Jaded Alyx
How does the Wii U version compare to the PC version?
Wii U version still uses 360/PS3 geometry, but has PC quality textures and improved lighting.
How does the Wii U version compare to the PC version?
Wii U version still uses 360/PS3 geometry, but has PC quality textures and improved lighting.
Wii U version still uses 360/PS3 geometry, but has PC quality textures and improved lighting.
and framerate (and IQ such as AA)
How is the frame rate.. I played the ps3 trial and the game was sluggish,
Even more impressive, in my time with the game I never encountered a single framerate hiccup or annoying loading screenthe whole experience was smooth as silk.
Wii U version still uses 360/PS3 geometry, but has PC quality textures and improved lighting.
so happy right now - I SUCK! and dammit I wanted to search for this car but they gave me co-driver and all I had to do is hit the F1 logo to get the sweet ride I have been waiting for
VOOK64 is top dog on autolog
For those already playing it, how are the controls? My biggest concern is the gamepad not having analog triggers and how that might affect it.
Worst case I supposed I could just use the Pro controller.
Any random Autolog disconnects? This seems to happen all the time on the PC version.
procontroller is also digital triggers
it doesnt matter though because if your arent going flat out in this game, youre doing it wrong
Not that loud from what I experienced.Can someone tell me how loud the disc drive is while playing this?
I've heard certain games on the U can make a lot of noise.
I'm such a mark...
But damn is this game ever pretty. And the Ariel Atom wins. Car is completely insane.
I said wow. For real.
Look significantly better than x360/ps3 titles then? Jaggies not too bad?
What from his post make you gather that it may look significantly better than the other console versions?
Quick question: is the only local multiplayer in this game the co-driver thing?
I think so. I dont think any version has local mp. But this would have been a perfect platform to add it, with dual screen.
Look significantly better than x360/ps3 titles then? Jaggies not too bad?
Definitely has some aliasing. Their solution for that could be better. Don't have X360/PS3 versions to check against but I severely doubt they measure up. I'd guess it's basically the PC version running at 720P with low end AA implemented and the draw distance set really far. And the frame rate is NAILED SOLID.
I'm on the fence about jumping to conclusions but (huge grain of sat obviously) it's easily the best looking Wii U game. I'm sure the PS360 versions are fine but I doubt any amount of coaxing the hardware will allow you to achieve these results.
Awful comparison pics by me, but it's better than nothing at the moment. Wait for a DF head to head for all the fine details, etc.
Wii U
Xbox 360