No Rest for the Wicked |OT| Sleep is for the week


Think I might have been a little too harsh in my initial impression. Got to the city, and the game has grown on me. The number of NPCs and conversations really adds a bit of charm to the game and makes it less depressing. The story is intriguing and the cutscenes are well done. Voice acting is also excellent.

In terms of combat, it's fine so far. Hoping to see get access to more weapons like staff, bow, etc, and see how that changes the gameplay. The graphics have also grown on me and the game looks beautiful.

So yeah, I will be continuing to play this after all. They do need to work on some QoL things, and they do seem to be getting a lot of feedback on their official forums. So am sure they'll get on to it.

Can't wait to play more tomorrow.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Think I might have been a little too harsh in my initial impression. Got to the city, and the game has grown on me. The number of NPCs and conversations really adds a bit of charm to the game and makes it less depressing. The story is intriguing and the cutscenes are well done. Voice acting is also excellent.

In terms of combat, it's fine so far. Hoping to see get access to more weapons like staff, bow, etc, and see how that changes the gameplay. The graphics have also grown on me and the game looks beautiful.

So yeah, I will be continuing to play this after all. They do need to work on some QoL things, and they do seem to be getting a lot of feedback on their official forums. So am sure they'll get on to it.

Can't wait to play more tomorrow.
Yeah, the game is growing on me too. I'm still grappling with the combat myself but at the very least, crafting healing items is super easy and I've got a stockpile so I don't really mind trading damage. Playing as a two-handed sword user tho.
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Yeah, the game is grow9ing on me too. I'm still grappling with the combat myself but at the very least, crafting healing items is super easy and I've got a stockpile so I don't really mind trading damage. Playing as a two-handed sword user tho.
I've stuck with the dual-daggers myself. The two-handed sword was great when I tried it (high damage with amazing range). It puts you into heavy roll though, and I prefer a faster approach for now.

And I like the concept of weight affecting your dodge. Had to change to some equipment that gave lower defence, but it put me in a lower tier of weight which was just better for my play-style.


The main city is a really large and intertwining city design. Great work!

Also coming to realise that this game has a lot of tedious game mechanics (limited inventory, storage chests, storage items not referenced when crafting weapons so go run back and forth, building something takes in-game time like some gacha game, etc). I mean the core game of exploration, combat, and RPG upgrade mechanics is enough to make this fun. So they should definitely lose some tedious elements as it just gets in the way of the core game.

I honestly wasn't expecting this level of tedium from developers of the much loved and streamlined Ori.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
The main city is a really large and intertwining city design. Great work!

Also coming to realise that this game has a lot of tedious game mechanics (limited inventory, storage chests, storage items not referenced when crafting weapons so go run back and forth, building something takes in-game time like some gacha game, etc). I mean the core game of exploration, combat, and RPG upgrade mechanics is enough to make this fun. So they should definitely lose some tedious elements as it just gets in the way of the core game.

I honestly wasn't expecting this level of tedium from developers of the much loved and streamlined Ori.
Yeah the influence of mobile games into non-mobile games is an absolute blight. I am not a fan of having to gather resources, which then require me to manage a very limited inventory, only to finally build something and need to wait an hour or more. The game doesn't need padding like this so not entirely sure what the devs goal is with this stuff.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Protip: You can reset Realms using the backup feature which loads you into a save state for every whisper save you make and it seems you reset all enemies, tool nodes, chests, resources and anything you collect is actually saved in your inventory allowing you to constantly reset a realm and farm for endless gear, loot mats, experience points until you are ready to move on. All based on when/where you saved.

So you can have a main realm for progression and an additional realm purely for farming stuff and leveling up. So funny.
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11 hours in. Second boss down. Core gameplay loop and exploration is quite solid. I haven't experimented with runes and enchantments, so no clue how they work. Inventory limitations have been annoying, with my community chest already full, I need to figure out how to start using some of this crap. Does anyone know how the community chest actually works? Will I lose my stuff if other players share my chest? I know multiplayer isn't active yet, but interested to know how this works.


