Google's Search app has been finally approved and updated with voice search.
What's the best word processor application that can let me save to dropbox?
Should I get pages?
What are you guys using GoodReader for?
Do they allow Dropbox uploading? Pages and Keynote that is.
Anybody using Chrome for iOS for a while now? What are your opinions on it?
I'm thinking about switching to Chrome. I installed it when it first came out, but removed it immediately after, since I was just too used to Safari.
Any recs for a good weather app that's more detailed than the default app?
yes they do.
I have all three of them and use them over all my devices to organise stuff.
Chrome is great. The syncing with Chrome on my desktop alone is worth it, but I also like its tab system better (including quick incognito tabs. The only aspect I don't like is at least on an iPhone the refresh button is buried in a dropdown menu
What device are you using though? On older devices Chrome runs slower than Safari because it can't use the nitro engine. On my speedy iPhone 5 though the difference is negligible. Unless you can jailbreak your older deviceWhich means you can also set Chrome as your default.
Chrome is great. The syncing with Chrome on my desktop alone is worth it, but I also like its tab system better (including quick incognito tabs. The only aspect I don't like is at least on an iPhone the refresh button is buried in a dropdown menu
What device are you using though? On older devices Chrome runs slower than Safari because it can't use the nitro engine. On my speedy iPhone 5 though the difference is negligible. Unless you can jailbreak your older deviceWhich means you can also set Chrome as your default..
Ahh, interesting that it's as speedy as Safari on the 5. I love the bookmark and search syncing with my desktop, but it's so slow on the 4 and it seems to crash a decent amount. I haven't switched back to Safari though....yet.
So do you advice me to get the Apple apps instead of Docs2Go?
Thanks. I got Pages and Keynote now.I cannot compare them as I only use the iWorks apps.
They are especially good if you have multiple apple devices to sync between.
At least they aren't ugly. I'm serious, I hate how Quickoffice looks from the previews.Only problem with iWorks is that all 3 are around 1Gb, and apps like QuickOffice are aroung..60Mb? lol
Thanks. I got Pages and Keynote now.
At least they aren't ugly. I'm serious, I hate how Quickoffice looks from the previews.
Anybody using Chrome for iOS for a while now? What are your opinions on it?
I'm thinking about switching to Chrome. I installed it when it first came out, but removed it immediately after, since I was just too used to Safari.
I use it from time to time. It works well. If you want anonymous browsing, Chrome has that feature. I don't think Safari has it (I can't seem to find it).
Duolingo is changing the way people learn languages.
With Duolingo, you learn a language completely free, without ads or hidden charges. You have fun while you learn, leveling up and competing with friends. You have the opportunity to translate real-world texts in the language you are learning, and in doing so, help us translate the Web into other languages.
Yeah, it's pretty sweet.
Duolingo currently offers courses in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, and English, and we are working to bring you many other languages. Stay tuned.
How am I able to view spoiler tags in Chrome when I'm on the desktop mode?
Outline (paid version: Outline+) is a fucking great app. It's basically OneNote for the iPad, and miles better than the shitty Microsoft app.
Duolingo website launched an app.
The new Evernote update made it a lot nicer to look at and use.Is it better than Evernote?
I'm planning to go to Tokyo this spring (March~April) for around 7~10 days & will be staying/visiting only around the big 4 (Akihabara, Shinjuku, Shibuya & Chiyoda).
Is there any good Tokyo offline maps for iOS US Store that I can use? Preferably one's with a working GPS & location tagging for stores of interest. Updated train guide to get to those places would be great too.
Go! Tokyo looks like it fits but the train info is quite old now as there are new lines added since its last update of July 2010, also no location tagging.
Just use splashtop.What's the best mouse/remote for PC app? Preferably something universal! I used to use Mobile Mouse but it's not universal :[
What's the best mouse/remote for PC app? Preferably something universal! I used to use Mobile Mouse but it's not universal :[
Logitech make a free one for iOS and it is fucking amazing.
You just download the server program on to your PC and then the app on your device and away you go.
So, I'm starting my phd in biophysics next month and I'm wondering if there are others gaffers who use their iPad for working, and if so, how?
I already know about Papers (goddamnit, 11!) and Evernote, anything else, like a must-have?
Logitech make a free one for iOS and it is fucking amazing.
You just download the server program on to your PC and then the app on your device and away you go.
I'm using papers, dropbox, iannotate and icabmobile (for web uploading). Works great but not as versatile as using a computer of course.