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***NeoGAF: BELIEVE*** - The OFFICIAL NeoGAF Guild For World of Warcraft


McNei1y said:
My roommate signed up to GAF with the name Chonus. His character is Sarahconnor... an Orc Hunter. He doesn't have an active account yet but since him and I were trying to level together, this is the best option.
OK...I'll put him on the roster.

Magnus said:
Wow, if the OP is any indication, there is a total lack of priests! Alas, the class I discovered in late vanilla that I realized was my favorite, and my main right till I quit.

I'm....super-tempted to resub, join this new guild (most of my friends I played/raided with back in the day have all moved on to other games or guilds), and represent my class! I actually have two priests, one at 85 and one at 80 (I rerolled human before race changes, haha), and it'd probably be insane to do the class all over again, although things have changed a lot, and I've yet to see the new Cata 1-60.

Do it....re-roll with the rest of us.


McNei1y said:

and I agree, Magnus should join us. The more the merrier.
And a priest would be nice too....

however since it appears he's only done priests he should def. re-roll a different class if he's so inclined. I know a number of us are playing classes we've never played before just for the hell of it. I'm doing a warlock, and it's actually fun as hell.


Oh man...where was this like 2 months ago? :S I have cancelled my account for the first time since release. Used to be big into progression/raiding for many years but just lost the drive for it. And working 8-5 and then raiding 6-10 4-5 nights a week = no thanks. Don't need 2 jobs.

Maybe at some point I'll decide to give this a whirl though, starting from scratch for fun actually sounds appealing to me.


Magnus said:
Wow, if the OP is any indication, there is a total lack of priests! Alas, the class I discovered in late vanilla that I realized was my favorite, and my main right till I quit.

I'm....super-tempted to resub, join this new guild (most of my friends I played/raided with back in the day have all moved on to other games or guilds), and represent my class! I actually have two priests, one at 85 and one at 80 (I rerolled human before race changes, haha), and it'd probably be insane to do the class all over again, although things have changed a lot, and I've yet to see the new Cata 1-60.

Do it do it do it :D


Rolled a Troll Lock, Blitzkrieg with the e that has the little ^ on top of it.
I'll be very casual on this though, my main Agkel in Mal just got ready for arenas and I just switched to ret for the first time so I'm pretty pumped about that...plus BF3 Skyrim Zelda well fucking November release schedule will leave me with little time to play an alt.
Super tempting, but my main is in an amazing guild already and he gets 100% of my time (no alts!). I could never write off all that faction grinding, pet camping, and all around work!

Best of luck to the NeoGaf Guild!


SillyEskimo said:
Super tempting, but my main is in an amazing guild already and he gets 100% of my time (no alts!). I could never write off all that faction grinding, pet camping, and all around work!

Best of luck to the NeoGaf Guild!
It's all good...If you ever change your mind we'll be here.


I have to say I'm glad there's some genuine enthusiasm behind this, I haven't been in a guild for over two years. Even if it's casual, feels good man.


IsayFever said:
Somebody talk me out of continuing to quest today. I really need sleep :(
You've done over 40 levels in less than 2 days. Go take a nap.

Loxley said:
I have to say I'm glad there's some genuine enthusiasm behind this, I haven't been in a guild for over two years. Even if it's casual, feels good man.
Agreed. It's nice to be in a guild where everyone has at least one thing in common, rather than just a random guild full of random people who don't have anything in common other than playing WoW.


zmoney said:
You've done over 40 levels in less than 2 days. Go take a nap.

Agreed. It's nice to be in a guild where everyone has at least one thing in common, rather than just a random guild full of random people who don't have anything in common other than playing WoW.

...And thirded. I'm tired of rolling an alt, and looking for a random guild to be in that has the best perks, because there is no sense of community. I really hope this takes off.


iirate said:
...And thirded. I'm tired of rolling an alt, and looking for a random guild to be in that has the best perks, because there is no sense of community. I really hope this takes off.
I think as long as people stay interested and do a little whenever they can, eventually we can get the guild leveled up, people will be at max level, and then with enough people in the guild we can get sub groups within it, such as the PVP people, the Raiders, the Pokemon battle people eventually....etc.

Just as an update we have 27 GAFers in the guild so far. I'll update the OP as soon as the new members shoot me a PM with name/race/class.
Loxley said:
I have to say I'm glad there's some genuine enthusiasm behind this, I haven't been in a guild for over two years. Even if it's casual, feels good man.

100% agree/fourthed. I'm among those from guilds whose members have all quit or moved on to other servers. It's nice to be among a crew again!

I've not done much tanking...forgive my learning curve, all!


echoshifting said:
100% agree/fourthed. I'm among those from guilds whose members have all quit or moved on to other servers. It's nice to be among a crew again!

I've not done much tanking...forgive my learning curve, all!
No worries. I think many of us are trying classes/roles that we've never done before.


zmoney said:
No worries. I think many of us are trying classes/roles that we've never done before.

