We are talking military advisors here, not political ones. I highly doubt a Republican administration is going to overrule every single military advisor. Not to mention I don't believe a Republican cabinet/white house staff is going to lean that way either since most of America's interests are the same no matter who is in the White House.
Unfortunately the US' history appears to suggest that military advisors will happily kow to the will of the elected administration.
Republicans of the day (with too few exceptions) speak a lot of absolute shit that suggests they put the interests of other countries before their own, the interests of other countries before what's good for the region. Perpetual war is good for the military industrial business, it's good for the oil business so of course the greedy scum are in favour of it. Long may they stay out of power! Long may the kind of level headed diplimacy we're seeing today continue.
Iraq. The Bush dynasty. The false pretenses and dodgy dossiers. Never forget.