Gold Member
Yeah the influence of mobile games into non-mobile games is an absolute blight. I am not a fan of having to gather resources, which then require me to manage a very limited inventory, only to finally build something and need to wait an hour or more. The game doesn't need padding like this so not entirely sure what the devs goal is with this stuff.
Their intent is to make a revolution in the genre so their idea was to make a soul with elements from survivals (and presented as a diablo arpg adversary nevertheless even if it play completely different)

It doesn't revolutionize jack shit and all the survivor elements bring the game down a bit but the game director is probably gonna be proud on twitter.
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Gold Member
11 hours in. Second boss down. Core gameplay loop and exploration is quite solid. I haven't experimented with runes and enchantments, so no clue how they work. Inventory limitations have been annoying, with my community chest already full, I need to figure out how to start using some of this crap. Does anyone know how the community chest actually works? Will I lose my stuff if other players share my chest? I know multiplayer isn't active yet, but interested to know how this works.
Buy the house and put some craftable chests in it.

At the beginning you can buy them.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Their intent is to make a revolution in the genre so their idea was to make a soul with elements from survivals.

It doesn't revolutionize jack shit and all the survivor elements bring the game down a bit but the game director is probably gonna be proud on twitter.
Game is pretty much single player Runescape: Dark Souls edition. Game overall thus far feels like a slow grind. Not to mention some of the main hubs upgrades can take 1-4 hours to complete. Bulk of the game is gonna be farm resources, use resources, build thing, farm more resources to build the thing that can only be built with the thing you just built. With limited inventory space to boot. Along with hit and run shallow combat with over emphasis on melee/parry combat.

For people that love Stamina and Parry I imagine they will LOVE the combat. But as someone who prefers ranged combat it is pretty terrible.
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Gold Member
Game is pretty much single player Runescape: Dark Souls edition. Game overall thus far feels like a slow grind. Not to mention some of the main hubs upgrades can take 1-4 hours to complete. Bulk of the game is gonna be farm resources, use resources, build thing, farm more resources to build the thing that can only be built with the thing you just built. With limited inventory space to boot. Along with hit and run shallow combat with over emphasis on melee/parry combat.
Well i'm having a lot of fun still, i don't share your opinion about the combat and the game does a lot of things right for my taste.

Building stuff and farming has been a very little part of my gameplay, i'm not obsessed with crafting stuff or building stuff for now, i just enjoy the story, combat and exploration and trying to make a strong build.
I usually ignore crafting in most games, i just go with whatever i find during the exploration so unlocking new vendors is not my priority at all, i just play the game like an isometric souls and it works for me.

The inventory being very limited for now is my biggest problem but i'm full of money so i can at least buy chest to put stuff in.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
The inventory being very limited for now is my biggest problem but i'm full of money so i can at least buy chest to put stuff in.
Inventory issues is probably the game's biggest problem. Exploration and atmosphere is top tier. I think the game will open up for me once I get gear, runes, enchants and dump a whole lot into Focus so you can reasonably cast a whole lot of spells instead of 1-2 before it forces you back into Melee mode.

For dedicated Mages I think doing the crafting projects for the shops will be very important when it comes to enchants and optimizing gear.

But I think with Melee builds you can make do with a lot less.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Steam Deck performance is pretty much unplayable. :messenger_anxious:

I did win a boss fight on it but the bad framerate did no favors.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Wouldn't the input delay at 60fps while streaming be close to the input delay at 30ish fps while playing native?
I have no idea but my pc ain’t running it 60fps either.

i tend not to stream games in general even when I get 60fps because of lag. Unless the games aren’t super input sensitive.
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New patch

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 3

The Watcher’s call has been answered, our biggest Hotfix Patch has arrived!

We improved Performance, Balance, Loot, Harvesting, Graphics, fixed progression blockers and added new options in the Settings Screen. A good few dozen other bugs across the rest of the game have also been squashed.

The amount of feedback, bug reports, and reviews we’ve received so far has been awesome! Please continue sending them in!

