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NeoGAF Top 50 Nintendo Games of All Time (2016 Edition)

Zelda II? Really? This game was always considerated the black sheep of the Zelda series, not only because of the frustrating difficulty, but also for derailing completely from the known formula. It's cool now to like Zelda II mostly because difficulty became a fad thanks to the success of the Dark Souls fad, otherwise it wouldn't score that high, as it didn't in the previous poll.

Edit: There's way too many Wii U titles on the list. Seems like recent titles were decisive factors for some people here.
Tropical Freeze and DKC2 getting their due and passing the original DKC in votes, I can now confirm that my time on GAF has been well spent.

I didnt vote cuz these things always end the same way with people voting for those same 12 Zelda/Mario/Metroid games they played when they were kids

buuuuut if I did I could've got some of them higher on this list

1. Donkey Kong Country 2
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. Super Smash Bros Melee
4. Bayonetta 2
5. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
6. Super Mario 3D World
7. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
8. Wonderful 101
9. Yoshi's Island
10. F-Zero GX

HM: Donkey Kong 94, Warioware: Mega MicroGames, Metroid: Zero Mission, Mario Kart 8, Bowser's Inside Story
I specifically asked in the thread if we should try to account for nostalgia or not and people seemed to think we shouldn't, so...

If there was a poll saying... 'What Nintendo games would you recommend an average gamer play for the first time TODAY' I believe the results would be very different.

I'm not sure that's the case. Some of the bigger Zelda fans have been steadfast for 15 years with their claims that those games still to this day represent the absolute high point of all gaming experiences.

Which game out there does the same things as MM did, let alone better?

I dunno but god knows that's literally the last game on that list I'd wanna start today, especially if I hadn't already played it before

For me its mainly the performance. The framerate is so low, the resolution is really ugly on modern TVs, 5th gen games are just really hard to go back to compared to all the other generations.

Yeah, I mean, I can deal with poor performance where older games are concerned, but when those games are brought up today, man, I just fail to see how they hold up compared to any of the other 3D games on that list.


Unconfirmed Member
perhaps at a certain point there's an inverse relationship between mechanical depth with the controls and the depth that can be presented by the level design. you say mario 64 has arguably the most mechanical depth in a 3d mario game because of the controls whereas something like 3d world is very limited in that regard. however the depth of the level design and pure platforming in 3d world is astounding whereas the depth of the level design and pure platforming in 64 is very limited.

Yeah, Mario 64's Mario controls better than the more recent entries, but it doesn't really matter in the sense that the game doesn't really take advantage of that.

In Galaxy and 3D Land/World Mario is more limited, but the games do a better job taking advantage of what he can do. 64's mechanical depth is only explored during speedruns or other self imposed challenges.

For some being so vocal about New Mario Bros. U being the best 2d Mario, it sure didn't do all that hot. I guess NSMBWii could have been a little higher, but at least it's the only one in the top 150.

As one of those people

- I didn't vote
- I recognize this is a minority opinion
- I firmly believe things would be different if NSMBU featured different/less familiar audiovisual presentation, even with the exact same level design, physics, etc.

Alright GAF, which of the following games would you recommend I play. These are my missing 5 from the top 100. I'm going to hold out for a Mother 3 announcement with the NX, so that one's off the table. Are any of the others still worth it?

Mother 3 (Don't own for obvious reasons, haven't played it)
Paper Mario (Own, have started it and plan to play soon)
Super Mario RPG (Own but have little motivation to play it)
Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Own but have little motivation to play it)
Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Own, have started it, but have little motivation to play it)

SMRPG is a product of its time. It's a solid little platformer RPG that I'm nostalgic for, but I can admit it's not amazing or anything. Very easy and shallow mechanically, and the story isn't anything to write home about either.


Zelda II? Really? This game was always considerated the black sheep of the Zelda series, not only because of the frustrating difficulty, but also for derailing completely from the known formula. It's cool now to like Zelda II mostly because difficulty became a fad thanks to the success of the Dark Souls fad, otherwise it wouldn't score that high, as it didn't in the previous poll.
LOL "Dark Souls fad"

How many copies has Dark Souls 3 sold again?
Edit: There's way too many Wii U titles on the list. Seems like recent titles were decisive factors for some people here.
This always is a factor in the lists.
I didnt vote cuz these things always end the same way with people voting for those same 12 Zelda/Mario/Metroid games they played when they were kids

I didn't even play Super Metroid until last gen. It's the GOAT. I tried Zero Mission again recently and in comparison it just feels like it's missing big chunks of what should be there.

Wind waker so overrated geez

Doesn't deserve top 50.

