No Rest for the Wicked |OT| Sleep is for the week


Gold Member
Can anyone kindly summarize what makes this game different/revolution ?
It seems there is a lot of emphasis around this game on Steam but i still can't figure out why.
Nothing, the game director just like the sound of his own voice like kojima.

The game is good but it doesn't revolutionize jack shit.

It's an isometric soul with some build a base elements.
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Gold Member
The best way is to play it and you will understand there's no really a game like it in the market.

You sounds like a little kid tbh.
I played 20 hours of this game and i'm the most positive about it in the whole topic, it doesn't mean that i have to glaze everything the director says.

The game doesn't even feel like an evolution, let alone a revolution, at least for people like me that played countless soulslikes, action rpgs and isometric games.

Adding some badly tacked on elements from other games (that are bad enough integrated to need 5 patches in a week) doesn't make the game feel more special or unique, the game does nothing new in the combat, exploration or rpg part, literally nothing.

Good art design and animations are not a revolution, nor the slightly changed isometric view that only make things more difficult to see during exploration.

You can think whatever you want dude, for me this is not a revolution of nothing.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Nothing, the game director just like the sound of his own voice like kojima.

The game is good but it doesn't revolutionize jack shit.

It's an isometric soul with some build a base elements.
It feels less souls like to me because there is no real bonfire mechanic. Though having the camera be isometric makes the methodical combat less engaging for me. Granted they fixed the issue I had with enemies off screen being able to kill you, combat still does not feel that good when zoomed out like this.

Really solid patch
I'm curious how much performance is improved. I think I am done with progressing in the game until the resources needed for town/shop upgrades are fixed. I'm in an endless loop of boring gameplay at the moment.


I played 20 hours of this game and i'm the most positive about it in the whole topic, it doesn't mean that i have to glaze everything the director says.

The game doesn't even feel like an evolution, let alone a revolution, at least for people like me that played countless soulslikes, action rpgs and isometric games.

Adding some badly tacked on elements from other games (that are bad enough integrated to need 5 patches in a week) doesn't make the game feel more special or unique, the game does nothing new in the combat, exploration or rpg part, literally nothing.

Good art design and animations are not a revolution, nor the slightly changed isometric view that only make seeing things more difficult to see during exploration.

You can think whatever you want dude, for me this is not a revolution of nothing.

Where are these quotes of the game director screaming about the game being revolutionary?


are these quotes in the room with us?



People should start to learn etimology of words,

Want, verb, have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for,

One things is saying to want something, another one is saying succeeding.


Gold Member
Where are these quotes of the game director screaming about the game being revolutionary?
Can't remember the precise video or news, but they said it multiple times, not just in the edge interview.

Hell, you can go in the topic of the reveal or the second trailer they released and you are gonna find one of my post asking what was revolutionary about the trailer, maybe it was like a longer trailer where they showed how the game work, i can't remember.

I'm 100% sure they said it more than once that their objective was to revolutionize the genre like they did with ori in the metroidvania genre (to the surprise of no one those game also didn't revolutionised jack shit other than looking gorgeous and playing well).

I'm all for praising the game, but i stopped caring about game directors pr talk on twitter many years ago, and this dude seems to have a king midas complex where everything he touch turn into gold.
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The best way is to play it and you will understand there's no really a game like it in the market.

You sounds like a little kid tbh.
It doesn't really do anything new to be fair. It takes familiar and existing mechanics from a few popular games and tries to blend them into a coherent game design. It works, but I wouldn't go so far as to say there's no game like it in the market.


Gold Member
It feels less souls like to me because there is no real bonfire mechanic. Though having the camera be isometric makes the methodical combat less engaging for me. Granted they fixed the issue I had with enemies off screen being able to kill you, combat still does not feel that good when zoomed out like this.

I'm curious how much performance is improved. I think I am done with progressing in the game until the resources needed for town/shop upgrades are fixed. I'm in an endless loop of boring gameplay at the moment.
Combat is soulslike, everything else is a mishmash of other games but none of the other things evolve anything because they feel tacked on at best.