Performance Improvements:

  • Improved area streaming, making the game feel smoother while traversing across different areas
  • Dynamic Resolution Scaling is now less aggressive, maintaining higher image quality
  • Improved culling for off-screen physics objects and characters
  • Fixed culling for bird animations, improving their performance in levels (there’s a lot of them!)
  • Additional Shader Optimizations for performance mode
  • Fixed a leak which increased memory and CPU usage the longer the game was played
  • Optimized rain and other GPU particles
  • Opening Cinematics and Ship Prologue Optimizations
  • Memory optimizations for character customization textures
  • Additional general CPU performance improvements
Graphics Additions and Fixes:

  • Adjusting Brightness / Contrast / Saturation no longer breaks HDR rendering
  • Fade to Black now actually fully fades to black in HDR mode
Settings Additions and Fixes:

  • Added Camera Zoom Adjustment Option
  • Automatic Camera Zoom adjustment for handheld devices and Performance Mode
Menu Changes:

  • Added a new menu for exiting the game which includes both Exit To Main Menu and Exit To Desktop (localized text for this menu is coming soon!)
  • Adjusted Repair menu size to accommodate for text in other languages
Balance Changes:

  • Weapons parrying now consumes Stamina (Shields parrying remains unchanged)
  • Nerfed Gain Focus On Focus Use enchantment
  • Unarmed can now land hits while enemies are on the ground after performing a Backstab
Loot Changes:

  • Adjusted Dig Spot rates such that Clay drops more often
  • Reduced the number of hits needed for Dig Spots, Ore Veins, and Trees
Enemy Changes:

  • Improved behavior for Nith Screamer and Shackled Brute
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the crane not turning correctly in Nameless Pass and blocking players from progressing
  • Fixed a chest at Mariner’s Keep elevator locking you in when trying to loot it
  • Fixed dig spots sometimes not giving any loot
  • Fixed remaining enemies and bosses becoming kaijus
  • Fixed Falstead Darak dealing damage during his transition while he is still human
  • Fixed certain doors in Sacrament not having interaction hints
  • Fixed missing VFX for attacks by the Twin Bruisers, False Ones and Boarskin Axe
  • Fixed condition where enemies attack when they should not
  • Fixed vendor buy/sell prices on Raw and Refined materials being only ¼ of what they should be
  • Fixed missing furniture items at Workbench
  • Fixed Mira and Meri’s Spinning Wheel not allowing players to refine wool threads into garments
  • Fixed keyboard and mouse buttons not working on Bounties contribute panel
  • Fixed an issue where side notifications would occasionally spam players
  • Fixed parry tutorial trigger conditions
  • Fixed wording of enchanting tutorial to more accurately describe common rarity
  • Fixed spot in the Prologue where you can jump off the ship
  • Fixed sizing of a railing on the ship in the Prologue
  • Fixed spots where you can get stuck in a climbing loop in Orban Glades and Nameless Pass
  • Fixed spot in the Black Trench where you can see out of world
  • Fixed Angler’s Delight Chowder’s recipe name
  • Changed Danos’ confirm button color so it does not look grayed out
  • Fixed NPCs not knowing how to hold fishing rods in Nameless Pass
  • Fixed missing shadows and incorrect volumetric fog after changing resolution
  • Fixed reflection popping in sewers dungeon
  • Fixed torches and fire popping in cinematics
  • Fixed rain appearing in caves in Nameless Pass
  • Fixed missing audio for waterfall in Potion Seller Cave
  • Fixed missing audio for Nameless Pass Prisoner chopping and mining
  • Fixed an issue where there was a super bright mist in the Twins Boss arena after respawning
  • Fixed pink effects appearing in faders at times
  • Improved collision in some places at Orban Glades
  • Improved faders in Nameless Pass
  • Fixed Photosensitivity screen having overlapping text in certain languages

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Interesting to hear his thoughts on the gear. I've been using the same sword waiting for a better loot drop, but everything is just coming back common. I was tempted to upgrade something common to see how it compared. My current sword only has one gem slot where the common stuff has way more. I feel like the devs haven't put enough thought into this system.

