No Rest for the Wicked |OT| Sleep is for the week


The backtracking in this game is insane. They borrow a lot from Dark Souls and they decide to keep the thing that made DS1 so annoying, having to walk to areas you have already discovered.

For example, when completing bounties, it's easily a 5-minute walk with no enemies from the bounty vendor to the objective. Every. Single. Time.
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Gold Member
I would argue that Diablo is more about speed lol but good feedback lads, its tempting me a bit more

I grew up with D1, this game is much faster than that. I wish Diablo would have stayed that slow or at least like this game.


Gold Member
So, it's not a total Souls-like. You don't drop souls, you just lose durability, more like Diablo than DS in that regard. Enemies don't respawn either. Loot respawns though. Idk is in all areas, but the first chest behind the first breakable wall respawned its loot.


Gold Member
A thing i forgot, not sure if i get the idea behind no respawning enemies, it could make the game feel barren when you clean an area but you are still exploring, the combat is too good to not have something to fight on a regular basis.


Gold Member
So, it's not a total Souls-like. You don't drop souls, you just lose durability, more like Diablo than DS in that regard. Enemies don't respawn either. Loot respawns though. Idk is in all areas, but the first chest behind the first breakable wall respawned its loot.
The combat is mostly souls, the rest take ideas from various games.


Gold Member
Everyone who claims to hate gamepass, well get your hands in your pockets, because this is the alternative.

You have to be joking with this statement.

These games launched on to that service as final releases, one of which you've been disappointed with by your own admission:


There have also been a ton of incredible games in recent years that have released in finished states without needing to lean on a subscription service, from development studios of all sizes. So go figure.
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I don't particularly like losing weapon endurance when i die but the blacksmith you find it's free to use so for now it's no biggie.
I never got that to work. My mace says 28/100 and I got a reminder to repair but when I go to the smith and choose the repair option in the first menu it says 0 on price and all equipped gear or something like that but nothing happen if I try to click on it.
Probably me being tired and dumb last night I guess, was up for 20 hours 🥱


Gold Member
I just watched the DF video... fuck me this game looks gorgeous. Shame about the performance issues, hope they will fix it soon enough so i can buy this

Yeh I'm holding off for now because the price isn't low enough to be impulse "I'll just buy it to support them" territory and it clearly needs a lot more time in the oven.


A thing i forgot, not sure if i get the idea behind no respawning enemies, it could make the game feel barren when you clean an area but you are still exploring, the combat is too good to not have something to fight on a regular basis.
There was a message at the start of the game about fog of war. Upon booting up the game today, I did some backtracking and parts of the map have been greyed out that I had previously explored. A lot of the chests and loot are rediscoverable, but the enemies did not respawn. I guess the enemies respawn in areas that are either completely covered in fog or after you beat the boss which I still haven't done.

I never got that to work. My mace says 28/100 and I got a reminder to repair but when I go to the smith and choose the repair option in the first menu it says 0 on price and all equipped gear or something like that but nothing happen if I try to click on it.
Probably me being tired and dumb last night I guess, was up for 20 hours 🥱
It should work. Just click on repair all, no cost is incurred, and you'll hear a small sound effect. Go back to inventory and everything should be repaired.


Gold Member
33,983 peak concurrent players on Steam is a nice start.
But also a 61% user score, denoting the issue with being released too early in development.


Gold Member
I never got that to work. My mace says 28/100 and I got a reminder to repair but when I go to the smith and choose the repair option in the first menu it says 0 on price and all equipped gear or something like that but nothing happen if I try to click on it.
Probably me being tired and dumb last night I guess, was up for 20 hours 🥱
It work even if you think it doesn't.


Gold Member
Well first crash right at the end of the first boss' cutscene.
Hmmm, this seems to be a recurrent problem for Moon Studios. Ori 1 used to crash on a couple of cutscenes on Xbox for me (I had to redo the final chase sequence after beating it because of this). It happened on X1 and on Series X, so it was definitely a game’s and not a console’s problem.


Gold Member
I just watched the DF video... fuck me this game looks gorgeous. Shame about the performance issues, hope they will fix it soon enough so i can buy this
Performance are okeish if you have powerfull machine.
Not once i thought the performance was distractingly bad while i was playing.

I thought the game was fairly polished for a first day early access.
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33,983 peak concurrent players on Steam is a nice start.
But also a 61% user score, denoting the issue with being released too early in development.

lmao, game gets an EARLY access release and people bitch about it being too early in a six year dev cycle.
Some devs don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, after the two excellent Ori games I would say that Moon has earned that. In Full Moon I trust, these people should’ve been given the nod for 2D Metroid.
Can’t play it as I currently have no pc, but I’d be on the EA train for sure if I did.


A thing i forgot, not sure if i get the idea behind no respawning enemies, it could make the game feel barren when you clean an area but you are still exploring, the combat is too good to not have something to fight on a regular basis.

Regular mobs need to respawn. As you suggest, the game quickly becomes lonely. The combat is fun. Pummelling easy enemies needs to be added.


