I play Eniek, holy pally.
McNei1y said:
I'm a huge fan of making new toons. I play my main for a good period of time but that wears off so fast. I enjoy the progress, the zones, and the awaiting new abilities to try, even if I've made every toon at least three times. Going a different route with a spec is actually pretty good too.
Me too. At the start of the year I rerolled on a pvp server 'cause I was sick of max level play. I decided to just reroll every class and level each whenever I wanted mainly focusing on pvp and instances this time around since I used to just quest. My main goal being to twink at 70 since it has it's own little community.
I also made it my goal to play any spec I haven't played before + any heal specs.
I level through zones, pvp, instances then every 9th level I lock xp and then focus on anything I haven't done and try and get bis gear at that level. Then unlock, pvp to ding and continue the process.
The thing I like about pvp servers is it adds an interesting element where in a sense you need to keep your gear in check so I try and keep that as high as I can. Going bis is just the asshole in me wanting to punish anyone wanting to attack me. Pve servers you can just ignore gear.
I've put in 23 days played over this year. My DK is the only 70 and all other classes are 30-49.
I've got every profession, 3k gold (little of that has come from DK) 1k+ HKs on all chars etc It's not all that impressive but it's taken some time.
Seriously as stupid as it sounds it's the most fun I've had in WoW lol.
It's all a little obsessive and pointless but I wanted to prolong the leveling process.