I'm also struggling with resource gathering. It's so boring. I need to wait an hour for the cook's shop to upgrade so I can hopefully find a recipe that does not require the starting herb as there aren't any of those in the dungeon I'm currently in. I'm also running out of storage in the common chest so hopefully at some point soon I can unlock more.

And, as Ana side the dev is asking what their next priority should be over on twitter. I don't have one so I can't vote--please vote for inventory mgmt/qol for me 😭


18 hours in, 3 bosses down, and gauntlets unlocked. I think that might be the end of chapter 1. Overall, I think this game has incredible promise, and I don't doubt that once the final build is out people will absolutely love it. Inventory management is absolutely ass though, so many items required for various vendors that cannot be used early game without upgrading each vendor to level 2-3. You end up hauling everything because you cannot dispense off most of it, since they're useful but simply cannot be used. Then, when you're actively resource gathering for upgrades you need, you constantly run out of space because you're having to haul everything else. Buying the house and crafting storage is tedious and only a bandage solution, since you can only store 10 items per box. It's so frustrating. Other than that, I can't wait for chapter 2, and to try out these gauntlets.


Gold Member
18 hours in, 3 bosses down, and gauntlets unlocked. I think that might be the end of chapter 1. Overall, I think this game has incredible promise, and I don't doubt that once the final build is out people will absolutely love it. Inventory management is absolutely ass though, so many items required for various vendors that cannot be used early game without upgrading each vendor to level 2-3. You end up hauling everything because you cannot dispense off most of it, since they're useful but simply cannot be used. Then, when you're actively resource gathering for upgrades you need, you constantly run out of space because you're having to haul everything else. Buying the house and crafting storage is tedious and only a bandage solution, since you can only store 10 items per box. It's so frustrating. Other than that, I can't wait for chapter 2, and to try out these gauntlets.

This is why im waiting with my purchase. Based on the dev comments this is already being looked at and probably gonna be fixed soon


This is why im waiting with my purchase. Based on the dev comments this is already being looked at and probably gonna be fixed soon
It is the games greatest flaw in my opinion. There are balancing issues with stamina early on, but less noticeable as you level up and find better gear. I just played the entire way through butt naked. A couple bugs and minor performance issues, and maybe a loot distribution issue, but kind of hard to tell since it's still technically early game/areas. It is in a playable and enjoyable state for sure, but unless you're really eager to play it, just hold out until it's patched and polished more. The overall game design is brilliant though. They just need to figure out a better way to handle inventory management and this game will be addictive.


Ouch. I thought it would be the EA just to polish things up, was hoping for this year to release. Looks great but I'll wait.
I honestly don't see this releasing this year. I think they'll take there time polishing the shit out of it. They're receiving great feedback right now, and they have a real gem on their hands. A December release might be wishful thinking, but I think early next year might be far more realistic. Hopefully, they continue to roll out more content in Early Access so we can experiment more with it.


Gold Member
It is the games greatest flaw in my opinion. There are balancing issues with stamina early on, but less noticeable as you level up and find better gear. I just played the entire way through butt naked. A couple bugs and minor performance issues, and maybe a loot distribution issue, but kind of hard to tell since it's still technically early game/areas. It is in a playable and enjoyable state for sure, but unless you're really eager to play it, just hold out until it's patched and polished more. The overall game design is brilliant though. They just need to figure out a better way to handle inventory management and this game will be addictive.

performance fixes, keybinds, respec and inventory management issues and QoL fixes already in the works, its just a matter of time

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I like this in theory. Was an aspect of Transistor that I enjoyed experimenting with.

