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NeoGAF MAY Pick-Up Post! (Real pics or BAN!)

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loves Arcade Sticks
Yes Boss! said:
Damn, $99 was a good deal a few months back but $49 is a steal. Might be tempted to check my local Best Buy here in Orange County to pick one up. Was that just a one-off or were there plenty available?

PS: Jealous of the Garou stick.

There were 6 left when I left around noon time today, I'll go back tomorrow and see if there are any more....

Yes Boss!

MarkMan said:
There were 6 left when I left around noon time today, I'll go back tomorrow and see if there are any more....

Hmm, that sounds like they might have a bunch at each store...even sixty miles north where I live. I'm definitely taking a ride out tomorrow to the Mission Viejo, Lake Forest, Tustin, and Irvine store in an attempt find one.

Yes Boss!

MWS Natural said:
People who care about the visuals in their movies? I for one wouldn't want a DVD if they were giving them away for free. To each their own =)

Bah, save this kind of shit for AVS forum. All the home formats (VHS to LD to DVD to BD) are still a thumbprint of 35mm. I don't think he is going to enjoy his movie any less than you.


Solideliquid said:

Wii Fit
Fitness bundle
EA Active <-- Wife wanted this

Got a $10 gift card at best buy for the Active purchase.

Let us know how EA Active is. I'm mildly interested in it.


Aquanaut's Holiday -- PS3
Hakuna Matata (Afrika) -- PS3
Quantum of Solace -- Blu-Ray

I've been in the mood for some relaxing games. Since both Aquanaut's Holiday and Afrika were on sale at Play-Asia, I got them both. Quantum of Solace was a gift from the girlfriend.


Yes Boss! said:
My Memorial weekend starts this Sunday night since I had to work all weekend. Got myself a nice IPA to begin it with. Never tried Coronado but it is pretty good, if a little sweet. Not near as good as Stone Ruination, though.

Ruination makes me want to kill myself :lol it was a challenge to finish haha. Arrogant bastard FTW.


Just bought MLB The Show 09...

I didn't want to give up on 08 quite yet...but then decided to advance.

Am not feeling it like I was 08...yet. I started a RTTS (i spent countless hours playing throuhg an entire HoF career as a SP in 08) and before I even pitched a game, I was promoted to AAA. I am 18, for fucks sakes...I want to dominate AA.

Also, I thought they added single A...? Damnit.
Yes Boss! said:
Bah, save this kind of shit for AVS forum. All the home formats (VHS to LD to DVD to BD) are still a thumbprint of 35mm. I don't think he is going to enjoy his movie any less than you.

What's an opinion?
Bii said:
Let us know how EA Active is. I'm mildly interested in it.

Well you I've watched my wife use it for about thirty minutes or so while we were just playing around with the Wii Fit, as it supports it. It seems pretty hardcore. Right after you set up a profile the trainer begins a "light" excersise routine that lasts about an hour and has various forms of exercises. Basically it wants you to come back every day for a month, and it seems to have the entire month planned out (based on weight/BMI? who knows).

Seems like a pretty put together package. With the Wii Fit software you can for example trick the running program by shaking the wii remote and nunchuck without running. With the EA Active the game wants you to strap the nunchck to your right leg (it has an accessory which you secure around your thigh with a pouch for the nunchuck) and as you run/move you leg the game picks up your "running exercises". So while you can still sort of fool it, it will know somewhat if you remove the nunchuck from the pouch.


Collateral Damage BD, Land of the dead BD, New T2 BD version (remastered) & Chibi Cloud.

Comparison with the older one:

Rosario to Vampire (1-4)
It was a PS3 month for me. I got a great deal which netted me VC for around $20 new and sealed but still haven't played it yet. Got Afrika from the Play-Asian sale for $30 and this was a "system seller" for me (people laugh but whatever) and I've been playing this a lot and I finally broke down and bought my second Blu-ray ever. The best movie ever made and this is actually a great copy since it comes with a little book inside the cover.



this week's crappy iPhone photos:

Resident Evil Triology:

found a good deal and got it, even if the movies are not that good.
Milla is damn HOT!

Lucky Number Slevin

wow! this movie is actually great!


Yes Boss!

Whaaa! No luck finding the $50 Ace Combat Bundle.

Did, however, finally break down and get Patapon 2 off PSN. Really wanted a retail UMD for this to go with my two LocoRocos and the first Patapon but, whatever.



I feel like I bought other stuff this month but nothing else matters now haha.

2007 Lexus IS250. I upgraded from a 2001 Honda Civic. Needless to say its a huge upgrade :D





InFAMOUS (installing now....)
Mirror's Edge (again...)
The Orange Box
Grand Theft Auto IV (again...)
Call of Duty 4 (my first CoD game ever)

InFAMOUS super power voucher
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Beta voucher (x2.... :D)

LBP Monster Kit (not shown
Mirror's Edge time trial map pack (not shown)


alr1ghtstart said:
hmm, why does one of your U2 beta voucher say GS exclusive?

That was the one that came out before the InFAMOUS was released. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my extra one ;)


GQman2121 said:
I'm starting to think I'm the only person who hasn't imported Afrika yet. :p

You and me both...

I need to jump in definitely

Blablurn said:

:-o playing it for the first time. just beat the first two colossi! awesome-o!

Brilliant pick up Blablurn, really quality game... im a few Colossi in, I will be playing this tomorrow daytime ALL DAY... have fun.

Whats your PSN btw? Mine is ibu666 add me
GQman2121 said:
I'm starting to think I'm the only person who hasn't imported Afrika yet. :p

Nope, I'm there with you. Every time I meant to order it, something more shiny comes my way, and I forget about it :lol

I will order it one of these days...


-PXG- said:
That was the one that came out before the InFAMOUS was released. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my extra one ;)

I'd happily take that burden of having two codes away from you :D
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