It's kind of a bad game, yeah. One out of five or six titles that really stick out weirdly.


Wind waker so overrated geez

Doesn't deserve top 50.
I can agree with this.

It's pretty, but very, very flawed in every other aspect. There's a reason so much of its praise is based on the visuals or "charm"; underneath the beautiful style, it's just not a great game.


F-Zero GX lost like 10 positions.


out of the top 25. out of the gamecube top 5.

and you wonder why nintendo hasn't made a new 3d F-zero ever since
Speaking of recency bias and all that, Xenoblade was probably the most likely contender for that spot in the last thread but it endured (with good cause) and still ranks high here.

Right, but voted in there by people who didn't vote for NSMBU.

What I'm saying is that the vocal 'NSMBU is the best 2D Mario' crowd may well believe that 2D Marios aren't all that special compared to other Nintendo games or even 3D Marios. That's my opinion, and I can't be alone.

I'm just trying to explain why that vocal minority support for NSMBU didn't result in votes.
Pretty much where I'm standing, I enjoy the heck out of my 2D Mario titles and rank most of them highly in the genre but I'm not in the group that considers them untouchable and act like SMW is some untouchable beacon of platforming brilliance.
3D is where Mario reigns.

Glad to see some people remembered the other amazing GameCube Metroid.
The only top 50 newcomer that was around at the time of the last list, clearly our sanctuary fortress love fest has been acknowledged.

I didnt vote cuz these things always end the same way with people voting for those same 12 Zelda/Mario/Metroid games they played when they were kids

buuuuut if I did I could've got some of them higher on this list

1. Donkey Kong Country 2
2. Super Mario Galaxy 2
3. Super Smash Bros Melee
4. Bayonetta 2
5. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
6. Super Mario 3D World
7. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
8. Wonderful 101
9. Yoshi's Island
10. F-Zero GX

HM: Donkey Kong 94, Warioware: Mega MicroGames, Metroid: Zero Mission, Mario Kart 8, Bowser's Inside Story

See this was a good list, you should've voted anyway.
I mean in Nintendo culture all things get crushed by Zelda by default anyway, I'm pretty sure on the WiiU alone a Wind Waker port and even Zelda themed musou get more love than the peak of Pikmin and Kong among the masses.


Yup, some great games never get the points they deserve;

Just to name a few games; Metroid Fusion, Eternal Darkness, Advance Wars, Kirby's Power Paintbrush, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, Luigi's Mansion, Tetris Attack, Warioware Inc. etc. all didn't get in.

you're the last of a dying breed fam

look what gaf thinks of the gba:

Fire Emblem: 32->51 (-19)
Advance Wars: 33->74 (-41)
Metroid Fusion: 41->67 (-26)
Metroid: Zero Mission: 49->69 (-20)

even gaf is forgetting about metroid

I'm shocked, that there is no love for handheld classics. Not even Tetris made the cut. TETRIS! One of the best games ever, and the GB version is still one of the best, if not the best.

But all these games of the same franchise - that are great in their own right, but don't differ too much from one another, like SMG and SMG2, All the Zeldas, Metroid Prime 1&2. Wouldn't you trade one for a unusual yet perfect concept like Wario Ware!?

That was my list. My top 4 make me feel like an underdog.
1. Wario Ware (GBA) - 54th
2. Animal Crossing (GC) - 41th
3. Tetris (GB) - 72th
4. Advance Wars (GBA) - 74th
5. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii) - 10th
6. Pikmin (GC/Wii) - 65th
7. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (N64) - 8th
8. Pokemon Red/Blue (GB) - 19th
9. Yoshi's Island (SNES) - 16th
10. Kirby Super Star (SNES) - 61th


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Surprised the original Animal Crossing is well above New Leaf, considering the latter improves on it in almost all cases (unless you're really stuck on needing NES games). Guess it helps it was the first experience for many.
Where New Leaf falls flat for me is how players are encouraged to use the island to make money. The number of activities there simply diminish the importance of the village itself, and it feels like the reasons to interact with the animals living in your town quickly wane. The loop of heading to the island and stocking up on high priced goods has too many extraneous steps to it, and the pattern of play that emerges feels super repetitive. The original Animal Crossing just winds up feeling more organic and natural, and when it came out there was really nothing else like it.
WTF Gaf?!!! I'm the only person who voted for this? You let me down!
I did not vote because I could already tell it would just be Mario/Zelda/Metroid dominating the list, but Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a really extraordinary game that that really elevates itself over other platformers with its combo system. That the levels are so well designed to accommodate it is a tremendous feat.
LOL "Dark Souls fad"

How many copies has Dark Souls 3 sold again?

