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NeoGAF's Post Pictures of Yourself Thread

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shitting in the alley outside your window


and a close up of my weird right eye



3pheMeraLmiX said:
I'm a plant freak, but not that kind of freak. o_O I have a small aquarium behind those bamboo plants, mixed in with my carnivorous plant terrarium I'm working on and a few california native plant collections (like cottonwood). I've never smoked a day in my life ^_^
That's cool, man. I just thought it looked kind of funny, the way it looks like there's a really strong light completely bathing that plant in light. (Like said jamaican crops.)

I'm actually getting into the latter lately, and it's pretty fun. I could see myself getting into like, I don't know, growing my own tomatoes or something for fun too. I'm completely fascinated by how my babies are growing and evolving.

And I guess I'll have to offer myself if I'm going to keep hanging around this thread. No Jesus this time, just me being all Vietnam'd up (I was there in April) in some of the clothes I got there. A Tiger Beer shirt and a Steven Seagal-looking jacket.




That's from a long long time ago, I was drunk and stoned and with a digital camera in a friend's room while a party was going on.

I look weird in it, guess drugs are bad!




Expensive grad suit: $1500
Ride in a Viper to the dance: $200
Ticket to grad: $80
Playing Gameboy Advance SP on the dancefloor and still be able to mack chicks: Priceless.
This is the only picture of myself I even have on my computer. I don't take many and I don't store them. Doesn't really show much of me, either way though.


Looks like there's dye on my face, but it's just the lighting and my skin tone lol.


Ecrofirt said:
I would say I was too young for you, but after that topic you made...

After seeing your avatar.. -__-;

(btw Isn't that avatar against the rules anyway? it's kinda sick :)p)-- you should replace it with one of the latest Olsin pics at least.. 0__o )

White Man

I just had some pics taken today. Being that I still look like I'm about 16, I don't think I'll be doing any posting. I need hormones or something.


:( I really hate my hair and I can't do anything about it!
It looks like some pyramid sitting on my head!
But I'll probably post a picture of me with short hair later today.
Felidae_Khrall said:
I'm not going to get a haircut just to satisfy your urges!

ohh go on u know u want to. And after the haircut buy a crowbar and randomly bop security guards then run away. Get someone to record it as well. Wear orange and black to


I really hate my hair and I can't do anything about it!
It looks like some pyramid sitting on my head!
But I'll probably post a picture of me with short hair later today.

Just don't come after me with a 5-foot long bloody knife, ok? :(
Looks like the girl dancing who has her head turned backwards is probably wondering if that's an erection she's been rubbing against. In Dyne's pic, of course.


Queen of Denmark
From about a month ago:

Me rocking out (a few months ago):

Sorry they aren't super-recent, but I don't get around to taking pics of myself all that often.


Necroscope said:
I was having a very small hope that there might be 2% of gals on this board...
I'm sure there are more female members on this board than most think, but I can understand that they don't want to post their pics here.
First, she would get a dozen of "OMGhi2u"-replies, than she would be accused of being an "attention whore" by others who weren't quick enough to post OMGhi2u themselves. After that she would be attacked for using deceptive pics and in the end most male members would agree that she looks "totally average" and her only asset is that she plays video games.
Acrylamid said:
I'm sure there are more female members on this board than most think, but I can understand that they don't want to post their pics here.
First, she would get a dozen of "OMGhi2u"-replies, than she would be accused of being an "attention whore" by others who weren't quick enough to post OMGhi2u themselves. After that she would be attacked for using deceptive pics and in the end most male members would agree that she looks "totally average" and her only asset is that she plays video games.

He speaks the truth.

- Will offer ass pics for tag change.
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