Just doing a mishmash is not enough to call it a revolution, brutal legend was an open world brawler with some driving and some simil rts battles, was it revolutionary tho? No it wasn't.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Hotfix 6 was released yesterday

Patch Notes - Early Access Hotfix 6

We wanted to drop one more hotfix with important updates, new torch items, as well as additional performance and visual improvements to make sure all of you have a great time with the game this weekend! We also fixed the rings!

Not to beat a dead Echo Knight Horse but please continue sharing issues or feedback you have with us!


  • Improved rim light rendering in the shadows to improve game readability in dark areas. This should help with the “game is too dark” feedback we were getting in some cases.
  • Adjusted rim lighting looks even nicer and allows characters to feel more integrated into the environments!

  • Reduced unnecessary memory allocations for general rendering, fog, and other game systems
  • Optimized shadow rendering for all Visual Effects

  • Changed Potion Seller quest reward from a Medium XP Potion to a Small XP Potion.

  • Increased drop rate of gems
Content Additions:

  • Added new Torch offhand for purchase at Whittacker’s shop and crafting at the Workbench
    • Torches can be used for more light in dark areas

  • Replaced Risen enemies on Prologue ship with special instances so they won’t be affected by global balance changes
  • Nerfed health on Risen enemies (except Risen Great Axe Raider) on Prologue ship by 40%
  • Rebalancing Cerim Crucible by nerfing enemies in the most deadly room and buffing enemies in weaker rooms
  • Increased timing of lowering platforms in Cerim Crucible so its more challenging and requires player to wait around less
  • Rebalanced Plague Ring
    • Increased Gain Health effect to 1-3%
    • Decreased Lose Focus effect to -7-10%
  • Rebalanced Snake Ring
    • Decreased damage dealt to player to 5%
    • Changed damage type dealt to player and enemy to Physical Damage instead of Plague Damage
Enemies and Bosses:

  • Improved Risen Bruiser locomotion animations

  • Improved collision, faders and texture in Mariner’s Keep
  • Improved set dressing, collision and faders in Nameless Pass
  • Improved faders in Sacrament
  • Improved set dressing, collision and faders in Cerim Crucible

  • Improved Falstead Darak intro audio timing

  • Added and updated localized text in many places across multiple languages
  • Added localization support for the attribute insights tooltips, new Quit menu and depositing stacks UI
Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed Crash on the Main Menu
  • Fixed some transparency rendering artifacts
  • Fixed Plagued Mutant Soldier bounty boss going invisible
  • Fixed Fog of War not creeping back while the game is closed
  • Fixed error spam on the Refinery
  • Fixed Fierce Ring not dealing extra damage
  • Fixed interior backgrounds no longer being black
  • Fixed Bows not having full durability when being purchased at Whittacker’s Shop
  • Fixed spot in Black Trench where you can go out of world
  • Fixed spot in Prologue ship interior where you can sidle and get stuck
  • Fixed spot in Echo Knight arena that resets the fight
  • Fixed shadow flickering at Campfire in Black Trench
  • Fixed spot with texture flickering in Black Trench
  • Fixed Chest inside a Chest appear in Orban Glades
  • Fixed UI layout so that coins are evenly spaced


Gold Member
Anyone else having a hard time like actually navigating the levels/areas? I mean like not realizing you can climb certain areas or miss certain doors and windows you can actually climb out of?
I appreciate what they're "trying" to do with the camera but man it's really jarring for me in terms of exploration. Perhaps it's because the camera is set and you can't rotate it. I've fallen to my death
many times because I couldn't judge if I was 1 foot or 30 foot off the ground. Also, I'm not a fan swimming for a minute or so and then pretty much instant death via drowning. Stupid feature that takes
away the fun in trying to explore a level while in the water. Grrrrr it just feels "off" to me. Anyone else feel like this or am I just a old 52 year old boomer?