Doesn't matter how many copies it sold. Dark Souls series made difficult games a trend in the gaming community and Zelda II is the game of the series that resembles it the most. There were threads in NeoGAF calling Zelda II "Zelda's Dark Souls". I'm not surprised that was the reason it managed to reach the top.

This always is a factor in the lists.

Yeah, because it says the best Nintendo games of all time, not the best recent ones.

I didnt vote cuz these things always end the same way with people voting for those same 12 Zelda/Mario/Metroid games they played when they were kids

This is why best of all time voting is dumb sometimes because of the "we aren't voting on the usual winner, let's vote on something different" crowd. They'll take random games and place them on the top just to make a "different" list.


I can agree with this.

It's pretty, but very, very flawed in every other aspect. There's a reason so much of its praise is based on the visuals or "charm"; underneath the beautiful style, it's just not a great game.
In every aspect? I thought it's combat is one of the best in the series, the musical notes signifying combos were a good nod to Zelda's musical references. The special moves you learn were cool too, I liked the one for dealing with heavy armour where you roll around it and strike it in the back.

There's plenty to criticise in Wind Waker, but the visuals aren't the only thing it got right. Ganon was good too, and I liked the sense of adventure when at sea in a storm.


I'm of the opinion that Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword are all games with pretty significant flaws, so its a no-brainer that I still think Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are the best things 3D Zelda offers regardless of their age.


Zelda II? Really? This game was always considerated the black sheep of the Zelda series, not only because of the frustrating difficulty, but also for derailing completely from the known formula. It's cool now to like Zelda II mostly because difficulty became a fad thanks to the success of the Dark Souls fad, otherwise it wouldn't score that high, as it didn't in the previous poll.

Edit: There's way too many Wii U titles on the list. Seems like recent titles were decisive factors for some people here.

How is Zelda 2 frustrating except for maybe Death Mountain and the final level? It's not baby easy insulting to the gamer like the 3D Zelda games but it's nowhere near Dark Souls.


Well, let's see how we fared...

1. Mother 3 ; became 29. Fine, I suppose.
2. Pokemon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR! ; became 177. I believe this makes me the only voter for it. It's way better than the first game, folks!
3. Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 ; became 102. Seems there were a few other voters, so good on you. Very glad this game beat FE4, even if only by two points!
4. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door ; became 17. Nice!
5. Famicom Detective Club Part II: The Girl Standing Behind You ; became 202. I believe this makes me the only voter for it. For some reason only the NES version is listed, even though I voted for the SNES remake.
6. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor ; became 70. Better than I expected!
7. Another Code R: A Journey into Lost Memories ; became 198. One other person must have voted for this game. You have good taste!
8. Super Mario Bros. 3 ; became 9. So close, I almost matched one.
9. The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds ; became 33. A solid result.
10. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U ; became 15. A very good placing.

Overall, not bad at all, when you account for the games I knew going in wouldn't do well.
Even though we all knew what the top several entries were going to be, it was still fun seeing the rest of the list regardless. That's the truly enjoyable part of lists like this, to me.

Games I had not heard of previously:
150. MaBoShi: The Three Shape Arcade (Wii) 4 points
250. Galactic Pinball (VB) 1 point
251. Battle Clash (SNES) 1 point
Only these three. I'll be sure to look them up -- it's always cool to learn about games that a very specific few are very fond of!


Doesn't matter how many copies it sold. Dark Souls series made difficult games a trend in the gaming community and Zelda II is the game of the series that resembles it the most. There were threats in NeoGAF calling Zelda II "Zelda's Dark Souls". I'm not surprised that was the reason it managed to reach the top.

Yeah, because it says the best Nintendo games of all time, not the best recent ones.

Anyone who plays Dark Souls and thinks the only worthwhile elements which to compare with other games are it's difficulty, really misunderstood that game, lol.

Besides, Zelda II isn't that high up and is below the original Zelda anyway, so who cares?
The Galaxy games remain the perfect compromise for 3D Mario games as far as I'm concerned. Not the deepest mechanically, but that a) they're designed around their respective system and b) reinvent 3D platform in stunningly imaginative ways echo the philosophies of SM64.

Funny thing is that I actually love 3D Land, but don't care that much for 3D World. Weird!

I specifically asked in the thread if we should try to account for nostalgia or not and people seemed to think we shouldn't, so...

If there was a poll saying... 'What Nintendo games would you recommend an average gamer play for the first time TODAY' I believe the results would be very different.