For those w/o twit:
Folks, let's talk enchantments! So far we shipped a basic suite of enchantments. They already offer a good amount of freedom, but I'd like this stuff to create endless possibilities for players.Players should be able to chain effects together and be able to dive heavy into the meta.And I'd also like to introduce 'feature' enchantments, like: "Enemies explode on Death" as a positive enchantment on cursed items - So that every time you kill an enemy, they blow up shortly after, which deals splash damage to all the surrounding enemies, but could also damage the player.Feel free to throw out crazy ideas and just tell us what Wicked enchantments you'd love to see so that you can fulfill your roleplaying fantasy!
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my rtx 4080 laptop is playing this like butter... i am very much in love with this game so far... Combat is the only thing that kinda drives me nuts... gotta get better at it..
Diablo meets Animal Crossing meets Elden Ring lol

This headpiece I got though... it was better than my archers cap..

animal crossing? you mean for gathering ressources?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
animal crossing? you mean for gathering ressources?

Devs were inspired by the warping effect in AC:
Inspired by Animal Crossing, the idea is that the entire 3D map is curved away from the player. By doing so, it becomes possible to see further into the distance.

Makes sense that the home design element would also be inspired by AC.




The atmosphere in the game is top notch. The graphics, sound effects, NPC stories and voice acting, it all really helps the immersion. I found a rare headgear which has health regen on it, and it has helped exploring a lot. I also got some gem drops and slotted one of them in the weapon, so that has also helped.

The core game as I said before is pretty good. They just need to reduce some tedious aspects, and it would be amazing!
The atmosphere in the game is top notch. The graphics, sound effects, NPC stories and voice acting, it all really helps the immersion. I found a rare headgear which has health regen on it, and it has helped exploring a lot. I also got some gem drops and slotted one of them in the weapon, so that has also helped.

The core game as I said before is pretty good. They just need to reduce some tedious aspects, and it would be amazing!
The HDR is also incredible, the gold standard now imo. But that's not surprising as Ori and the will of the wisp was the gold standard previously.
Saw this for ~20 bucks and thought "hey, I liked the Ori games and I like souls games".....yeah, the game lost me within 3 hours. It feels like a Diablo game where you`ve sucked the fun out of murdering stuff sprinkled with a loot/crafting/ressource system straight out of the F2P/mobile hell....
I might give 1.0 a chance again but so far I regret purchasing this deeply.
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Finally jumped in, as most people already said it looks amazing and the voice acting is great. I am getting pretty good performances but I do have a good rig, will play a bit more before talking about gameplay etc. So far so good tho!


Can anyone kindly summarize what makes this game different/revolution ?
It seems there is a lot of emphasis around this game on Steam but i still can't figure out why.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Can anyone kindly summarize what makes this game different/revolution ?
It seems there is a lot of emphasis around this game on Steam but i still can't figure out why.
Isometric camera, methodical combat, nice art aesthetic--meant to target the same audience as Diablo/other ARPGS
Made by the same Devs as the 2 Ori games

Game has a lot of potential to be fantastic and the devs have been very open to player feedback
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Gold Member
Loving how quickly they are patching this. Haven’t played since the weekend and I think there has been like 2 patches since

Im following the CEO on twitter and i love how communicative he is and i love the vision they have for this game. At this point im just waiting for the inventory QoL patch to buy this which is already implemented in the game just not patched in yet


Really solid patch

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 5

Today marks the one week anniversary since our Steam Early Access Launch and it warrants an extra beefy hotfix full of significant performance improvements, balance changes, stack size increases, 32:9 support, Quality of Life additions, 8 new shields, art and audio polish, localization and bug fixes.

As always, please be sure to share any issues or feedback with us!


  • Further improved Quality Settings for better performance when at higher visual quality
  • Optimized rendering of volumetric Fog
  • Optimized shadow rendering
  • Reduced resolution transparency rendering tech for GPU heavy overdraw situations
  • Significantly reduced unnecessary memory allocations across many game systems
  • Improved handling of asset unloading to reduce performance degradation over time
  • Tracked down and improved several sources of CPU-side stuttering when the game is loading assets
  • Optimized instantiation costs for various often-used Visual Effects and Characters.
  • Reduced mutex contention cases that caused performance stutter while streaming content
  • Optimized icon texture resolutions and memory consumption
  • Optimized Sacrament rooftop models and textures (rooftops, rooftops everywhere)
  • Multiple smaller general CPU optimizations for better overall performance
Quality of Life:

