SuperSonic1305 said:
I'm in NHL09 right now. Can I get an invite? It says there are only 16 members.
Just sent it and it worked this time.
Sent another one to Dollar Taco and it went through.
Union Carbine took the last spot, but we'll have to see in the next couple of days who can and can't make it. I'll have to send some PMs too because I don't think some people realized this got moved over to the "Online forum".
So QVT we'll have a waiting list right now and you're first on it.
I'll try to send out PMs right when I get back (heading out now, gonna leave my 360 on though so feel free to send me a message over that (GT: TerraRhythm)), it's a shame to have you sitting around and not playing QVT, when at this time it'd be nice to have as many players on as we can.
Waiting list:
woodchuck said:
it's tough when the other team has a computer controlled goalie
Should have tried my money goal trick.
X26 said:
Oh man sorry guys :lol
While I full heartedly admit I suck in net...I think the controls don't help much. Movement is too sensitive, making manual saves screws yo uover half the time, and for some reason the goalie constantly rotates so their back is facing the side boards
...never again!
I'm gonna try playing goalie offline a whole whackload of times before I try online! Though at this point I'm sure no one wants to be goalie. heheh.
Anyways, trying to send out invites again, and I'll be out in 15 minutes, should be back in a couple of hours and I hope to play a few games.