu selection to teleport to races, and have at least a sizable portion of races on fixed courses, perhaps with some allowing you to choose your own path too.

2) quick restart of races

3) rubberbanding is important to keeping races interesting, but also makes races feel fake. I honestly don't know how to solve this in a way that makes everyone happy.

4) aggressive cops! Cop chases are great. I loved how dynamic they felt when they could even interrupt a normal race, but I know some hated that they could wreck races. Solution? Make it an option. Get a small bonus for completing races with dynamic cops, but allow us to thrn it off if we want. Give a trophy for finishing all races with potential cops at least once.

5) get rid of the lootboxes but have a nice deep part system like payback had. Customization is fun.

6) be able to play as cops in some missions

7) everyone disagrees on handling, so let us customize like the reboot did. Err on the side of arcade handling, nobody is looking for a sim we want to drift

8) rewards for collectibles. Yeah, driving to the middle of nowhere to find a rare part us okay, but make it fun. Give us parts to fun cars like payback. Also, maybe have hidden fun races like driver san Fran where you could unlock movie races. This kind of thing is like heaven to car movie fans... keep us interested. Cars are a hobby with many people... customization, collection, films, derby, racing.... go after these various interests and bring in the fans.

9) weapons... hmm... stuff like emp and various cop weapons are fun, but maybe only have them for some races? Try to bridge the gap between nfs that have them and nfs that don't? Story wise, maybe some races are official and dont have them, and others are crazier races where anything goes?

10) get the feel of high speed right. I still remember the exhilaration of racing against highway traffic in hot pursuit. Also, weather and night! Make us feel.

Just my thoughts. I realize I'm sort of combining the best parts of all of them, but that's the point.
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First of all, FUCK EA.

Second of all, we played NFS Payback with a friend in the industry and boy, we've never been so quick to come to the same conclusion that it's ABSOLUTE boring, vapid, unoriginal and badly designed crap.

Third, there's nothing surprising: EA as become one of the worst consanguinous (as in always hire the same untalented nobody who's a "friend" of a "friend", leading to more and more illegitimate project director like in Hollywood) corporate (can't image the horrible crap culture they're at now with marketing and finance scum having all the decisional power over even conceiving and making the actual product sellable) place to produce a game.

Finally, there's an EA franchise from 2001 that we randomly played right after with my friend, and we were baffled at how AMAZINGLY better this old title was in terms of everything compared to a brand new game like NFSP, so much we could feel how different the corporate culture and legitimate teams and efforts were different back then...
The first game of this series I played was the first one, Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed on the Panasonic 3DO. It wasn't nearly as good as Road Rash on the same system but I had a lot of fun with it. I played a few others down the line, most of them actually, for good or bad, rubberbanding and all. I won't dare rank them because there are so many including version for PSP which aren't at all the same to their console counterparts. Hot Pursuit on PS2 was probably my favorite.


NFS 1-5 are masterpieces. Then the franchise got handed off from Distinctive Software (renamed to EA Canada, founded by Don Mattrick) to Black Box and the franchise went to shit. There were some decent games afterwards, but it never reached the quality of the originals. Only SHIFT were really good, but also they were not really NFS games.


Underground 2 was my first and it was the bomb! Dabbled in carbon and most wanted a bit after that but never got as into the series since underground 2. Dropped off until the new Need for Speed for Xbox One through EA Access when I did that and it was reminiscent of Underground 2 so I liked it. Got kind of grindy at a part so I just kinda stopped playing. Underground 2 will always be the one to beat for me though.


Gold Member
Underground and Underground 2 are really the only ones I sunk a lot of time into but they were both great. PS2 era for me was all about Tokyo Xtreme Racer and Gran Turismo when it comes to racing games though.


Gold Member
3 and Most Wanted were their top offerings in my opinion.

I played 3 over and over on the PlayStation like digital crack. The sounds, the peel outs, the graphics; everything was so good at the time. Italdesign Nazca C2 was so throaty in that game.

Between that and my Pentium PC for gaming, those were some good times.
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I'm one of the few that really likes MW2012. Though I acknowledged it was basically Burnout Paradise with the Need for Speed logo and real cars slapped over it.
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