Don't get me wrong, I love the freaking game. It's incredibly atmospheric with immersive sound, graphics, weather, voice acting and more. I guess I'll just have to be patient and hope more people like
me are out there dealing with the same issue(s) so they can hopefully fix/modify some things in terms of level/biome exploration

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Anyone else having a hard time like actually navigating the levels/areas? I mean like not realizing you can climb certain areas or miss certain doors and windows you can actually climb out of?
I appreciate what they're "trying" to do with the camera but man it's really jarring for me in terms of exploration. Perhaps it's because the camera is set and you can't rotate it. I've fallen to my death
many times because I couldn't judge if I was 1 foot or 30 foot off the ground. Also, I'm not a fan swimming for a minute or so and then pretty much instant death via drowning. Stupid feature that takes
away the fun in trying to explore a level while in the water. Grrrrr it just feels "off" to me. Anyone else feel like this or am I just a old 52 year old boomer?

Don't get me wrong, I love the freaking game. It's incredibly atmospheric with immersive sound, graphics, weather, voice acting and more. I guess I'll just have to be patient and hope more people like
me are out there dealing with the same issue(s) so they can hopefully fix/modify some things in terms of level/biome exploration
Yes, I encounter the same issues. I've died probably 20 times to jumping off a cliff instead of having the character initiate climbing. I've conditioned myself now to stop running any time I'm near a ledge. The fall damage is a bit excessive in general.

The maps are definitely labyrinthian to a fault. You've really got to take your time to find each little branching path.


Yes, I encounter the same issues. I've died probably 20 times to jumping off a cliff instead of having the character initiate climbing. I've conditioned myself now to stop running any time I'm near a ledge. The fall damage is a bit excessive in general.

The maps are definitely labyrinthian to a fault. You've really got to take your time to find each little branching path.
I think there should be a dedicated jump. It would also enhance combat.


Gold Member
So i said fuck it and bought it. First impressions are holy fuck this looks gorgeous on my OLED monitor. It already looked good on streams, but wow...

Level design is amazing so far, animation quality too. I fucking love the feel of the movement and the combat, its heavy yet responsive. I didnt think this kind of combat would work this well in isometric view, but its satisfying af.

Game already amazing, this will be a gem with 1.0


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Two questions:

How many hours can one playthrough net me right now?

Did the performance for say a 3080 get to a locked 60fps yet?


How do you get fps to display on this game? None of the usual overlays display and FRAPS only works on the menu screen.


I like the game. But it's a little bit too difficult for me. Especially when you're fighting 2 opponents at once, you're at far too much of a disadvantage. And most of my deaths are from falling down. And is it possible that you don't get anything when you defeat the second boss? I wanted to expand my inventory but I had nothing to redeem.
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I like the game. But it's a little bit too difficult for me. Especially when you're fighting 2 opponents at once, you're at far too much of a disadvantage. And most of my deaths are from falling down. And is it possible that you don't get anything when you defeat the second boss? I wanted to expand my inventory but I had nothing to redeem.
Which boss did you fight second? The one on the bridge that ran away?


Gold Member
Played a few more hours today. Game is just incredible. My only issue is the inventory and inventory management, but i know they gonna fix it. Bigger stacks, easier deposit and crafting from chests and its all good. Reached the city, the level design in this game is one of the best i've ever seen and every NPC voiced with unique VA. Cutscene quality is top tier, the framing and the fucking animations holy shit.

Im currently using a yellow 2H sword, but it kinda sucks, eats too much stamina and the swing times are soooo fucking long i can barely land a hit without getting hit. All in all, a fucking fantastic game already and with more content and QoL update, this game will be huge at release
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Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Played a few more hours today. Game is just incredible. My only issue is the inventory and inventory management, but i know they gonna fix it. Bigger stacks, easier deposit and crafting from chests and its all good. Reached the city, the level design in this game is one of the best i've ever seen and every NPC voiced with unique VA. Cutscene quality is top tier, the framing and the fucking animations holy shit.

Im currently using a yellow 2H sword, but it kinda sucks, eats too much stamina and the swing times are soooo fucking long i can barely land a hit without getting hit. All in all, a fucking fantastic game already and with more content and QoL update, this game will be huge at release
Yeah I am debating on switching out the 2H for something else when I get back into the game.