Pretty much. I played a Paladin for nearly six years, so naturally...I chose a hunter.


Of course every time I say I'm not going back to WoW, Blizzcon happens and I see the new stuff. I can't go back to my old guild, too many new faces and I don't see eye to eye with management. Maybe a fresh start will do.

I must contemplate this for a few days before I make a rash decision...

edit: Got a scroll, thanks!


I'll be on again late tonight, actually checking out the content from like three patches ago with my BE Pally (gotta give him love, he's my fav). Still warrior'in it up!


I haven't been a druid since Vanilla and at that time I was a main healer. Think I'm going to stay feral and either be a tank or just dps... I may be balance too since I've always wanted to try that. I will see as I continue to level.


I'd like to join as well. I'm re-subscribing for the D3 deal and haven't been active since Feb 2011 so if anyone wants to do the Scroll or Resurrection thing send me a PM and I'll give you the details.

I'll be rolling a Goblin but not sure of the class. What is the best class (at the moment anyway) for soloing dungeons?
I'm currently a52 horde, we're 6/7 heroic FL, pretty good times. However, the bulk of my alts haven't joined me yet, so maybe I could roll an alt with the guild. I know it'd be way too early to tell, but what do we not think we'll have a lot of? I'm thinking of making a holy priest, huntard, or maybe a blood tank.


theinfinityissue said:
I'm currently a52 horde, we're 6/7 heroic FL, pretty good times. However, the bulk of my alts haven't joined me yet, so maybe I could roll an alt with the guild. I know it'd be way too early to tell, but what do we not think we'll have a lot of? I'm thinking of making a holy priest, huntard, or maybe a blood tank.
We need priests.


theinfinityissue said:
I'm currently a52 horde, we're 6/7 heroic FL, pretty good times. However, the bulk of my alts haven't joined me yet, so maybe I could roll an alt with the guild. I know it'd be way too early to tell, but what do we not think we'll have a lot of? I'm thinking of making a holy priest, huntard, or maybe a blood tank.

My guess: Priests. Priests are always welcome wherever I've been.


I'm up for making a priest. It'll be a goblin named Akrayhek. Hopefully I can be active enough to get somewhere...


Really Really Exciting Member!
IsayFever said:
Had a slowww day today. only hit 49 and called it quits for the eve

Dude, you went from lvl 1 to 49 in 2(?) days, that's not slow at all. At this rate, you're going to surpass my dk at lvl 60.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I hit 18 on my Shaman last night. Broke my dungeon cherry and got Deadmines. That was fun! lol


I'm on as Puerferre -Troll Druid. I'll be playing this guy casually as I have an main on Area 52 that I raid with. Still though, nice to play with GAFers.


Leveling depresses me. Feel like I've done it so many times, even if Cata put a fresh skin on the whole thing.

This is what's sitting on my main server.

Priest 85 (via RAF to 60)
Priest 80
Shaman 80 (via RAF to 60)
Paladin 76
Mage 72
Druid 63 (via RAF to 60)
Death Knight 60
Hunter 54 (via RAF to 54, don't ask)
Warlock 41
Rogue 11

My main priest (85) has our guild's only Val'anyr (I raided like I'd never raided before back in the summer of '09 -- I regret that, lol).

I fucking hate that I have to pay real world money to server transfer. I really want to move one of these over (one of the ones at 60 or higher) and play with you guys.

Maybe I'll wipe my DK (it's only 60, that's just five levels of play) and start that one fresh on your server. Always wanted to have one, and plate melee is new territory for me for the most part (always raided as a healer -- leader/officer -- and caster). Hunter/lock are intriguing too though.

Wish Blizzard allowed you to create any toon at 55-60 if you have enough characters at cap. This business of 1-85 is just too daunting and time-consuming after you've done it a few times, even IF it is the fastest leveling any MMO's ever seen.

Alternatively, I could move that 80 priest over....my 2nd main. HMMM. Fucking server transfer charges!!


Oh wait, I'm alliance. The GAF guild is horde? I'd be paying $55 total for a Server Transfer and a Faction transfer. Fuck that noise. :(

Yeah, that settles it. The only way I'd be rolling is with a DK starting at 55. The game'll still let me do that on a fresh server with a different faction, right?


Man, people really don't like priests, eh?

I remember seeing a class distribution chart for all WoW players on US (?) servers back in 2009, and my two mains for awhile, Priest and Shaman, were the least played. Huh.


Magnus said:
Man, people really don't like priests, eh?

I remember seeing a class distribution chart for all WoW players on US (?) servers back in 2009, and my two mains for awhile, Priest and Shaman, were the least played. Huh.
I'll never understand why, either. Priest remains superior to every other class.

Berordn (Disc Priest/Troll) just hit 20. Huzzah!