Gold Member
lmao, game gets an EARLY access release and people bitch about it being too early in a six year dev cycle.
Some devs don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, after the two excellent Ori games I would say that Moon has earned that. In Full Moon I trust, these people should’ve been given the nod for 2D Metroid.
Can’t play it as I currently have no pc, but I’d be on the EA train for sure if I did.

That is true, but on the other hand, they are already charging good money for it.
And for many games, the Early Access moniker has become an excuse for unfinished games.


Its early access.

This game, like Ori before it is a passion project. For the last 6 years this is where the gamepass cash went, now thats run out they need funding to finish it.

Everyone who claims to hate gamepass, well get your hands in your pockets, because this is the alternative.

Early access has been a thing on PC, long before Game Pass existed.

Also Ori was released long before Game Pass existed. It’s also on Nintendo Switch.

This is some tinfoil hat nonsense you’re trying to spin.


Loving it so far about 2 hours of play now. Only played on steam deck so will give it a go on my desktop at the weekend, just wish edges were more clear as I think I’ve died more times falling than I have been killed by enemies, I guess probably easier to spot if I wasn’t playing on a handheld.
That is true, but on the other hand, they are already charging good money for it.
And for many games, the Early Access moniker has become an excuse for unfinished games.

Early Access isn’t an excuse for an unfinished game, it is literally “early access” to a title still in active development.
Early access has definitely been abused to hell n back since the inception of the concept, lots of titles never even see a proper release and are abandoned. Some devs have utilized it to create better games though, like most things it can be a double edged sword.
You gotta eyeball the title to see if it is interesting to you and look at the dev itself and their history.

Shit, when my pc was still working I jumped in on BG3 EA and I was not impressed at all. The EA turned me off so much that I quickly dropped it and almost ignored the finished title when it released. Larian used the EA period to greatly improve their title and man, did it show.
Slay the Spire was another amazing EA release.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
And for many games, the Early Access moniker has become an excuse for unfinished games.
That's true for literally all early access games. It's the point of early access.

Loving it so far about 2 hours of play now. Only played on steam deck so will give it a go on my desktop at the weekend, just wish edges were more clear as I think I’ve died more times falling than I have been killed by enemies, I guess probably easier to spot if I wasn’t playing on a handheld.
I've died way more times to gravity than to enemies and I'm playing on PC.
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Gold Member

Regular mobs need to respawn. As you suggest, the game quickly becomes lonely. The combat is fun. Pummelling easy enemies needs to be added.
I have absolutely no idea what they are aiming for with this choice.

This is not a game where an area is one and done, you continue to explore an area even after beating everyone to get all the secrets and stuff.

And enemy density is not even that high nor they are damage sponges, so it's not like fighting them would be too annoying.
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Diseased Yak

Gold Member

Got that off first boss. And no I haven't put any skill points in, I like to hoard them for a while

That looks bad ass! The first boss dropped a purple ring, named "Crow"-something, that gives life drain on hit (I believe) but reduces life by 25% or some such (at work currently, so I can't look).


I have absolutely no idea what they are aiming for with this choice.

This is not a game where an area is one and done, you continue to explore an area even after beating everyone to get all the secrets and stuff.

And enemy density is not even that high nor they are damage sponges, so it's not like fighting them would be too annoying.
I think what we’re playing is closer to an Alpha than a Beta.

We’re definitely gameplay testers! I imagine their worry is around difficulty. Respawning mobs makes it much close to the standard Souls formula. However, without them, it’s this weird ARPG hybrid that feels out of balance.

The closest game I can think of is V Rising.


Gold Member
How souls is this? Do i have to re-do entire areas and lose all my fucking shit ala dead cells everytime i die? Its amazing to me how the game industry has set it up that you can pay to test their game for them
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Diseased Yak

Gold Member
How souls is this? Do i have to re-do entire areas and lose all my fucking shit ala dead cells everytime i die? Its amazing to me how the game industry has set it up that you can pay to test their game for them

Combat is deliberate like Souls-likes. Slower attacking, parrying, dodge rolling with i-frames, etc.

Enemies stay dead, though, so revisiting areas to hunt for loot/hidden areas is a lot more forgiving. Dying penalizes you with degradation of weapons/armor, but there are items that restore such.


Gold Member
I think what we’re playing is closer to an Alpha than a Beta.

We’re definitely gameplay testers! I imagine their worry is around difficulty. Respawning mobs makes it much close to the standard Souls formula. However, without them, it’s this weird ARPG hybrid that feels out of balance.

The closest game I can think of is V Rising.
Never played that one because it require m+k.

I hope people are blasting them on steam for this, they need to make recurrent enemies a thing in the very next patch.


Gold Member
Combat is deliberate like Souls-likes. Slower attacking, parrying, dodge rolling with i-frames, etc.

Enemies stay dead, though, so revisiting areas to hunt for loot/hidden areas is a lot more forgiving. Dying penalizes you with degradation of weapons/armor, but there are items that restore such.
ok cool, waiting for a little more optimization but cannot wait to see this game in person


Gold Member
Recurrent enemies hell no! 😂
So you prefer to have a dead map after you defeat an enemy once?