I can't speak for everyone, but in regards to Zelda, I'd still recommend OOT over the likes of TP and SS. Replaying TP now and it's almost insulting how it takes far too long to get good thanks to the bloated tutorial/Twilight Zones.

Mario would depend on whatever the "average gamer" was looking for, but I'd likely point to the Galaxy games.


Really? At this stage it should be clear that it's a pretty divisive game. It had a lot of detractors prior to launch, and since then we've had anti-3D World threads on here all the time.

There are plenty of people out there who think that (as far as the exceptional Mario series goes) it's a pretty mediocre game.
I'm one of them.
There is absolutely nothing mediocre about 3D World. It's a masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned.
Where New Leaf falls flat for me is how players are encouraged to use the island to make money. The number of activities there simply diminish the importance of the village itself, and it feels like the reasons to interact with the animals living in your town quickly wane. The loop of heading to the island and stocking up on high priced goods has too many extraneous steps to it, and the pattern of play that emerges feels super repetitive. The original Animal Crossing just winds up feeling more organic and natural, and when it came out there was really nothing else like it.

I did not vote because I could already tell it would just be Mario/Zelda/Metroid dominating the list, but Donkey Kong Jungle Beat is a really extraordinary game that that really elevates itself over other platformers with its combo system. That the levels are so well designed to accommodate it is a tremendous feat.

Jungle Beat love is always appreciated.

But the reason I quoted this was for New Leaf where I feel the need to add that the whole "you're the mayor!" angle and most specifically the introduction of various aesthetic pieces you could add to personalise your town was handled like poop, I'll always consider New Leaf to have ultimately dropped the ball even if it's the most polished take on the series.
Who thought that having those town ordinance works offered to you by waiting like 40 minutes of gametime for a random NPC to possibly dash towards you and maybe give the go ahead for one of many possible pieces to be made available was a good idea? and then it costs an absolute bomb on top of that leading to the island issue you specified.
The series really needs a big overhaul for me, I get it's sedate and all that but it really needs more actual game in there, stuff to do, more interesting money making stuff etc.
Y'know, have a bit more Harvest Moon in there or more direct player influence on your town if you want, you are the mayor after all.
I think I'm going to run through the list and rate them all individually.
perhaps at a certain point there's an inverse relationship between mechanical depth with the controls and the depth that can be presented by the level design. you say mario 64 has arguably the most mechanical depth in a 3d mario game because of the controls whereas something like 3d world is very limited in that regard. however the depth of the level design and pure platforming in 3d world was astounding whereas the depth of the level design and pure platforming in 64 was very limited.

Mechanically, Sunshine has the most depth, but god, the levels and missions suck. 64 is next, and there's a high variance in terms of how good some levels are vs the next. Galaxy 1 and 2 are, as I said, both masterpieces, and the second one in particular is the gold standard in level design. 3D Land and World I don't find satisfying mechanically (they're mostly just run and single jumping) or on a level design, where the angled camera, larger platforms, and horrendous co-op are large drawbacks for me.
41. [GC] Animal Crossing (40 points, 1 HM)
58. Animal Crossing New Leaf (3DS) 26 points, 2 HM

Delete this thread before more people see it.


The big guns (Mario, Zelda, Metroid) will always be the go to choice for a lot of people because of their quality and are the most popular, so the argument "I knew this was going to be another Mario/Zelda/Metroid list" is pretty moot to begin with. I understand that personal favourites not getting the recognition they deserve suck (because really, there are so many fantastic games on that list which rock and can be considered classics) but that's no reason to just vote for your own favourites. I guess.


This is a pretty controversial opinion, but I think 3D World is going to be looked back on similar to what happened to NSMB Wii. A sequel to a handheld game with the main draw being co-op, but ultimately isn't noteworthy enough on its own that it will become immediately less notable the moment we get the next 3D Mario.


My own top 10 and this list is way off. Like I said in the voting thread, only being restricted to vote for 10 games makes the list far more of a popularity contest than a quality contest. And I think the results prove that big time.


3D World hate is absolutely baffling to me. The game maybe doesn't have as much """personality""" as other 3D Mario games, but it's so much fun and that what I expect from a Mario game, fun. I think Matthewmatosis put it best when he describes the game as a "prescription for fun."

I imagine far less people have played 3D world than other 3D Mario due to poor sales of Wii U so I think that could have a lot to do with it's low ranking.

Galaxy 2 is my favourite Mario game, but 3D World is confidently just behind it.


My own top 10 and this list is way off. Like I said in the voting thread, only being restricted to vote for 10 games makes the list far more of a popularity contest than a quality contest. And I think the results prove that big time.
Super Metroid is number 2 on the list and sold less than 1.5 million copies.


