Baron von Loathsome
Man, Wonderful 101 barely beat out the original Super Mario.
Happy to see Mario Galaxy at #4 and Metroid Prime at #5
Definitely some agendas exposed in this popularity list. How the hell is Mother 3 in the top 30? That doesn't even make sense.
look how few DS games there are, too. I'm not surprised at all... I never understood the love that console always seems to get. 3DS' library shits on it with ease.
Because Mother 3 is a really good game? Don't see any agendas here, bucko.
Come on son! Ocarina of Time is literally one of the greatest games ever made. You have to view it from the time frame of its release, there was nothing like it at the time. It really pushed 3D gaming forward just like Super Mario 64 before it. In fact it would probably top out a GAF GOAT poll too.Easy bitching I could do aside (number one is barely a mediocre game), that's a solid list with a lot of classics.
Not top 30 good. Look at the games below that were commercially and critically better. Whatever Pokemon/Mother GAF.
Diamond and Pearl almost killed my liking for the series.Man DS is such a brilliant system with amazing games yet Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are the highest rated. Arguably the worst games in the entire franchise. I would imagine some people grew up with those and are biased but good lord those games are awful.
Number one in gaming related mistake that keep occurring lolFix the title.
It's just Mindblowing to me that Conkeds Bad Fur Day is so unbelievably low. It's wildly hailed as one of the greatest games of all time in various publications and here it is with fucking basically two votes. Have people on GAF not played this game?
Yup, some great games never get the points they deserve;WTF Gaf?!!! I'm the only person who voted for this? You let me down!
Not top 30 good. Look at the games below that were commercially and critically better. Whatever Pokemon/Mother GAF.
Yeah it seems like if pokegaf had its way gen 1&2 wouldn't be the highest placing representativesI'm feeling like you haven't played it. Mother 3 is one of the best games ever made and what's with the dig at Pokemon GAF?
Unlike Super Mario 64, it didn't play well at its time nor today. Most of its puzzles come down "hey look we're in 3D!" instead of being well designed.Come on son! Ocarina of Time is literally one of the greatest games ever made. You have to view it from the time frame of its release, there was nothing like it at the time. It really pushed 3D gaming forward just like Super Mario 64 before it. In fact it would probably top out a GAF GOAT poll too.
10) Top 5 titles regarding platforms
Top 5 NES :
Super Mario Bros. 3, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda II Link's Adventure, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2
Top 5 Gameboy
Pokémon Gold & Silver, Pokémon Red & Blue (Green, Yellow), The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, Tetris, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons
Top 5 SNES
Super Metroid, Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Earthbound
Top 5 N64
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, Goldeneye 007, Banjo-Kazooie
Top 5 GBA
Mother 3, Fire Emblem, Warioware Inc. Mega Microgames!, Pokémon Ruby, Saphire, Emerald, Metroid Fusion
Top 5 Gamecube
Metroid Prime, Super Smash Bros. Melee, The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker, Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
Top 5 DS
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver, Pokémon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum, Mario Kart DS, Advance Wars Dual Strike, Elite Beat Agents
Top 5 Wii
Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Xenoblade Chronicles, The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword
Top 5 3DS
Kid Icarus Uprising, The Legend of Zelda A Link Between Worlds, Fire Emblem Awakening, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Fire Emblem Fates
Top 5 Wii U
Super Smash Bros. For Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Pikmin 3
Unlike Super Mario 64, it didn't play well at its time nor today. Most of its puzzles come down "hey look we're in 3D!" instead of being well designed.
I understand pushing paradigm, but I can't play influence or age. I can play it for its gameplay, where its best claim to fame for me was Z-targeting.
It's just Mindblowing to me that Conkeds Bad Fur Day is so unbelievably low. It's wildly hailed as one of the greatest games of all time in various publications and here it is with fucking basically two votes. Have people on GAF not played this game?
I'm happy we can agree that Mario 64 is the best Mario![]()
where ya at, mother 3 stans? earthbound wins again ✌🏾
I'm happy we can agree that Mario 64 is the best Mario![]()
Right, but no one is saying it's perfect. Its gameplay is mechanically tight and the depth there significantly helps it be playable today.I was pretty happy with the overall list, but these (especially for OG Game Boy and the home consoles) are just perfect.
You could say the same for the vast majority of concepts and missions in Super Mario 64.
Come on guys, OoT at Number 1? Are we still doing this?
Come on guys, OoT at Number 1? Are we still doing this?
According to the results the majority of people on GAF think it's the best Nintendo game, you can't argue with numbers. So yes we are doing this, just because a small amount of people have spoken up about not liking it doesn't revoke it's status.Come on guys, OoT at Number 1? Are we still doing this?
Amazed that 3D World is so low.
this year's top 50 with movement from the 2012 list (bold denotes a movement of 10 or more spots):
Right, but no one is saying it's perfect. Its gameplay is mechanically tight and the depth there significantly helps it be playable today.
The whole concept of aging used in video games is a flawed idea when we overlook games not playing well in the first place.
I've come to terms with the fact I'll never agree with the consensus about OoT and Mario 64.
Maybe I should have voted.
I'm feeling like you haven't played it. Mother 3 is one of the best games ever made and what's with the dig at Pokemon GAF?
look how few DS games there are, too. I'm not surprised at all... I never understood the love that console always seems to get. 3DS' library shits on it with ease.
I don't know what that means, we all just like good games which should be demonstrated by the OP, it isn't sticking to one specific era.I have played it. It's not a dig but I always felt there was a generational distinction between my era of Nintendo fans and Pokemon era fans.
For Mario, the depth of the gameplay comes from mastering the controls.
For Zelda, the depth of the gameplay comes from mastering the world.
I think both games have lots of depth in the areas that count. But I think Mario 64's uneven content quality () and the shallow "revisit the same map multiple times" content design is more of a mark on its reputation than any of the flaws in Ocarina of Time are.Rainbow Ride is the epitome of this