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NeoGAF FFXI FAQ/Starter topic Redux


Worships the porcelain goddess
hgplayer1 said:
just out of curiousity what direction are you taking with your gaming PC? building from scratch?

Kind of. I'm buying a new CPU (Athlon 64), mobo (MSI K8T Neo), 2 120 GB HDs for Raid, and a DVD Burner. Along with a new case, those are the new components. I'll transfer the Audigy 2, 9800 Pro, and 1 GIG DDR over from my current rig =)

A bit later on, I'll update the video card to a x800 and end up having two rigs. =)


Kintaro said:
Of course, who knows if such claims are true, but defeating Kirin is no small feat.


Is the LS site.

Seeing Kirin finally...dissapointment. SE needs to work on the number of mob models now. When the four gods are just *exact* carbon copies of the Tiger, Wyvern, Roc Type birds, Adamantoise (this isn't so common), and a MANTICORE...you know something is badly wrong.

Kirin must not have summoned the other Gods to help since this LS claims Amigo Sabotender is harder (well, 10,000 needles will do that to you).

Either way, grats to them. ^^

I don't think they're claiming that... but if you look in the picture, amigo sabotender is standing there as a summoned mob.


Ok so I am a Hume warrior level 10 (rank2)my 1st character just got the game everytime I change a job I tried white mage I go out and die , is there a better job for me to change to after being a warrior or should I keep building that up and forget changing jobs for now?

please help!


not quite sure what you mean...but stick with Warrior till level 18 then switch over to Monk (after you get your subjob)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Zaptruder said:
I don't think they're claiming that... but if you look in the picture, amigo sabotender is standing there as a summoned mob.

You know, I didn't even notice that. My bad. Isn't that the 75 BST Jug pet?


oh ok thanks 7 more levels, I can level up easy in some areas with a healer. I need to ride that chocobo much faster!


Hmm, might as well start posting here. (Xaerus on server Fairy)

I got (mining in Ifrits Cauldron) a chunk of Orichalcum Ore and 2 chunks of Darksteel, and some other crap.

Gattsu when are you coming back?


Hello There,

I can offer you $105 for that.

If this is acceptable please send me the information

on the account. I need your:

1> Name

2> Phone Number

3> Paypal address for payment or if you would prefer

a check please let me know your mailing address.

4> Username & Password for each account.

5> List server characters are located on.

6>Please move the characters to the Bazaar or their Mog House if

FFXI as well.

7>Birth date used to register account

8>Please cancel the billing on your account

When I receive this back from you. I will quickly verify the

characters and gear and promptly send payment.

Best Regards,

James Self


On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:51:47 -0800, Alex Wolfe wrote:
>Please use our web based delivery scheduler to arrange for delivery.
>I have a lvl 47 Mithra Ranger on Fairy.
>Don't have FFXI installed currently, so I can't give you the
>current stats but here's a rough rundown.
>Class:Ranger 47, Thief 32, Warrior 20
>Weapon Prof.Dagger/Marksmanship is maxed.Archery is a few
>levels behind. Crafts:Lvl 20 goldsmithing, Lvl ~51 alchemy (I can
>make my own bullets and silver bullets). Rank:3 EQ:Been
>awhile since I've played so can't remember much.Serpentine Gun,
>Some bullets, carapace rings, martial slacks, wing earrings, ranger
>knife, and so forth common ranger gear. Here's a picture a
>picture http://n1nj4.net/~ferrio/random/ferrio.jpg 
>I'm just curious in an estimate that this character would go for.


Xaerus, after taking a month off...I will be returning..............at the start of next month? :b

school isn't nearly as demanding as I thought :b


Oh ok. The static hasn't gone anywhere...so you didn't miss much.

I was planning on taking a break for a couple weeks next month.
So last night was fairly fun. We went on two Avatar hunts and knocked out Shiva and Garuda. And good news, I have pics of the fights!! Heh



And, to add insult to injury to poor Garuda...


Steroid Distributor
Hey guys. Which one of you can get me a linkstone on Fairy? That first linkshell we had (Corynne) is pretty empty. I know Spiderlily and Rorschach are on all the time but were not in the same shell anymore. I can always use the help figuring out my next step.


New update coming in about two weeks:

- Mog house mannequins to display unused weapons and armor.

- New Garrison events for regions other than Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta and Gustaberg.

- New orb battles for alliances.

- Level 75 players can continue to gain exp and allocate the exp to boost specific stats.

- Ballista tweaks.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Azrael said:
New update coming in about two weeks:

- Mog house mannequins to display unused weapons and armor.

- New Garrison events for regions other than Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta and Gustaberg.

- New orb battles for alliances.

- Level 75 players can continue to gain exp and allocate the exp to boost specific stats.

- Ballista tweaks.

Nice. Source on Information on POL?

Anyways, last night I accomplished something pretty big for me in game. While the screenshot turned out cruddy and I'll do back to it, I finally finished the quest for the Lu Shangs Fishing Rod! ^^

Turned in 9000 carp in two days (needless to say, I OWNED the AHs around the world). =)

I never thought I'd take fishing so seriously to do it, but I did it =)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Azrael said:
New update coming in about two weeks:

- Mog house mannequins to display unused weapons and armor.

- New Garrison events for regions other than Ronfaure, Sarutabaruta and Gustaberg.

- New orb battles for alliances.