Gold Member
Played a few more hours today. Game is just incredible. My only issue is the inventory and inventory management, but i know they gonna fix it. Bigger stacks, easier deposit and crafting from chests and its all good. Reached the city, the level design in this game is one of the best i've ever seen and every NPC voiced with unique VA. Cutscene quality is top tier, the framing and the fucking animations holy shit.

Im currently using a yellow 2H sword, but it kinda sucks, eats too much stamina and the swing times are soooo fucking long i can barely land a hit without getting hit. All in all, a fucking fantastic game already and with more content and QoL update, this game will be huge at release
Abuse of the charged blow with that legendary 2h sword, let the enemy attack and then do your attack, it cover so much range and it usually oneshot 80% of the basic enemies.
I used that weapon for the whole game.
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Gold Member
My game is running great most of the time, like around 80 fps, but yesterday i was doing a quest in the sewers below the town and my fps went to like 35 in that area. It looks nothing special, so i assume the performance is just bugged there.


Tears of Nintendo
Played the game for about 70 min. Mind-blowing visuals and animations, astounding story presentation, voice acting and characters. Decided to wait for fixes related to Intentory managment and support items to make all this less shit, tideous and painful.
They've something very special in the making, probably their best game yet, I just hope it won't take 2-4 years for 1.0 to be released.
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I completed the game and also the end dungeon. Created an uber-powerful build with the double daggers that can just stunlock the end dungeon boss.

  • Atmosphere
  • Combat
    • The tactile feeling of the combat is great, with some nice animations for backstabbing, parrying, blocking, etc
    • Weight affecting dodge is an interesting mechanic and adds some strategy
    • Nice variety in weapons and their movesets
    • Decent variety in enemies
  • Graphics
  • Voice Acting
  • Cutscenes
  • NPC dialogue and mini-stories are well-written and often interesting
  • Some powerful builds. This is good because if they keep nerfing everything, what's even the point of spending hours creating a build.

  • Tedious game mechanics
    • Inventory restrictions and storage. Get rid of them and game becomes better as players get more time to spend on exploring the world.
    • Time-based gate keeping for building the city. This isn't some shitty mobile game and this mechanic shouldn't be here.
    • Housing - This might be driving the need for storage chests and all the other shitty mechanics. How about getting rid of housing? Nothing will be lost.
    • Community chest being in a different location than your house chests.
    • One vendor is only available on one day of the week. Like, why is such a shitty game mechanic in here? This isn't a free to play mobile game.
  • Combat
    • Lack of variety in playing styles. It's mostly all melee, with some ranged projectile classes, but they first need to melee before using ranged. Essentially, everything is melee, with occasional ranged moves. (I know builds end-game can alter this, but you still will be playing most of the game like this).
    • Can't try different weapon move-sets because of stat requirements. At least let people use the weapon, perhaps with lower stats etc.
    • No respec option
  • Running and Dodging on same button. Often leads to fall deaths.
  • Environment elements can still get in the way of the camera and the player in some cases. Needs for testing and QA.
  • No description or videos showing what Runes actually do. Should at least have descriptions.
  • World levelling up after beating bosses is not good, because it can lock people out of grinding for levels as the previous areas become harder as well.

There is a good game in there, but it's currently sandwiched inside tedious and poor game-mechanics.
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Rodent Whores

That's good that they want their patches to be as bug free as possible, but an approach that I like is when early access games release an opt-in experimental branch so that hardcore users can try the latest updates at their own risk and actively try to bug test it too if they want to.


Gold Member
The new patch is awesome. My fps went up by 15-20 and im above 100 fps almost all the time now. The sewers under the city was running around 35 fps before patch for some strange reason, now its 100+

Also the inventory is much much better now, the categories makes more sense, you not filling up the resource page that fast now and the crafting from chests are so good. This game improved a ton since EA release and its only been 2 weeks


I rarely want to play games on their release, especially in EA, but this game... I have put 8.4 hours into it so far and in is spectacular!

The combat is great, the art style spectacular, the level design and voice acting. Such a good game, and will only get better.


Gold Member
There is definitely some weird performance degradation issue over time. Im playing the game for 2+ hours and my fps just went down by 20-25, but after i restart the game its back to normal
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