Marvie_3 said:
Yo Viz, what do you recommened for faceoffs against AI centers/human centers/off zone/def zone? I know you posted it a long time ago but I can't find it. I'm pretty good against a human player on the dot but the AI is getting me for about ~50%.
might as well add this to the strategy section Marvie...
-the backhand grip one works a lot better against CPU's
-the forehand grip "scoop" works better against humans unless they have a way better faceoff rating
NOTE: your chances of winning the faceoff increase a lot depending on how early you "declare" a grip. As soon as you possibly can you want to set your grip, forehand or backhand, this may give you the slight advantage you need to win if you and your opponent's faceoff ratings are similar and both of you use the correct timings.
NOTE: the forehand grip "scoop" in the defensive zone if done with even average timing pretty much prevents a human opponent from doing the faceoff deke successfully
NOTE: remember you can aim your faceoff wins. This is especially important in the offensive zone. Don't flick the RS down to win, flick it diagonally down towards which defensemen you want the puck to go to.
-Use the backhand grip to get a puck back to the defenseman standing behind you on your forehand side
-Use the forehand scoop to get a puck back to the defenseman standing behind you on your backhand side
-you also have to get the timings right, I break it down into 3 possibilities:
1) Early - this is the earliest you can possibly to win the draw, basically you are flicking the RS when the ref moves his hand to drop the puck.
2) Medium - flick the stick right before the puck hits the ice
3) Late - flick the stick after the puck hits the ice
The normal correct timings for each zone are:
Offensive Zone: Early
Center Ice: Late
Defensive Zone: Medium
NOTE: The timings all depend on the network connection, lag and host advantage. I usually start the game trying the regular timings. If they don't seem to be working I'll adjust all of them up or down a notch and try another timing, for example
Offensive Zone: Early
Center Ice: Late
Defensive Zone: Medium
-I'll usually try to go one step faster in all 3 zones if the normal timings don't work so I'll try:
Offensive Zone: Early (you can't get any faster)
Center Ice: Medium
Defensive Zone: Early
-if that doesn't work then you go a notch slower on all:
Offensive Zone: Medium
Center Ice: Late (can't get any slower)
Defensive Zone: Late
NOTE: generally one of the 3 will work, usually the NORMAL or FASTER timings. Once you figure it out you can dominate faceoffs for the rest of the game as long as you remember to focus on which timing is correct on every faceoff
-If you can't get the timing or your human opponent has too great an advantage with his faceoff attribute rating you have to rely on the counters (forehand stick lift, backhand stick lift, tieup). You have to check your opponent's grip before trying one though.
-If they use the forehand grip, the tie-up pretty much wont work at all. The forehand stick lift works best followed by the backhand stick lift
-If they use the backhand grip, the forehand stick lift doesn't work. The tie-up works best followed by the backhand stick lift.