  • Added ability to deposit all items from the players inventory that match the types already in the selected chest
  • Default chest sorting changed to Sort By Type
  • Enhanced durability system for tools and armor, ensuring correct values are displayed and used

  • Increased supported aspect ratios to 32:9
    • Remaining visual glitches with 32:9 will be addressed in future updates

  • Increased stack size of cooking and crafting materials to 25, allowing for better management of resources
  • Food can now be stored in cupboards
  • Removed Blueprints from Fillmore shop before Anvil is unlocked
Content Additions:

  • Implemented eight new shields for better class diversity

  • Widespread improvements to translations and localizations, we’ve fixed typos, updated NPC dialogues, and ensured consistency across various languages
  • Fixed UI translations, including screens for house buying and management, equipment, and warning messages
  • Implemented better localization handling mechanisms for NPC names and dialogue

  • Major Balance Revisions to provide a smoother experience and prevent high level item drops too early
  • Adding Stamina cost for parrying with Shields
Enemies and Bosses:

  • Adjusted Prisoner Wolf enemy to jump around less
  • Added ability for Shackled Brute to dodge after attacking
  • Updated Echo Knight fight initiation to reposition instead of attacking right away
  • Improved Risen Spear Bandit attacking out of range
  • Increase rotation of the jump follow-up attack for Risen Great Axe Bandit
  • Polished Riven Twins taunt
  • Polished Risen Axe Bruiser attack animation
  • Polished parry animations for enemies

  • Updated Cerim Crucible so that leaving the realm will end your run and return you to the atrium. This is to prevent abusing backups and other potential loopholes.
  • Improved collision, faders and textures in Cerim Crucible levels
  • Improved collision and faders in Mariner’s Keep and The Shallows
  • Improved collision, faders and lighting in Sacrament
  • Improved Sacrament rooftops

  • Adjusted sound effects for better ambiance and clarity, including updated tree chopping SFX and ambient sounds in town areas.
  • Improved audio cues for NPC interactions to minimize overlaps and ensure clearer dialogues.
  • Improved spatial audio for Sacrament Rookery, Town Square, Slums and Training Grounds
  • Improved Echo Knight slam down AOE sound effects
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed certain enemies being 7 levels lower than they should in various areas
  • Fixed bosses and a couple of bounty/quest variants of enemies spawning when not intended
  • Fixed player being able to accidentally delete a character when hovering while having another character selected. Now the hovered character will be deleted
  • Fixed and balanced Enchantment Effects across the board
  • Fixed Health Regen and No Healing Over Time enchantments spawning on the same item
  • Fixed Heavy Bandit being able to be pushed off the edge of the ship and block progress
  • Fixed enemies during the Orban Glades Darak boss fight not paying attention in some cases
  • Fixed Cerim Crucible run ending early if a realm save happens right after you finish a level
  • Fixed Durability of Tools being the wrong value when bought from vendors
  • Fixed turning in a Bounty showing the replacement prompt
  • Fixed exploit with certain bounties
  • Fixed the Nith enemies’ Plague Smoke persisting for too long
  • Fixed shinies pulling a disappearing act (visually) in the Black Trench
  • Fixed Squire’s Attire Armor Set not available for crafting at the anvil
  • Fixed Tier on the Gangrenous Eel
  • Fixed Finley remaining in his cell after you rescue him and leave Nameless Pass
  • Fixed Finley’s missing sign in Sacrament
  • Fixed missing enemy and loot spawners in the northern section of Orban Glades
  • Fixed spot in Nameless Pass where you could go out of world
  • Fixed incorrect texture for the shipwreck in The Shallows
  • Removed duplicate models in Sacrament and Nameless Pass
  • Fixed bush clipping in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic
  • Fixed rain occasionally being heard in the Black Trench
  • Fixed ragdolls blinking back into existence when going out of view and coming back in
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