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Magnus said:
Leveling depresses me. Feel like I've done it so many times, even if Cata put a fresh skin on the whole thing.

I'm actually the opposite. I enjoy leveling and the lower levels more than the end game of raiding.

I was a better than average raider from launch up until WotLK, I just couldn't get excited for it again in the second expansion. Heroics I liked, they don't require such a "second job" mentality or such rigorous scheduling and coordination. I ran the shit out of Halls of Reflection simply because I found it fun. But serious raiding, I'm done with it. The game become too much like work, too frustrating, to play for me.

I spent my last year of WoW slowly leveling alts, but not with endgame as a goal. My goal was simply to play the game, explore, and enjoy myself. Do every quest I could find, explore every nook and cranny I could, read the quest texts, actually level my professions as i went along, even fishing. Run every dungeon along the way. I'd take the time to climb tall vistas just for the view, and if I had to kill a hundred mobs to get there I did. Even if I didn't need to kill them for any quests I had. I didn't care about optimal builds, nor did I care about where I could get the absolute best items. I just wandered around playing the game. I played low level battlegrounds just for shits and giggles. I even turned off XP gain a few times to stay in the 29, 39, and 49 brackets. And I found that the game took on a whole new quality if I played for fun and not in a blind leveling race to endgame.

When I took leveling as the goal out of the game, the game became so much more fun again.

Of course, I quit the game over a year ago and never even leveled a toon to 85, nor have I even seen all of the Cata content or new zones. I would love to play again, but my gaming time is limited and divided amongst other games now (Minecraft, Civ5, and soon Skyrim and Diablo3). I wish the monthly price of WoW was cheaper. I'd be willing to pay $5 - $8 per month just to casually play a few nights a month. But $15 is more than I'm willing for the time I have to play.

But this annual pass has me considering subbing up again and joining you guys in NeoBelieve. Because I'm buying D3 anyway, and with the annual pass deal it comes out to around $8 per month for WoW. That's tempting, so very tempting me to join the world of Azeroth once again...

Leveling doesn't depress me, I don't even care about it anymore.

But if I do resub and join you guys, don't expect to see me running 85 Heroics anytime soon, or even at all. Because I'll be the one killing Dwarfs in their fortress in the southern Barrens simply because they are alliance scum and I hate them. And I want to fish in the pond in their quarry. And all murlocs I happen upon must die. Do I have a quest to kill them? Who knows, who cares!


Really Really Exciting Member!
Don't expect most of us to even farm heroics at lvl 85, since this is pretty much an alt guild. Most of us anyway are tired of doing ZG/ZA since this spring. And once the new 4.3 heroics will come out, we'll probably do them on our mains before we even bother to farm them with our GAF alts.


Bisnic said:
Don't expect most of us to even farm heroics at lvl 85, since this is pretty much an alt guild. Most of us anyway are tired of doing ZG/ZA since this spring. And once the new 4.3 heroics will come out, we'll probably do them on our mains before we even bother to farm them with our GAF alts.
Pretty much. If people want to do them they can.

As far as killing dwarves because you want to fish in their quarry...power to ya. Hell some of us may join you for a impromptu fishing competition lol.


You know, this sounds like it could be a fun thing to do. I'm mostly going to keep playing my Dwarf Shaman, but I'll roll an alt for the GAF guild. Probably a Warrior.
Magnus said:
Leveling depresses me. Feel like I've done it so many times, even if Cata put a fresh skin on the whole thing.

This is what's sitting on my main server.

Priest 85 (via RAF to 60)
Priest 80
Shaman 80 (via RAF to 60)
Paladin 76
Mage 72
Druid 63 (via RAF to 60)
Death Knight 60
Hunter 54 (via RAF to 54, don't ask)
Warlock 41
Rogue 11

For a little perspective, this is what I'm walking away from to play on Area 52:
Paladin 85
Death Knight 85
Druid 85
Warlock 85
Mage 85
Rogue 85
Shaman 53
Warrior 68
Every profession between 500 and 525 skill
Over 60k in gold across the characters

Warrior 85
Shaman 85
Death Knight 85
Warlock 74
Hunter 74

This reroll is about starting fresh. It can be scary getting out of your comfort zone, but it can also be liberating. If people want to transfer all their stuff in, I'd politely ask to wait til most of our rerollers are up in level. Creating disparity in materials and gold can create disharmony. I don't want anyone feeling like they're responsible for supplying the whole guild with comforts (bags, gold, etc). It just takes away any sense of newness this reroll can potentially create.


I'm committed to the cause good sir :> Lvl 50 and climbing! The sheer amount of pugs available on a52 horde is enough to stay there long term. You can literally do every raid of every difficulty
It's one of the reasons I chose the place. Very few of us had existing characters there, I had one that could at least seed the guild and it has a very active community on Horde side. I couldn't find a server that met those three requirements otherwise that wasn't the super servers where new people get buried under horrible AH fixing.
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