Looks like my top ten is all present and accounted for in the top 50, though I'm not sure why Goldeneye is so far ahead of the clearly superior Perfect Dark.
One of the biggest problems I had with the controls was when you're moving forward and want to go in the opposite direction, Mario doesn't just go in the opposite direction, he makes a little circle, which always ended up making me fall off. So annoying. A game with controls like that and shitty camera angles shouldn't be in a top 3 unless it's top 3 most innovative and revolutionary. Even Banjo Kazooie that came out just a year later far surpassed it as a 3D platformer.
He shouldn't make a circle, he should do the animation where he pivots and slides for a second (if you jump during this he does a flip jump).


Maybe it's because i'm an 80s Nintendo gamer and a purist, but where is Donkey Kong '94? Wave Race 64? Tetris Attack? Advance Wars? Those are real Nintendo classics. Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2 in the top 50? Whatever.

Any list where Wonderful 101 sits at 43 and Mike Tyson's Punch-Out sits at 99, clearly isn't based on merit or impact. This is merely an everyone vote three random favorite games at the moment.

There are people out there who prefer The Wonderful 101 over any of those games you mention. In fact you just met one. Hi!

Splatoon is really overrated tbh. Good game and all, but better than DKC2?


Zelda II? Really?

Sure, it's a classic.

There's way too many Wii U titles on the list. Seems like recent titles were decisive factors for some people here.

Not really. Imo (and others too judging by this poll) Wii U Hosts some of Nintendo's greatest content.


Happy to see Super Metroid at #2, my constantly no 1 best game of all time, I've finished it more times than I can count and it never stops to amaze me how perfect it is.

Ocarina of Time at #1 at this place kind of surprised me, frame counting GAF can obviously see past a stutter-fest in some rare occasions. I couldn't do it though, at 17 fps on PAL N64 I refused to play it for more than a few hours. For the longest time I thought it was the most over-hyped game of all time. But luckily I played it again at 30fps on 3DS and it was great, even more than great, but still not worth the top spot on a list like this imo.


I can agree with this.

It's pretty, but very, very flawed in every other aspect. There's a reason so much of its praise is based on the visuals or "charm"; underneath the beautiful style, it's just not a great game.
Windwaker is stylistically better than, say, TP, by which I mean it has better art, story, setting, etc. It also has better pacing than the first act of TP. But TP has much better dungeons and more of them (with WW even missing dungeons; it not just being TP having a lot) and its pacing issues disappear in the second act. Still has a much worse Ganondorf and story/premise/setting, but Midna is a plus.

I'd probably call TP the better of the GCN Zeldas but the less charming one. Add in that Windwaker was maligned for its style direction, which ended up delivering and TP was hyped for its style direction, which ended up falling flat, and I think you can see why WW is so overrated these days among the two GCN Zeldas.

As to why GCN Zeldas...I think there is a large contingent of GCN gamers on GAF, who either came to age as a gamer then or started gaming then.


3D World hate is absolutely baffling to me. The game maybe doesn't have as much """personality""" as other 3D Mario games, but it's so much fun and that what I expect from a Mario game, fun. I think Matthewmatosis put it best when he describes the game as a "prescription for fun."

I imagine far less people have played 3D world than other 3D Mario due to poor sales of Wii U so I think that could have a lot to do with it's low ranking.

Galaxy 2 is my favourite Mario game, but 3D World is confidently just behind it.
I don't think people hate it. In my case, I voted for SMG2 and SM64, but I didn't want to flood my list with 3D Marios so I left out SMG1 and SM3DW. So I think most people just went for another 3D Mario.


Zelda II? Really? This game was always considerated the black sheep of the Zelda series, not only because of the frustrating difficulty, but also for derailing completely from the known formula. It's cool now to like Zelda II mostly because difficulty became a fad thanks to the success of the Dark Souls fad, otherwise it wouldn't score that high, as it didn't in the previous poll.

Edit: There's way too many Wii U titles on the list. Seems like recent titles were decisive factors for some people here.

There are tons of fans who have always loved Zelda 2. Several game developers have even gone on record that it's among their favorites.


I don't think people hate it. In my case, I voted for SMG2 and SM64, but I didn't want to flood my list with 3D Marios so I left out SMG1 and SM3DW. So I think most people just went for another 3D Mario.

Yeah, just preferring other Mario games over 3D World, that's understandable, and the reason it's not as popular, but it does get quite a bit of vocal hate here which is what I'm referring to.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Whoa, SMG actually topped SMG2? You've made me proud, GAF.

The whole list is pretty solid overall.
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