- Level 75 players can continue to gain exp and allocate the exp to boost specific stats.

- Ballista tweaks.

Just read the info on the viewer. the lvl 75 xp thing? It says "A temporary new system for the distrobution of experience points earned beyond Level 75 will be introduced. Players can use this system to raise various attributes."

Probably meaning "have fun with these till you lose it all when the cap is raised bitches!" lol


Hey, congratulations there Kintaro. For some reason it doesn't seem not that long ago since you said that you were gonna go for the quest. Heh...if that was the case I woulda tried for it myself I guess (for questing reasons of course). :)

So what are you gonna do now that you finally finished the Lu Shang thing?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Mjunter said:
Hey, congratulations there Kintaro. For some reason it doesn't seem not that long ago since you said that you were gonna go for the quest. Heh...if that was the case I woulda tried for it myself I guess (for questing reasons of course). :)

So what are you gonna do now that you finally finished the Lu Shang thing?

Well, get some gil =P

Not quite sure really. I think maybe either a) make gil as usual or b) continue to rise fishing skill until I'm kind of forced to hit the boat to fish. Gotta raise Woodworking lvl 73+ so I can repair the rod when it breaks though. So, while I completed one task, it's opened up more routes. @_@


Azwethinkweiz, your pictures look really nice. Do you touch them up in Photoshop or are they direct captures from ingame?

What display settings do you use?

Kintaro, you got Lu Shangs in 2 days o_O


Hmm... nothing worthwhile in the update =|

Finally being able to put points to increase stats will be good... it's something this game needed from the start IMO. The word "temporary" frightens me, though. If it all goes away when the expansion is released I'd be pissed.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I bet you can only used exp you get after you cap Lv75 to increase skills you already have. So if your parry isn't capped yet you could use exp earned to cap it. =|
Kweh said:
Azwethinkweiz, your pictures look really nice. Do you touch them up in Photoshop or are they direct captures from ingame?

What display settings do you use?

Kintaro, you got Lu Shangs in 2 days o_O

I use fraps to take direct captures. If I used the one included in the game it would shrink my captures down to 800x600 and that would just suck anus. Anyway, I run at 1280x1024. I used to run at 1600x1200 but I decided to drop it down and enable vsync. Makes the game look much nicer in motion.




Worships the porcelain goddess


Thats alot of Gil

Anyway, I'm off work for a week, time to get some insane lvlling done. 73 is my aim, to get choco song! =D


Worships the porcelain goddess
Gattsu25 said:
caps must've been a great help in getting all of those

so...care to give some Lu Shangs impressions? :b

I would if I wasn't afraid to put the game on this new system yet. For some odd damn reason, I'm getting Blue Screens of Death all over the place with this rig. >< I can't get a clean fuckin install of XP to save my life. I NEVER had one with my old setup. Ugh. Quite pissed.


BSoD still exist in XP? ugh...i'm definetely not the one to ask for advice on how to resolve that...try asking in the OT forum


Worships the porcelain goddess
Gattsu25 said:
BSoD still exist in XP? ugh...i'm definetely not the one to ask for advice on how to resolve that...try asking in the OT forum

Guess so, but I got it fixed. Turns out one of my memory sticks went bad. >< Luciky, it was from the same place I always get stuff, so they're giving one to be for free. =D Everything is great now. =)


thanks, for the help on Davoi would have died at least 10 more times without knowing where it was close to that forrest be dangerous. Macros rule in this game haven't filled mine up yet!


One thing about getting the avatars... Don't use the whisps you get from fighting them before you get them all and activate Fenrir quest first. Otherwise you would have to redo them all again later like I have to do...


Kills Photobucket
I'm not doing summoner job till i get fenrir (outisde the 2 levels i got playing with carbunkle when i first unlocked it). Probably wont be able to keep him out for more than a few seconds at lvl 3, but it'll at least show i earned summoner.

The lvl 20 battles have ruined the summoner job, there are way to many of them now. Point of summoner was it was an ancient and rare magic. Making it so only people who had a job at lvl 60+ could do the job well kept the balance nice. Now i get tells from little lvl 20 summoners asking me to protect them and shell them before going in, screw that (Well, i actually ask for 3k in the off chance i can get a sucker) .

Well, time for update.

Discovered the BLM job and warp and how much better a sub job it is than RDM for my WHM main job. My WHM is lvl 50. At lvl 17 the BLM gave me more MP than the lvl 25 rdm sub. Feel time was wasted getting RDM up to lvl 25 :p . Interested to see what Aspir will do for a WHM subbing BLM, my dark skill will be maxed. Also with warp i can now make good money doing teleports since i have them all, and WHM cant farm worth anything. Going to get BLM up to lvl 30, then go back to leveling the WHM to 60, still need to do first level cap quest.

Money funds low as I realized lvl 50 is not cheap for WHM. Need to get light staff (300k-400k on asura server), need to save up for Raise II, or find people willing to do BCNM 50 with me, and I want Holy, been keeping divine skill maxed since the start just so Holy would be nice.


RuGalz said:
One thing about getting the avatars... Don't use the whisps you get from fighting them before you get them all and activate Fenrir quest first. Otherwise you would have to redo them all again later like I have to do...

Yea, we thought about it, but in the end decided we'd do them many times since some members wanted the other items aswell as the pact's - ie the rings, swords, staffs
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