adelgary said:- Will offer ass pics for tag change.
I don't think people would want a pic of your ass after looking at the tag you want changed
adelgary said:- Will offer ass pics for tag change.
Suerte said:I don't think people would want a pic of your ass after looking at the tag you want changed![]()
Atrex said:here i am from a couple angles taken about 2 seconds ago, dont make too much fun of me
aku:jiki said:That's cool, man. I just thought it looked kind of funny, the way it looks like there's a really strong light completely bathing that plant in light. (Like said jamaican crops.)
I'm actually getting into the latter lately, and it's pretty fun. I could see myself getting into like, I don't know, growing my own tomatoes or something for fun too. I'm completely fascinated by how my babies are growing and evolving.
3pheMeraLmiX said:No worries, I wasn't offendedI've always been interested with plants and animals, it just makes it easier for me to get into it because my friend is a bio major who loves to compete with me on the best growing, best-looking, largest crop, of anything. Right now I'm trying to finish up my carnivorous plant terrarium, but I need a larger tank than the 10 gallon one. Di water is pretty hard to steel from the faucets on campus, too, so it's a little tedius.
Well I never got to see those back then. So post a pic in this one.adelgary said:For the record, I haven't posted a picture of myself on the boards in many many months. It's funny because I used to be one of "attention whores" in every Post Pictures of Yourself threads in the past, but I haven't participated in one in ages.
Tritroid said:Well I never got to see those back then. So post a pic in this one.
eggplant said:Carnivorous plants aren't that hard are they? I heard that they need like only one or two bugs a year, if at all.
DI isn't hard to get if you are a bio major![]()
How's it feel to control the universe?Dyne said:![]()
Expensive grad suit: $1500
Ride in a Viper to the dance: $200
Ticket to grad: $80
Playing Gameboy Advance SP on the dancefloor and still be able to mack chicks: Priceless.
Serafitia said:How's it feel to control the universe?
Dude, you were totally my hero back in the day. I never paid attention to any EGM reviews unless they were written by you.john tv said:![]()
I'm the white boy.
3pheMeraLmiX said:I'm not a Bio major, so walking in and grabbing gallons of Di water seems a little suspicious when the lab techs don't recognize me.I can try, though. As for the carn. Plants, they're not too difficult, but for optimal conditions they need plenty of Di water, cool root base, high humidity, bright filtered light, and non-fertilized soil. Cobra Lillies are native to northern California marsh lands, so southern Californias dry heat and summer temperatures work against it for the most part. Venus flytraps are native to Carolina and require similar environmental setups. You can feed the plants once or twice a week a few small insects, but too much will burn the plan and too little will stunt development, though they can survive without it. My friend is propagating Sundews and has a few of them flowering, so I'll steal a few when I get the chance to.
I remember reading a site where someone fed their Venus flytrap a piece of their toe flesh to test the strength of its digestive juices... it dissolved most of it -- asides from the fat -- and thoroughly grossed me out. It temporarily put the plant out of commission for a while, though. Too much protein ^_^
jarrod said:Hmm, my GAF debut...
...boyfriend snapped it while we were asleep on a friend's floor in Miami Beach. Only pic I've got on this computer unfortunately.
Boogie said:Seeing if 20megsfree is in a good mood.....
Shamelessly ripping off the "Taking a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror" routine.
BuddyChrist83 said:hey, boogie looks respectable!
Boogie said:lol, I fear what your mental image of me was ;P
BuddyChrist83 said:skinny 16 year old with oversized t-shirt and short hair
Meier said:I figured you were youngish (early 20s) due to the TMNT avatar personally.
ballhog said:Allright, here I come! Assuming this free crap works.
What kind of glasses are those? I could've sworn I tried on a pair exactly like that in an optical shop.Meier said:![]()
Thinking I might try and grow a beard just to see how I like it.. just took this a few minutes ago.
Sad that I initially assumed you were talking about junior member status.Socreges said:jarrod's been a "member" for some time, having mentioned it a few times in the past. He just doesn't flaunt it like a select few around here. Much respect.
3pheMeraLmiX said:AnF --> Abercrombie, mainly because you could probably pass for the AnF model-type. It's not a diss, unless you consider being commercially attractive a negative attribute.hehe
My lips are naturally like that, though. If I pursed my lips they'd be much fatter and a lil' strange. Perhaps If I had the courage to post a pic like that, I would, just to prove a point... but I don't feel like making myself look like an idiot today ^_~
+1 for the brick-colored shirtnitewulf said:heres another one of me, im dressed up because i just came back from a job fair. thought might as well take a few pictures since i was dressed up. i dont have a white shirt and a black tie, so im always wearing other colors while job hunting, may be thats why i havent been able to find myself a job yet,![]()
Serafitia said:How's it feel to control the universe?
ballhog said:Allright, here I come! Assuming this free crap works.