Pretty much all games with a lot of combat have reviving enemies in a form or another, it just feels to good too pummel jabronis in this game to not be a regular thing.
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Gold Member
A thing i forgot, weight management is a thing in this game since the beginning and not like souls where he become a problem only when you discover super heavy armours and weapons later in the game.

In here, the shittiest armour\basic single hand sword\basic wood shield already make you heavy with a fat roll, even after investing 3 points into weight capability.

To avoid to walk around half naked i had to settle with only light daggers and even after the level up i wasn't able to equip the shield if had the sword equipped.

And being weight completely change the type of evade move you have from bloodborne fast step on light to souls roll on medium (didn't even tried the fat heavy evade move but i guess it's a slow roll)

Some people are gonna like having to think about it and some people are gonna have problem with it.


It work even if you think it doesn't.
It should work. Just click on repair all, no cost is incurred, and you'll hear a small sound effect. Go back to inventory and everything should be repaired.
Strange, but I’ll try again tonight.

I saw that it had 33k concurrent players last night, will probably go up higher over the weekend.


Gold Member
5 hours in. Starting from hour 4 I have one serious issue with otherwise very engaging game. Durability. Not the fact that it exists, but the way it's presented and handled.

Item repairs cost money and quite a lot of money, you need to farm coin to be ready for a fight. Tutorial section is placing a smith near your 'bonfire' and repairs are free of charge, that's why people are getting vastly frustrated when you enter the first town.

In summary, there is no quick travel so far (maybe after upgrade) of repair station/smith0 at the nearest Whisper and that is annoying as hell. Every time your items are wearing you need to have that long walk to town, farm coin along the way to die a few more times and repeat the whole ordeal. It's not even difficult. It's just pure tedium. I think durability in it's current form needs to be totally redesigned.

Quite an issue in a game about learning patterns through dying, to say the least.

The visuals though. My god.


Gold Member
Am I the only one who missed that jump repeatedly in the cave where you get high off that whatever flower?
I don't think jumps are related to skills and can be missed because they are kinda automatic, if the character can cover the distance good, if not, there is probably another way to reach the other end.


Not being able to pick things up, carry and throw in a game full of physics simulation is kinda jarring. Maybe Dragons Dogma 2 spoiled me, but I miss this layer of interactivity here

And where the hell is jumping? C'mon guys you made Ori ffs
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
This is, IMO, a 100% souls-like experience.

Calling this an ARPG, fine, but I don't consider this anything like diablo/path/epoc/wolcen. There are some similarities in terms of presentation (isometric view) but beyond that the gameplay mechanics are very different.

While those are fire and forget experiences based around skill trees and loot progression, NRFTW is solidly in the Souls camp with methodical enemy encounters, discrete skill point based progression across a range of attribute values, and a death/respawn/repeat approach.

It is very pretty, at least the few hours I have played of it.

*I think they should have made this version 0.85. This is not a ver 1.0 release in terms of optimization, polish, and bugs. I knew what I was signing up for when its labeled as an Early Access game, but it seems like the vast majority of folks that picked this up are shocked by how buggy it is.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Not being able to pick things up, carry and throw in a game full of physics simulation is kinda jarring. Maybe Dragons Dogma 2 spoiled me, but I miss this layer of interactivity here
This game doesn't come close to DD2 or DDDA(I prefer Dark Arisen over DD2) with the interactivity or myriad systems. Dragon's Dogma truly is one of a kind. There is nothing remotely like it. Only things similar is by theme with DnD Tower of Doom and Shadow Over Mystara and Dragon's Crown.

This game seems more like Souls + Diablo. Or Dungeon Siege.

Probably the best physics simulation as far as combat is concerned is still going to be Blade of Darkness for me. Nothing beats hacking off someone's head and then throwing it as a weapon.


5 hours in. Starting from hour 4 I have one serious issue with otherwise very engaging game. Durability. Not the fact that it exists, but the way it's presented and handled.

Item repairs cost money and quite a lot of money, you need to farm coin to be ready for a fight. Tutorial section is placing a smith near your 'bonfire' and repairs are free of charge, that's why people are getting vastly frustrated when you enter the first town.

In summary, there is no quick travel so far (maybe after upgrade) of repair station/smith0 at the nearest Whisper and that is annoying as hell. Every time your items are wearing you need to have that long walk to town, farm coin along the way to die a few more times and repeat the whole ordeal. It's not even difficult. It's just pure tedium. I think durability in it's current form needs to be totally redesigned.

Quite an issue in a game about learning patterns through dying, to say the least.

The visuals though. My god.
You can fast travel from town whisper to the last whisper you touched out in the wild. So if you die and respawn at a whisper you can use that whisper to go back to town and vice versa. It's still tedious but not too bad.

Also sure monsters don't respawn exactly in the same spot but mobs do come back. I went back to the starting beach and there was a new enemy there I hadn't seen. Also the enemies in that area were dropping new gear.

Also you can easily accidentally abandon daily challenges and bounties. Don't like that.
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